ISO 7779:1999/DAmd 2.2
(Amendment)Revision of measurement surfaces, procedures for equipment installation/operation and detection of prominent discrete tones
Revision of measurement surfaces, procedures for equipment installation/operation and detection of prominent discrete tones
Révision des surfaces de mesurage, des modes opératoires d'installation/exploitation des équipements et de la détection des composantes tonales discrètes émergentes
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DRAFT AMENDMENT ISO 7779:1999/DAmd 2.2
ISO/TC 43/SC 1 Secretariat: DS
Voting begins on: Voting terminates on:
2008-06-05 2008-08-05
Acoustics — Measurement of airborne noise emitted byinformation technology and telecommunications equipment
AMENDMENT 2: Revision of measurement surfaces, procedures for
equipment installation/operation and detection of prominent discrete
Acoustique — Mesurage du bruit aérien émis par les équipements liés aux technologies de l'information et aux
télécommunicationsAMENDEMENT 2: Révision des surfaces de mesurage, des modes opératoires d'installation/exploitation des
équipements et de la détection des composantes tonales discrètes émergentesICS 17.140.20; 35.020
The CEN Secretary-General has advised the ISO Secretary-General that this ISO/DIS covers a subject
of interest to European standardization. In accordance with the ISO-lead mode of collaboration as
defined in the Vienna Agreement, consultation on this ISO/DIS has the same effect for CEN
members as would a CEN enquiry on a draft European Standard. Should this draft be accepted, a
final draft, established on the basis of comments received, will be submitted to a parallel two-month FDIS
vote in ISO and formal vote in CEN.In accordance with the provisions of Council Resolution 15/1993 this document is circulated in
the English language only.Conformément aux dispositions de la Résolution du Conseil 15/1993, ce document est distribué
en version anglaise seulement.To expedite distribution, this document is circulated as received from the committee secretariat.
ISO Central Secretariat work of editing and text composition will be undertaken at publication
stage.Pour accélérer la distribution, le présent document est distribué tel qu'il est parvenu du
secrétariat du comité. Le travail de rédaction et de composition de texte sera effectué au
THEY ARE AWARE AND TO PROVIDE SUPPORTING DOCUMENTATION.International Organization for Standardization, 2008
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ISO 7779:1999/DAmd 2.2
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ISO 7779:1999/DAM 2.2
ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards bodies
(ISO member bodies). The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out through ISO
technical committees. Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical committee has been
established has the right to be represented on that committee. International organizations, governmental and
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The main task of technical committees is to prepare International Standards. Draft International Standards
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Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of patent
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Amendment 2 to ISO 7779:1999 was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 43, Acoustics, Subcommittee
SC 1, Noise.© ISO 2008 – All rights reserved iii
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Acoustics — Measurement of airborne noise emitted by
information technology and telecommunications equipment —
AMENDMENT 2: Revision of measurement surfaces,
procedures for equipment installation/operation and detection
of prominent discrete tones
Page 1: Clause 1 Scope
In the second paragraph, replace “a reverberation room” by “a reverberation test room”
In the third paragraph, replace “the A-weighted sound pressure level measured” by ”the A-weighted emission
sound pressure level determined”.In the eighth paragraph, replace “The sound power and sound pressure levels” by “The sound power and
emission sound pressure levels”.Page 2: Clause 2 Normative references
Replace ISO 3741:1999, ISO 3744:1994, ISO 3745:1977, ISO 6926:1990 and ISO 11201 by:
ISO 3741 , Acoustics — Determination of sound power levels and sound energy levels of noise sources
using sound pressure — Precision methods for reverberation test rooms.ISO 3744 , Acoustics — Determination of sound power levels and sound energy levels of noise sources
using sound pressure — Engineering methods for an essentially free field over a reflecting plane.
ISO 3745, Acoustics — Determination of sound power levels of noise sources using sound pressure —
Precision methods for anechoic and hemi-anechoic rooms.ISO 6926, Acoustics — Requirements for the performance and calibration of reference sound sources used
for the determination of sound power levels.ISO 11201 , Acoustics — Noise emitted by machinery and equipment — Measurement of emission sound
pressure levels at a work station and at other specified positions in an essentially free field over a reflecting
plane with negligible environmental corrections (Revision of ISO 11201:1995)Delete the following:
ISO 10302, Acoustics – Methods for the measurement of airborne noise emitted by small air-moving devices
IEC 60651, Sound level metersIEC 60804, Integrating-averaging sound level meters
Under preparation (to be published). Revision of ISO 3741:1999
Under preparation (to be published). Revision of ISO 3744:1994
Under preparation (to be published). Revision of ISO 11201:1995.
© ISO 2008 – All rights reserved 1
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ISO 7779:1999/DAM 2.2
Add the following:
ISO 266, Acoustics — Preferred frequencies.
IEC 61672-1:2002, Electroacoustics - Sound level meters – Part 1: Specifications ECMA-74, Measurement of
airborne noise emitted by information technology and telecommunications equipment
Page 3: Clause 3 Terms and definitionsIn NOTE 2 of 3.1.5, delete “:1995”.
Insert new 3.1.13 as follows, and renumber the existing 3.1.13 to new 3.1.14:
hand-held equipment
functional unit, generally small and lightweight, intended to be supported by one’s hand(s) during operation
Replace 3.2.1 as follows:3.2.1
sound pressure
difference between instantaneous total pressure and static pressure
NOTE 1 Sound pressure is expressed in pascals.
NOTE 2 The symbol, p is often used without modification to represent a root-mean-square sound pressure.
Replace 3.2.2 as follows:3.2.2
time-averaged sound pressure level
ten-times the logarithm to the base 10 of the ratio of the time-average of the square of the sound pressure, p,
during a stated time interval of duration T (starting at t and ending at t ), to the square of a reference value, p
1 2 01 p ()t
L = 10lg dtdB
∫ 2
T 0
the reference value, p , is 20 µPa
NOTE Time averaged sound pressure levels are expressed in decibels.
Replace 3.2.3 as follows:
emission sound pressure level
sound pressure level measured at a specified position near a noise source, when the source is in operation
under specified operating and mounting conditions on a reflecting plane surface, but excluding the effects of
background noiseNOTE Clause 8 specifies the method for determination of emission sound pressure level.
2 © ISO 2008 – All rights reserved---------------------- Page: 5 ----------------------
ISO 7779:1999/DAM 2.2
In 3.2.4, replace NOTE 3 as follows:
NOTE 3 In general, the subscripts “eq” and “T” are omitted since time-averaged sound pressure levels are necessarily
determined over a certain measurement time interval.Replace the existing 3.2.9 as follows:
frequency range of interest
one-third-octave bands with centre frequencies specified in ISO 266, from 100 Hz to 10 000 Hz inclusive
NOTE For equipment which emits discrete tone(s) in the 16 kHz octave band, the procedures specified in ISO 9295
are used; see Table 4.Page 5: Clause 4 Conformance requirements
In item c), replace “measurement of emission sound pressure level” by “determination of emission sound
pressure level”.Page 6: 5.1.2
In the title of5.2.2.1, replace “reverberation rooms” by “reverberation test rooms”, and in the first paragraph,
replace “reverberation rooms” by “reverberation test room”Page 6:
In the second paragraph of, replace “the Note to 7.3.1” by “the NOTE of 7.3.1”.
Page 6: the second paragraph of, replace “the Note in 7.3.1” by “the NOTE of 7.3.1”.
Page 6: 5.1.3In the title of, replace “reverberation rooms” by “reverberation test rooms”.
In the first paragraph of, replace “reverberation room” by “reverberation test room”.
Page 6: 5.1.4In the first paragraph of 5.1.4, replace “reverberation room” by “reverberation test room”.
Page 6: 5.1.6Replace (correct) “Hand held equipment” by “Hand-held equipment”.
© ISO 2008 – All rights reserved 3
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ISO 7779:1999/DAM 2.2
Page 7: 5.1.7
Replace the existing 5.1.7 as follows:5.1.7 Sub-assemblies
A sub-assembly shall be supported above the reflecting plane by vibration-isolating elements.
0,25 m ± 0,03 mHowever, if a hemispherical measurement surface is used with a radius less than 1 m (see B.1) but at least
+0,003 m0,5 m, the sub-assembly support height shall be reduced to The supports shall not interfere with
0,125 m .- 0,005 m
the propagation of airborne sound.
Page 8: Clause 6
In the title of Clause 6, replace “reverberation rooms” by “reverberation test rooms”.
Page 8: 6.1In the first paragraph of 6.1, replace “a reverberation room” by “a reverberation test room”.
In the second paragraph of 6.1, replace “ISO 3741:1999, annex A” by “the relevant procedure specified in
ISO 3741”.Page 8: 6.2
In the title of Table 1, replace “reverberation room” by “reverberation test rooms”.
Page 9: 6.4In the second paragraph of 6.4.1, delete “(see IEC 60804)”.
In the title of Table 1, replace “reverberation room” by “reverberation test rooms”.
Replace the existing 6.4.2 as follows:6.4.2 The microphone and its associated cable
The instrument system, including the microphone and its associated cable shall meet the requirements of
ISO 3741. If the microphone is moved, care shall be exercised to avoid introducing acoustical or electrical
noise (e.g. from gears, flexing cables, or sliding contacts) that could interfere with the measurements.
Page 10: 6.4.6Replace the existing 6.4.6 as follows:
6.4.6 Calibration
During each series of measurements, a class 1 sound calibrator as specified in IEC 60942 shall be applied to
the microphone to verify the calibration of the entire measuring system at one or more frequencies over the
frequency range of interest. The compliance of the calibrator shall be verified with the requirements of
IEC 60942 once a year, and the compliance of the instrumentation system with the requirements of
IEC 61672-1 at least every 2-years in a laboratory making calibrations traceable to appropriate standards.
The reference sound source shall be fully calibrated every 2-years according to ISO 6926.
4 © ISO 2008 – All rights reserved---------------------- Page: 7 ----------------------
ISO 7779:1999/DAM 2.2
The reference sound source shall be checked annually in accordance with the procedure in ISO 6926 to
determine whether or not recalibration of the reference sound source is necessary prior to the 2-year
calibration period. If changes in any one-third-octave-band sound pressure level exceed values for
recalibration specified in ISO 6926, then the reference sound source shall be fully calibrated according to
ISO 6926 before further use.The date of the last verification of the compliance with the relevant IEC or ISO standards shall be recorded.
Page 10: 6.6Replace the existing 6.6.1 as follows:
6.6.1 General
The major cause of uncertainty in determining sound power level in a reverberation test room is the spatial
irregularity of the sound field. The extent of this irregularity and, hence, the effort required to determine the
average sound pressure level accurately is greater for discrete-frequency sound than for broad-band sound.
It is strongly recommended that the room be qualified for the measurement of discrete-frequency components
in accordance with the relevant procedures of ISO 3741. This avoids the need to determine the number of
microphone positions and equipment locations each time equipment is measured.If the room has not been qualified for the measurement of discrete-frequency components, the procedures
specified in ISO 3741 shall be used to determine the minimum number of microphone positions and to
evaluate the need for additional noise source locations prior to each measurement. The results of these
procedures depend on the presence or absence of significant discrete-frequency components or narrow
bands of noise in the sound emitted by the source. When these are present, the number of microphone
positions and equipment locations may be large.In the title of 6.6.2, replace (correct) “reference source” by “reference sound source”.
In 6.6.2, replace “ISO 3741:1999, clause 8,” by “ISO 3741”.In 6.6.3, replace “ISO 3741:1999, clause 8,” by “ISO 3741”.
Page 11: 6.7.3
At the end of 6.7.3, add the following NOTE.
NOTE When the levels of the background noise in the test room are extremely low and very controlled, the
environment may satisfy the absolute and/or relative criteria for background noise in accordance with ISO 3741. In such
cases, A-weighted level for low noise level sources may be calculated by omitting some bands according the procedure of
ISO 3741. Care should be taken to use the latest version of ISO 3741; Versions such as the third edition (1999-08-01),
and earlier, did not use the concept of absolute and relative criteria for background noise.
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ISO 7779:1999/DAM 2.2
Page 11: 6.8
In the second paragraph, replace “reverberant rooms” by “reverberation test rooms”.
Page 11: 6.10Replace the existing 6.10 (including Tables 2, 3 and 4) as follows:
6.10 Determination of sound power level
6.10.1 Calculation of band sound power levels
The sound power level, under reference meteorological conditions, of the equipment, in each one-third octave
band within the frequency range of interest (see 3.2.9) is obtained by using the comparison method of
ISO 3741.NOTE The procedures in ISO 3741 are used to determine the sound power level under reference meteorological
conditions (barometric pressure 1,01325 × 10 Pa, temperature 23,0 °C, relative humidity 50 %). Care should be taken to
use the latest version of ISO 3741; Versions such as the third edition (1999-08-01), and earlier versions, did not use the
concept of reference meteorological conditions.The sound power level in the k-th octave band, L in decibels, if needed, shall be based on one-third
Woct, koctave band data, and calculated from the following equation:
W 1/ 3, j
L = 10lg 10dB (1)
j=3k −2
k is an identification number of octave band within the frequency range of interest (see Table 2);
L is the sound power level in the j-th one-third-octave band, in decibels (see Table 3);
W1/3, jj is an identification number lying within the range of (3k – 2) and 3k, and which identifies the three
one-third-octave bands which make up the k-th octave band.6.10.2 Calculation of A-weighted sound power level
The A-weighted sound power level, L in decibels shall be based on the frequency range of interest, and
calculated from the following equation:max
0,1(L +A )
W 1/ 3, j j
L = 10lg 10dB (2)
j= j
L is the sound power level in the j-th one-third-octave band, in decibels;
W1/3, j
A is the A-weighting value corresponding to j-th one-third-octave band (see Table 3);
j is an identification number of one-third octave-band within the frequency range of interest (see
Table 3);6 © ISO 2008 – All rights reserved
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ISO 7779:1999/DAM 2.2
j , j are the values of j corresponding, respectively, to the lowest and highest frequency range of
min maxintest (Usually j =1 and j = 21 respectively, but, occasionally either or both may be
min maxchanged. See NOTE of 6.7.3.).
NOTE Equation (2), as well as Tables 2 and 3, is intended for common use for not only Clause 6, but also Clauses 7
and 8.Table 1 — Identification number k for octave bands
centre frequency
in Hz
1 125
2 250
3 500
4 1 000
5 2 000
6 4 000
7 8 000
Table 2 — Values of A-weighting, A, for one-third-octave bands
j A-weighting
centre frequency
in Hz in dB
1 100 – 19,1
2 125 – 16,1
3 160 – 13,4
4 200 – 10,9
5 250 – 8,6
6 315 – 6,6
7 400 – 4,8
8 500 – 3,2
9 630 – 1,9
10 800 – 0,8
11 1 000 0,0
12 1 250 0,6
13 1 600 1,0
14 2 000 1,2
15 2 500 1,3
16 3 150 1,2
17 4 000 1,0
18 5 000 0,5
19 6 300 – 0,1
20 8 000 – 1,1
21 10 000 – 2,5
© ISO 2008 – All rights reserved 7
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ISO 7779:1999/DAM 2.2
Some information technology and telecommunications equipment emits high-frequency noise in 16 kHz
octave band. Depending upon the nature of noise emissions, Table 4 shows how to handle each situation.
For the determination of A-weighted sound power levels from band levels, this International Standard does not
extend the frequency range of interest to include the 16 kHz octave band.For equipment which emits discrete tone(s) in the 16 kHz octave band, each frequency and level of the
tone(s) that is (are) within 10 dB of the highest tone level in the band shall be determined according to the
procedures specified in ISO 9295, (see Table 4). The derived levels are not frequency-weighted.
CAUTION In any case, for determining A-weighted level, 16 kHz octave-band contribution is not included.
Table 3 — Type of noise and determination of sound power levelsType of noise in the frequency range of the octave
bands centred at
Sound power level to be determined
125 Hz to 8 kHz 16 kHz
No significant noise A-weighted level (125 Hz to 8 kHz octave bands) according to
this International Standard.Broad-band or narrow-band
Broad-band noise A-weighted level (125 Hz to 8 kHz octave bands) according to
this International Standard, and one-third-octave-band levels
in 16 kHz octave band according to the procedure of
ISO 9295.
Discrete tone A-weighted level (125 Hz to 8 kHz octave bands) according to
this International Standard and the level and frequency of the
discrete tone according to ISO 9295.
Broad-band or narrow-band
Multiple tones A-weighted level (125 Hz to 8 kHz octave bands) according to
this International Standard and the levels and frequencies of
all tones in the 16 kHz octave band that are within 10 dB of the
highest tone level in the band according to ISO 9295.
Discrete tone Level and frequency of the discrete tone in the 16 kHz octave
band according to ISO 9295.
No significant noise
Multiple tones Levels and frequencies of all tones in the 16 kHz octave band
that are within 10 dB of the highest tone level in the band
according to ISO 9295.
† For noise in 125 Hz to 8 kHz octave bands, sound power level in one-third-octave bands and in octave bands
may also be reported.†† When there is no significant noise contribution from 125 Hz to 8 000 Hz octave band, it is out of scope of this
International Standard, only ISO 9295 is applicable.Page 14: 7.3.1
At the end of the first paragraph of 7.3.1, add the following sentence:
However, for the purpose of this International Standard, the environmental correction, K in accordance with
ISO 3744 or ISO 3745, as applicable, shall be equal to or less than 2 dB.Page 14: 7.3.2
8 © ISO 2008 – All rights reserved
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ISO 7779:1999/DAM 2.2
Delete “or 3745”.
Page 14: 7.4
Replace the existing 7.4 as follows:
7.4 Instrumentation
7.4.1 General
The requirements of 7.4, as well as the instrumentation requirements of ISO 3744 or ISO 3745, shall be
followed.Digital integration is the preferred method of averaging.
7.4.2 The microphone and its associated cable
The instrument system, including the microphone and its associated cable shall meet the requirements of
ISO 3744 or ISO 3745 as applicable. If the microphone is moved, care shall be exercised to avoid introducing
acoustical or electrical noise (e.g. from wind, gears, flexing cables or sliding contacts) that could interfere with
the measurements.7.4.3 Frequency response of the instrumentation system
The requirements of ISO 3744 or ISO 3745, as applicable, shall be followed.
7.4.4 Reference sound source
The reference sound source shall meet the requirements specified in ISO 6926 over the frequency range of
interest.7.4.5 Filter characteristics
The requirements of a class 1 instrument specified in IEC 61260 shall be followed.
7.4.6 CalibrationDuring each series of measurements, a class 1 sound calibrator as specified in IEC 60942 shall be applied to
the microphone to verify the calibration of the entire measuring system at one or more frequencies over the
frequency range of interest. The compliance of the calibrator shall be verified with the requirements of
IEC 60942 once a year, and the compliance of the instrumentation system with the requirements of
IEC 61672-1 at least every 2-years in a laboratory making calibrations traceable to appropriate standards.
The reference sound source, if used for determining environmental correction K , shall be fully calibrated
every 2-years according to ISO 6926.The reference sound source shall be checked annually in accordance with ISO 6926 to determine whether or
not recalibration of the reference sound source is necessary prior to the 2-year calibration period. If changes
in any one-third-octave band space/time averaged sound pressure level exceed the limits specified in
ISO 6926, then the reference sound source shall be fully calibrated according to ISO 6926 before further use.
The date of the last verification of the compliance with the relevant IEC or ISO standards shall be recorded.
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ISO 7779:1999/DAM 2.2
Page 15: 7.6
In 7.6.1, replace the first and second paragraphs (including the first NOTE) as follows:
Except as specified in Annex B, the requirements of ISO 3744 or ISO 3745 shall be followed as applicable.
For most information technology and telecommunications equipment, the preferred measurement surface is
hemispherical, and as described in Annex B.1, ISO 3745, and those in ISO 3744 with a minimum of five
heights. However, for equipment with tall aspect ratios, such as equipment racks, frames, or cabinets, the
cylindrical measurement surface specified in B.2 may be preferred. For sources which have a relatively large
foot print, the parallelepiped measurement surface may be more practical. The conditions of Clause 5 above
shall however be followed. The number and location of the microphone positions shall be as specified in
ISO 3744 or ISO 3745, as applicable, except as specified in Annex B.In some cases, for example when small equipment emits very low level noise, it may be helpful to use a
hemispherical measurement surface with a smaller radius. For such situations, B.1 defines measurement
conditions with a hemisphere radius less than 1 m, but at least 0,5 m.In the third paragraph of 7.6.1, insert “, or “reference box”, after “This reference surface”.
In the second NOTE of 7.6.1, replace “annex B of ISO 3744:1994” by “ISO 3744”.In the fourth paragraph of 7.6.1 (the last paragraph), replace the second sentence as follows:
“For most practical cases the microphone should be pointed to the origin of the coordinate system.”
In the second paragraph of 7.6.2, replace the first sentence as follows:“When the equipment emits prominent discrete tones, microphone positions given in Annex B.1, ISO 3745 or
ISO 3744 and provided that at least 5 different microphone heights shall be used for hemispherical surfaces.”
Page 16: 7.7.1In the second paragraph, insert “one-third-octave-” before “band sound pressure levels” (twice).
Page 16: 7.7.2Delete the existing third and fourth paragraphs.
Page 16: 7.7.3
As new sub-clause, insert 7.7.3 as follows:
7.7.3 Corrections for background noise
The requirements of ISO 3744 shall be followed, as applicable.
NOTE When the levels of the background noise in the test room are extremely low and very controlled, the
environment may satisfy the absolute and/or relative criteria for background noise in accordance with ISO 3744. In such
cases, A-weighted level for low noise level sources may be calculated by omitting some bands according the procedure of
ISO 3744. Care should be taken to use the latest version of ISO 3744; Versions such as the second edition (1994-12-15),
and earlier version, did not use the concept of absolute and relative criteria for background noise.
10 © ISO 2008 – All rights reserved---------------------- Page: 13 ----------------------
ISO 7779:1999/DAM 2.2
Page 16: 7.8
Replace the existing 7.8 as follows:
7.8 Calculation of surface sound pressure level
Calculation of surface sound pressure level over the measurement surface shall be according to the relevant
procedure of ISO 3744. This includes corrections for background noise, K and test environment, K . For
1 2hemi-anechoic rooms meeting the qualification requirements of ISO 3745, no K correction is applied.
Page 16: 7.9As new sub-clause, insert 7.9 as follows:
7.9 Determination of sound power levels
7.9.1 Calculation of band sound power levels
When band data is required, the sound power level, under reference meteorological conditions, of the
equipment in each one-third-octave band within the frequency range of interest shall be based on the surface
sound pressure level and determined according the procedure of ISO 3744.NOTE The procedures in ISO 3744 are used to determine the sound power level under reference meteorological
conditions (barometric pressure 1,01325 × 10 Pa, temperature 23,0 °C, relative humidity 50 %). Care should be taken to
use the latest version of ISO 3744; Versions such as the second edition (1994-05-01), and earlier version, did not use the
concept of reference meteorological conditions.The sound power level in the k-th octave band, L in decibels, if needed, shall be based on one-
Woct, kthird-octave-band data L , and calculated from Equation (1).
W1/3, j
7.9.2 Calculation of A-weighted sound power level
For the p
ISO/TC 43/SC 1 Secretariat: DS
Voting begins on: Voting terminates on:
2006-03-09 2006-08-09
Acoustics — Measurement of airborne noise emitted byinformation technology and telecommunications equipment
AMENDMENT 2: Revision of measurement surfaces, procedures for
equipment installation/operation and identification of prominent
discrete tones
Acoustique — Mesurage du bruit aérien émis par les équipements liés aux technologies de l'information et aux
télécommunicationsAMENDEMENT 2: Révision des surfaces de mesurage, de l'installation/fonctionnement de l'équipement et de
l'identification des composantes tonales émergentesICS 17.140.20; 35.020
The CEN Secretary-General has advised the ISO Secretary-General that this ISO/DIS covers a subject
of interest to European standardization. In accordance with the ISO-lead mode of collaboration as
defined in the Vienna Agreement, consultation on this ISO/DIS has the same effect for CEN
members as would a CEN enquiry on a draft European Standard. Should this draft be accepted, a
final draft, established on the basis of comments received, will be submitted to a parallel two-month FDIS
vote in ISO and formal vote in CEN.In accordance with the provisions of Council Resolution 15/1993 this document is circulated in
the English language only.Conformément aux dispositions de la Résolution du Conseil 15/1993, ce document est distribué
en version anglaise seulement.To expedite distribution, this document is circulated as received from the committee secretariat.
ISO Central Secretariat work of editing and text composition will be undertaken at publication
stage.Pour accélérer la distribution, le présent document est distribué tel qu'il est parvenu du
secrétariat du comité. Le travail de rédaction et de composition de texte sera effectué au
WHICH REFERENCE MAY BE MADE IN NATIONAL REGULATIONS.© International Organization for Standardization, 2006
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ISO 7779:1999/DAmd 2
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ISO 7779:1999/DAM 2
ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards bodies
(ISO member bodies). The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out through ISO
technical committees. Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical committee has been
established has the right to be represented on that committee. International organizations, governmental and
non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work. ISO collaborates closely with the
International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all matters of electrotechnical standardization.
International Standards are drafted in accordance with the rules given in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2.
The main task of technical committees is to prepare International Standards. Draft International Standards
adopted by the technical committees are circulated to the member bodies for voting. Publication as an
International Standard requires approval by at least 75 % of the member bodies casting a vote.
Amendment 2 to ISO 7779:1999 was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 43, Acoustics, Subcommittee
SC 1, Noise.© ISO 2006 – All rights reserved iii
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Acoustics — Measurement of airborne noise emitted by
information technology and telecommunications equipment
AMENDMENT 2: Revision of measurement surfaces, procedures for
equipment installation/operation and identification of prominent
discrete tones
Page 2: Normative references
Replace ISO 3745:1977 by:
ISO 3745:2003, Acoustics — Determination of sound power levels of noise sources using sound pressure —
Precision methods for anechoic and hemi-anechoic roomsDelete the following:
ISO 10302:1996, Acoustics — Methods for the measurement of airborne noise emitted by small air-moving
devicesAdd the following:
ISO 389-7:2005, Acoustics — Reference zero for the calibration of audiometric equipment — Part 7:
Reference threshold of hearing under free-field and diffuse-field listening conditions
IEC 61672-1:2002, Electroacoustics - Sound level meters – Part 1: SpecificationsECMA-74:2005, Measurement of airborne noise emitted by information technology and telecommunications
equipmentPage 7: 5.1.7
Replace the existing 5.1.7 as follows:
5.1.7 Sub-assemblies
A sub-assembly shall be supported above the reflecting plane by vibration-isolating elements.
0,25 m ± 0,03 mIf a hemispherical measurement surface is used with any radius less than 1 m but at least 0,5 m, the sub-
+0,003massembly test height shall be reduced to . The supports shall not interfere with the propagation of
airborne sound.
© ISO 2006 – All rights reserved 1
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ISO 7779:1999/DAM 2
Page 15: 7.6.1
Replace the first paragraph of the existing 7.6.1 and the following NOTES, as follows:
7.6.1 GeneralExcept as specified in Annex B, the requirements of ISO 3744:1994 or ISO 3745:2003 shall be followed as
applicable. For information technology and telecommunications equipment, the preferred measurement
surfaces are hemispherical and are described in Annex B of ISO 3744:1994. The conditions of Clause 5
above shall however be followed. The number and location of the microphone positions shall be as specified
in Annexes B or C of ISO 3744:1994, or in Annexes D, E, F or G of ISO 3745:2003, as applicable, except as
specified in Annex B of this International Standard.NOTE 1 In some cases, for example when small equipment emits relatively low sound power levels, it may be helpful
to use a smaller hemispherical surface with a radius of at least 0,5 m. To minimize near field effects, the 0,5 m radius
would have a corresponding lower frequency limit of approximately 172 Hz.NOTE 2 B.2 defines a cylindrical measurement surface as an alternative to the parallelepiped surface in
ISO 3744:1994.2 © ISO 2006 – All rights reserved
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ISO 7779:1999/DAM 2
Page 29: Annex B
Replace the existing Annex B as follows:
Annex B
Measurement surfaces
B.1 Hemispherical surface
Refer to ISO 3744 for the requirements for microphone locations and geometry of the hemispherical
measurement surface and microphone array, supplemented by the following recommendations:
a) When using fixed microphone positions, it is recommended that the microphone positions given in
ISO 3744 for sources emitting discrete tones be used for all sources. The coordinates for this array are
reproduced below in Table B.1.b) When using the coaxial circular paths arrangement specified in ISO 3744, it is recommended that a
minimum of 10 heights be used.Other acceptable alternatives are described in Annexes D, E, F, and G of ISO 3745:2003.
Table B.1 — Co-ordinates of microphone positions for equipment emitting discrete tones
Position x/r y/r z/r1 0,16 - 0,96 0,22
2 0,78 - 0,60 0,20
3 0,78 0,55 0,31
4 0,16 0,90 0,41
5 - 0,83 0,32 0,45
6 - 0,83 - 0,40 0,38
7 - 0,26 - 0,65 0,71
8 0,74 - 0,07 0,67
9 - 0,26 0,50 0,83
10 0,10 - 0,10 0,99
For small equipment, a hemispherical surface with a radius of at least 0,5 m may be used. To minimize the
near field effects, the 0,5 m radius would have a corresponding lower frequency limit of approximately 172 Hz
(based on a requirement of one quarter of the wavelength of sound at the lowest frequency of interest).
Additional information is given in references [12], [13] and [14].© ISO 2006 – All rights reserved 3
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ISO 7779:1999/DAM 2
B.2 Cylindrical surface
B.2.1 General
Figure B.1 illustrates the cylindrical measurement surface, having microphones located along the side and top
of the cylinder. The cylinder shall be centred around the reference box with the centre of the cylinder’s base
corresponding to the centre of the reference box base. The dimensions of the reference box, l , l , and l , and
1 2 3the reference distances to the cylinder, d , d , and d are as shown. For the purposes of this annex, the
1 2 3dimensional labels shall be assigned so that l ≥ l . All dimensions are in metres.
1 2NOTE The cylindrical measurement surface stated here or similar one will also be a part of forthcoming version of
ISO 3744.B.2.2 Selection of size of cylindrical surface
The microphone positions lie on the measurement surface, a hypothetical cylindrical surface enveloping the
source and having a total area S equal to the sum of the area of the top circular surface, Stop, and the area of
the side vertical surface, S . The radius of the cylinder is R = l /2 + d = l /2 + d and the height of the
side 1 1 2 2cylinder is H = l + d The area of the top surface of the cylinder is S = πR and the area of the vertical side
3 3. topsurface is S = 2πRH. Due to the fact that the microphones are associated with unequal sub-areas, both d
side 3and d1 may be selected arbitrarily based on the size of the machine under test or other considerations. It is
recommended that both of these be set to the same value, preferably 1 m, but neither shall be less than 0,5 m.
Furthermore, none of the distances d , d , or d shall be greater than 1,5 times either of the others (e.g., this
1 2 3condition will be met for d and d provided d ≥ l – l ). With d and d selected, H and R are defined and d
1 2 1 1 2 3 1 2defaults to d = R – l /2.
2 2
B.2.3 Selection of microphone positions on the cylindrical surface
The microphones on the cylindrical measurement surface are associated with unequal sub-areas, as
described below. It is strongly recommended that continuous paths (circular traverses) be used for the
microphones. However, if fixed microphone positions are used to sample over the circular traverses, at least
12 equally-spaced angular positions (i.e., at 30-degree spacing or less) shall be used. The traverses may be
implemented by either rotating the microphones keeping the source stationary, or rotating the source keeping
the microphones stationary.The following requirements govern the number of side microphones, N , and the number of top microphones,
sideN , and the associated sub-areas: (1) N ≥ H/0,5 (to achieve adequate vertical sampling by limiting spacing
top sideto ½-metre or less); (2) as a minimum, N ≥ 4 (for relatively short sources); and (3) N ≥ N /2.
side top sideThe vertical side microphones are associated with equal sub-areas and positioned such that the i-th
microphone is h = (I – 1/2)H/N from the floor. The sound pressure level averaged over the side surface is:
i sideside
L = 10lg 10
p,side ∑ dB (B.1)
The top microphones are associated with unequal sub-areas, S , and are spaced equally along the radius of
the top surface. The radius of the j-th sub-area is R = jR/N , and the position of each top microphone is r = R
j top j j-+ (R – R )/2 for j > 1, and r = R /2. The sound pressure level averaged over the top surface is:
1 j j-1 1 1top
p, j
L =10lg S 10 dB (B.2)
p,top ∑ j
4 © ISO 2006 – All rights reserved
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ISO 7779:1999/DAM 2
2 2
where for j > 1, and S =πR .
S = π (R − R )
j j j−1 1 1
Figure B.2 illustrates an example of the cylindrical microphone array for 5 vertical side microphones
and 4 top microphones.B.2.4 Calculation of the average sound pressure level over the cylindrical surface
The sound pressure level averaged over the cylindrical measurement surface is given by:
0,1LL0,1pp,top ,side
LS=+10lg 10 S 10
dB (B.3)
p top side
where S = S + S and and are given above.
top side L L
p,top p,side
NOTE The quantity L in Equation (B.3) corresponds to either or in 8.1 of ISO 3744:1944, depending on
L p L pwhether the measurement is of the source or of the background noise, respectively.
Additional details about the cylindrical surface can be found in references [15], [16] and [17] in the
Bibliography.© ISO 2006 – All rights reserved 5
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ISO 7779:1999/DAM 2
Figure B.1 — Illustration of the cylindrical measurement surface and cylindrical microphone array.
Shown are the side and top circular microphone traverses for a configuration of 6 side microphones
and 3 top microphones.6 © ISO 2006 – All rights reserved
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ISO 7779:1999/DAM 2
Example for N = 5, N = 4
side top
Figure B.2 — Cylindrical measurement surface and microphone array showing an arrangement using
5 side microphones and 4 top microphones© ISO 2006 – All rights reserved 7
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ISO 7779:1999/DAM 2
Page 30: Annex C
Replace the existing Annex C as follows:
Annex C
Installation and operating conditions for specific equipment categories
This annex specifies installation and operating conditions for many specific categories of equipment by
reference to Annex C of ECMA-74:2005, which gives details of acoustic noise emission measurement.
During testing of such equipment, the conditions shall be satisfied in order to comply with this International
Standard. When possible, the conditions specified in the annex referred are considered to be typical of
average end use. They are specified with a view to facilitate the operation of the equipment and to enhance
the reliability of the acoustical measurements.For the purposes of compliance to this International Standard, all the requirements stated in Annex C of
ECMA-74:2005 are also mandatory. However, references to ECMA-108[10] and ECMA-109[11] in the annex
shall be replaced by those to ISO 9295 and ISO 9296 respectively.For categories of equipment not covered in the annex, the actual test conditions used shall be described and
justified in the test report.8 © ISO 2006 – All rights reserved
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ISO 7779:1999/DAM 2
Page 55: Annex D
Replace the existing Annex D as follows:
Annex D
Identification and evaluation of prominent discrete tones
D.1 Scope
This annex describes two procedures for determining whether or not noise emissions contain prominent
discrete tones: the tone-to-noise ratio method and the prominence ratio method.Discrete tones occurring at any frequency within the one-third octave bands having centre frequencies from
100 Hz to 10 000 Hz may be evaluated by the procedures in this annex (i.e., tones between 89,1 Hz and 11
220 Hz inclusive).For test environment, all requirements of 8.3 shall be satisfied. For the purpose of this annex, however, no
correction for background noise, K as well as that for test environment, K shall be applied.
1 2NOTE 1 Since some ITTE products emit discrete tones in the 16 KHz octave band, the tone-to-noise ratio or the
prominence ratio may be computed for these tones according to the procedures in this annex in an attempt to quantify
their relative levels. However, the prominence criteria in either D.7.5 or D.8.6 can not be applied, since there is no
supporting psychoacoustical data on such high-frequency tones.Declaration of product noise emissions in accordance with ISO 9296 offers the option of stating whether or not
there are prominent discrete tones in the noise emissions of a product, as determined by this annex. Other
standards, or other test codes relating to products besides information technology and telecommunications
equipment, may also refer to this annex for the declaration of prominent tones. For the purposes of such
declarations, either the tone-to-noise ratio method or the prominence ratio method may be used, unless
otherwise specified in the standard or test code.NOTE 2 The tone-to-noise ratio method may prove to be more accurate for multiple tones in adjacent critical bands, for
example when strong harmonics exist. The prominence ratio method may be more effective for multiple tones within the
same critical band, and is more readily automated to handle such cases.D.2 Psychoacoustical background
A discrete tone which occurs together with broadband noise is partially masked by that part of the noise
contained in a relatively narrow frequency band, called the critical band, that is centred at the frequency of the
tone. Noise at frequencies outside the critical band does not contribute significantly to the masking effect. The
width of a critical band is analytically expressed as a function of frequency (see D.6) In general, a tone is just
audible in the presence of noise when the sound pressure level of the tone is roughly 2 dB to 6 dB, depending
on frequency, below the sound pressure level of the masking noise contained in the critical band centred
around the tone. This is sometimes referred to as the threshold of detectability. For the purposes of this annex,
a discrete tone is classified as prominent when using the tone-to-noise ratio method if the sound pressure
level of the tone exceeds the sound pressure level of the masking noise in the critical band by 8 dB for tone
frequencies of 1 000 Hz and higher, and by a greater amount for tones at lower frequencies. This corresponds,
in general, to a tone being prominent when it is more than 10 dB to 14 dB above the threshold of detectability.
When using the prominence ratio method, a tone is classified as prominent if the difference between the level
of the critical band centred on the tone and the average level of the adjacent critical bands is equal to or
greater than 9 dB for tone frequencies of 1 000 Hz and higher, and by a greater amount for tones at lower
frequencies. Reference [18] provides the basis for these values.© ISO 2006 – All rights reserved 9
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ISO 7779:1999/DAM 2
D.3 Microphone position
If the equipment has an operator position, the measurements shall be performed at the operator position. If
there is more than one operator position, the measurements described below shall be performed at the
operator position with the highest A-weighted sound pressure level.If the equipment has no operator position, the measurements shall be performed at the bystander position
with the highest A-weighted sound pressure level and at all other bystander positions having A-weighted
sound pressure levels within 0,5 dB of it to determine the tone-to-noise ratios or prominence ratios.
When the methods of this annex are to be applied to sub-assemblies, the sub-assembly shall be installed as
in either 5.1.7 or 8.5 and the measurements shall be performed at the bystander position with the highest A-
weighted sound pressure level and at all other bystander positions having A-weighted sound pressure levels
within 0,5 dB of this one.D.4 Instrumentation
A digital Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) analyzer capable of measuring the power spectral density of the
microphone signal shall be used for the measurements of this annex.The analyzer must have rms averaging (linear averaging, rather than exponential averaging) capabilities, a
Hanning time window function, an upper frequency limit high enough to allow computing the quantities
required herein for the particular tone under investigation, and a frequency bandwidth resolution less than one
percent of the frequency of the tone.The microphone output signal fed to an FFT analyzer shall meet the requirements for class 1 sound level
meters stated in IEC 61672-1. Because the procedures of this annex include the option of working directly in
terms of sound pressure levels, the FFT analyzer (or, alternatively, the software used for post-processing of
the FFT data) should allow calibration directly in terms of sound pressure levels in decibels (reference 20 µPa).
No frequency weighting function (e.g., A-weighting) shall be applied to the analyzer input signal.
The FFT analysis shall use a sufficient number of averages to provide an analysis time satisfying 8.7.2.
D.5 Audibility requirementDiscrete tones should only be classified as prominent if they are, in fact, audible. Therefore, an initial aural
examination of the noise emitted from the equipment under test shall be made at the specified microphone
position, with the following cases applied.1) If one or more discrete tones are audible, then the measurement procedures of this annex for either
the tone-to-noise ratio or prominence ratio, or both, shall be carried out for each audible tone. If the
criterion for prominence in either D.7.5 or D.8.6 is met for a particular tone, the tone is classified as
prominent;2) If no tones are audible, the procedures of this annex need not be carried out and a statement such
as "no audible discrete tones" or "no prominent discrete tones" may be included in the report;
3) If there is doubt as to whether or not audible tones are present (e.g., if the test engineer is not a
trained or experienced listener), then other, more objective evidence should be sought. It is
recommended that a preliminary FFT or other narrow-band spectrum be taken of the noise. If the
spectrum indicates that audible tones may be present (i.e., if it shows one or more sharp spikes),
then the following audibility test should be performed for each potential tone. A sinusoidal signal
corresponding to the frequency of the tone in question should be generated and listened to, and
compared to the noise from the product, noting whether or not a tone at the same frequency is
audible in the product noise emissions. If it is not, then the procedures of this annex need not be
carried out for the tone; it is not audible and would not be classified as "prominent". If the tone is
audible, it is treated as in case 1 above.10 © ISO 2006 – All rights reserved
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ISO 7779:1999/DAM 2
D.6 Critical bandwidths
The width of the critical band ∆f , centred at any frequency f , can be calculated from the following equation
c 0[12]:
2 0,69
∆f = 25,0 Hz + 75,0×[1,0 +1,4×( f /(1000 Hz)) ] (D.1)
c 0
(for example, ∆f = 162,2 Hz for f = 1 000 Hz and ∆f = 117,3 Hz for f = 500 Hz).
c 0 c 0
For the purposes of this annex, the critical band is modelled as an ideal rectangular filter with centre frequency
f , lower band-edge frequency f , and upper band-edge frequency f , where0 1 2
f−=ff∆ . (D.2)
21 c
For f ≤ 500 Hz, the critical band approximates a constant-bandwidth filter, and the band-edge frequencies
are computed as follows:f = f −∆f / 2 (D.3)
1 0 c
f=+ff∆ /2
20 c
For f > 500 Hz, the critical band approximates a constant-percentage bandwidth filter, where
f = f × f0 1 2
and the band-edge frequencies are computed from Equations (D.2) and (D.5) as follows:
2 2()∆f + 4 f
c 0
f = − +
2 2
f=+ff∆ (D.7)
21 c
NOTE Although Equation (D.1) for the width of the critical band is well-known and widely used, equations for
the corresponding band-edge frequencies have not formally been derived. Given the behaviour of the critical band
below and above 500 Hz, however, the assignment of the band-edge frequencies according to the above
equations seems to be logical. That is, for constant-bandwidth filters, the lower and upper band-edge frequencies
are arithmetically related to the centre frequency, whereas for constant-percentage bandwidth filters, they are
geometrically related.D.7 Tone-to-noise ration method
D.7.1 Measurement using FFT analyzer
The operating procedures for the FFT analyzer shall be followed to acquire the power spectral density (or
sound pressure level) of the signal at the measurement position, for the same mode(s) of operation and
measurement conditions as used for the measurements in 8.7, employing the Hanning time window and rms
averaging (linear averaging). No frequency weighting, such as A-weighting, shall be applied to the signal fed
to the FFT analyzer. The FFT analysis shall use a sufficient number of averages to provide an analysis time
satisfying 8.7.2. Zoom analysis should be used with the centre frequency of the zoom band corresponding,
© ISO 2006 – All rights reserved 11---------------------- Page: 14 ----------------------
ISO 7779:1999/DAM 2
approximately, to the frequency of the discrete tone, and the width of the zoom band at least equal to, and
preferably slightly greater than, the width of the critical band.NOTE The power spectral density of a signal is usually calculated and displayed as a mean-square value of some
quantity as a function of frequency (e.g., a mean-square voltage per hertz (V /Hz) or a mean-square sound pressure per
hertz (Pa /Hz), versus frequency). For the purposes of determining the tone-to-noise ratio, ∆L , the units of the measured
power spectral density are not important, and absolute calibration of the analyzer to some reference quantity (such as 1 V
or 20 µPa) is unnecessary. However, calibration of the instrument in units of pascals-squared per hertz will enable sound
pressure level quantities to be readily obtained. The procedures in this annex assume this calibration and the text is
written in terms of the "mean-square sound pressure", but to indicate that any quantity may be used, the symbol has been
chosen as "X".D.7.2 Determination of tone level
The mean-square sound pressure of the tone, X , (or the tone sound pressure level, L ) is determined from the
t tFFT spectrum measured above by computing the mean-square sound pressure in the narrow band that
"defines" the tone. The width of this frequency band, ∆f , in hertz, is equal to the number of discrete data
points ("the number of lines") included in the band, times the resolution bandwidth ("line spacing"). If the width
of the frequency band selected for the purpose of computing X or L is greater than 15% of the width of the
t tcritical band centred at the frequency of the tone, the FFT analysis should be repeated with a smaller
resolution bandwidth. If the tone bandwidth remains greater than 15% of the critical band through repeated
FFT analyses with smaller resolution bandwidths, it may indicate that the tone is not steady in frequency, or
some other phenomenon. In this case, the following procedure may proceed with the tone bandwidth greater
than 15% of the critical band.For the determination of the mean-square sound pressure of the tone (or tone sound pressure level) for
multiple tones in a single critical band see D.7.6.NOTE Care should be taken when selecting the bandwidth ∆f to delineate the discrete tone, especially when
automated procedures are being used. If the band is too narrow, the mean-square sound pressure of the tone (or the tone
sound pressure level) will be underestimated and the mean-square sound pressure of the noise (see D.7.3) will be
overestimated. If the band is too wide, masking noise or secondary tones may be erroneously included with the tone
computations and omitted from the noise computation.D.7.3 Determina
ISO/TC 43/SC 1 Secrétariat: DS
Début de vote: Vote clos le:
2006-03-09 2006-08-09
Acoustique — Mesurage du bruit aérien émis par leséquipements liés aux technologies de l'information et aux
AMENDEMENT 2: Révision des surfaces de mesurage, des modes
opératoires d'installation/fonctionnement des équipements et de
l'identification des composantes tonales discrètes émergentes
Acoustics — Measurement of airborne noise emitted by information technology and telecommunications
equipmentAMENDMENT 2: Revision of measurement surfaces, procedures for equipment installation/operation and
identification of prominent discrete tonesICS 17.140.20; 35.020
Le Secrétaire général du CEN a informé le Secrétaire général de l'ISO que le présent ISO/DIS couvre un
sujet présentant un intérêt pour la normalisation européenne. Conformément au mode de
collaboration sous la direction de l'ISO, tel que défini dans l'Accord de Vienne, une consultation
sur cet ISO/DIS a la même portée pour les membres du CEN qu'une enquête au sein du CEN sur
un projet de Norme européenne. En cas d'acceptation de ce projet, un projet final, établi sur la base
des observations reçues, sera soumis en parallèle à un vote de deux mois sur le FDIS au sein de l'ISO et
à un vote formel au sein du CEN.La présente version française de ce document correspond à la version anglaise qui a été
distribuée précédemment, conformément aux dispositions de la Résolution du Conseil 15/1993.
Pour accélérer la distribution, le présent document est distribué tel qu'il est parvenu du
secrétariat du comité. Le travail de rédaction et de composition de texte sera effectué au
Secrétariat central de l'ISO au stade de publication.To expedite distribution, this document is circulated as received from the committee secretariat.
ISO Central Secretariat work of editing and text composition will be undertaken at publication
RÉGLEMENTATION NATIONALE.© Organisation internationale de normalisation, 2006
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ISO 7779:1999/DAmd 2
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ISO 7779:1999/DAM 2
L'ISO (Organisation internationale de normalisation) est une fédération mondiale d'organismes nationaux de
normalisation (comités membres de l'ISO). L'élaboration des Normes internationales est en général confiée
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Partie 2.La tâche principale des comités techniques est d'élaborer les Normes internationales. Les projets de Normes
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publication comme Normes internationales requiert l'approbation de 75 % au moins des comités membres
votants.L'Amendement 2 à l'ISO 7779:1999 a été élaboré par le comité technique ISO/TC 43, Acoustique,
sous-comité SC 1, et par le comité technique CEN/TC 211, Acoustique en collaboration.
© ISO 2006 – Tous droits réservés iii---------------------- Page: 3 ----------------------
Acoustique — Mesurage du bruit aérien émis par les
équipements liés aux technologies de l'information et aux
AMENDEMENT 2: Révision des surfaces de mesurage, des modes
opératoires d'installation/fonctionnement des équipements et de
l'identification des composantes tonales discrètes émergentes
1 Domaine d'application
Page 2 : Références normatives
Remplacer ISO 3745:1977 par :
ISO 3745:2003, Acoustique — Détermination des niveaux de puissance acoustique émis par les sources de
bruit — Méthodes de laboratoire pour les salles anéchoïque et semi-anéchoïque.Supprimer ce qui suit :
ISO 10302:1996, Acoustique — Méthode de mesurage du bruit aérien émis par les petits équipements de
ventilation.Ajouter ce qui suit :
ISO 389-7:2005, Acoustique — Zéro de référence pour l'étalonnage d'équipements audiométriques —
Partie 7 : Niveau liminaire de référence dans des conditions d'écoute en champ libre et en champ diffus
CEI 61672-1:2002, Electroacoustique — Sonomètres — Partie 1 : SpécificationsECMA-74:2005, Measurement of airborne noise emitted by information technology and telecommunications
equipmentPage 7: 5.1.7
Remplacer le paragraphe 5.1.7 existant par ce qui suit :
5.1.7 Sous-ensembles
Un sous-ensemble doit être soutenu à 0,25 ± 0,03 m au-dessus du plan réfléchissant par des éléments isolant
des vibrations. Si la surface de mesurage hémisphérique utilisée a un rayon inférieur à 1 m mais d’au moins
+0,03 m0,5 m, la hauteur d’essai du sous-ensemble doit être réduite à 0,125 m . Les supports ne doivent pas
−0,05 minterférer dans la propagation du bruit aérien.
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ISO 7779:1999/DAM 2
Page 15: 7.6.1
Remplacer le premier alinéa du paragraphe 7.6.1 existant et les Notes qui suivent par ce qui suit :
7.6.1 GénéralitésSauf cas spécifiés à l’Annexe B, les prescriptions de l’ISO 3744:1994 ou de l’ISO 3745:2003 doivent être
respectées. Pour les équipements liés aux technologies de l’information et des télécommunications, les
surfaces de mesurage privilégiées sont hémisphériques et sont décrites dans l’Annexe B de l’ISO 3744:1994.
Les conditions de l’article 5 ci-dessus doivent toutefois être respectées. Le nombre et l’emplacement des
positions microphoniques doivent, dans la mesure du possible et sauf cas spécifiés dans l’annexe B de la
présente Norme internationale, être tels que spécifiés dans les Annexes B ou C de l’ISO 3744:1994, ou dans
les Annexes D, E, F ou G de l’ISO 3745:2003.NOTE 1 Dans certains cas, par exemple lorsque de petits équipements émettent des bruits de niveau acoustique
relativement faible, il peut être utile d’utiliser une surface hémisphérique plus petite ayant un rayon d’au moins 0,5 m. Pour
réduire le plus possible les effets de champ proche, ce rayon de 0,5 m doit correspondre à une limite de fréquence
inférieure d’environ 172 Hz.NOTE 2 B.2 définit une surface de mesurage cylindrique en variante de la surface parallélépipédique de
l’ISO 3744:1994.2 © ISO 2006 – Tous droits réservés
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ISO 7779:1999/DAM 2
Page 29: Annexe B
Remplacer l’Annexe B existante par ce qui suit :
Annexe B
Surfaces de mesurage
B.1 Surface hémisphérique
Se référer à l’ISO 3744 pour les exigences relatives aux emplacements de microphones et à la géométrie de
la surface de mesurage hémisphérique et des répartitions de microphones et observer également les
recommandations suivantes :a) En cas de positions fixes, il est recommandé d’utiliser, pour toutes les sources, les positions
microphoniques indiquées dans l’ISO 3744 pour les sources émettant des composantes tonales
discrètes. Les coordonnées de cet arrangement sont reproduites ci-dessous dans le Tableau B.1.
b) Avec les trajectoires microphoniques circulaire coaxiales spécifiées dans l’ISO 3744, il est recommandé
d’utiliser un minimum de dix hauteurs.D’autres variantes acceptables sont décrites dans les Annexes D, E, F, et G de l’ISO 3745:2003.
Tableau B.1 — Coordonnées des positions microphoniques pour les équipements émettant des
composantes tonalesPosition
x/r y/r z/r
1 0,16 - 0,96 0,22
2 0,78 - 0,60 0,20
3 0,78 0,55 0,31
4 0,16 0,90 0,41
5 - 0,83 0,32 0,45
6 - 0,83 - 0,40 0,38
7 - 0,26 - 0,65 0,71
8 0,74 - 0,07 0,67
9 - 0,26 0,50 0,83
10 0,10 - 0,10 0,99
Pour les petits équipements, il est possible d’utiliser une surface hémisphérique de rayon égal à au moins
0,5 m. Pour réduire le plus possible les effets de champ proche, ce rayon de 0,5 m doit avoir une limite de
fréquence inférieure correspondante d’environ 172 Hz (en fonction de l’exigence voulant qu’un quart de la
longueur d’onde de la tonalité se trouve à la fréquence concernée la plus basse). Des informations
complémentaires sont données dans les références [12], [13] et [14].© ISO 2006 – Tous droits réservés 3
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ISO 7779:1999/DAM 2
B.2 Surface cylindrique
B.2.1 Généralités
La Figure B.1 illustre une surface de mesurage cylindrique pour laquelle les microphones ont été placés sur
les côtés et le dessus du cylindre. Le cylindre doit être centré sur le parallélépipède de référence, la base du
cylindre et le parallélépipède ayant leurs centres confondus. Les dimensions du parallélépipède de référence,
l , l , et l , et les distances de référence au cylindre, d , d , et d sont telles qu’indiqué. Pour les besoins de la
1 2 3 1 2 3présente annexe, des notations dimensionnelles doivent être choisies ou affectées de façon que l ≥ l .
1 2Toutes les dimensions sont exprimées en mètres.
NOTE La surface de mesurage cylindrique indiquée ici ou une autre similaire sera incluse dans la version révisée à
venir de l’ISO 3744.B.2.2 Choix de la dimension de la surface cylindrique
Les positions (ou trajectoires) microphoniques se situent sur la surface de mesurage, une surface cylindrique
fictive enveloppant la source et ayant une aire totale S égale à la somme des aires de la surface circulaire
supérieure S et de la surface latérale verticale S . Le rayon du cylindre est R = l /2 + d = l /2 + d et la
top side 1 1 2 2hauteur du cylindre H = l + d . L’aire de la surface supérieure du cylindre est S = πR et l’aire de la surface
3 3 toplatérale verticale S = 2πRH . Dans la mesure où les microphones sont associés à des sous-surfaces
sideinégales, tant d que d peuvent être choisis de manière arbitraire en fonction de la taille de la machine
3 1soumise à essais ou d’autres considérations. Il est recommandé que les deux distances soient fixées à la
même valeur, de préférence 1 m, mais ni l’une ni l’autre ne doivent être inférieures à 0,5 m. Par ailleurs
aucune des distances d , d , ou d ne doit être supérieure à 1,5 fois l’une des deux autres (cette condition sera
1 2 3remplie par exemple pour d et d si d ≥ l – l ). Une fois d et d choisies, H et R sont définis et d s’en déduit :
1 2 1 1 2 3 1 2d = R – l /2.
2 2
B.2.3 Choix des positions microphoniques sur la surface cylindrique
Sur la surface cylindrique, les microphones sont associés à des sous-surfaces inégales comme décrit ci-
dessus. Il est fortement recommandé d’utiliser des trajectoires continues (trajectoires microphoniques
circulaires). Si toutefois des positions microphoniques fixes sont utilisées pour échantillonner sur les
trajectoires circulaires, il faut utiliser au moins douze positions angulaires régulièrement espacées (à 30 ° ou
moins les unes des autres). Les trajectoires transversales peuvent être obtenues soit en faisant tourner les
microphones autour d’une source fixe, soit en faisant tourner la source autour de microphones fixes.
Les exigences qui suivent régissent le nombre de microphones (trajectoires microphoniques) sur les côtés,
N , le nombre de microphones sur le dessus, N , et les sous-surfaces associées : (1) N ≥ H/0,5 (pour
side sidetop
réaliser un échantillonnage vertical convenable en limitant les écartements à 0,5 m ou moins ; (2) au
minimum, N ≥ 4 (pour les sources relativement courtes) ; et (3) N ≥ N /2.side side
Les microphones sur la surface latérale sont associés à des sous-surfaces égales et sont positionnés de telle
èmesorte que le i microphone se situe à h = (I – 1/2)H/N au-dessus du sol. Le niveau de pression acoustique
i sidemoyenné sur la surface latérale est de :
dB (B.1)
L = 10lg 10
p,side ∑
i =1
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ISO 7779:1999/DAM 2
Les microphones sur la surface supérieure sont associés à des sous-surfaces inégales S, et sont répartis de
èmefaçon régulière sur le rayon de la surface supérieure. Le rayon de la j sous-surface est R = jR/N , et la
j topposition de chaque microphone de dessus est r = R + (R – R )/2 pour j > 1 et r = R /2. Le niveau de
j j-1 j j-1 1 1pression acoustique moyenné sur la surface de dessus est de :
dB (B.2)
L = 10lg S 10
p,top ∑ j
j =1
2 2
où pour j > 1, et
S = π (R − R ) S = π R .
j j 1
j −1 1
La Figure B.2 illustre l’exemple d’un arrangement de cinq microphones latéraux verticaux et de quatre
microphones supérieurs.B.2.4 Calcul du niveau de pression acoustique moyen sur la surface cylindrique
Le niveau de pression acoustique moyen sur la surface de mesurage cylindrique est donné par :
1 0,1L 0,1L
p,top p,side
dB (B.3)
L = 10lg S 10 + S 10
p top side
où S = S + S , L et L sont donnés ci-dessus.
top side
p,top p,side
NOTE La grandeur L de l’Equation (B.3) correspond soit à L' soit à L" de 8.1 de l’ISO 3744:1944, selon que
p p ple mesurage se fait sur la source ou sur le bruit de fond.
Des précisions complémentaires sur la surface cylindrique se trouvent dans les références [15], [16] et [17] de
la Bibliographie.© ISO 2006 – Tous droits réservés 5
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ISO 7779:1999/DAM 2
Figure B.1— Illustration de la surface de mesurage cylindrique et d’un arrangement microphonique
cylindriqueSont représentées les trajectoires microphoniques circulaires latérales et supérieures pour une configuration
de 6 microphones latéraux et 3 microphones supérieurs.6 © ISO 2006 – Tous droits réservés
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ISO 7779:1999/DAM 2
NOTE Les trajectoires sont choisies de façon que leurs écartements radiaux respectifs soient égaux
Figure B.2 — Surface de mesurage cylindrique et arrangement de 5 microphones latéraux et
4 microphones supérieurs© ISO 2006 – Tous droits réservés 7
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ISO 7779:1999/DAM 2
Page 30 : Annexe C
Remplacer l’Annexe C existante par ce qui suit :
Annexe C
Conditions d'installation et de fonctionnement pour les catégories
spécifiques d’équipements
La présente annexe spécifie les conditions d’installation et de fonctionnement de nombreuses catégories
spécifiques d’équipements par référence à l’Annexe C de l’ECMA-74:2005 qui donne des précisions sur le
mesurage des émissions de bruit.Durant l’essai de ces équipements, pour se conformer à la présente Norme internationale, ces conditions
doivent être respectées. Dans la mesure du possible, les conditions spécifiées dans la présente annexe sont
considérées comme étant représentatives d’une utilisation normale. Elles sont prescrites de façon à faciliter la
mise en fonctionnement de l’équipement et à accroître la fiabilité des mesurages acoustiques.
Pour les besoins de la conformité à la présente Norme internationale, toutes les exigences spécifiées dans
l’Annexe C de l’ECMA-74:2005 sont également obligatoires. Les références à l’ECMA-108 [10] et l’ECMA-109
[11] de l’annexe doivent être remplacées par celles de l’ISO 9295 et de l’ISO 9296 respectivement.
Pour les catégories d’équipements non traitées dans l’annexe, les conditions réelles d’essai utilisées doivent
être décrites et justifiées dans le rapport d’essai.8 © ISO 2006 – Tous droits réservés
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ISO 7779:1999/DAM 2
Page 55 : Annexe D
Remplacer l’Annexe D existante par ce qui suit :
Annexe D
Identification et évaluation des composantes tonales discrètes
émergentes (tonalités marquées)
D.1 Domaine d’application
La présente annexe décrit deux méthodes permettant de déterminer si le bruit émis comprend ou non des
composantes tonales discrètes émergentes : la méthode du rapport tonalité/bruit et la méthode du taux
d’émergence.Les composantes tonales apparaissant à n’importe quelle fréquence dans des bandes d’un tiers d’octave
ayant une fréquence centrale comprise entre 100 Hz et 10 000 Hz (c’est à dire les composantes tonales
comprises entre 89,1 Hz et 11 220 Hz inclus) peuvent être évaluées par les méthodes spécifiées dans la
présente annexe.Dans l’environnement d’essai toutes les exigences de 8.3 doivent être respectées. Pour les besoins de la
présente annexe, toutefois, aucune correction de bruit de fond, K ou d’environnement d’essai, K ne doit être
1 2appliquée.
NOTE 1 Certains équipements liés aux technologies de l’information et des télécommunications émettant des
composantes tonales discrètes dans la bande d’octave de 16 KHz, il est possible de calculer pour ces composantes le
rapport tonalité/bruit ou le taux d’émergence selon les méthodes données dans la présente annexe dans le but de
quantifier leurs niveaux relatifs. Il n’est cependant pas possible d’appliquer les critères d’émergence de D.7.5 ou de D.8.6
dans la mesure ces tonalités de fréquence élevée ne font l’objet d’aucunes données psychoacoustiques.
La déclaration du bruit émis par les produits conformément à l’ISO 9296 permet d’indiquer si cette émission
contient ou non des composantes tonales discrètes émergentes au sens déterminé par la présente annexe.
D’autres normes ou codes d’essai relatifs à des produits connexes aux équipements liés aux technologies de
l’information et des télécommunications peuvent également faire référence à la présente annexe pour la
déclaration des composantes tonales discrètes émergentes. Il est possible, sauf spécification contraire dans
la norme ou le code d’essai en question, d’utiliser soit la méthode du rapport tonalité/bruit, soit la méthode du
taux d’émergence.NOTE 2 La méthode du rapport tonalité/bruit peut se révéler plus exacte pour les composantes tonales multiples dans
des bandes critiques adjacentes, par exemple lorsqu’il existe des harmoniques fortes. La méthode du taux d’émergence
peut être plus efficace pour des tonalités multiples dans une même bande critique et il est plus facile de l’automatiser pour
traiter de tels cas.© ISO 2006 – Tous droits réservés 9
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ISO 7779:1999/DAM 2
D.2 Arrière-plan psychoacoustique
Une composante tonale discrète qui apparaît dans un bruit à large bande est partiellement masquée par la
partie du bruit contenue dans une bande de fréquence relativement étroite, appelée bande critique, qui est
centrée sur la fréquence de la composante. Le bruit, aux fréquences qui se situent en dehors de la bande
critique, ne contribue pas de manière significative à l’effet de masque. La largeur d’une bande critique est
analysée en fonction de la fréquence (voir D.6). En général, une tonalité commence à être audible en
présence d’un bruit lorsque tonalité niveau de pression acoustique se situe, selon la fréquence, entre 2 dB et
6 dB en dessous du niveau de pression acoustique du bruit masquant contenu dans la bande critique centrée
autour de la tonalité. Il s’agit de ce qu’on appelle parfois le seuil d’audibilité. Pour les besoins de la présente
annexe, avec la méthode du rapport tonalité/bruit, une composante tonale discrète est définie comme
émergente si le niveau de pression acoustique de la tonalité dépasse de 8 dB le niveau de pression
acoustique du bruit masquant dans la bande critique pour les fréquences de la tonalité égales ou supérieures
à 1 000 Hz ou d’une quantité supérieure pour les fréquences plus basses. Cela correspond en général à une
composante émergente lorsqu’elle dépasse de plus de 10 dB à 14 dB le seuil d’audibilité. Avec la méthode du
taux d’émergence, une composante tonale est définie comme émergente si la différence entre le niveau de la
bande critique centrée sur le tonalité et le niveau moyen de la bande critique adjacente est égale ou
supérieures 9 dB pour les fréquences de la tonalité égales ou supérieures à 1 000 Hz ou d’une quantité
supérieure pour les fréquences plus basses. La référence [18] donne les bases de ces valeurs.
D.3 Position microphoniqueSi l’équipement possède un poste d’opérateur, les mesurages doivent être effectués à cette position. S’il
existe plusieurs postes d’opérateur, les mesurages décrits ci-dessous doivent être effectués à celui où l’on
observe le niveau de pression acoustique pondéré A le plus élevé.Si l’équipement ne possède pas de poste d’opérateur, les mesurages doivent être effectués à la position de
l’assistant où l’on observe le niveau de pression acoustique pondéré A le plus élevé et à toutes les autres
positions d’assistant présentant des niveaux de pression acoustique pondérés A dans la limite de 0,5 dB du
premier pour déterminer les rapports tonalité/bruit ou les taux d’émergence.Lorsque les méthodes de la présente annexe doivent être appliquées à des sous-ensembles, le sous-
ensemble doit être installé de la manière indiquée en 5.1.7 ou 8.5 et les mesurages doivent être faits à la
position d’assistant où l’on observe le niveau de pression acoustique pondéré A le plus élevé et à toutes les
autres positions d’assistant présentant des niveaux de pression acoustique pondérés A dans la limite de
0,5 dB du premier.D.4 Instrumentation
Un analyseur de transformée de Fourier rapide (FTT) capable de mesurer la densité spectrale de puissance
du signal microphonique doit être utilisé pour les mesurages de la présente annexe.
Cet analyseur doit avoir des capacités de moyennage de la valeur efficace (moyennage linéaire plutôt
qu’exponentiel), une fonction de fenêtre de Hanning dans le temps, une limite de fréquence supérieure
suffisamment élevée pour permettre le calcul des grandeurs exigées ici pour le tonalité particulier étudié et
une résolution de largeur de bande de fréquence inférieure à 1 % de la fréquence de la tonalité.
Le signal de sortie du microphone envoyé dans l’analyseur FFT doit respecter les exigences applicables aux
tonalitéomètres de classe 1 de la CEI 61672-1. Dans la mesure où les modes opératoires de la présente
annexe incluent la possibilité de travailler directement sur les niveaux de pression acoustique, il convient que
l’analyseur FFT (ou éventuellement le logiciel utilisé pour le traitement ultérieur des données du FFT)
permette un étalonnage directement en termes de niveaux de pression acoustique, en décibels (référence
20 μPa).10 © ISO 2006 – Tous droits réservés
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ISO 7779:1999/DAM 2
Aucune fonction de pondération en fréquence (par exemple pondération A) ne doit être appliquée au signal
d’entrée de l’analyseur.L’analyse FFT doit permettre d’exploiter un nombre suffisant de moyennes pour avoir une durée d’analyse
respectant les exigences de 8.7.2.D.5 Exigences d’audibilité
Il est recommandé de classer les composantes tonales discrètes comme émergentes si elles sont en fait
audibles. Un examen initial à l’oreille du bruit émis par l’équipement en essai doit donc être fait à la position
microphonique spécifiée dans les conditions suivantes :1) si une ou plusieurs composantes tonales discrètes sont audibles, les modes opératoires spécifiés
dans la présente annexe doivent être mis en œuvre pour chacune soit par la méthode du rapport
tonalité/bruit, soit par la méthode du taux d’émergence. Si le critère d’émergence de D.7.5 ou de
D.8.6 est respecté pour un tonalité particulier, ce tonalité est classé comme émergent ;
2) si aucun des tonalités n’est audible, il n’est pas nécessaire de procéder aux modes opératoires de la
présente annexe et il est possible d’inclure dans le rapport une phrase du type « aucune composante
tonale discrète audible » ou « aucune composante tonale discrète émergente » ;3) au cas où un doute subsiste quant à savoir si des composantes tonales audibles sont présentes ou
non (si par exemple le responsable de l’essai n’est pas un auditeur entraîné ou expérimenté), il
convient de rechercher une autre preuve, plus objective. Il est recommandé de faire sur le bruit une
analyse FFT préliminaire ou une analyse sur un spectre en bande étroite. Si le spectre indique que
des composantes tonales audibles peuvent être présentes (c’est à dire qu’il présente des pics plus
ou moins vifs), il convient de procéder à l’essai d’audibilité qui suit pour chaque composante
potentielle. Il est recommandé de générer un signal sinusoïdal correspondant à la fréquence de la
tonalité en question et de l’écouter, puis de comparer ce signal au bruit du produit en notant si un
tonalité de même fréquence est audible dans les émissions sonores du produit. Si tel n’est pas le
cas, il n’est pas besoin de mettre en œuvre les modes opératoires de la présente annexe et la
composante tonale n’est pas classée comme « émergente ». Si la composante tonale est audible,
elle est traitée comme dans le cas 1 ci-dessus.D.6 Largeurs de bande critiques
La largeur de la bande critique Δf , centrée sur une fréquence quelconque f , peut être calculée à partir de
c 0l’équation suivante [12] :
2 0,69
Δf = 25,0 Hz + 75,0 × [1,0 +1,4 × ( f /(1 000 Hz)) ] (D.1)
c 0
(par exemple, Δf = 162,2 Hz pour f = 1 000 Hz et Δf = 117,3 Hz pour f = 500 Hz).
c 0 c 0
Pour les besoins de la présente annexe, la bande critique est modélisée sous la forme d’un filtre rectangulaire
idéal ayant une fréquence médiane f , une fréquence en limite inférieure de la bande f et une fréquence en
0 1limite supérieure de la bande f , où
f – f = Δf (D.2)
2 1 c
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Pour f ≤ 500 Hz, la bande critique correspond approximativement à celle d’un filtre à largeur de bande
constante et les fréquences en limite de bande se calculent comme suit :f = f – Δf / 2 (D.3)
1 0 c
f = f – Δf / 2 (D.4)
2 0 c
Pour f > 500 Hz, la bande critique correspond approximativement à celle d’un filtre à largeur de bande en
pourcentage constant, oùf = f × f (D.5)
0 1 2
et les fréquences en limite de bande se calculent à l’aide des Equations (D.2) et (D.5) comme suit :
2 2()Δf + 4 f
c 0
f = − +
2 2
f = f + Δf (D.7)
2 1 c
NOTE Bien que l’Equation (D.1) de calcul de la largeur de bande critique soit bien connue et largement utilisée, les
équations des fréquences en limite de bande correspondantes n’ont pas été formellement déterminées. Compte tenu
toutefois du comportement de la bande critique au-dessus et en dessous de 500 Hz, il semble logique d’affecter les
fréquences en limite de bande conformément aux équations ci-dessus. C’est ainsi que pour les filtres à largeur de bande
constante, les fréquences en limite de bande supérieure et inférieure sont en progress
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