Earth-moving machinery - Safety - Contamination protective systems

This document describes requirements, test procedures and information to be provided by the manufacturer for protective ventilation systems to provide breathing air to operator's stations on earth-moving machinery used in contaminated areas.
This document gives additional requirements to the common safety requirements of EN 474-1 Earth-moving machinery – Safety – part 1: General requirements and to the machine specific parts of the EN 474 series and shall be used in conjunction with these as applicable.
This document does not repeat the requirements from the EN 474-series but adds or replaces the requirements as applicable for Earth-moving machinery.

Erdbaumaschinen - Sicherheit - Schutzbelüftungsanlagen

Dieses Dokument gilt für Schutzbelüftungssysteme zur Bereitstellung von Atemluft für Bedienstationen von Erdbaumaschinen, die in kontaminierten Bereichen eingesetzt werden. Ihr Zweck ist, die Exposition des Bedieners (Fahrers) gegenüber gefährlichen Stoffen beim Einsatz von Erdbaumaschinen in kontaminierten Bereichen zu begrenzen. Dieses Dokument beschreibt Anforderungen, Prüfverfahren und vom Hersteller bereitzustellende Informationen für Schutzbelüftungssysteme zur Atemluftversorgung von Bedienstationen auf Erdbaumaschinen, die in kontaminierten Bereichen zum Einsatz kommen.
Dieses Dokument enthält zusätzliche Anforderungen an die allgemeinen Sicherheitsanforderungen der EN 474 1 „Erdbaumaschinen – Sicherheit – Teil 1: Allgemeine Anforderungen“ und an maschinenspezifische Teile der Normenreihe EN 474.
Dieses Dokument wiederholt nicht die Anforderungen der Normenreihe EN 474, sondern ergänzt oder ersetzt die Anforderungen, die für Erdbaumaschinen gelten.
Dieses Dokument gilt nicht für:
—   die Sicherheitsanforderungen, die für eine bestimmte Anwendung zu erfüllen sind;
—   die relevante Filterleistung oder Filterklasse für konkrete Anwendungen;
—   die tatsächliche Leistung der Kabine bei der Praxisanwendung;
—   die Filtrationsleistung bei der Praxisanwendung;
—   die Haltbarkeit von Filtern bei der Praxisanwendung.
Dieses Dokument gilt nicht für Schutzbelüftungssysteme, die vor dem Datum seiner Veröffentlichung als EN hergestellt wurden.

Engins de terrassement - Sécurité - Systèmes de protection contre les contaminations

Le présent document est applicable aux systèmes de ventilation de protection destinés à fournir de l'air respirable aux postes de l'opérateur des engins de terrassement utilisés dans des zones contaminées. Son objectif est de limiter l'exposition de l'opérateur (conducteur) aux agents dangereux lors de l'utilisation d'engins de terrassement dans des zones contaminées. Le présent document décrit les prescriptions, les modes opératoires d'essai et les informations à fournir par le fabricant pour les systèmes de ventilation de protection destinés à fournir de l'air respirable aux postes de l’opérateur des engins de terrassement utilisés dans des zones contaminées.
Le présent document fournit des prescriptions supplémentaires aux prescriptions communes de sécurité de l'EN 474-1 "Engins de terrassement — Sécurité — Partie 1 : Prescriptions générales" et aux parties spécifiques des machines de la série EN 474.
Le présent document ne répète pas les prescriptions de la série EN 474 mais ajoute ou remplace les prescriptions applicables aux engins de terrassement.
Le présent document ne couvre pas:
—   la prescription de sécurité à utiliser pour toute application spécifique ;
—   la performance du filtre ou la classe de filtre pertinente pour toute application particulière ;
—   des performances réelles de la cabine dans le cas d'application au champ ;
—   des performances de filtration dans le cas d'application au champ ;
—   la durabilité des filtres.
Le présent document ne s'applique pas aux systèmes de ventilation de protection fabriqués avant sa date de publication.

Stroji za zemeljska dela - Varnost - Sistemi za zaščito pred onesnaženjem

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prEN 17969:2023
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Standards Content (Sample)

Stroji za zemeljska dela - Varnost - Sistemi za zaščito pred onesnaženjem
Earth-moving machinery - Safety - Contamination protective systems
Erdbaumaschinen - Sicherheit - Schutzbelüftungsanlagen
Engins de terrassement - Sécurité - Systèmes de protection contre les contaminations
Ta slovenski standard je istoveten z: prEN 17969
53.100 Stroji za zemeljska dela Earth-moving machinery
2003-01.Slovenski inštitut za standardizacijo. Razmnoževanje celote ali delov tega standarda ni dovoljeno.

prEN 17969
April 2023
ICS 53.100
English Version
Earth-moving machinery - Safety - Contamination
protective systems
Engins de terrassement - Sécurité - Systèmes de Erdbaumaschinen - Sicherheit -
protection contre la contamination Schutzbelüftungsanlagen
This draft European Standard is submitted to CEN members for enquiry. It has been drawn up by the Technical Committee
CEN/TC 151.
If this draft becomes a European Standard, CEN members are bound to comply with the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations
which stipulate the conditions for giving this European Standard the status of a national standard without any alteration.

This draft European Standard was established by CEN in three official versions (English, French, German). A version in any other
language made by translation under the responsibility of a CEN member into its own language and notified to the CEN-CENELEC
Management Centre has the same status as the official versions.

CEN members are the national standards bodies of Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia,
Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway,
Poland, Portugal, Republic of North Macedonia, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Türkiye and
United Kingdom.
Recipients of this draft are invited to submit, with their comments, notification of any relevant patent rights of which they are
aware and to provide supporting documentation.

Warning : This document is not a European Standard. It is distributed for review and comments. It is subject to change without
notice and shall not be referred to as a European Standard.



CEN-CENELEC Management Centre: Rue de la Science 23, B-1040 Brussels
© 2023 CEN All rights of exploitation in any form and by any means reserved Ref. No. prEN 17969:2023 E
worldwide for CEN national Members.

prEN 17969:2023 (E)
Contents Page
European foreword . 3
Introduction . 4
1 Scope . 5
2 Normative references . 5
3 Terms and definitions . 6
4 Safety requirements and/or protective/risk reduction measures . 8
4.1 General. 8
4.2 General requirements . 9
4.3 Special provisions for machinery with dust filter units or gas filter units . 13
4.4 Special provisions for machinery with breathing compressors air used as protective
ventilation systems . 16
5 Verification of the safety requirements and/or protective/risk reduction measures
................................................................................................................................................................... 16
6 Information for use . 19
6.1 Operator’s manual . 19
6.2 Marking . 20
Annex A (informative) List of significant hazards . 22
Annex B (normative) Determination of the nominal airflow of the protective ventilation unit
................................................................................................................................................................... 24
Annex C (normative) Determination of the protection capacity of the gas filters . 25
C.1 General. 25
C.2 Test procedure . 25
Annex ZA (informative) Relationship between this European Standard and the essential
requirements of Directive 2006/42/EC aimed to be covered . 32
Bibliography . 35

prEN 17969:2023 (E)
European foreword
This document (prEN 17969:2023) has been prepared by Technical Committee CEN/TC 151
“Construction equipment and building material machines - Safety”, the secretariat of which is held by
This document is currently submitted to the CEN Enquiry.
This document has been prepared under a Standardization Request given to CEN by the European
Commission and the European Free Trade Association, and supports essential requirements of EU
Directive(s) / Regulation(s).
For relationship with EU Directive(s) / Regulation(s), see informative Annex ZA, which is an integral part
of this document.
prEN 17969:2023 (E)
This document is a type C standard as stated in EN ISO 12100.
This document is of relevance in particular for the following stakeholder groups representing the market
players with regard to machinery safety:
— machine manufacturers (small, medium and large enterprises);
— health and safety bodies (regulators, accident prevention organizations, market surveillance etc.).
Others can be affected by the level of machinery safety achieved with the means of the document by the
above-mentioned stakeholder groups:
— machine users/employers (small, medium and large enterprises);
— machine users/employees (e.g. trade unions, organizations for people with special needs);
— service providers, e.g. for maintenance (small, medium and large enterprises);
— consumers (in case of machinery intended for use by consumers).
The above-mentioned stakeholder groups have been given the possibility to participate in the drafting
process of this document.
The machinery concerned and the extent to which hazards, hazardous situations and hazardous events
are covered are indicated in the scope of this document. When provisions of this type C standard are
different from those which are stated in type A or B standards, the provisions of this type C standard take
precedence over the provisions of the other standards, for machines that have been designed and built
according to the provisions of this type C standard.
When operating earth-moving machinery used in contaminated areas, the operator can be exposed to
hazardous agents such as chemical agents in the form of dust, aerosols, gases or vapours or biological
agents in the form of aerosols. Protective ventilation systems of earth-moving machinery providing
protection against these hazardous agents can reduce operator exposure to airborne contaminants
present in contaminated areas.
The objective of this document is to improve the operator protection by using the protective ventilation
systems of earth-moving machinery used in contaminated areas. For this purpose, this document
specifies requirements, test procedures and the operator information to be provided, in particular with
regard to installation, use and maintenance operations.
prEN 17969:2023 (E)
1 Scope
This document is applicable to protective ventilation systems to provide breathing air to operator's
stations on earth-moving machinery used in contaminated areas. Its purpose is to limit the exposure of
the operator (driver) to hazardous agents when earth-moving machinery is used in contaminated areas.
This document describes requirements, test procedures and information to be provided by the
manufacturer for protective ventilation systems to provide breathing air to operator's stations on earth-
moving machinery used in contaminated areas.
This document gives additional requirements to the common safety requirements of EN 474-1 “Earth-
moving machinery – Safety – Part 1: General requirements” and to the machine specific parts of the
EN 474 series.
This document does not repeat the requirements from the EN 474 series but adds or replaces the
requirements as applicable for Earth-moving machinery.
This document does not cover:
— the safety requirement to be used for any specific application;
— the relevant filter performance or filter class for any particular application;
— the actual cab performance in the field application;
— the filtration performance in the field application;
— the field durability of filters.
This document is not applicable to protective ventilation systems which are manufactured before the
date of its publication as an EN.
2 Normative references
The following documents are referred to in the text in such a way that some or all of their content
constitutes requirements of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For
undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
EN 474-1:2022, Earth-moving machinery - Safety - Part 1: General requirements
EN 474-5:2022, Earth-moving machinery - Safety - Part 5: Requirements for hydraulic excavators
EN 1822-1:2019, High efficiency air filters (EPA, HEPA and ULPA) - Part 1: Classification, performance
testing, marking
EN ISO 10121-1:2014, Test method for assessing the performance of gas-phase air cleaning media and
devices for general ventilation — Part 1: Gas-phase air cleaning media (ISO 10121-1:2014)
EN 12021:2014, Respiratory equipment - Compressed gases for breathing apparatus
EN 12341:2014, Ambient air - Standard gravimetric measurement method for the determination of the
PM10 or PM2,5 mass concentration of suspended particulate matter
prEN 17969:2023 (E)
EN 12941:1998, Respiratory protective devices - Powered filtering devices incorporating a helmet or a
hood - Requirements, testing, marking
EN 13274-8:2002, Respiratory protective devices - Methods of test - Part 8: Determination of dolomite dust
EN 14387:2021, Respiratory protective devices - Gas filter(s) and combined filter(s) - Requirements, testing,
EN 15695-1:2017, Agricultural tractors and self-propelled sprayers - Protection of the operator (driver)
against hazardous substances - Part 1: Cab classification, requirements and test procedures
EN 60204-1:2018, Safety of machinery - Electrical equipment of machines - Part 1: General requirements
EN 60529:1991, Degrees of protection provided by enclosures (IP Code)
EN ISO 2860:2008, Earth-moving machinery - Minimum access dimensions (ISO 2860:1992)
EN ISO 13766-1:2018, Earth-moving and building construction machinery - Electromagnetic compatibility
(EMC) of machines with internal electrical power supply - Part 1: General EMC requirements under typical
electromagnetic environmental conditions (ISO 13766-1:2018)
EN ISO 19014-3:2018, Earth-moving machinery - Functional safety - Part 3: Environmental performance
and test requirements of electronic and electrical components used in safety-related parts of the control
system (ISO 19014-3:2018)
EN ISO 29463-5:2022, High-efficiency filters and filter media for removing particles in air - Part 5: Test
method for filter elements (ISO 29463-5:2022)
ISO 6165:2022, Earth-moving machinery — Basic types — Identification and terms and definitions
ISO 10263-4:2009, Earth-moving machinery — Operator enclosure environment — Part 4: Heating,
ventilating and air conditioning (HVAC) test method and performance
3 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this document, the terms and definitions given in ISO 6165:2022 and the following
ISO and IEC maintain terminology databases for use in standardization at the following addresses:
— ISO Online browsing platform: available at
— IEC Electropedia: available at
contaminated area
area where hazardous agent is present in the ambient air

As amended by EN 12941:1998/A1:2003 and EN 12941:1998/A2:2008.
As amended by EN 60529:1991/A1:2000 and EN 60529:1991/A2:2013.
prEN 17969:2023 (E)
hazardous agents
chemical agent in the form dust, aerosol, vapour or gas, or biological agent, which can expose an operator
to a risk for his health
suspension in air of solid particles, liquid particles or solid and liquid particles having a negligible falling

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