Rubber and plastics hoses, tubing and assemblies for use with propane and butane and their mixture in the vapour phase - Part 1: Hoses and tubings

This European Standard specifies the characteristics and performance requirements for tubing and hoses made of either rubber or plastics for use with commercial propane and commercial butane and mixtures thereof, in the vapour phase, for connection of appliances, from: - pressurized gas container to a regulating device, - pressurized gas container to an appliance, - regulating device to an appliance, and - regulating device to installation pipework, in environments of a temperature range from –30 °C to +70 °C. Working pressures are from 0 bar to 30 bar. Three classes are defined in Table 1 according to the maximum working pressures and minimum ambient temperatures. This European Standard only covers the tubing or hose part of assemblies. The assemblies themselves will be covered by EN 16436-2. This European Standard does not apply to hoses for: - welding purposes (see EN ISO 3821, EN 1327); - propulsion purposes; - LPG transfer purposes (see EN 1762).

Gummi- und Kunststoff-Schläuche und -Schlauchleitungen mit und ohne Einlage zur Verwendung mit Propan, Butan und deren Gemischen in der Gasphase - Teil 1: Schäuche mit und ohne Einlage

Tuyaux, tubes et flexibles en caoutchouc et en plastique pour utilisation avec le propane, le butane et leurs mélanges en phase vapeur - Partie 1: Tuyaux et tubes

Gumeni in plastični priključki, cevovodi in cevi za propan, butan in njune zmesi v plinastem stanju - 1. del: Cevi in cevovodi - Dopolnilo A1

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EN 16436-1:2014/kFprA1:2015
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Standards Content (Sample)

Rubber and plastics hoses, tubing and assemblies for use with propane and butane and
their mixture in the vapour phase - Part 1: Hoses and tubings
Gummi- und Kunststoff-Schläuche und -Schlauchleitungen mit und ohne Einlage zur
Verwendung mit Propan, Butan und deren Gemischen in der Gasphase - Teil 1:
Schäuche mit und ohne Einlage
Tuyaux, tubes et flexibles en caoutchouc et en plastique pour utilisation avec le propane,
le butane et leurs mélanges en phase vapeur - Partie 1: Tuyaux et tubes
Ta slovenski standard je istoveten z: EN 16436-1:2014/FprA1:2015
83.140.40 Gumene cevi Hoses
2003-01.Slovenski inštitut za standardizacijo. Razmnoževanje celote ali delov tega standarda ni dovoljeno.

EN 16436-1:2014
May 2015
ICS 23.040.70
English Version
Rubber and plastics hoses, tubing and assemblies for use with
propane and butane and their mixture in the vapour phase - Part
1: Hoses and tubings
Tuyaux, tubes et flexibles en caoutchouc et en plastique Gummi- und Kunststoff-Schläuche und -Schlauchleitungen
pour utilisation avec le propane, le butane et leurs mit und ohne Einlage zur Verwendung mit Propan, Butan
mélanges en phase vapeur - Partie 1: Tuyaux et tubes und deren Gemischen in der Gasphase - Teil 1: Schäuche
mit und ohne Einlage
This draft amendment is submitted to CEN members for unique acceptance procedure. It has been drawn up by the Technical Committee
CEN/TC 181.
This draft amendment A1, if approved, will modify the European Standard EN 16436-1:2014. If this draft becomes an amendment, CEN
members are bound to comply with the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations which stipulate the conditions for inclusion of this amendment
into the relevant national standard without any alteration.

This draft amendment was established by CEN in three official versions (English, French, German). A version in any other language made
by translation under the responsibility of a CEN member into its own language and notified to the CEN-CENELEC Management Centre has
the same status as the official versions.

CEN members are the national standards bodies of Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia,
Finland, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania,
Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain

Questions, Comments and Discussion

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