ISO/IEC 29341-4-11:2011
(Main)Information technology - UPnP Device Architecture - Part 4-11: Audio Video Device Control Protocol - Level 2 - Connection Manager Service
Information technology - UPnP Device Architecture - Part 4-11: Audio Video Device Control Protocol - Level 2 - Connection Manager Service
ISO/IEC 29341-4-11:2011(E) describes the service-type which enables modeling of streaming capabilities of A/V devices, and binding of those capabilities between devices. Each device that is able to send or receive a stream according to the UPnP AV Architecture will have 1 instance of the ConnectionManager service. This service provides a mechanism for control points to: a) Perform capability matching between source/server devices and sink/renderer devices, b) Find information about currently ongoing transfers in the network, c) Setup and teardown connections between devices (when required by the streaming protocol). This service definition is compliant with the UPnP Device Architecture version 1.0. This International Standard replaces ISO/IEC 29341-4-11, first edition, published in 2008, and constitutes a technical revision.
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Standards Content (Sample)
ISO/IEC 29341-4-11
Edition 2.0 2011-09
Information technology – UPnP device architecture
Part 4-11: Audio Video Device Control Protocol – Level 2 – Connection Manager
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ISO/IEC 29341-4-11
Edition 2.0 2011-09
Information technology – UPnP device architecture
Part 4-11: Audio Video Device Control Protocol – Level 2 – Connection Manager
ICS 35.200 ISBN 978-2-88912-681-1
29341-4-11 © ISO/IEC:2011(E)
1 Overview and Scope . 3
1.1 Introduction . 3
1.2 Notation . 3
1.2.1 Data Types . 4
1.2.2 Strings Embedded in Other Strings . 4
1.2.3 Extended Backus-Naur Form . 4
1.3 Derived Data Types . 5
1.3.1 Comma Separated Value (CSV) Lists . 5
1.4 Management of XML Namespaces in Standardized DCPs . 6
1.4.1 Namespace Prefix Requirements . 9
1.4.2 Namespace Names, Namespace Versioning and Schema Versioning . 10
1.4.3 Namespace Usage Examples . 12
1.5 Vendor-defined Extensions . 13
1.5.1 Vendor-defined Action Names . 13
1.5.2 Vendor-defined State Variable Names . 13
1.5.3 Vendor-defined XML Elements and attributes . 13
1.5.4 Vendor-defined Property Names . 13
1.6 References . 13
2 Service Modeling Definitions . 17
2.1 ServiceType . 17
2.2 State Variables . 17
2.2.1 SourceProtocolInfo . 18
2.2.2 SinkProtocolInfo . 18
2.2.3 CurrentConnectionIDs . 18
2.2.4 A_ARG_TYPE_ConnectionStatus . 19
2.2.5 A_ARG_TYPE_ConnectionManager . 19
2.2.6 A_ARG_TYPE_Direction . 19
2.2.7 A_ARG_TYPE_ProtocolInfo . 19
2.2.8 A_ARG_TYPE_ConnectionID . 19
2.2.9 A_ARG_TYPE_AVTransportID . 19
2.2.10 A_ARG_TYPE_RcsID . 19
2.3 Eventing and Moderation . 20
2.4 Actions . 20
2.4.1 GetProtocolInfo() . 20
2.4.2 PrepareForConnection() . 21
2.4.3 ConnectionComplete() . 23
2.4.4 GetCurrentConnectionIDs() . 24
2.4.5 GetCurrentConnectionInfo() . 25
2.4.6 Common Error Codes . 26
2.5 Theory of Operation . 27
2.5.1 Purpos e . 27
2.5.2 ProtocolInfo Concept . 27
2.5.3 Typical Control Point Operations . 32
2.5.4 Relation to Devices without ConnectionManager s. 33
2.5.5 PrepareForConnection() and ConnectionComplete() . 33
XXXX: © IEC:2010 — 2 — — 2 — 29341-4-11 29341-4-11 © ISO/IEC:2011(E)© ISO/IEC:2011(E)
3 XML Service Description . 36
4 Test . . 39
Annex A (normative) Protocol Specifics . 40
A.1 Application to HTTP Streaming . 40
A.1.1 ProtocolInfo Defini tion . 40
A.1.2 Implementation of PrepareForConnection() . 40
A.1.3 Implementation of ConnectionComplete() . 40
A.1.4 Automatic Connection Cleanup . 40
A.2 Application to RTSP/RTP/UDP Streaming . 41
A.2.1 ProtocolInfo Defini tion . 41
A.2.2 Implementation of PrepareForConnection() . 41
A.2.3 Implementation of ConnectionComplete() . 41
A.2.4 Automatic Connection Cleanup . 41
A.3 Application to Device-Internal Streaming . 42
A.4 Application to IEC61883 Stream ing . 42
A.4.1 ProtocolInfo Defini tion . 42
A.4.2 Implementation of PrepareForConnection() . 43
A.4.3 Implementation of ConnectionComplete() . 44
A.4.4 Automatic Connection Cleanup . 44
A.5 Application to Vendor-specific Streaming . 45
Table 1-1 — EBNF Operators . 5
Table 1-2 — CSV Examples . 6
Table 1-3 — Namespace Definitions . 8
Table 1-4 — Schema-related Information . 9
Table 1-5 — Default Namespaces for the AV Specifications . 10
Table 2-6 — State Variables . 17
Table 2-7 — Event Moderat ion . 20
Table 2-8 — Actions . 20
Table 2-9 — Arguments for GetProtocolInfo() . 20
Table 2-10 — Arguments for PrepareForConnection() . 22
Table 2-11 — Error Codes for PrepareForConnection() . 23
Table 2-12 — Arguments for ConnectionComplete() . 24
Table 2-13 — Error Codes for ConnectionComplete() . 24
Table 2-14 — Arguments for GetCurrentConnectionIDs() . 24
Table 2-15 — Error Codes for GetCurrentConnectionIDs() . 25
Table 2-16 — Arguments for GetCurrentConnectionInfo() . 25
Table 2-17 — Error Codes for GetCurrentConnectionInfo() . 26
Table 2-18 — Common Error Codes . 26
Table 2-19 — Defined Protocols and their associated ProtocolInfo Values . 28
Table A.1 — for Protocol IEC61883 . 43
29341-4-11 © ISO/IEC:2011(E)
Part 4-11: Audio Video Device Control Protocol –
Level 2 – Connection Manager Service
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