Weldable structural steels for fixed offshore structures - Technical delivery conditions - Part 1: Plates

This document specifies requirements for weldable structural steels, in the form of plates, to be used in the fabrication of fixed offshore structures.
The following thickness limitations are given in this standard:
- S355NLO up to and including 200 mm;
- S355MLO, S420MLO, S460MLO, S500MLO up to and including 120 mm;
- S420QLO, S460QLO, S500QLO, S550QLO, S620QLO, S690QLO up to and including 150 mm.
Greater thicknesses can be agreed, provided the technical requirements of this European Standard are maintained.
This European Standard is applicable to steels for offshore structures, designed to operate in the offshore sector, including plate for structural hollow sections (see EN 10225-4). It does not apply to plates supplied for the fabrication of subsea pipelines, risers, process equipment, process piping and other utilities. It is primarily applicable to the North Sea Sector, but may also be applicable in other areas provided that due consideration is given to local conditions e.g. design temperature.
NOTE   This document has an informative Annex F on the prequalification of steels for fixed offshore structures in arctic areas.
Minimum yield strengths up to 690 MPa are specified together with impact properties at temperatures down to -40 °C.

Schweißgeeignete Baustähle für feststehende Offshore-Konstruktionen - Technische Lieferbedingungen - Teil 1: Bleche

Dieses Dokument legt die Anforderungen an Bleche aus schweißgeeigneten Baustählen fest, die zur Herstellung von feststehenden Offshore-Konstruktionen verwendet werden.
In dieser Norm werden folgende Dickenbeschränkungen angegeben:
- S355NLO bis zu 200 mm,
- S355MLO, S420MLO, S460MLO, S500MLO bis zu 120 mm,
- S420QLO, S460QLO, S500QLO, S550QLO, S620QLO, S690QLO bis zu 150 mm.
Größere Dicken können vereinbart werden, vorausgesetzt die technischen Lieferbedingungen dieser Europäischen Norm werden eingehalten.
Diese europäische Norm gilt für Stähle für Offshore-Konstruktionen, die für den Offshore-Einsatz vorgesehen sind, einschließlich Bleche für Hohlprofile (siehe EN 10225-4). Sie gilt jedoch nicht für Stähle zur Herstellung von Unterwasserpipelines, Steigleitungen (risers), Verfahrens-Ausrüstungen, Rohrsystemen und anderen Einrichtungen und Ausrüstungen. Sie gilt in erster Linie für den Bereich der Nordsee, kann jedoch auch für andere Gebiete angewendet werden, vorausgesetzt, dass die örtlichen Bedingungen, z. B. die Auslegungstemperatur, genügend berücksichtigt werden.
ANMERKUNG Dieses Dokument hat einen informativen Anhang F bezüglich einer Vorqualifizierung von Stählen für den Einsatz in arktischen Gebieten bei Offshore-Konstruktionen.
Mindestwerte der Streckgrenze bis zu 690 MPa werden zusammen mit Werten für die Kerbschlagarbeit bis herunter zu Temperaturen von -40 °C angegeben.

Aciers de construction soudables destinés à la fabrication de structures marines fixes - Conditions techniques de livraison - Partie 1 : Tôles

Le présent document spécifie les exigences applicables aux aciers de construction soudables destinés à
la fabrication de structures marines fixes sous forme de tôles.
Les limites d'épaisseur suivantes sont données dans la présente norme :
- S355NLO jusqu'à 200 mm inclus ;
- S355MLO, S420MLO, S460MLO, S500MLO jusqu'à 120 mm inclus ;
- S420QLO, S460QLO, S500QLO, S550QLO, S620QLO, S690QLO jusqu'à 150 mm inclus.
Des épaisseurs plus importantes peuvent être convenues par accord, à condition que les exigences
techniques de la présente Norme européenne soient respectées.
La présente norme s'applique aux aciers pour constructions marines exploitées sur le domaine maritime
européen, y compris les tôles pour les profils creux soudés formés à froid (voir l'EN 10225‐4). Elle ne
s'applique pas aux aciers fournis pour réaliser des oléoducs sous‐marins, conduites montantes,
équipement de procédés et autres tuyauteries de transport. Elle s'applique prioritairement au secteur de
la mer du Nord mais elle peut également s'appliquer dans d'autres zones dans la mesure où les conditions
locales sont dûment prises en compte, notamment la température de conception.
NOTE Le présent document comporte une Annexe F informative sur la présélection des aciers destinés à la
construction de structures marines fixes dans les zones arctiques.
Les limites d'élasticité jusqu'à 690 MPa sont spécifiées ainsi que les énergies de rupture en flexion par
choc à des températures jusqu'à - 40 °C.

Konstrukcijska jekla za varjene konstrukcije naftnih ploščadi - Tehnični dobavni pogoji - 1. del: Plošče

Ta del standarda EN 10225 določa zahteve za variva konstrukcijska jekla v obliki plošč, ki se uporabljajo za izdelavo konstrukcij naftnih ploščadi.
V tem standardu so podane naslednje omejitve debeline:
– S355NL1O do vključno 200 mm;
– S355ML1O, S420ML1O, S460ML1O, S500ML1O do vključno 120 mm;
– S420QLO, S460QLO, S500QLO, S550QLO, S620QLO, S690QLO do vključno 150 mm.
Dogovori za večje debeline so mogoči, če se ohranijo tehnične zahteve tega evropskega standarda.
Standard velja za jekla za konstrukcije naftnih ploščadi, projektirane za delovanje v priobalnem območju, vendar ne za jekla, dobavljena za izdelavo podmorskih cevovodov, dvižnih cevi, procesne opreme, procesnih cevovodov in drugih sredstev. Uporablja se predvsem na območju Severnega morja, lahko pa se uporablja tudi na drugih območjih, če se ustrezno upoštevajo lokalni pogoji, npr. temperatura.
OPOMBA:   Na voljo je dodatek F o predizbiri jekel za konstrukcije naftnih ploščadi v arktičnih območjih.
Minimalne napetosti tečenja do 690 MPa so določene skupaj z nizkotemperaturnimi lastnostmi pri temperaturah do –40 °C.

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Standards Content (Sample)

SIST EN 10225:2009
Konstrukcijska jekla za varjene konstrukcije naftnih ploščadi - Tehnični dobavni
pogoji - 1. del: Plošče
Weldable structural steels for fixed offshore structures - Technical delivery conditions -
Part 1: Plates
Schweißgeeignete Baustähle für feststehende Offshore-Konstruktionen - Technische
Lieferbedingungen - Teil 1: Bleche
Aciers de construction soudables destinés à la fabrication de structures marines fixes -
Conditions techniques de livraison - Partie 1 : Tôles
Ta slovenski standard je istoveten z: EN 10225-1:2019
75.180.10 Oprema za raziskovanje, Exploratory, drilling and
vrtanje in odkopavanje extraction equipment
77.140.10 Jekla za toplotno obdelavo Heat-treatable steels
77.140.50 Ploščati jekleni izdelki in Flat steel products and semi-
polizdelki products
2003-01.Slovenski inštitut za standardizacijo. Razmnoževanje celote ali delov tega standarda ni dovoljeno.

EN 10225-1
May 2019
ICS 77.140.10 Supersedes EN 10225:2009
English Version
Weldable structural steels for fixed offshore structures -
Technical delivery conditions - Part 1: Plates
Aciers de construction soudables destinés à la Schweißgeeignete Baustähle für feststehende Offshore-
fabrication de structures marines fixes - Conditions Konstruktionen - Technische Lieferbedingungen - Teil
techniques de livraison - Partie 1 : Tôles 1: Bleche
This European Standard was approved by CEN on 23 December 2018.

CEN members are bound to comply with the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations which stipulate the conditions for giving this
European Standard the status of a national standard without any alteration. Up-to-date lists and bibliographical references
concerning such national standards may be obtained on application to the CEN-CENELEC Management Centre or to any CEN
This European Standard exists in three official versions (English, French, German). A version in any other language made by
translation under the responsibility of a CEN member into its own language and notified to the CEN-CENELEC Management
Centre has the same status as the official versions.

CEN members are the national standards bodies of Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia,
Finland, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania,
Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland,
Turkey and United Kingdom.


CEN-CENELEC Management Centre: Rue de la Science 23, B-1040 Brussels
© 2019 CEN All rights of exploitation in any form and by any means reserved Ref. No. EN 10225-1:2019 E
worldwide for CEN national Members.

Contents Page
European foreword . 4
1 Scope . 5
2 Normative references . 5
3 Terms and definitions . 7
4 Classification and designation . 8
4.1 Classification . 8
4.2 Designation . 8
5 Information to be supplied by the purchaser . 9
5.1 Mandatory information . 9
5.2 Options . 9
5.3 Example of an order . 10
6 Manufacturing process . 10
6.1 Steel manufacturing process . 10
6.2 Qualification of personnel for NDT-activities . 10
6.3 Delivery condition . 10
6.4 Thickness limits . 11
7 Requirements . 11
7.1 General . 11
7.2 Chemical composition . 11
7.2.1 Heat analysis . 11
7.2.2 Product analysis . 11
7.2.3 Carbon equivalent values (CEV) and P . 12
7.3 Mechanical properties . 12
7.3.1 General . 12
7.3.2 Post weld heat treatment (PWHT) . 12
7.3.3 Strain age tests . 12
7.3.4 Through-thickness testing . 12
7.3.5 Fracture mechanic testing . 12
7.3.6 Prequalification for arctic areas . 13
7.4 Technological properties . 13
7.4.1 Cold forming characteristics of steel plate . 13
7.4.2 Hot forming procedures for steel plate . 13
7.4.3 Weldability data . 13
7.5 Internal soundness and non-destructive testing . 13
7.6 Surface quality . 13
7.7 Dimensions, tolerances, mass . 14
7.7.1 Dimensions and tolerances on dimensions and shape . 14
7.7.2 Mass of steel . 14
8 Inspection . 14
8.1 General . 14
8.2 Types of inspection documents . 14
8.3 Summary of inspections . 15
8.4 Intermediary supply . 15
9 Frequency of testing and preparation of samples and test pieces. 15
9.1 Frequency of test . 15
9.1.1 Chemical analysis . 15
9.1.2 Tensile test . 15
9.1.3 Impact test . 16
9.2 Selection and preparation of samples for product analysis. 16
9.3 Location of samples and orientation of tensile test pieces . 16
9.4 Location of samples and orientation of impact test pieces . 16
9.5 Preparation of test pieces for mechanical tests. 16
9.5.1 General . 16
9.5.2 Preparation of tensile test pieces . 16
9.5.3 Preparation of impact test pieces . 16
10 Test methods . 17
10.1 Chemical analysis . 17
10.2 Mechanical tests . 17
10.2.1 Test temperatures . 17
10.2.2 Tensile test . 17
10.2.3 Impact test . 18
10.3 Visual inspection and dimensional check . 18
10.4 Non-destructive tests . 18
10.4.1 General . 18
10.4.2 NDT for plates . 18
10.5 Retests, sorting and reprocessing . 19
11 Marking – Die stamping and paint marking . 19
12 Options . 19
Annex A (normative when Option 1 is specified by the purchaser) Further details of steel
manufacturing procedures to be supplied by the manufacturer . 34
Annex B (normative when Option 17 is specified by the purchaser) Weldability testing and
mechanical testing of butt welds. 35
Annex C (normative when Option 17 is specified by the purchaser) Weldability testing -
Bead-on-plate . 48
Annex D (normative when Option 17 is specified by the purchaser) Weldability testing -
Controlled thermal severity tests (C

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