Petroleum liquids and gases - Fidelity and security of dynamic measurement - Cabled transmission of electric and/or elecronic pulsed data (ISO 6551:1982)

Establishes guidelines for ensuring the quantities stated, a main objective being to ensure the integrity of the primary indication. In order to achieve different levels of security, criteria and recommendations for the design, installation, use and maintenance of the relevant equipment are laid down. Regulatory requirements, including those for safety, are not specifically covered in detail but certain general cautionary notes on safety are included for guidance.

Mineralölflüssigkeiten und -gase - Genauigkeit und Sicherheit der dynamischen Messung - Elektrische und/oder elektronische Impuls-Datenübertragung über Kabel (ISO 6551:1982)

Diese Internationale Norm bestimmt die Richtlinien für Genauigkeit und Sicherheit von Impuls-Datenübertragungssystemen mit Kabel, die zum Messen von Flüssigkeiten (siehe Anmerkung) verwendet werden; ihr Hauptanliegen ist es, die Zuverlässigkeit der Primäranzeige zu gewährleisten.

Liquides et gaz de pétrole - Fidélité et sécurité des mesures dynamiques - Systèmes de transmission par câbles de données, sous forme d'impulsions électriques et/ou électroniques (ISO 6551:1982)

La CEI 60684-3-248:2007 définit les exigences relatives à six types de gaines à usage général, thermorétractables, en polyoléfine, à double paroi, retardées à la flamme avec des rapports de rétreint de 2:1, 3:1 et 4:1 et disponibles en parois internes adhésives à basse  et haute températures.

Naftne tekočine in plini - Natančnost in zanesljivost dinamične meritve - Kabelski prenos podatkov z električnimi ali elektronskimi impulzi (ISO 6551:1982)

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EN ISO 6551:1998
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Petroleum liquids and gases - Fidelity and security of dynamic measurement - Cabled
transmission of electric and/or elecronic pulsed data (ISO 6551:1982)
Mineralölflüssigkeiten und -gase - Genauigkeit und Sicherheit der dynamischen Messung
- Elektrische und/oder elektronische Impuls-Datenübertragung über Kabel (ISO
Liquides et gaz de pétrole - Fidélité et sécurité des mesures dynamiques - Systemes de
transmission par câbles de données, sous forme d'impulsions électriques et/ou
électroniques (ISO 6551:1982)
Ta slovenski standard je istoveten z: EN ISO 6551:1995
75.180.30 Oprema za merjenje Volumetric equipment and
prostornine in merjenje measurements
2003-01.Slovenski inštitut za standardizacijo. Razmnoževanje celote ali delov tega standarda ni dovoljeno.

International Standard
Petroleum liquids and gases - Fidelity and security of
dynamic measurement -
Cabled transmission of electric
and/or electronie pulsed data
Liquides et gaz de pktrole - Fidelite et s&urith des mesures dynamiques -
Systemes de transmission par cables de donnees,
sous forme d’impulsions electriques et/ou electroniques
First edition - 1982-12-01
UDC 665.72/.76 : 53.08 : 681327.77
Ref. No. ISO 65514982 (E)
Descriptors : petroleum products, liquids, gases, petroleum product transportation, pulsating flow, quantities, measurement, accuracy,
definitions, safety requirements, designation, inspection.
Price based on 12 pages
ISO (the international Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of
national Standards institutes (ISO member bedies). The work of developing Inter-
national Standards is carried out through ISO technical committees. Every member
body interested in a subject for which a technical committee has been set up has the
right to be represented on that committee. International organizations, governmental
and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO,. also take part in the work.
Draft International Standards adopted by the technical committees are circulated to
the member bedies for approval before their acceptance as International Standards by
the ISO Council.
International Standard ISO 6551 was developed by Technical Committee ISO/TC 28,
Petroleum products, and was circulated to the member bodies in May 1981.
lt has been approved by the member bodies of the following countries :
Australia Israel South Africa, Rep. of
Italy Spain
Brazil Japan Sweden
Canada Korea, Rep. of
Egypt, Arab Rep. of Mexico Turkey
ßrance - Netherlands United Kingdom
Norway USA
Germany, ß. R.
Hungary Peru USSR
India Poland
Iran Romania
No member body expressed disapproval of the document.
0 International Organkation for Standardkation, 1992
Printed in Switzerland
Petroleum liquids and gases - Fidelity and security of
Cabled transmission of electric
dynamic measurement -
and/or electronie pulsed data
bons and hydrocarbon products in the bulk commercial, royalty
0 Introduction
metering, revenue accounting and custody transfer fields in
0.1 Quantitative measurements are required at many stages
in production, transportation, refining and marketing -of
0.4 lt is not intended that these recommendations should.act
Petroleum and its products. They form the basis of royalty,
to inhibit technological progress in the industry, and therefore
fiscal and custody transfer accounting and provide the means
amendments may be introduced as and when required.
of stock and loss control.
The principles may be applied to the metering of solids.
The use of agreed standardized measurement equipment and
procedures obviates disputes over quantities, enabling these to
be determined with an accuracy mutually acceptable to all par- 0.5 Clauses have been included on safety and other precau-
tions that constitute good practice.
ties to a transaction and at the most economical tost for the
method of measurement selected.
Although every care is taken to include such clauses wherever
necessary, it is impossible to cover all contingencies. In the
designing of measurement and sampling operations, attention
8.2 During the last decade there has been a rapid increase in
should also be given to general Codes of safe practice for
the use of electrical or electronie data-transmission Systems
Petroleum operations. The Operator or other user of this
designed to facilitate the determination of physical quantities
measurement Standard should work according to accepted safe
such as length, mass, volume, etc.
practices and comply with all relevant regulatory requirements.
Such Systems tan be vulnerable to disturbances arising from
the environment in which they are used, and also from func-
0.6 This International Standard is recommended for general
tional failures, all or any of which may affect the integrity of the
adoption but it must therefore be read and interpreted in con-
resulting measurement.
junction with legal metrology (weights and measures), safety
and other regulations in forte in a particular country in which it
The purpose of this International Standard is to assist manufac- is intended to apply it.‘)
turers and users of electrical or electronie pulsed data-
transmission Systems used in the metering of fluids to meet cer-
tain criteria for the design, installation, use and maintenance of
1 Scope and field of application
such equipment. The Object is to establish and maintain the
credibility of indicated data against influences acting to impair
1 .l General
the fidelity of the System.
This International Standard establishes guidelines for ensuring
the fidelity and security of pulsed data cabled transmission
0.3 This International Standard recommends solutions for
Systems utilized for the metering of fluids (see the note), a main
fidelity and security Problems which constitute good practice in
objective being to ensure the integrity of the primary indication
this field at this time, but it is not claimed that the recommen-
(sec 2.2.5).
dations are wholly comprehensive.
NOTE - Compliance with the requirements of this International Stan-
The recommendations are, however, considered to be prac-
dard does not increase the basic precision of measurement, either in
ticable, and to satisfy the immediate needs of industries the electrical or electronie section of the System, or in the Overall
associated with meter proving and the metering of hydrocar- System which includes the meter(
1) In the case of marine applications, the safety requirements of the appropriate Ship Classification Society will apply. This includes offshore produc-
tion facilities for which a Society has been appointed as the Certifying Authority for the compliance of the installation with official safety Standards.
ISO 65514982 (EI
1.2 Levels of security 2.2.5 primary indication : The combination of the
transducerls) output(s), the transmission cabling, the Signal
conditioning, processing and scaling, and the indicator with or
1.2.1 In Order to achieve different Ievels of security (sec the
without totalizer and their readings, the whole of which pro-
note and clause 3) which tan be applied to such Systems,
duces the final reference for the transaction.
criteria and recommendations for the design, installation, use
and maintenance of the relevant equipment are laid down.
2.2.6 secondary indication (auxiliary or ancillary indica-
E to A, from the lowest
NOTE - The levels of security are designated
tion) : Any equipment which separately or in combination pro-
to the hig hest Order of security respectively.
vides indication of the quantity measured, but which does not
form part of the primary indication.
For the majority of applications, the lower levels are considered to be
adequate and at the time of the publication of this International Stan-
dard, there is no known System for which Level A security is con-
2.2.7 security : The state or means of ensuring fidelity. The
sidered to be a necessity.
degree or level of security given by a minimum basic arrange-
ment, tan be increased by additional equipment.
This International Standard does not define which levels
of security are to be used for a particular System application.
2.2.8 transients : Disturbances having a duration of 0,2 s or
. Safety and regulatory requirements
2.2.9 pulse transmitter : A device for converting the output
1.3.1 Regulatory requirements, including those for safety, are
from a transducer into a pulsed Signal of low Source impedance
not specifically covered in detail but certain general cautionary
over the full operating frequency range (with pre-amplification
notes on safety are included for guidance (sec the note).
if necessary).
NOTE - Compliance with this International Standard in no way
absolves manufacturers and users of Systems and equipment
2.2.10 unrevealed error : Any lack of fidelity outside the
from meeting all relevant legal metrology (weights and measures),
prescribed limits of error, including errors caused by functional
safety and other regulations applicable in the country in which it is
failure and by external influences.
intended to use a System. Special attention is drawn to 0.5 and 0.6 of
the Introduction.
3 Levels of security
2 Definitions
3.1 Designation of security levels
21 In preparing this glossary, the following tW0 principles
have been followed :
In this International Standard, five levels of security are iden-
tified and designated, of which Level E represents the
a) To select for definition- the minimum of basic terms
minimum acceptable level. Typical examples of these five levels
used in the text and to apply to them an unequivocal mean-
are shown diagrammatically in figures 1 to 5, and are described
ing. lt is recommended that these standardized terms, as
below .
defined, should be used in the context of the application of
this International Standard.
3.1.1 Level E
b) To exclude other terms used in the text which are
adequately defined elsewhere, or the meanings of which are
Error reduction is achieved solely correctly installed ap-
paratus of good quality.
2.2 ßor the purpose of this International Standard, the This is a straightforward scaler totalizer System.
following definitions shall apply.
3.1.2 Level D
2.2.1 fidelity : The exactitude with which the primary indica-
tion reproduces the inherent precision of the measurement.
Manual error monitoring at specified intervals by met hods of
2.2.2 flow (rate or quantity) transducer : A device for con-
verting the indication of flow (rate or quantity) to a usable out- This level of security is intended to give protection against
put. functional errors and failures and is a method of verification by
manual action. lt has the means for checking the read-out
visually against an independent totalizing System.
2.2.3 totalizer : A device which sums the indications of an
indicating device; it may or may not be resettable to zero
(sec 4.4).
3.1.3 Level C
impair Automatic error monitoring and error i ndication at specif ied in- *
2.2.4 noise : Unwanted Signals which may fidelity,
and which occur for periods exceeding 0,2 s. tervals by methods of comparison.
ISO 65514982 (El
This level of security is intended to give protection against For this level of security, alternative transmission lines follow-
ing two different routes should be provided, together with bat-
functional errors and failures and this may be achieved by
teries for back-up power supply.
design methods acceptable to an approving authority (if ap-
propriate). The time intervals for error monitoring are subject to
revision in the light of experience gained.
3.2 General note on security levels
3.2.1 A metering System may comprise sections having the
3.1.4 Level B
same or different levels of security. Figures 1 to 5 show typical
Continuous monitoring, error indication and alarm signalling by functional arrangements of modules required to achieve the
methods of comparison. specified levels of security.
This level of security is intended to give warnliig of transients
3.2.2 In the examples, emphasis has been placed on the
and other Spurbus influences, supply borne and radiated, in
transmission System as this is considered to be the most
addition to functional errors and failures. vulnerable area of the whole.
3.2.3 Security for the scaler totalizer is not illustrated and is
3.1.5 Level A
considered to be acceptable to Level E for the majority of ap-
Continuous verhkation and correction by methods of
comparison. Errors must be signalled even though they are
lt may, however, be considered necessary in some cir-
cumstances to duplicate the scaler and/or the totalizer section.
This level of security is intended to giveprotection against tran-
3.24 The factors contributing to the integrity of the functions
sients and other spurious influences, supply borne and ,
radiated, in addition to functional errors and failures. are considered in clauses 4 to 8.
Flow transducer Transmission
-CI Totalizer
@)z/ Module
r----------7 ------e-e
j High/low flow alarm ,
I Preamplifier
Rate indication j
L --------- J L -----e--a- -I
Transmis- Conversion of pulse
Flow Supplies low Amplification and
measure- impedance Signal sion of f requency range counts to readout
Signal units
ment over full operating limiting, pulse shap-
(sec 6.1
frequency range ing, common mode
and 6.2)
interference rejection
Preamplifier I
Rate readout
! I
l- -------- I
Typical functional arrangement for pulse security System
Figure 1 -
Only good quality components and sub-units,

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