Studies and comparisons of magnetic measurements on grain-oriented electrical steelsheet determined by the single sheet test method and Epstein test method

IEC TR 62981:2017(E), which is a Technical Report, provides the results of international exercises and comparisons focusing on achieving the knowledge of the statistical performance of single sheet tester (SST) measurements made on grain-oriented electrical steel. These experiments aim at specifying obligatory reference values, measured by the single sheet test method, for the grading of high permeability (P grades) grain-oriented (g.-o.) materials, independently from the Epstein classification as it is practiced today. Besides this, Epstein test measurements have been made in order to gain more up-to-date statistical performance for comparison with the SST statistical characteristics. A few experiments were carried out aiming at improved knowledge on the systematic error performance of the SST, i.e. they were to determine the correlation between the quality of insulation separating laminations in the SST yokes and the measured loss.

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IEC TR 62981:2017 - Studies and comparisons of magnetic measurements on grain-oriented electrical steelsheet determined by the single sheet test method and Epstein test method
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IEC TR 62981 ®
Edition 1.0 2017-05
Studies and comparisons of magnetic measurements on grain-oriented
electrical steelsheet determined by the single sheet test method and Epstein
test method
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IEC TR 62981 ®
Edition 1.0 2017-05
Studies and comparisons of magnetic measurements on grain-oriented

electrical steelsheet determined by the single sheet test method and Epstein

test method
ICS 29.030 ISBN 978-2-8322-4332-9

– 2 – IEC TR 62981:2017 © IEC 2017
1 Scope . 6
2 Normative references . 6
3 Terms and definitions . 6
4 Background . 7
4.1 Historical background and former concepts of the SST-Epstein relationship . 7
4.2 Establishing reference values for grain-oriented electrical steels determined
by independent SSTs – A new approach to the purpose . 8
5 Preliminary comparisons and experiments . 9
5.1 General . 9
5.2 Comparison of the relative difference δP = (P – P )/P measured
SE SST eps Eps
by steel manufacturers on their own products using own set-ups . 10
5.3 Preliminary comparisons and experiments made by four Chinese
laboratories using six SSTs with stacked yokes . 11
5.4 Necessity of comparing independent SST results . 13
6 International comparison of SST measurements on grain-oriented electrical steel
and accompanying Epstein measurements . 15
6.1 General conditions, samples, participants . 15
6.2 Circulation of the samples and measurement procedure . 16
6.3 Results and analysis of the measured quantities . 17
6.4 Conclusions of the international comparison . 30
7 Summary and conclusions . 31
Bibliography . 32

Figure 1 – Epstein frame and single sheet tester, schematic view, windings partly
omitted . 7
Figure 2 – Relative difference δP = 100 (P – P ) / P versus peak magnetic
polarization J measured by six contributors on samples of their own products . 10
Figure 3 – Contact pattern for the measurement of lamination resistance in the air gap
of SST yokes . 11
Figure 4 – Ratio of the power loss P to that of the SST with the best yokes,
P , versus lamination conductivity factor C of the yokes . 12
SSTopt Y
Figure 5 – Ratio of the power loss at 100 Hz to that at 40 Hz, P /P , at 1,7 T,
100 40
versus lamination conductivity factor C of the yokes . 13
Figure 6 – Relative difference δP = 100(P – P ) / P versus magnetic
polarization . 14
Figure 7 – Relative difference δP = 100(P – P ) / P at 1,7 T determined by
three standard laboratories, IEN, NPL and PTB, on S- and P-type g.-o. sample pairs . 14
Figure 8 – Dispersion of manufacturer’s grain-oriented material production in form of
Epstein samples (PTB 1999) . 15
Figure 9 – Example of scattering of the laboratories’ best estimates around the
reference value (CGO sample No. 2, unweighted average, dash-dotted line) . 18
Figure 10 – Example of scattering of the laboratories’ best estimates around the
reference value (HGO sample No. 4, unweighted average, dash-dotted line) . 19
Figure 11 – Example of scattering of the laboratories’ best estimates around the
reference value (HGO sample No. 5, unweighted average, dash-dotted line) . 19
Figure 12 – Samples No. 1 to No. 5: ratio of SST to Epstein power loss reference
values δP (J ) = (

) /

at 50 Hz versus peak polarization . 20
SE p SST Epst Epst
Figure 13 – Overall dispersion (all labs, J values, and samples) of the laboratories'
best estimates P of the power loss at 50 Hz around their reference values . 23
Figure 14 – Overall dispersion (all labs, J values, and samples) of the laboratories'
best estimates S of the apparent power at 50 Hz around their reference values, with
and without outliers . 24
Figure 15 – Dispersion around the reference value of the laboratories' best values of
the power loss P measured at 50 Hz by the Epstein and the SST methods at 1,7 T . 25
Figure 16 – Dispersion around the reference value of the laboratories' best values of
the apparent power S measured at 50 Hz by the Epstein and the SST methods at 1,7 T . 26
Figure 17 – Overall dispersion (European metrological laboratories only, all J values
and samples) of the laboratories' best estimates P of the power loss at 50 Hz around
their reference values, with and without outliers . 27
Figure 18 – Dispersion of the laboratories’ best estimates of SST (a) and Epstein (b)
power loss at 50 Hz . 28
Figure 19 – Dispersion of the laboratories’ best estimates of SST (a) and Epstein (b)
power loss at 50 Hz . 29
Figure 20 – Dispersion of the laboratories’ best estimates, represented by the standard
deviation σ of SST (red) and Epstein (blue) power loss (a) and apparent power (b) at
50 Hz, versus the peak value of the polarization, J , summarizing Figures 18 and 19 . 30
Table 1 – Participating laboratories . 16
Table 2 – Circulated grain-oriented electrical steel test samples . 17
Table 3 – Reference values at 50 Hz for the power loss P and the apparent power S . 21
Table 4 – Standard deviations associated with the reference values at 50 Hz for the
power loss P and the apparent power S (Table 3) . 22
Table 5 – Reference values at 50 Hz of the polarization at H = 800 A/m J and
standard deviation of the distribution of the laboratories’ best estimates . 22
Table 6 – Relative standard deviations of 50 Hz power loss P and apparent power S
distributions around their reference values . 27

– 4 – IEC TR 62981:2017 © IEC 2017

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