ISO/TS 21343:2025
(Main)Oil and gas industries including lower carbon energy — Fuel ammonia —Requirements and guidance for boilers for power generation
Oil and gas industries including lower carbon energy — Fuel ammonia —Requirements and guidance for boilers for power generation
This document specifies requirements and guidance for manufacturers of ammonia-fired boilers regarding functional tests performed at the time of design and on-site acceptance tests, in order to meet the required environmental performance. This document stipulates the test methods, the measurement items, the evaluation methods and the test reports for each test. This document is applicable to: a) land boilers used for power generation with an electrical output of 100 MWe or more; b) equipment that uses NH3 of any mixing ratio as fuel; c) boilers with burners for combustion of fuel. This document does not apply to heat recovery steam generators for gas turbines, fluidized bed boiler, stokers, black liquor recovery boiler and process heat transfer equipment (used in petroleum refining).
Industries du pétrole et du gaz, y compris les énergies à faible teneur en carbone — Ammoniac combustible — Exigences et recommandations applicables aux chaudières pour la production d'électricité
General Information
Standards Content (Sample)
ISO/TS 21343
First edition
Oil and gas industries including
lower carbon energy — Fuel
ammonia —Requirements and
guidance for boilers for power
Industries du pétrole et du gaz, y compris les énergies à faible
teneur en carbone — Ammoniac combustible — Exigences et
recommandations applicables aux chaudières pour la production
Reference number
© ISO 2025
All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, or required in the context of its implementation, no part of this publication may
be reproduced or utilized otherwise in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, or posting on
the internet or an intranet, without prior written permission. Permission can be requested from either ISO at the address below
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Phone: +41 22 749 01 11
Published in Switzerland
Contents Page
Foreword .iv
Introduction .v
1 Scope . 1
2 Normative references . 1
3 Terms and definitions . 1
4 General test requirements . 3
4.1 Basic concept of tests .3
4.2 Extent of test .4
5 Functional test . 5
5.1 General .5
5.2 Measurements for functional test .5
5.3 Functional test equipment .6
5.3.1 General .6
5.3.2 Ammonia combustion burner . .6
5.3.3 Combustion chamber .6
5.3.4 Combustion emissions measurement equipment .6
5.4 Method for functional test .6
5.4.1 Fuel .6
5.4.2 Test condition .6
5.4.3 Measurement method .7
5.5 Functional test report .8
5.5.1 General .8
5.5.2 General information .8
5.5.3 Information to be presented for each measurement .9
6 Acceptance test . 9
6.1 General .9
6.2 Measurements for acceptance test .9
6.3 Combustion emission measurement concept.10
6.4 Method for acceptance test .10
6.4.1 Fuel .10
6.4.2 Test condition .10
6.4.3 Measurement method .10
6.5 Acceptance test report .11
6.5.1 General .11
6.5.2 General information .11
6.5.3 Information to be presented for each measurement .11
Annex A (informative) General concept of purchaser and/or user’s performance requirements
for ammonia-fired boilers .12
Annex B (informative) Sample of functional test - measurement results format .13
Annex C (informative) Sample fuel properties format .15
Annex D (informative) Sample acceptance test – measurement results format .18
Bibliography .20
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This document was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 67, Oil and gas industries including lower
carbon energy.
Any feedback or questions on this document should be directed to the user’s national standards body. A
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Ammonia can be used as a carbon-free fuel with the potential to contribute to the transition to a carbon-
neutral society. The greatest advantage of ammonia is that it does not produce CO during combustion.
In addition, the technology for safely liquefying, transporting and storing ammonia has already been
implemented in the society as existing ammonia infrastructure; and further development is underway
from the perspective of unprecedented large-scale transporting and storing. Appropriate use of these
technologies can lead to rapid decarbonization.
There are many potential applications of fuel ammonia, such as boilers for power utility or industrial boilers,
gas turbines, marine engines, industrial furnaces, both for new boilers and modified existing facilities.
However, from the perspective of achieving carbon net zero, it is necessary to accelerate the application
of fuel ammonia to boilers that generate particularly high amounts of CO and other potential greenhouse
gases (GHG).
In order to contribute to CO and other potential GHG reduction at an early stage by using fuel ammonia in
power generation boilers, there's an urgent need to provide requirements and guidance for manufacturers
of ammonia-fired boilers. Demonstration projects of ammonia-fired boilers are progressing successfully;
and commercialization is sooner than originally expected. Therefore, it is necessary to establish standards
to validate the certainty of design, engineering and manufacturing in terms of envisioned improvement in
environmental performance of the electric utility power boilers. This document aims to standardize the
functional tests and acceptance tests to be performed in order to accomplish such validation.
Technical Specification ISO/TS 21343:2025(en)
Oil and gas industries including lower carbon energy — Fuel
ammonia —Requirements and guidance for boilers for power
1 Scope
This document specifies requirements and guidance for manufacturers of ammonia-fired boilers regarding
functional tests performed at the time of design and on-site acceptance tests, in order to meet the required
environmental performance.
This document stipulates the test methods, the measurement items, the evaluation methods and the test
reports for each test.
This document is applicable to:
a) land boilers used for power generation with an electrical output of 100 MWe or more;
b) equipment that uses NH of any mixing ratio as fuel;
c) boilers with burners for combustion of fuel.
This document does not apply to heat recovery steam generators for gas turb
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