This document deals with the classification of glassfibre reinforced concrete. This classification conforms to the needs of the design process of glassfibre reinforced concrete components. This document applies only if EN 1169 is followed.
This document does not deal with design methods.

  • Standard
    11 pages
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This document defines the general processes, procedures and rules for production and production control system (PCS) of glassfibre reinforced concrete (GRC) used to manufacture products commonly used in construction, civil engineering, architecture and other applications.
GRC can be produced from a range of mix designs comprising various materials and manufactured by different processes. This document covers two primary production processes, namely sprayed GRC and premix GRC.
This document does not cover concrete, where the glassfibre does not act as primary reinforcement but is used as an additive. It does not cover but can be used as guidance for injection and extrusion manufacturing processes.

  • Draft
    25 pages
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This document specifies test methods for identifying the performance of a glassfibre reinforced concrete (GRC) composition in terms of bending strength, water absorption, dry density and dimensional variations.
These methods can be used for type testing or for the evaluation of the uniformity of the production process. They can be used on GRC coupons prepared as described in this document, or on samples cut out of GRC products.
NOTE    A test to assess the influence of time on the mechanical properties (i.e. LOP and MOR) is described for information in Annex C. Other methods can be found in scientific literature.

  • Draft
    24 pages
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This European Standard specifies the properties, performance and test methods of factory made, non-load bearing hollow concrete shuttering blocks made from normal weight or lightweight aggregates or a combination of both. Shuttering blocks may include vertical or horizontal interlocking features and factory installed supplementary insulation. Shuttering blocks are intended to be used to form walls and partitions when filled with concrete or mortar. Concrete shuttering blocks rely on a concrete or mortar infill for their structural performance and are not intended to be used unfilled.
This standard does not cover masonry units covered in EN 771-3.

  • Standard
    44 pages
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  • Standard
    44 pages
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This European Standard specifies the properties, performance and test methods of factory made, non-load-bearing hollow wood-chip concrete shuttering blocks, which may include factory installed thermal insulation.
These blocks are intended to be used for external and internal walls and partitions when filled with concrete.

  • Standard
    53 pages
    English language
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This European Standard specifies common requirements for resin-bound concrete used in the fabrication of precast concrete products. It is intended to be used when preparing documents for resin-bound concrete products.
Resin-bound concrete product standards will define specific requirements, which may be additional to those given in this document. Product standards will give any limiting values.
Examples for the use of resin-bound concrete are: street furniture and garden products, decorative elements, structural elements, window sills, machine tool structures, elements for fence, animal troughs and slats, etc.
This standard is not applicable to polymer-modified or impregnated mortar and concrete (only PC not PCC or SPCC).

  • Standard
    27 pages
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This European standard specifies requirements for glass fibres used as reinforcement in mortars and concrete for non-structural products. It applies to continuous filament glass fibre products in the form of roving, strands, or chopped strands and related products such as nets or mats based on these products.

  • Standard
    7 pages
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This European Standard specifies two methods of measuring the fibre content of metallic fibre concrete. Method A measures the fibre content of a hardened concrete specimen. Method B measures the fibre content of a fresh concrete specimen.
This European Standard does not apply to sprayed concrete.

  • Standard
    7 pages
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This European Standard specifies a method of measuring the flexural tensile strength of metallic fibered concrete on moulded test specimen. The method provides for the determination of the limit of proportionality (LOP) and of a set of residual flexural tensile strength values.
This testing method is intended for metallic fibres no longer than 60 mm. The method can also be used for a combination of metallic fibres and, a combination of metallic fibres with other fibres.

  • Standard
    17 pages
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This European Standard specifies materials, properties and methods of testing for unreinforced cement-bound terrazzo tiles which are factory made and sold ready to be placed.
The tiles are intended for external use (including roofing applications) in pedestrian areas, e.g. walkways, terraces, commercial centres and swimming-pools.
NOTE   This standard applies to ex-factory products and does not take into account the laying of the product.

  • Standard
    43 pages
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This European Standard specifies materials, properties and methods of testing for unreinforced cement-bound terrazzo tiles which are factory made and sold ready to be placed.
The tiles are intended for internal use.

  • Amendment
    6 pages
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This document defines the general rules for factory production control of metallic fibre concrete.
This document does not specify the conformity control procedure for the finished metallic fibre concrete products, for which reference should be made to European product standards or, if none, to the technical specifications defined and agreed between the customer and the manufacturer.

  • Standard
    6 pages
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This European Standard specifies materials, properties and methods of testing for unreinforced cement-bound terrazzo tiles which are factory made and sold ready to be placed.
The tiles are intended for internal use.

  • Standard
    35 pages
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    1 day

TC - Modification in ZA.2.1

  • Corrigendum
    2 pages
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This standard on classification of glass fibre reinforced cement performances should deal with the following requirements: - the classification method shall comply with the project managers (help in design) and manufacturers needs in their dealings with customers; - the classification method shall be open, i.e. compatible with all the existing as well as future formulations (the formulations advance with the products); - it is necessary to make a distinction between the short and long-term requirements; - the standard shall give tables of values for all the characteristics on the material.

  • Standard
    15 pages
    English language
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    1 day

This document specifies common requirements for wood-chip concrete, used in precast wood-chip concrete products. It is intended to be used when preparing documents for wood-chip concrete products. Wood-chip concrete product standards will define specific requirements, which may be additional to those given in this document. Product standards will give any limiting values.
Examples for the use of wood-chip concrete are: hollow blocks for flooring systems, shuttering blocks, slabs, facing elements, acoustic and/or thermal facing elements, partitioning elements, wine racks, etc.
It is not applicable to concrete for structural masonry units covered by EN 771-3 and their ancillary components.

  • Standard
    13 pages
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This European Standard specifies the requirements for street furniture and garden products in precast concrete.
This kind of prefabricated, non-structural products and accessories can be used in public and private areas such as gardens, parks, foot-paths, squares, essentially for the landscaping, without, however, being subject to loads resulting from vehicle traffic. They can also be used for internal applications.
Examples are : products for the furnishing of spaces such as benches, seats, tables, playshapes, step blocks, flower boxes, plant containers, fountains, billboards, street signs, traffic marking signposts, illuminated boards, barbecues, mailboxes, clothesline posts, litter bins, statues, decorative columns and bollards, copings; products for soil erosion control such as piled flower boxes, banks with vegetation with no superimposed load and not exceeding a total height of 1 m; floorscape products such as tree frames and grids, gratings, stepping stones.
This Standard does not cover paving units, flags, kerbs, fences, drainage channels, safety barriers, retaining walls nor sound barriers.

  • Standard
    19 pages
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This European standard deals with the classification of glassfibre reinforced concrete. This classification conforms to the needs of the design process of glassfibre reinforced concrete components. This European standard applies only if the standard EN 1169 is followed.
This standard does not include the design methods.

  • Draft
    12 pages
    English language
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    1 day

This European Standard deals with the classification of glassfibre reinforced concrete. This classification conforms to the needs of the design process of glassfibre reinforced concrete components. This European Standard applies only if EN 1169 is followed.
This standard does not include the design methods.

  • Standard
    14 pages
    English language
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    1 day

This European Standard specifies a test method for identifying, for a given GRC formulation (constituents and their proportions in the formulation), the effect of environmental factors such as water and temperature on the change of mechanical characteristics. For other conditions of exposure, e.g. where freezing, thawing and action of thawing salt occurs, the test will be adapted.

  • Standard
    11 pages
    English language
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This European Standard is applicable to glass-fibre reinforced cement products manufactured in factories. It defines the general rules for production control of GRC material. It constitutes the common "production" part of the control plan, for which guidelines are given in annex A.

  • Standard
    12 pages
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This European Standard specifies a method of test making it possible to check the workability of the mixture and the conformity of the water/cement ratio (suitability for pumping and compaction) in glassfibre reinforced cement.

  • Standard
    5 pages
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This European Standard specifies a test method for verifying the fibre content and the uniformity of distribution in the finished products and for monitoring the consumption of fibres.

  • Standard
    8 pages
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This European Standard specifies a test method for verifying, during production, the fibre content of sprayed glassfibre reinforced cement.

  • Standard
    7 pages
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This European Standard specifies a test method for identifying the stress and deformation performance, at the limit of proportionality and on failure, of a GRC composition subjected to bending. It is also used to establish, for a given composition of GRC, the relationship between the conventional strength at 28 days and the strength at 7 days (see prEN 1170-4)

  • Standard
    10 pages
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This European Standard specifies a test method for identifying the maximum dimensional variations (residual hydraulic shrinkage and reversible expansion) of a GRC composition attributable to variations in the water content to which products exposed to the elements may be subjected.

  • Standard
    8 pages
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This European Standard specifies a test method, applicable to glassfibre reinforced cement, for verifying conformity to the bending strength specification, for evaluating the uniformity of the production process and for checking the homogeneity of the compaction.

  • Standard
    10 pages
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This European Standard specifies a test for determining the dry density and water absorption of a given GRC composition.

  • Standard
    8 pages
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Identity for a given GRC formula (components and its ratio in the formula) the incidence of environment agents such as water and temperature on the evolution of mechanical characteristics.

  • Standardization document
    9 pages
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This European Standard specifies two methods of measuring the fibre content of metallic fibre concrete. Method A measures the fibre content of a hardened concrete specimen. Method B measures the fibre content of a fresh concrete specimen.

  • Standard
    7 pages
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This European Standard specifies a method of measuring the flexural tensile strength of metallic fibre concrete on moulded test specimen. The method provides for the determination of the limit of proportionality (LOP) and of a set of residual flexural tensile strength values.
This testing method is intended for metallic fibres no longer than 60 mm. The method can also be used for a combination of metallic fibres and, a combination of metallic fibres with other fibres.

  • Standard
    17 pages
    English language
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    1 day