Precast concrete products - Street furniture and garden products

This European Standard specifies the requirements for street furniture and garden products in precast concrete.
This kind of prefabricated, non-structural products and accessories can be used in public and private areas such as gardens, parks, foot-paths, squares, essentially for the landscaping, without, however, being subject to loads resulting from vehicle traffic. They can also be used for internal applications.
Examples are : products for the furnishing of spaces such as benches, seats, tables, playshapes, step blocks, flower boxes, plant containers, fountains, billboards, street signs, traffic marking signposts, illuminated boards, barbecues, mailboxes, clothesline posts, litter bins, statues, decorative columns and bollards, copings; products for soil erosion control such as piled flower boxes, banks with vegetation with no superimposed load and not exceeding a total height of 1 m; floorscape products such as tree frames and grids, gratings, stepping stones.
This Standard does not cover paving units, flags, kerbs, fences, drainage channels, safety barriers, retaining walls nor sound barriers.

Betonfertigteile - Straßenmöbel und Gartengestaltungselemente

Die vorliegende Europäische Norm enthält die Leistungsanforderungen an vorgefertigte Straßenmöbel und Gartengestaltungselemente aus Beton. Sie legt unter Berücksichtigung der enormen Vielfalt dieser Produkte Mindestanforderungen für die verschiedenen Produkte und besondere Anforderungen für einige spezielle Produkte fest. Diese vorgefertigten nichttragenden Produkte und Zubehörteile können in öffentlichen und privaten Bereichen eingesetzt werden, z.B. in Gärten, Parks, für Gehwege, auf Plätzen usw.

Produits préfabriqués en béton - Mobilier urbain et de jardin

La présente Norme européenne spécifie les prescriptions relatives au mobilier urbain et de jardin préfabriqué en béton.
Ce type de produits et accessoires préfabriqués dépourvus de fonction structurale peut être utilisé dans les espaces publics et privés tels que jardins, parcs, allées, places, essentiellement à des fins d'aménagements paysagers, sans toutefois être soumis à des charges dues au trafic de véhicules. Ces produits peuvent également être utilisés pour des applications intérieures.
Ces produits comprennent, par exemple : les produits meublants tels que les bancs, sièges, tables, jeux, marches, jardinières, bacs à fleurs, fontaines, tableaux d'affichage, signalisation dans les rues, poteaux de signalisation routière, panneaux lumineux, barbecues, boîtes aux lettres, poteaux pour fil à linge, poubelles, statues, colonnes décoratives et bornes, couronnements de murs ; les produits de stabilisation des sols non soumis à des charges d'exploitation et ne dépassant pas une hauteur totale de 1 m, tels que les jardinières empilables, les parois avec végétation ; les produits d'aménagement des sols tels que les grilles d'arbres et autres grilles, les pas japonais.
La présente norme ne couvre ni les pavés, dalles, bordures, clôtures, caniveaux drainants, glissières de sécurité, murs de retenue, ni les murs antibruit.

Montažni betonski izdelki – Urbano in vrtno pohištvo

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Montažni betonski izdelki – Urbano in vrtno pohištvo
Precast concrete products - Street furniture and garden products
Betonfertigteile - Straßenmöbel und Gartengestaltungselemente
Produits préfabriqués en béton - Mobilier urbain et de jardin
Ta slovenski standard je istoveten z: EN 13198:2003
91.100.30 Beton in betonski izdelki Concrete and concrete
2003-01.Slovenski inštitut za standardizacijo. Razmnoževanje celote ali delov tega standarda ni dovoljeno.

EN 13198
May 2003
ICS 91.100.30
English version
Precast concrete products - Street furniture and garden products
Produits préfabriqués en béton - Mobilier urbain et de jardin Betonfertigteile - Straßenmöbel und
This European Standard was approved by CEN on 10 March 2003.
CEN members are bound to comply with the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations which stipulate the conditions for giving this European
Standard the status of a national standard without any alteration. Up-to-date lists and bibliographical references concerning such national
standards may be obtained on application to the Management Centre or to any CEN member.
This European Standard exists in three official versions (English, French, German). A version in any other language made by translation
under the responsibility of a CEN member into its own language and notified to the Management Centre has the same status as the official
CEN members are the national standards bodies of Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece,
Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Slovakia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and United
Management Centre: rue de Stassart, 36  B-1050 Brussels
© 2003 CEN All rights of exploitation in any form and by any means reserved Ref. No. EN 13198:2003 E
worldwide for CEN national Members.

Contents page
Foreword. 3
Introduction . 4
1 Scope . 4
2 Normative references . 4
3 Terms and definitions. 4
4 Requirements . 5
5 Test methods. 8
6 Evaluation of conformity. 9
7 Marking and labelling . 10
Annex A (informative) Freeze/thaw resistance without de-icing salt. 11
Annex B (informative) Freeze/thaw resistance with de-icing salt . 13
Bibliography . 19
This document (EN 13198:2003) has been prepared by Technical Committee CEN/TC 229 “Precast concrete
products”, the secretariat of which is held by AFNOR.
This European Standard shall be given the status of a national standard, either by publication of an identical
text or by endorsement, at the latest by November 2003, and conflicting national standards shall be withdrawn
at the latest by November 2003.
Annexes A and B are informative.
According to the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations, the national standards organizations of the following
countries are bound to implement this European Standard: Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark,
Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands,
Norway, Portugal, Slovakia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and the United Kingdom.
This European Standard covers a vast range of products, which are widely used in our daily environment and
have an important decorative function. Bearing in mind the great variety of these products, the standard sets
minimum requirements for the various products and specific requirements for some particular products.
1 Scope
This European Standard specifies the requirements for street furniture and garden products in precast
This kind of prefabricated, non-structural products and accessories can be used in public and private areas
such as gardens, parks, foot-paths, squares, essentially for the landscaping, without, however, being subject
to loads resulting from vehicle traffic. They can also be used for internal applications.
Examples are : products for the furnishing of spaces such as benches, seats, tables, playshapes, step blocks,
flower boxes, plant containers, fountains, billboards, street signs, traffic marking signposts, illuminated boards,
barbecues, mailboxes, clothesline posts, litter bins, statues, decorative columns and bollards, copings;
products for soil erosion control such as piled flower boxes, banks with vegetation with no superimposed load
and not exceeding a total height of 1 m; floorscape products such as tree frames and grids, gratings, stepping
This Standard does not cover paving units, flags, kerbs, fences, drainage channels, safety barriers, retaining
walls nor sound barriers.
2 Normative references
This European Standard incorporates by dated or undated reference, provisions from other publications.
These normative references are cited at the appropriate places in the text, and the publications are listed
hereafter. For dated references, subsequent amendments to or revisions of any of these publications apply to
this European Standard only when incorporated in it by amendment or revision. For undated references the
latest edition of the publication referred to applies (including amendments).
EN 12620:2002, Aggregates for concrete.
EN 13369:2001, Common rules for precast concrete products.
3 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this European Standard, the following terms and definitions apply:
actual dimension
the dimension found by measurements
continuous use of elements
arrangement of elements each adjoining the preceding one, the position of each element depending on the
key-dimension of the next identical element
corrosion protected reinforcement
steel which is inherently resistant to corrosion or has been coated with a protective material e.g. zinc-coated
reinforcement, reinforcement of stainless steel, epoxy-coated
(concrete) cover
distance between the nearest concrete surface and the surface of reinforcement
design (nominal) cover
value of the cover thickness quoted in the project documentation and referred to the clear distance from the
steel reinforcement to the concrete surface
lightweight concrete
concrete having an oven-dry density of not less than 800 kg/m and not more than 2000 kg/m . It is produced
using lightweight aggregate for all or part of the total aggregate
minimum cover
minimum cover thickness given by the design cover reduced by the tolerance
normal weight concrete
3 3
concrete having an oven-dry density of not less than 2000 kg/m but not exceeding 2600 kg/m
secondary processing
manufacturing process to texture the whole product or any surface, carried out after basic manufacture (i.e.
washing or sand blasting)
work (design) dimension
the dimension targeted by the manufacturer and generally complying with the dimension indicated in the
project or in the manufacturer documentation
4 Requirements
4.1 Material requirements
For material requirements, the clause 4.1 of EN 13369:2001 shall be applied.
4.2 Production requirements
For production requirements, the clause 4.2 of EN 13369:2001 shall be applied.
Additionally, the concrete shall meet one of the minimum strength requirements in Table 1. The minimum
class to ensure durability is given in Table 1, in relation to the kind of concrete that is used.
The manufacturer may demonstrate compliance using alternative test methods to the compressive test (e.g.
splitting or bending carried out on a test specimen or the unit).
Table 1 — Minimum compressive strength class
Type of concrete Minimum compressive strength class
(on cylinder/on cube)
normal weight concrete C25/30
normal weight concrete with no upper sieve size coarse C20/25
aggregates exceeding D = 5,6 mm
lightweight concrete LC12/13
4.3 Finished product requirements
4.3.1 Geometrical characteristics
Dimensional tolerances are only relevant for alignment and/or interlocking. The producer shall declare the
key-dimension for which the dimensional tolerances shall then conform to Table 2 (see 5.2).
Table 2 — Dimensional tolerances depending on the key-dimension and use
Key dimension Continuous use Discontinuous use
£ 1 m– 5 mm– 15 mm
> 1 m– 10 mm– 15 mm
For interlocking units in particular, tolerances shall be declared by the manufacturer and shall be such as to
permit interlocking.
4.3.2 Surface characteristics
If cracks are visible under the conditions specified in 5.3 the product is unacceptable.
The appearance is subjective. It is advisable that the acceptable limits can be determined by comparison with
approved samples or documentation of the producer or with the CIB-scales (CIB report N. 24).
4.3.3 Concrete cover to reinforcement
Depending upon the type of concrete, the compressive strength class and the water absorption in mass of the
concrete used, the minimum concrete cover (see 5.6) shall not be less than specified in Table 3.
Table 3 — Minimum concrete cover
Minimum Maximum Minimum
Type of concrete compressive water concrete Remarks
strength class absorption cover mm
Only for normal weight concrete with no
upper sieve size coarse aggregates
exceeding D=5,6mm.
C 20/25 / 20
When corrosion protected
reinforcement is used, the min.
concrete cover may be reduced by
5 mm
normalweight concrete
C25/30 / 20 When corrosion protected
reinforcement is used, the min.
C 30/37
concrete cover may be reduced by
6,5 15
5 mm.
C 35/45
Only for products with a maximum
C 40/50 6 10
thickness of less than 80 mm.
Only corrosion protected reinforcement
lightweight concrete LC 12/13 / 20
should be used.
NOTE Moreover, the product should have a concrete cover of at least 1,25 times the upper sieve size (D) of
coarse aggregate according to EN 12620.
4.3.4 Safety in use
Requirements for safety in use shall be considered for the intended final use of the products.
The manufacturer shall indicate the limiting service conditions for products for soil erosion control such as
piled flower boxes, banks with vegetation etc., such as a maximum height and, possibly, occasional load for
access to or maintenance of the works.
Safety in use shall be checked by design or test loading. Moreover, for fixed products, the producer shall
provide guidelines for erection, handling and intended usage.
4.3.5 Weathering resistance Products for external use, not subjected to freeze/thaw conditions
For normal weight concrete, water absorption shall not exceed 7,5 % (see 5.4). Products for external use, subjected to freeze/thaw conditions and not in contact with de-
icing salt
Products for external use not in contact with de-icing salt are exempted from direct freeze/thaw tests (see 5.7)
if they meet both of the following requirements:
a) for normal weight concrete, the water absorption shall be less than 7 % in mass; for lightweight concrete,
the water absorption shall be less than 15 % in mass;
b) for normal weight concrete, the minimum strength class shall be C 30/37; for lightweight concrete, the
minimum strength class shall be LC 12/13.
When the direct freeze/thaw test (see 5.7) is used and if appearance is important, after the test, no
projections, depressions, flakes or crazes shall be visible on the product from a distance of 2 m in daylight and
dry surface conditions. Products for external use, subjected to freeze/thaw conditions and in contact with de-icing
Products for external use, subjected to freeze/thaw conditions and in contact with de-icing salt are exempted
from direct freeze/thaw tests (see 5.8) with de-icing salt if they meet both of the following requirements:
a) the water absorption shall be less than 6,0 % in mass;
b) minimum strength class shall be C 35/45.
Additionally, frost resisting aggregates shall be used for products with secondary processing in accordance
with clause 5 of EN 12620:2002.
When the direct freeze/thaw test with de-icing salt (see 5.8) is used, the maximum mass loss shall be
1,5 kg/m .
4.3.6 Other requirements
Some products have additional requirements linked to their specific use. These kinds of requirements shall
only be considered when relevant. A product may have to meet several specific requirements.
The properties of the products which indicate the fitness-for-use shall be demonstrated by the manufacturer.
For example:
 bicycle stands shall have dimensions and dimensional tolerances so as to receive and to hold bicycles
safely (e.g. bicycles in a row shall not touch each other’s cables or steering);
 products intended to contain water shall be watertight under the appropriate condition;
 products with electrical connections shall be checked for conformity with applicable electrical safety
regulations; they shall satisfy a variety of performance criteria including one or more of the following:
 strength: the capacity of these to resist the forc

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