prEN 12697-18
(Main)Bituminous mixtures - Test methods - Part 18: Binder drainage
Bituminous mixtures - Test methods - Part 18: Binder drainage
This document describes two test methods:
- basket method (see Clause 4);
- beaker method (see Clause 5).
The basket method describes a method for determining binder drainage of bituminous mixtures. This method directly measures binder drainage, but when carried out on bituminous mixtures with fibres or mixtures whose mortar content is higher than in porous asphalt some clogging of the holes in the drainage baskets can occur, limiting the drainage of the binder. The basket method can be used either for determining the binder drainage for different binder content, or with a single binder content, eliminating the successive repetitions. It also enables the effects of varying fine aggregate types or including any anti-draining additive to be quantified.
The beaker method describes a method for determining binder drainage of bituminous mixtures. It is applicable to asphalt materials that are not porous asphalt or for porous asphalt incorporating fibres. It can be used either for determining the binder drainage for different binder content, or with a single binder content, eliminating the successive repetitions. It also enables the effects of varying fine aggregate types or including any anti-draining additive to be quantified.
Asphalt - Prüfverfahren - Teil 18: Bestimmung des Ablaufens
Dieses Dokument beschreibt zwei Prüfverfahren:
- das Korbverfahren (siehe Abschnitt 4);
- das Becherglasverfahren (siehe Abschnitt 5).
Das Korbverfahren beschreibt ein Verfahren zur Bestimmung des Bindemittelablaufs von Asphalt. Bei diesem Verfahren wird der Bindemittelablauf direkt gemessen, allerdings können bei der Durchführung an faserhaltigen Asphalten oder Asphalten, deren Mörtelgehalt höher als der von offenporigem Asphalt ist, die Löcher der Ablaufkörbe bis zu einem gewissen Grad verstopft werden, wodurch das Bindemittelablaufen begrenzt wird. Das Korbverfahren kann entweder für die Bestimmung des Bindemittelablaufs bei unterschiedlichen Bindemittelgehalten angewendet werden oder, bei nur einem Bindemittelgehalt, unter Auslassung der nachfolgenden Wiederholungen. Es ermöglicht auch die Quantifizierung der Auswirkungen unterschiedlicher Feinkornanteile oder der Zugabe von stabilisierenden Zusätzen.
Das Becherglasverfahren beschreibt ein Verfahren zur Bestimmung des Bindemittelablaufs von Asphalt. Es ist auf Asphalt-Baustoffe, die keinen offenporigen Asphalt enthalten, und auf faserhaltige offenporige Asphalte anwendbar. Es kann entweder für die Bestimmung des Bindemittelablaufs bei unterschiedlichen Bindemittelgehalten angewendet werden oder, bei nur einem Bindemittelgehalt, unter Auslassung der folgenden Wiederholungen. Es ermöglicht auch die Quantifizierung der Auswirkungen unterschiedlicher Feinkornanteile oder der Zugabe von stabilisierenden Zusätzen.
Mélanges bitumineux - Méthodes d'essai - Partie 18 : Egouttage du liant
Bitumenske zmesi - Preskusne metode - 18. del: Odtekanje veziva
General Information
Standards Content (Sample)
Bitumenske zmesi - Preskusne metode - 18. del: Odtekanje veziva
Bituminous mixtures - Test methods - Part 18: Binder drainage
Asphalt - Prüfverfahren - Teil 18: Bestimmung des Ablaufens
Mélanges bitumineux - Méthodes d'essai - Partie 18 : Egouttage du liant
Ta slovenski standard je istoveten z: prEN 12697-18
91.100.50 Veziva. Tesnilni materiali Binders. Sealing materials
93.080.20 Materiali za gradnjo cest Road construction materials
2003-01.Slovenski inštitut za standardizacijo. Razmnoževanje celote ali delov tega standarda ni dovoljeno.
January 2025
ICS 93.080.20 Will supersede EN 12697-18:2017
English Version
Bituminous mixtures - Test methods - Part 18: Binder
Mélanges bitumineux - Méthodes d'essai - Partie 18 : Asphalt - Prüfverfahren - Teil 18: Bestimmung des
Egouttage du liant Ablaufens
This draft European Standard is submitted to CEN members for enquiry. It has been drawn up by the Technical Committee
CEN/TC 227.
If this draft becomes a European Standard, CEN members are bound to comply with the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations
which stipulate the conditions for giving this European Standard the status of a national standard without any alteration.
This draft European Standard was established by CEN in three official versions (English, French, German). A version in any other
language made by translation under the responsibility of a CEN member into its own language and notified to the CEN-CENELEC
Management Centre has the same status as the official versions.
CEN members are the national standards bodies of Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia,
Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway,
Poland, Portugal, Republic of North Macedonia, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Türkiye and
United Kingdom.
Recipients of this draft are invited to submit, with their comments, notification of any relevant patent rights of which they are
aware and to provide supporting documentation.
Warning : This document is not a European Standard. It is distributed for review and comments. It is subject to change without
notice and shall not be referred to as a European Standard.
CEN-CENELEC Management Centre: Rue de la Science 23, B-1040 Brussels
© 2025 CEN All rights of exploitation in any form and by any means reserved Ref. No. prEN 12697-18:2025 E
worldwide for CEN national Members.
Contents Page
European foreword . 3
1 Scope . 4
2 Normative references . 4
3 Terms and definitions . 4
4 Basket method . 5
4.1 Principle . 5
4.2 Materials . 5
4.3 Apparatus . 5
4.4 Procedure. 6
4.5 Calculation and expression of results . 7
4.6 Test report . 8
4.7 Precision . 8
5 Beaker method . 8
5.1 Principle . 8
5.2 Materials . 8
5.3 Apparatus . 8
5.4 Procedure. 9
5.5 Calculation and expression of results . 10
5.6 Test report . 10
5.7 Precision . 11
European foreword
This document (prEN 12697-18:2025) has been prepared by Technical Committee CEN/TC 227 “Road
materials”, the secretariat of which is held by BSI.
This document is currently submitted to the CEN Enquiry.
This document will supersede EN 12697-18:2017.
— [4.3.3] the wording “accuracy able to weigh to 0,1 g” amended to read “able to weigh to the nearest
0,1 g with a maximum permissible error of 0,2 g”;
— [4.3.4] the wording “able to measure the temperature to 1 °C” amended to read “able to measure
the temperature to the nearest 1 °C with a maximum permissible error of 2 °C;
— [4.5.1] NOTE 2 deleted. NOTE 1 amended to NOTE;
— [4.6] list of items in the test report has been revised in accordance with CEN/CENELEC Internal
Regulations, Part 3:2022;
— [5.3.3] the wording “accuracy able to weigh to 0,1 g” amended to read “able to weigh to the nearest
0,1 g with a maximum permissible error of 0,2 g”;
— [5.3.5] the wording “able to measure the temperature to 1 °C” amended to read “able to measure
the temperature to the nearest 1 °C with a maximum permissible error of 2 °C;
— [5.5.1] NOTE deleted;
— [5.6] list of items in the test report has been revised in accordance with CEN/CENELEC Internal
Regulations, Part 3:2022.
A list of all parts in the EN 12697 series can be found on the CEN website:
1 Scope
This document describes two test methods:
— basket method (see Clause 4);
— beaker method (see Clause 5).
The basket method describes a method for determining binder drainage of bituminous mixtures. This
method directly measures binder drainage, but when carried out on bituminous mixtures with fibres or
mixtures whose mortar content is higher than in porous asphalt some clogging of the holes in the
drainage baskets can occur, limiting the drainage of the binder. The basket method can be used either
for determining the binder drainage for different binder content, or with a single binder content,
eliminating the successive repetitions. It also enables the effects of varying fine aggregate types or
including any anti-draining additive to be quantified.
The beaker method describes a method for determining binder drainage of bituminous mixtures. It is
applicable to asphalt materials that are not porous asphalt or for porous asphalt incorporating fibres. It
can be used either for determining the binder drainage for different binder content, or with a single
binder content, eliminating the successive repetitions. It also enables the effects of varying fine
aggregate types or including any anti-draining additive to be quantified.
2 Normative references
The following documents are referred to in the text in such a way that some or all of their content
constitutes requirements of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For
undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
EN 12697-27, Bituminous mixtures — Test methods — Part 27: Sampling
EN 12697-35, Bituminous mixtures — Test methods — Part 35: Laboratory mixing
EN 14023, Bitumen and bituminous binders — Specification framework for polymer modified bitumens
ISO 3310-1, Test sieves — Technical requirements and testing — Part 1: Test sieves of metal wire cloth
ISO 3310-2, Test sieves — Technical requirements and testing — Part 2: Test sieves of perforated metal
3 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply.
ISO and IEC maintain terminology databases for use in standardization at the following addresses:
— ISO Online browsing platform: available at
— IEC Electropedia: available at
binder drainage
binder, fine particles and additives, if any, separated from the mixture after the mixing process or
during transport of the mixture to the site
4 Basket method
4.1 Principle
The quantity of material lost by drainage, after 3 h at the test temperature (see 4.4.1) is measured in
mixtures placed on baskets made out of perforated metal plates.
4.2 Materials
Sufficient aggregates and binder shall be prepared to manufacture at least 4 kg of asphalt material. If
more than one binder content is going to be tested, aggregates and binder to manufacture 2,5 kg of
asphalt material per each additional binder content shall be provided. The aggregates shall be dried to
constant mass and graded in the fractions appropriate to the specified grading.
The test can be carried out with samples taken during the factory production control. In that case,
sampling shall be in accordance with EN 12697-27.
4.3 Apparatus
4.3.1 Oven with closed ventilation system, vibration free, fitted with thermostatic control to
maintain the temperature in the vicinity of the samples to ±2 °C in the range of 80 °C to 200 °C.
4.3.2 Drainage baskets, constructed from 3,15 mm perforated plate sieves, in accordance with
ISO 3310-2, on sides and base to form (100 ± 2) mm cubes, with feet, at each corner of the base, of
approximately 3 mm diameter and approximately 5 mm height (see Figure 1).
4.3.3 Balances, of suitable capacity and able to weigh to the nearest 0,1 g with a maximum permissible
error of 0,2 g.
4.3.4 Thermometer, able to measure the temperature to the nearest 1 °C with a maximum permissible
error of 2 °C.
4.3.5 Metal trays, approximately 150 mm square and 10 mm deep.
4.3.6 Metal boxes, approximately 150 mm by 150 mm by 150 mm.
4.3.7 Aluminium foil.
Dimensions in millimetres
1 perforated stainless steel cube with an open top and perforations of 3,15 mm diameter (according to ISO 3310-2)
2 foot, 3 mm diameter × 5 mm
Figure 1 — Binder drainage test basket (side elevation)
4.4 Procedure
4.4.1 For mixtures with paving grade bitumen, carry out the test at a temperature that is the reference
compaction temperature given in EN 12697-35 plus 25 °C. For mixtures with modified bitumen to
EN 14023, or other additives, carry out the test at the installation temperature defined by the supplier
plus 15 °C.
There may be some types of mixtures for which a different test temperature to that required by this test
procedure is appropriate. In such cases, this information should be stated in the test report.
3 3
4.4.2 For aggregates with density between 2,65 Mg/m and 2,75 Mg/m weigh three batches of 1,1 kg
aggregate, in the proportions for each fraction, to the nearest 1 g to give the specified grading (mass A).
For other aggregates make the necessary corrections in order to obtain a similar volume of aggregate.
Place each batch in a separate metal box.
4.4.3 Wrap two trays (see 4.3.5) with aluminium foil. Weigh each tray with foil to the nearest 0,1 g
(mass W ).
4.4.4 Mix, according to EN 12697-35, a 1,1 kg batch of aggregate with the required amount of binder
(mass B), weighed to the nearest 0,5 g. When additives such as fibre are to be used (mass X), carry out
the incorporation in accordance with additive supplier’s instructions.
4.4.5 Discard the first mixture in order to condition the mixer, where appropriate.
4.4.6 Repeat step 4.4.4 for the second batch of aggregate.
4.4.7 Transfer the material to a basket on a pre-wrapped tray, ensuring that the mixer bowl and whisk
are scraped thoroughly using the spatula. Carry out this operation as rapidly as possible to minimize
heat losses.
4.4.8 Place the basket with the mixture on the pre-wrapped tray in the oven at the test temperature for
between 3 h and 3 h 15 min.
4.4.9 Remove the basket and tray from the oven. Remove the basket from the drainage tray. When the
tray has cooled sufficiently, weigh the tray and aluminium foil to the nearest 0,1 g (mass W ).
4.4.10 After placing the first mixture in the oven, repeat the procedure in steps 4.4.6 to 4.4
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