IEC 60404-2:1996+AMD1:2008 CSV
(Main)Magnetic materials - Part 2: Methods of measurement of the magnetic properties of electrical steel strip and sheet by means of an Epstein frame
Magnetic materials - Part 2: Methods of measurement of the magnetic properties of electrical steel strip and sheet by means of an Epstein frame
Applies to grain oriented and non-oriented electrical sheet and strip for a.c. measurements of magnetic properities at frequencies up to 400 Hz and for d.c. magnetic measurements. Defines the general principles and the technical details of the measurement of the magnetic properties of electrical steel sheet and strip by means of an Epstein frame. The a.c. magnetic characteristics are determined for sinusoidal induced voltages, for specified peak values of magnetic polarization and for a specified frequency. This consolidated version consists of the third edition (2000) and its amendment 1 (2008). Therefore, no need to order amendment in addition to this publication.
The contents of the corrigendum of March 2018 have been included in this copy.
Matériaux magnétiques - Partie 2: Méthodes de mesure des propriétés magnétiques des bandes et tôles magnétiques en acier au moyen d'un cadre Epstein
S'applique aux tôles et bandes magnétiques à grains orientés et non orientés, pour le mesurage des propriétés magnétiques en courant alternatif jusqu'à la fréquence de 400 Hz, et pour les mesures magnétiques en courant continu. Définit les principes généraux et les détails techniques du mesurage des propriétés magnétiques des tôles et bandes magnétiques au moyen d'un cadre Epstein. Les caractéristiques magnétiques en courant alternatif sont déterminées pour des tensions induites sinusoïdales, pour des valeurs crêtes particulières de la polarisation magnétique et pour une fréquence spécifiée. Cette version consolidée comprend la troisième édition (2000) et son amendement 1 (2008). Il n'est donc pas nécessaire de commander l'amendement avec cette publication. Le contenu du corrigendum de mars 2018 a été pris en considération dans cet exemplaire.
General Information
Standards Content (Sample)
IEC 60404-2
Edition 3.1 2008-06
Magnetic materials –
Part 2: Methods of measurement of the magnetic properties of electrical steel
strip and sheet by means of an Epstein frame
Matériaux magnétiques –
Partie 2: Méthodes de mesure des propriétés magnétiques des bandes et tôles
magnétiques en acier au moyen d'un cadre Epstein
IEC 60404-2:1996+A1:2008
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IEC 60404-2
Edition 3.1 2008-06
Magnetic materials –
Part 2: Methods of measurement of the magnetic properties of electrical steel
strip and sheet by means of an Epstein frame
Matériaux magnétiques –
Partie 2: Méthodes de mesure des propriétés magnétiques des bandes et tôles
magnétiques en acier au moyen d'un cadre Epstein
ICS 29.030; 17.220.20 ISBN 2-8318-9835-8
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1 Scope and object .6
2 Normative references.6
3 General principles of a.c. measurements .7
3.1 Principle of the 25 cm Epstein frame method .7
3.2 Test specimen .7
3.3 The 25 cm Epstein frame.7
3.4 Air flux compensation .9
3.5 Power supply.9
3.6 Voltage measurement.9
3.7 Frequency measurement .10
3.8 Power measurement.10
4 Procedure for the measurement of the specific total loss.10
4.1 Preparation for measurement.10
4.2 Adjustment of power supply .10
4.3 Measurement of power .11
4.4 Determination of the specific total loss .11
4.5 Reproducibility of the specific total loss measurement.12
5 Procedure for the determination of the peak value of magnetic polarization, r.m.s.
value of magnetic field strength, peak value of magnetic field strength
and specific apparent power .12
5.1 Test specimen .12
5.2 Principle of measurement .12
5.3 Reproducibility.14
6 General principles of d.c. measurements .14
6.1 Principle of the 25 cm Epstein frame method .14
6.2 Test specimen .14
6.3 The 25 cm Epstein frame.14
6.4 Air flux compensation .15
6.5 Power supply.15
6.6 Apparatus accuracy .15
7 Procedure for the d.c. measurement of the magnetic polarization .15
7.1 Preparation for measurement.15
7.2 Determination of the magnetic polarization.15
7.3 Determination of the magnetic hysteresis loop .16
7.4 Reproducibility of the measurement of the magnetic polarization .16
8 Test report.16
Annex A (informative) Digital sampling methods for the determination of the magnetic
properties .21
Bibliography .24
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Figure 1 – Double-lapped joints .17
Figure 2 – The 25 cm Epstein frame.17
Figure 3 – Circuit for the wattmeter method .18
Figure 4 – Circuit for measuring the r.m.s. value of the magnetizing current.18
Figure 5 – Circuit for measuring the peak value of the magnetic field strength
using a peak voltmeter .19
Figure 6 – Circuit for measuring the peak value of magnetic field strength
using a mutual inductor M .19
Figure 7 – Circuit for d.c. testing: to obtain discrete values of magnetic polarization.20
Figure 8 – Circuit for d.c. testing: continuous recording method .20
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Part 2: Methods of measurement of the magnetic properties
of electrical steel strip and sheet by means of an Epstein frame
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International Standard IEC 60404-2 has been prepared by IEC technical committee 68:
Magnetic alloys and steels.
This consolidated version of IEC 60404-2 consists of the third edition (2000) [documents
68/119/FDIS and 68/135/RVD] and its amendment 1 (2008) [documents 68/365/FDIS and
The technical content is therefore identical to the base edition and its amendment and has
been prepared for user convenience.
It bears the edition number 3.1.
A vertical line in the margin shows where the base publication has been modified by
amendment 1.
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60404-2 IEC:1996+A1:2008 − 5 −
This standard supersedes chapters I, II, IV and V of IEC 60404-2:1978.
The standard IEC 60404-11 supersedes chapter VIII of IEC 60404-2:1978.
The standard IEC 60404-13 supersedes chapters VI, VII and IX of IEC 60404-2:1978.
Chapter III of IEC 60404-2:1978 is cancelled.
The committee has decided that the contents of the base publication and its amendments will
remain unchanged until the maintenance result date indicated on the IEC web site under
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the publication will be
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• withdrawn,
• replaced by a revised edition, or
• amended.
The contents of the corrigendum of March 2018 have been included in this copy.
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Part 2: Methods of measurement of the magnetic properties
of electrical steel strip and sheet by means of an Epstein frame
1 Scope and object
This part of IEC 60404 is applicable to grain oriented and non-oriented electrical sheet and
strip for a.c. measurements of magnetic properties at frequencies up to 400 Hz and for d.c.
magnetic measurements.
The object of this part is to define the general principles and the technical details of the
measurement of the magnetic properties of electrical steel sheet and strip by means of an
Epstein frame.
The Epstein frame is applicable to test specimens obtained from electrical steel sheets and
strips of any grade. The a.c. magnetic characteristics are determined for sinusoidal induced
voltages, for specified peak values of magnetic polarization and for a specified frequency.
The measurements are to be made at an ambient temperature of (23 ± 5) °C on test
specimens which have first been demagnetized.
Measurements at higher frequencies are to be made in accordance with IEC 60404-10.
NOTE Throughout this standard the term "magnetic polarization" is used as defined in IEC 60050(221). In some
standards of the IEC 60404 series, the term "magnetic flux density" was used.
2 Normative references
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For
dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of
the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
IEC 60050-221, International Electrotechnical Vocabulary – Chapter 221: Magnetic materials
and components
IEC 60404-4, Magnetic materials – Part 4: Methods of measurement of d.c. magnetic properties
of magnetically soft materials
IEC 60404-8-3, Magnetic materials – Part 8-3: Specifications for individual materials – Cold-
rolled electrical non-alloyed and alloyed steel sheet and strip delivered in the semi-processed
IEC 60404-8-4, Magnetic materials – Part 8-4: Specifications for individual materials – Cold-
rolled non-oriented electrical steel sheet and strip delivered in the fully-processed state
IEC 60404-8-7, Magnetic materials – Part 8-7: Specifications for individual materials – Cold-
rolled grain-oriented electrical steel sheet and strip delivered in the fully-processed state
IEC 60404-10, Magnetic materials – Part 10: Methods of measurement of magnetic properties
of magnetic sheet and strip at medium frequencies
IEC 60404-13, Magnetic materials – Part 13: Methods of measurement of density, resistivity
and stacking factor of electrical steel sheet and strip
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3 General principles of a.c. measurements
3.1 Principle of the 25 cm Epstein frame method
The 25 cm Epstein frame which comprises a primary winding, a secondary winding and the
specimen to be tested as a core, forms an unloaded transformer whose characteristics are
measured by the method described in the following subclauses.
3.2 Test specimen
The strips to be tested are assembled in a square, having double-lapped joints (see figure 1),
thus forming four branches of equal length and equal cross-sectional area.
The strips shall be sampled in accordance with the appropriate product standard in the IEC
60404-8 series.
They shall be cut by a method which will produce substantially burr-free edges and, if so
specified, heat treated in accordance with the corresponding product standard. They shall have
the following dimensions:
− width b = 30 mm ± 0,2 mm;
− length 280 mm ≤ l ≤ 320 mm.
The lengths of the strips shall be equal within a tolerance of ±0,5 mm.
When strips are cut parallel or normal to the direction of rolling, the edge of the parent sheet
shall be taken as the reference direction.
The following tolerances shall apply for the angle between the specified and actual direction of
±1° for grain oriented steel sheet;
±5° for non-oriented steel sheet.
Only flat strips shall be used. Measurements shall be made without additional insulation.
The number of strips comprising the test specimen shall be a multiple of four and is specified
in the corresponding product standard. However, the active mass of the test specimen (see
equation (1)) shall be at least 240 g for strips 280 mm long.
3.3 The 25 cm Epstein frame
The 25 cm Epstein frame (hereinafter referred to as the Epstein frame) shall consist of four
coils into which the strips making up the test specimen are inserted (see figure 2).
A mutual inductor for air flux compensation is included with the Epstein frame.
The winding formers supporting the coils are made of hard insulating material, such as
phenolic paper. They have a rectangular cross-section with 32 mm inner width. A height of
approximately 10 mm is recommended.
The coils shall be fixed to an insulating and non-magnetic base in such a way as to form a
square (see figure 2). The length of the sides of the square formed by the internal edges of the
+ 1
strips of the test specimen shall be 220 m m (see figure 2).
- 0
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Each of the four coils shall have two windings:
− a primary winding, on the outside (magnetizing winding);
− a secondary winding, on the inside (voltage winding).
NOTE An electrostatic screen may be provided between these windings.
The windings shall be distributed uniformly over a minimum length of 190 mm, each coil having
one quarter of the total number of turns.
The individual primary windings of the four coils shall be connected in series, as shall be the
secondary windings. The number of primary and secondary turns may be adapted to the
particular conditions prevailing with regard to the power source, measuring equipment and
NOTE The total number of turns generally used and recommended is 700 or 1 000.
In order to reduce the effect of the impedances of the windings as much as possible, the
following requirements shall be met:
1 −6 2 −6
≤⋅1,25 10 Ω ≤⋅510 Ω
2 2
1 2
1 −9 2 −9
≤⋅2,5 10 H ≤⋅2,5 10 H
2 2
1 2
R and R are the resistances of the primary and secondary windings, respectively, in ohms;
1 2
L and L are the inductances of the primary and secondary windings, respectively, in
1 2
N and N are the total number of turns of the primary and secondary windings, respectively.
1 2
NOTE These requirements are satisfied, for example, if windings with the following characteristics are used:
− total number of turns: N = 700, N = 700;
1 2
− primary (outer) winding: each of the four coils carries 175 turns of two copper wires connected in parallel,
each with a nominal cross-sectional area of approximately 1,8 mm , wound side by side in three layers;
− secondary winding: each of the four coils carries 175 turns of one copper wire with a nominal cross-sectional
area of 0,8 mm wound in one layer.
The effective magnetic path length, l , of the magnetic circuit shall be conventionally assumed
to be equal to 0,94 m. Therefore, the active mass, m , that is the mass of the test specimen
which is magnetically active, is given by:
mm= (1)
4 l
l is the length of a test specimen strip, in metres;
l is the conventional effective magnetic path length, in metres (l = 0,94 m);
m m
m is the total mass of the test specimen, in kilograms;
m is the active mass of the test specimen, in kilograms.
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3.4 Air flux compensation
The mutual inductor for air flux compensation shall be located in the centre of the space
enclosed by the four coils, its axis being directed normal to the plane of the axes of these coils.
The primary winding of the mutual inductor shall be connected in series with the primary
winding of the Epstein frame, and the secondary winding of the mutual inductor shall be
connected to the secondary winding of the Epstein frame in series opposition (see figure 3).
The adjustment of the value of the mutual inductance shall be made so that, when passing an
alternating current through the primary windings in the absence of the specimen in the
apparatus, the voltage measured between the non-common terminals of the secondary
windings shall be no more than 0,1 % of the voltage appearing across the secondary winding of
the test apparatus alone.
Thus the average value of the rectified voltage induced in the combined secondary windings is
proportional to the peak value of the magnetic polarization in the test specimen.
3.5 Power supply
The power supply shall have a low impedance and a high stability of voltage and frequency.
During measurements, the voltage and frequency variations shall not exceed ±0,2 % of the
required value.
For the determination of the specific total loss, the specific apparent power and the r.m.s. value
of the magnetic field strength, the form factor of the secondary voltage shall be 1,111 ± 1 %.
NOTE This is possible in several ways: for example by using an electronically controlled power supply or a
negative feedback power amplifier. The form factor of the secondary voltage is the ratio of its r.m.s. value to its
average rectified value.
Two voltmeters, one responsive to r.m.s. values and the other responsive to average rectified
values shall be used to determine the form factor.
NOTE The waveform of the secondary induced voltage should be checked with an oscilloscope to ensure that only
the fundamental component is present.
3.6 Voltage measurement
The secondary voltage of the Epstein frame shall be measured by means of appropriate
voltmeters having an input impedance greater than or equal to 1 000 Ω/V.
NOTE For the application of digital sampling methods, see Annex A.
3.6.1 Average type voltmeter
A voltmeter responsive to average rectified values having an accuracy of ±0,2 % or better shall
be used.
NOTE The preferred instrument is a digital voltmeter.
3.6.2 RMS voltmeter
A voltmeter responsive to r.m.s. values having an accuracy of ±0,2 % or better shall be used.
NOTE The preferred instrument is a digital voltmeter.
3.6.3 Peak voltmeter
A voltmeter responsive to peak values having an accuracy of ±0,5 % or better shall be used.
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3.7 Frequency measurement
A frequency meter having an accuracy of ±0,1 % or better shall be used.
NOTE For the application of digital sampling methods, see Annex A.
3.8 Power measurement
The power shall be measured by a wattmeter having an accuracy of ±0,5 % or better at the
actual power factor and crest factor.
NOTE For the application of digital sampling methods, see Annex A.
The resistance of the voltage circuit of the wattmeter shall be at least 5 000 times its
reactance, unless the wattmeter is compensated for its reactance.
If a current measuring device is included in the circuit it shall be short-circuited when the
secondary voltage has been adjusted and the loss is being measured.
4 Procedure for the measurement of the specific total loss
NOTE For the application of digital sampling methods, see Annex A.
4.1 Preparation for measurement
The Epstein frame and measuring equipment shall be connected as shown in figure 3.
The test specimen shall be weighed and its mass determined to within ±0,1 %. After weighing,
the strips shall be stacked into the coils of the Epstein frame with double lapped joints at the
corners and with the same number of strips in each branch of the frame such that the length of
the internal side of the square so formed is 220 mm. Where strips are cut half parallel and
half perpendicular to the direction of rolling, the strips cut in the direction of rolling shall be
inserted in two opposite branches of the frame and those cut perpendicular to the direction of
rolling inserted in the other two branches. Care shall be taken to ensure that the air gap
between the strips in the overlapping portions is as small as possible. It is permissible to apply
a force of about 1 N to each corner, normal to the plane of the overlapping strips.
The test specimen shall then be demagnetized in a decreasing alternating magnetic field of an
initial level higher than used in previous measurements.
4.2 Adjustment of power supply
The power supply output shall be slowly increased, whilst observing the ammeter in the primary
circuit to ensure that the wattmeter current circuit is not overloaded, until the average rectified
value of the secondary voltage U of the Epstein frame has reached the required value. This
is calculated from the desired value of magnetic polarization by means of:
Uf= 4N AJ (2)
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U is the average value of the rectified voltage induced in the secondary winding, in volts;
A is the cross-sectional area of the test specimen, in square metres;
f is the frequency, in hertz;
J is the peak value of magnetic polarization, in teslas;
N is the total number of turns of the secondary winding;
R is the total resistance of the instruments in the secondary circuit, in ohms;
R is the series resistance of the secondary windings and mutual inductor, in ohms.
The cross-sectional area of the test specimen is given by the equation:
A = (3)
4 l ρ
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