Fixed inductors for electromagnetic interference suppression - Part 2-1: Blank detail specification - Inductors for which safety tests are required - Assessment level D

IEC 60938-2-1:1999 is a supplementary document to the sectional specification and contains requirements for style, layout and minimum content of detail specifications. Detail specifications not complying with these requirements may not be considered as being in accordance with IEC specifications nor shall they so be described. In the preparation of detail specifications the content of 1.4 of the sectional specification shall be taken into account.

Drosseln zur Unterdrückung elektromagnetischer Störungen - Teil 2-1: Vordruck für Bauartspezifikation - Drosseln, für die Sicherheitsprüfungen erforderlich sind - Bewertungsstufe D

Inductances fixes d'antiparasitage - Partie 2-1: Spécification particulière cadre - Inductances nécessitant des essais de sécurité - Niveau d'évaluation D

L'IEC 60938-2-1:1999 est un document annexe à la spécification intermédiaire qui contient des exigences pour le modèle, la disposition et le contenu minimal des spécifications particulières. Les spécifications particulières qui ne satisfont pas aux exigences peuvent ne pas être considérées comme conformes aux spécifications de la CEI et ne doivent pas être décrites comme telles. Dans la préparation des spécifications particulières, le contenu de 1.4 de la spécification intermédiaire doit être pris en compte.

Fixed inductors for electromagnetic interference suppression - Part 2-1: Blank detail specification - Inductors for which safety tests are required - Assessment D (IEC 60938-2-1:1999)

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2003-01.Slovenski inštitut za standardizacijo. Razmnoževanje celote ali delov tega standarda ni dovoljeno.Fixed inductors for electromagnetic interference suppression - Part 2-1: Blank detail specification - Inductors for which safety tests are required - Assessment D (IEC 60938-2-1:1999)Drosseln zur Unterdrückung elektromagnetischer Störungen -- Teil 2-1: Vordruck für Bauartspezifikation - Drosseln, für die Sicherheitsprüfungen erforderlich sind - Bewertungsstufe DInductances fixes d'antiparasitage -- Partie 2-1: Spécification particulière cadre - Inductances nécessitant des tests de sécurité - Niveau d'évaluation DFixed inductors for electromagnetic interference suppression -- Part 2-1: Blank detail specification - Inductors for which safety tests are required - Assessment level D29.180Transformatorji. DušilkeTransformers. ReactorsICS:Ta slovenski standard je istoveten z:EN 60938-2-1:1999SIST EN 60938-2-1:2002en01-september-2002SIST EN 60938-2-1:2002SLOVENSKI
INTERNATIONALSTANDARDIEC60938-2-1QC 280101First edition1999-10Fixed inductors for electromagneticinterference suppression –Part 2-1:Blank detail specification –Inductors for which safety tests are required –Assessment level DInductances fixes d'antiparasitage –Partie 2-1:Spécification particulière cadre –Inductances nécessitant des tests de sécurité –Niveau d'évaluation DPRICE CODE IEC 1999

Copyright - all rights reservedNo part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic ormechanical, including photocopying and microfilm, without permission in writing from the publisher.International Electrotechnical Commission3, rue de Varembé
Geneva, SwitzerlandTelefax: +41 22 919 0300e-mail: IEC web site
http://www.iec.chLFor price, see current catalogue Commission Electrotechnique Internationale International Electrotechnical CommissionSIST EN 60938-2-1:2002

– 2 –60938-2-1 © IEC:1999(E)INTERNATIONAL ELECTROTECHNICAL COMMISSION____________FIXED INDUCTORS FOR ELECTROMAGNETICINTERFERENCE SUPPRESSION –Part 2-1: Blank detail specification –Inductors for which safety tests are required – Assessment level DFOREWORD1)The IEC (International Electrotechnical Commission) is a worldwide organization for standardization comprisingall national electrotechnical committees (IEC National Committees). The object of the IEC is to promoteinternational co-operation on all questions concerning standardization in the electrical and electronic fields. Tothis end and in addition to other activities, the IEC publishes International Standards. Their preparation isentrusted to technical committees; any IEC National Committee interested in the subject dealt with mayparticipate in this preparatory work. International, governmental and non-governmental organizations liaisingwith the IEC also participate in this preparation. The IEC collaborates closely with the International Organization forStandardization (ISO) in accordance with conditions determined by agreement between the two organizations.2)The formal decisions or agreements of the IEC on technical matters express, as nearly as possible, aninternational consensus of opinion on the relevant subjects since each technical committee has representationfrom all interested National Committees.3)The documents produced have the form of recommendations for international use and are published in the formof standards, technical specifications, technical reports or guides and they are accepted by the NationalCommittees in that sense.4)
In order to promote international unification, IEC National Committees undertake to apply IEC InternationalStandards transparently to the maximum extent possible in their national and regional standards. Anydivergence between the IEC Standard and the corresponding national or regional standard shall be clearlyindicated in the latter.5)
The IEC provides no marking procedure to indicate its approval and cannot be rendered responsible for anyequipment declared to be in conformity with one of its standards.6)
Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this International Standard may be the subjectof patent rights. The IEC shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights.International Standard IEC 60938-2-1 has been prepared by IEC technical committee 40:Capacitors and resistors for electronic equipment.FDISReport on voting40/1112/FDIS40/1138/RVDFull information on the voting for the approval of this standard can be found in the report onvoting indicated in the above table.This publication has been drafted in accordance with the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 3.The QC number that appears on the front cover of this publication is the specification numberin the IEC Quality Assessment System for Electronic Components (IECQ).SIST EN 60938-2-1:2002

60938-2-1 © IEC:1999(E)– 3 –The committee has decided that this publication remains valid until 2005.At this date, in accordance with the committee’s decision, the publication will be·reconfirmed;·withdrawn;·replaced by a revised edition, or·amended.A bilingual version of this publication may be issued at a later date.SIST EN 60938-2-1:2002

– 4 –60938-2-1 © IEC:1999(E)FIXED INDUCTORS FOR ELECTROMAGNETICINTERFERENCE SUPPRESSION –Part 2-1: Blank detail specification –Inductors for which safety tests are required – Assessment level DINTRODUCTIONBlank detail specificationA blank detail specification is a supplementary document to the sectional specification andcontains requirements for style, layout and minimum content of detail specifications. Detailspecifications not complying with these requirements may not be considered as being inaccordance with IEC specifications nor shall they so be described.In the preparation of detail specifications the content of 1.4 of the sectional specification shallbe taken into account.The numbers between square brackets on the first page of the detail specification correspondto the following information which shall be inserted in the position indicated.Identification of the detail specification[1] The "International Electrotechnical Commission" or the National Standards Organizationunder whose authority the detail specification is drafted.[2] The IEC or National Standards number of the detail specification, date of issue and anyfurther information required by the national system.[3] The number and issue number of the IEC or national generic specification.[4] The IEC number of the blank detail specification.Identification of the inductor[5] A short description of the type of inductor.[6] Information on typical construction (when applicable).[7] Outline drawing with main dimensions which are of importance for interchangeabilityand/or reference to the national or international documents for outlines. Alternatively, thisdrawing may be given in an annex to the detail specification.[8] Application or group of applications covered and/or assessment level.[9] Reference data on the most important properties, to allow comparison between thevarious inductor types.SIST EN 60938-2-1:2002

60938-2-1 © IEC:1999(E)– 5 –[1]IEC 60938-2-1XX[2]QC XXXXXXXXXXXXELECTRONIC COMPONENTS OF ASSESSEDIEC 60938-2-1[4]QUALITY IN ACCORDANCE WITH:QC XXXXXX[3]FIXED INDUCTORS FORELECTROMAGNETIC INTERFERENCESUPPRESSION FOR WHICH SAFETY[5]Outline drawing: (see table 1)TESTS ARE REQUIRED(. angle projection)[7][6](Other shapes are permitted within the dimensionsgiven)Assessment level: D[8]NOTES [1] to [9] see page 3.[9]Information on the availability of components qualifiedto this detail specification is given in the Register ofApprovals.1 General data1.1 Recommended method(s) of mounting (to be inserted)(See 1.4.3 of IEC 60938-2.)1.2 DimensionsTable 1 – Dimensions related to case sizeCase sizereference or typeDimensionsmmLWHNOTE 1 – When there is no case size reference, the dimensions should be given per type designation.NOTE 2 – The dimensions should be given as maximum dimensions or as nominal dimensions with a tolerance.SIST EN 60938-2-1:2002

– 6 –60938-2-1 © IEC:1999(E)1.3 Ratings and characteristicsInductance range(see table 2)Tolerance on rated inductanceRated current (I) range(see table 2)DC resistance (R)(see table 2)Rated voltageRated temperatureClimatic categoryCategory of passive flammabilityTable 2 – Type designation related to values of inductance, rated currentand d.c. resistanceType designationrelated to values ofinductance, ratedcurrent and d.c.resistanceLRper line

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