Information technology - UPnP Device Architecture - Part 17-10: Quality of Service Device Control Protocol - Level 3 - Quality of Service Device Service

ISO/IEC 29341-17-10:2011(E) describes the service definition which is compliant with the UPnP Device Architecture version 1.0.[DEVICE]. This service-type enables modeling of the 'QosDevice' function capabilities. The QosDevice:3 Service is a function typically implemented in source, sink and intermediate network. The QosDevice Service is responsible for providing the appropriate network resources to traffic streams and information about the state of the device as requested by the QosManager as defined in the QosManager:3 Service.

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ISO/IEC 29341-17-10:2011 - Information technology - UPnP device architecture - Part 17-10: Quality of Service Device Control Protocol - Level 3 - Quality of Service Device Service
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ISO/IEC 29341-17-10
Edition 1.0 2011-09
Information technology – UPnP device architecture –
Part 17-10: Quality of Service Device Control Protocol – Level 3 – Quality of
Service Device Service
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ISO/IEC 29341-17-10
Edition 1.0 2011-09
Information technology – UPnP device architecture –
Part 17-10: Quality of Service Device Control Protocol – Level 3 – Quality of
Service Device Service
ICS 35.200 ISBN 978-2-88912-657-6

29341-17-10 © ISO/IEC:2011(E)
1  Overview and Scope . 5
1.1  Referenced Specifications . 5
1.1.1  Normative References . 5
1.1.2  Informative References . 6
2  Service Modeling Definitions . 6
2.1  ServiceType . 6
2.2  State Vari ables . 7
2.2.1  XML Fragments as UPnP Arguments . 7
2.2.2  A_ARG_TYPE_TrafficDescriptor . 8
2.2.3  A_ARG_TYPE_TrafficDescriptorsPerInt erfac e . 8
2.2.4  A_ARG_TYPE_TrafficHandle . 10
2.2.5  A_ARG_TYPE_NumTrafficDescriptors . 10
2.2.6  A_ARG_TYPE_QosDeviceCapabilities . 10
2.2.7  A_ARG_TYPE_QosDeviceState . 11
2.2.8  PathInformation . 12
2.2.9  A_ARG_TYPE_QosDeviceInfo . 14
2.2.10  A_ARG_TYPE_QosStateId . 14
2.2.11  A_ARG_TYPE_NumRotameterObservations . 14
2.2.12  A_ARG_TYPE_RotameterInformation . 15
2.2.13  A_ARG_TYPE_ConfRotameterObservations . 20
2.2.14  MostRecentStreamAction . 21
2.2.15  A_ARG_TYPE_MaxPossibleRotameterObservations . 22
2.2.16  A_ARG_TYPE_Resource . 22
2.2.17  A_ARG_TYPE_AdmitTrafficQosExtendedResult . 23
2.2.18  A_ARG_TYPE_ListOfAdmittedTraffic . 26
2.2.19  A_ARG_TYPE_ PreferredQph . 28
2.2.20  UnexpectedStreamChange . 29
2.2.21  A_ARG_TYPE_PreemptingTrafficI nfo . 29
2.2.22  A_ARG_TYPE_ListOfMostRecentUnexpectedStreamChanges . 30
2.2.23  A_ARG_TYPE_QosDeviceExtendedSt ate . 33
2.2.24  A_ARG_TYPE_Layer2Mapping . 38
2.2.25  A_ARG_TYPE_AdmitTrafficQosSucceeded . 38
2.2.26  A_ARG_TYPE_TrafficDescriptorsWanted . 38
2.2.27  A_ARG_TYPE_SetPreferredQphResults . 38
2.2.28  A_ARG_TYPE_ NumberOfUnexpectedStreamChangesRequested . 39
2.2.29  A_ARG_TYPE_ NumberOfUnexpectedStreamChangesReported . 39
2.2.30  A_ARG_TYPE_NewTrafficLeaseTime . 39
2.2.31  A_ARG_TYPE_TrafficDescriptorContainer . 39
2.2.32  A_ARG_TYPE_Layer2MappingContainer . 41
2.2.33  A_ARG_TYPE_QosDeviceInfoContainer . 41
2.3  Eventing and Moderation . 43
2.3.1  Event Model. 43
2.4  Actions . 44
2.4.1  GetQosDeviceCapabilities() . 45
2.4.2  GetQosState() . 46

XXXX: © IEC:2010 — 2 — 29341-17-10 © ISO/IEC:2011(E)
2.4.3  SetupTrafficQos() . 47
2.4.4  ReleaseTrafficQos() . 49
2.4.5  GetPathInfor mation . 50
2.4.6  GetQosDeviceInfo() . 51
2.4.7  ConfigureRotameterObservation() . 52
2.4.8  GetRotameterInformation() . 53
2.4.9  AdmitTraffi c Q os (). 54
2.4.10  UpdateAdmittedQos() . 62
2.4.11  ReleaseAdmittedQos() . 65
2.4.12  GetExtendedQosState() . 67
2.4.13  SetPreferredQph() . 68
2.4.14  GetUnexpectedStreamChanges() . 70
2.4.15  VerifyTrafficHandle () . 71
2.4.16  UpdateTrafficLeaseTime () . 71
2.4.17  SetL2Map () . 72
2.4.18  Non-Standard Actions Implemented by a UPnP Vendor . 73
2.4.19  Error Code Summary . 73
2.4.20  Reason Code Summary . 74
2.5  Theory of Operation (Informative) . 75
2.5.1  Parameterized QoS . 77
2.5.2  Prioritized QoS . 80
2.5.3  Hybrid QoS . 81
3  XML Service De s c r iptions . 82
4  Test . . 88
Annex A (informative) Additional Examples for State Variabl es . 89
A.1  Additional PathInformation Examples . 89
A.1.1  Sample argument XML string – PC with two network interfaces that
are both end point device and brid ged . 89
A.1.2  Sample argument XML string –Four port Ethernet Switch . 89
A.1.3  Sample argument XML string – Wireless AP with one Ethernet
Interface . 90
A.1.4  Sample argument XML string – Bridge device between Wireless
station and Ethernet . 90
A.2  Additional A_ARG_TYPE_RotameterInformation Examples . 91
A.2.1  Sample argument XML string – PC with two network interfaces that
are both end point devices . 91
A.2.2  Sample argument XML string – PC with two network interfaces that
are both end point device with TrafficImportanceNumber reporting . 94
A.2.3  Sample argument XML string –Four port Ethernet Switch . 95
A.2.4  Sample argument XML string – Wireless AP with one Ethernet
Interface . 95
A.2.5  Sample argument XML string – Bridge device between Wireless
station and Ethernet . 96
Annex B (normative) Template for Requirements on the QosDevice Service
implementation that are specific for the underlying Network Technologies . 98
B.1  . 98
B.1.1  References . 98
B.1.2  Priority Mapping . 98
B.1.3  QosSegmentId formation . 98
B.1.4  Layer2StreamId representation . 99

29341-17-10 XXXX: © IEC:2010 © ISO/IEC:2011(E) — 3 —
B.1.5  Mapping of UPnP-QoS Parameters to Parameters . 99
B.1.6  Blocking traffic stream identification . 100
B.1.7  Responsibility for QoS Setup . 100
B.1.8  Mapping of Returned Parameters to ProtoTspec
Parameters . 101
B.1.9  Mapping of Returned Parameters to
AdmitTrafficQosExtendedResult and AllocatedResources
Parameters . 102

Figure 2-1 — Relationship between ROPeriod and MonitorResolutionPeriod . 16
Figure 2-2 — PC with Two Network Interfaces . 18
Figure 2-3 — Example of a PC connected to an active network . 19
Figure 2-4 — Relationship between End-to-End Delay and QoS Segment Delay . 57
Figure 2-5 — Relationship between QoS Segment Delay And MaxCommittedDelay. . 58
Figure 2-6 — Components of MaxCommittedDelay . 59
Figure 2-7 — Containers and How They Nest . 78
Figure A.1 — Example of a PC connected to an active network . 91

Table 2-1 — State Variables . 7
Table 2-2 — Reason Codes For AdmissionStatusNet . 24
Table 2-3 — Reason Codes For AdmissionStatusDev .

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