ISO/IEC 29341-15-10:2011
(Main)Information technology - UPnP Device Architecture - Part 15-10: Content Synchronization Device Control Protocol - Content Synchronization Service
Information technology - UPnP Device Architecture - Part 15-10: Content Synchronization Device Control Protocol - Content Synchronization Service
ISO/IEC 29341-15-10:2011(E) Describes the Content Synchronization service which enables two or more ContentDirectory services [CDS] to synchronize content with each other. This service also enables a UPnP control point to synchronize content with a ContentDirectory service. We refer this service as "CSS" or "ContentSync service" from hereon. If a CDS wants to support synchronization of objects and its resources with other CDSs, the implementation MUST enable this ContentSync service (CSS). CSS keeps change log as part of CDS object property that describe which CDS objects are added or modified or deleted since it has synchronized last. Since synchronization enables interaction between ContentSync services, each service has a Control Point (CP) functionality that invokes actions to other ContentSync service to achieve synchronization of contents with each other. This service definition is compliant with the UPnP Device Architecture version 1.0.
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Standards Content (Sample)
ISO/IEC 29341-15-10
Edition 1.0 2011-09
Information technology – UPnP device architecture –
Part 15-10: Content Synchronization Device Control Protocol – Synchronization
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ISO/IEC 29341-15-10
Edition 1.0 2011-09
Information technology – UPnP device architecture –
Part 15-10: Content Synchronization Device Control Protocol – Synchronization
ICS 35.200 ISBN 978-2-88912-655-2
29341-15-10 © ISO/IEC:2011(E)
1 Overview and Scope . 4
1.1 Introduction . 4
1.1.1 ContentSync Function . 6
1.1.2 Media Server Device and ContentDirectory Service . 6
1.2 Notation . 7
1.2.1 Data Types . 8
1.3 Vendor-defined Extensions . 8
1.4 Namespace for ContentSync Service . 8
1.5 References . 8
2 Service Modeling Definitions . 10
2.1 ServiceType . 10
2.2 Terms . 10
2.2.1 Synchronization Object and Pair . 10
2.2.2 Synchronization Data Structure . 11
2.2.3 Synchronization Policy and Behav ior . 12
2.2.4 Minimally Complete Synchronization Relationship Data Structure . 15
2.3 Synchronization Data Structure Management . 16
2.3.1 Synchronization Data Structure Addition . 16
2.3.2 Synchronization Data Structure Modification . 16
2.3.3 Synchronization Data Structure Deletion . 17
2.4 Synchronization Operation (CDS to CDS) . 17
2.5 Synchronization Operation (CDS to non CDS) . 19
2.6 Garbage Colle ction . 20
2.7 State Variables . 20
2.7.1 SyncChange . 21
2.7.2 SyncStatusUpdate . 22
2.7.3 A_ARG_TYPE_ActionCaller . 28
2.7.4 A_ARG_TYPE_SyncData . 28
2.7.5 A_ARG_TYPE_SyncPair . 33
2.7.6 A_ARG_TYPE_SyncID . 33
2.7.7 A_ARG_TYPE_ObjectID . 33
2.7.8 A_ARG_TYPE_SyncStatus . 33
2.7.9 A_ARG_TYPE_ChangeLog . 34
2.7.10 A_ARG_TYPE_Index . 35
2.7.11 A_ARG_TYPE_Count . 35
2.7.12 A_ARG_TYPE_ResetObjectList . 35
2.8 Eventing and Moderation . 36
2.9 Actions . 36
2.9.1 AddSyncData() . 37
2.9.2 ModifySyncData() . 38
2.9.3 DeleteSyncData() . 40
2.9.4 GetSyncData() . 41
2.9.5 ExchangeSyncData() . 42
2.9.6 AddSyncPair() . 43
2.9.7 ModifySyncPair() . 44
XXXX: © IEC:2010 — 2 — — 2 — 29341-15-10 © ISO/IEC:2011(E)
2.9.8 DeleteSyncPair() . 45
2.9.9 StartSync() . 47
2.9.10 AbortSync() . 48
2.9.11 GetChangeLog() . 49
2.9.12 49
2.9.13 ResetChangeLog() . 50
2.9.14 ResetStatus() . 51
2.9.15 51
2.9.16 GetSyncStatus() . 52
2.9.17 Non-Standard Actions Implemented by a UPnP Vendor . 53
2.9.18 Common Error Codes . 53
2.10 Theory of Operation . 54
2.10.1 Introduction . 54
2.10.2 CDS Synchronization . 54
2.10.3 Synchronization of a Reference Ob jec t . 72
3 XML Service Description . 77
4 Test . . 82
Annex A (normative) AV Working Committee Properties . 83
A.1 Base Properties Overview . 83
A.1.1 @id . 83
A.2 Resource Encoding Characteristics Properties . 83
A.2.1 res@avcs:syncAllowed . 83
A.2.2 res@avcs:resModified . 83
A.3 Content Synchronization-related Properties . 84
A.3.1 avcs:syncable . 84
A.3.2 avcs:syncInfo . 84
A.3.3 avcs:syncInfo@updateID . 85
A.3.4 avcs:syncInfo::pair . 85
A.3.5 avcs:syncInfo::pair@syncRelationshipID . 85
A.3.6 avcs:syncInfo::pair@partnershipID . 85
A.3.7 avcs:syncInfo::pair@pairGroupID . 86
A.3.8 avcs:syncInfo::pair::remoteObjID . 86
A.3.9 avcs:syncInfo::pair::remoteParentObjID . 86
A.3.10 avcs:syncInfo::pair::virtualRemoteParentObjID . 86
A.3.11 avcs:syncInfo::pair::policy . 86
A.3.12 avcs:syncInfo::pair::status . 87
Annex B (normative) Syncable Objects and Properties . 88
B.1 Deciding Syncability of CDS Object . 88
B.2 Synchronization of CDS object properties (Informative ) . 89
Figure 1 — Content Synchronization Model . 4
Figure 2 — High-level Synchronization Flow Diagram. 5
Figure 3 — Unidirectional Contents Synchronization . 6
Figure 4 — ContentSync F unc tion . 6
Figure 5 — Types of Synchronization Pair . 11
Figure 6 — Synchronization Data Structure . 12
Figure 7 — Interaction Diagram (Synchronization Operation) . 17
29341-15-10 XXXX: © IEC:2010 © ISO/IEC:2011(E) — 3 — — 3 —
Figure 8 — Synchronization Relationship between two CDSs . 55
Figure 9 — Synchronization Relationship between two CDSs . 73
Table 1-1 — Namespace Definitions . 8
Table 2-1 — State Variables . 20
Table 2-2 — Status Codes of Synchronization Operation . 27
Table 2-3 — Event Moderat ion . 36
Table 2-4 — Actions . 37
Table 2-5 — Arguments for AddSyncData() . 38
Table 2-6 — Error Codes for AddSyncData() . 38
Table 2-7 — Arguments for ModifySyncData() . 39
Table 2-8 — Error Codes for ModifySyncData() . 40
Table 2-9 — Arguments for DeleteSyncData() . 41
Table 2-10 — Error Codes for DeleteSyncData() . 41
Table 2-11 — Arguments for GetSyncData() . 41
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