Traditional Chinese medicine — Priority list of single herbal medicines for developing standards

This document provides a reference of single herbal medicines in order of their priority in the development of international standards.

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ISO/TR 23975:2019 - Traditional Chinese medicine -- Priority list of single herbal medicines for developing standards
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REPORT 23975
First edition
Traditional Chinese medicine —
Priority list of single herbal medicines
for developing standards
Reference number
ISO/TR 23975:2019(E)
ISO 2019

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ISO/TR 23975:2019(E)

© ISO 2019
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ISO/TR 23975:2019(E)

Contents Page
Foreword .iv
Introduction .v
1 Scope . 1
2 Normative references . 1
3 Terms and definitions . 1
4 Principles . 1
5 Technical indexes . 1
5.1 International trading . 1
5.2 Single herbal medicines recorded in pharmacopoeias . 3
5.3 Safety concerns .36
5.4 Single herbal medicine standards published or under development .43
5.5 Endangered species .43
6 Data processing .44
6.1 Expert consultation .44
6.2 Data statistics .44
7 Single herbal medicines in order of priority .44
Annex A (informative) Priority list of single herbal medicines ranked from 101 to 366 .50
Bibliography .62
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ISO/TR 23975:2019(E)

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ISO/TR 23975:2019(E)

Being a significant part of traditional medicine systems and general health services, traditional Chinese
medicine is estimated to be used in over 180 countries and regions around the world. This is reflected
by the statistics cited from the WHO report that there are 4 billion people in the world using herbal
medicines, accounting for 80 % of the total world population. Asia, North America, and Europe are
regarded as the major markets for herbal medicines. Moreover, incomplete Chinese customs statistics
show that the import and export of herbal medicine products in China was worth over 4,7 billion USD in
2015. Therefore, it is very important to develop globally harmonized standards in order to ensure the
safety of consumers. In particular, those herbal medicines which have been reported to cause adverse
drug reactions (ADR) are drawing much attention from national health administrations.
There are a great number of single herbs on the market; for instance, 618 kinds of herbs have been
included in the Pharmacopoeia of the People's Republic of China. Currently, organizations, regions and
countries including ISO, WHO, the European Union, China, Japan, Korea, the USA, the UK and Thailand
are making valuable contributions by developing standards for single herbs. This document presents
a list of single herbal medicines in order of priority for the purposes of developing standards on single
herbs in a scientific and orderly manner. This document can be used as a reference by any organization
wishing to develop standards on single herbal medicines.
The following factors have been considered in setting the priorities:
— the trade volume of each single herbal medicine in the global market;
— whether the herbal medicine is recorded by the Pharmacopoeia of the People's Republic of China, Hong
Kong Chinese Materia Medica Standards, the Japanese Pharmacopoeia, the Korean Pharmacopoeia, the
European Pharmacopoeia, the United States Pharmacopoeia or the Thai Herbal Pharmacopoeia;
— whether there are potential risks from its use;
— whether the herbal medicine is listed in the Convention on International Trade in Endangered
Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) ;
— opinions from experts.
© ISO 2019 – All rights reserved v

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Traditional Chinese medicine — Priority list of single
herbal medicines for developing standards
1 Scope
This document provides a reference of single herbal medicines in order of their priority in the
development of international standards.
2 Normative references
There are no normative references in this document.
3 Terms and definitions
No terms and definitions are listed in this document.
ISO and IEC maintain terminological databases for use in standardization at the following addresses:
— ISO Online browsing platform: available at https:// www .iso .org/ obp
— IEC Electropedia: available at http:// www .electropedia .org/
4 Principles
4.1 Herbal medicines which have a large international trading value are listed as high priority.
4.2 Standards of common herbal medicines recorded in the Pharmacopoeia of the People's Republic
of China, Hong Kong Chinese Materia Medica Standards, the Japanese Pharmacopoeia, the Korean
Pharmacopoeia, the European Pharmacopoeia, the United States Pharmacopoeia and the Thai Herbal
Pharmacopoeia are listed as high priority.
4.3 Herbal medicines that have safety concerns, such as those widely reported to cause ADR, are listed
as high priority.
4.4 Single herbal medicines for which there are existing ISO standards are listed as high priority.
4.5 Herbal medicines which are included in CITES are listed as low priority.
5 Technical indexes
5.1 International trading
Table 1 provides information on single herbal medicines which had a large international trading value
in China from 2012 to 2016 (sorted by export value).
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Table 1 — The top 30 average export values of single herbal medicines in China from 2012 to 2016
Rank Herbal name Pharmaceu- Chinese English name Average
tical name name export value
1 Panax ginseng root ginseng radix ginseng 126 734 151,80
et rhizoma
2 Lycium barbarum fruit lycii fructus 枸杞子 barbary wolfberry 94 077 843,40
3 Rehmannia glutinosa root rehmanniae 地黄 rehmannia root 44 922 908,20
4 Codonopsis pilosula root/Co- codonopsis 党参 tangshen 41 610 730,40
donopsis pilosula var. modesta radix
root/Codonopsis tangshen root
5 Atractylodes macrocephala atractylo- 白术 largehead atracty- 38 199 927
rhizome dis macro- lodes rhizome
6 Poria cocos sclerotium poria 茯苓 Indian bread 36 716 994,40
7 Chrysanthemum morifolium chrysan- 菊花 chrysanthemum flower 34 606 367
capitulum themi flos
8 Ligusticum chuanxiong rhizome chuanxiong 川芎 Szechwan lovage 31 187 826,60
rhizoma rhizome
9 Paeonia lactiflora root paeoniae 白芍 white peony root 27 389 650,20
radix alba
10 Panax notoginseng root and notoginseng 三七 sanchi 25 725 161,60
rhizome radix et rhi-
11 Pinellia ternata tuber pinelliae 半夏 pinellia tuber 24 263 936,40
12 Astragalus membranaceus var. astragli radix milkvetch root 22 314 041,40
mongholicus root/Astragalus
membranaceus root
13 Glycyrrhiza glabra root and glycyrrhizae 甘草 licorice root 21 464 347,60
rhizome/Glycyrrhiza inflata radix et rhi-
root and rhizome/Glycyrrhiza zoma
glabra root and rhizome
14 Angelica sinensis root angelicae sin-当归 Chinese angelica 21 158 784,20
ensis radix
15 Eucommia ulmoides stem bark eucommiae 杜仲 eucommia bark 18 636 687
16 Panax quinquefolium root panacis 西洋参 American ginseng 15 863 902
17 Cordyceps sinensis stroma cordyceps Chinese caterpillar 13 309 846,20
18 Cervus nippon antler/Cervus cervi cornu 鹿茸 deer horn 12 191 913
elaphus antler pantotri-
19 Scutellaria baicalensis root scutellariae 黄芩 baical skullcap root 9 314 610,60
NOTE 1  Data from China Chamber of Commerce for Import and Export of Medicines and Health Products (CCCMHPIE).
NOTE 2  Deer horn is a kind of animal material and opium poppy seed is not recorded by the Pharmacopoeia of the People's
Republic of China, therefore these data will not be counted in the final result.
NOTE 3  Export value of herbal medicine from other countries, if any, will be complemented.
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Table 1 (continued)
Rank Herbal name Pharmaceu- Chinese English name Average
tical name name export value
20 Rheum palmatum root and rhi- rhei radix et rhubarb 7 318 400,40
zome/Rheum tanguticum root rhizoma
and rhizome/Rheum officinale
root and rhizome
21 Papaver somniferum seed papaveris 罂粟子 opium poppy seed 6 819 266,80
22 Sophora japonica flower and sophorae flos 槐花 pagodatree flower 5 297 235,80
flower bud
23 Fritillaria cirrhosa bulb/Fri- fritillariae 川贝母/浙 tendrilleaf fritillary 4 263 230,20
tillaria unibracteata bulb/ cirrhosae 贝母 bulb/thunberg fritil-
Fritillaria przewalskii bulb/Fri- bulbus/ lary bulb
tillaria delavayi bulb/Fritillaria fritillariae
taipaiensis bulb/Fritillaria uni- thunbergii
bracteata var. wabuensis bulb/ bulbus
Fritillaria thunbergii bulb
24 Coptis chinensis rhizome/Cop- coptidis 黄连 golden thread 4 172 511,20
tis deltoidea rhizome/Coptis rhizoma
teeta rhizome
25 Adenophora tetraphylla root/ adenophorae 南/北沙参 fourleaf ladybell root/ 3 240 574,80
Glehnia littoralis root radix/glehni- coastal glehnia root
ae radix
26 Ephedra sinica stem/Ephedra ephedrae ephedra 2 995 217,80
intermedia stem/Ephedra equi- herba
setina stem
27 Curcuma longa rhizome curcumae 姜黄 turmeric 2 667 216,40
longae rhi-
28 Gastrodia elata tuber gastrodiae 天麻 tall gastrodia tuber 2 239 951,60
29 Sterculia lychnophora seed sterculiae 胖大海 boat-fruited sterculia 1 922 922,20
lychnopho- seed
rae semen
30 Crocus sativus stigma croci stigma 西红花 saffron 1 864 890,40
NOTE 1  Data from China Chamber of Commerce for Import and Export of Medicines and Health Products (CCCMHPIE).
NOTE 2  Deer horn is a kind of animal material and opium poppy seed is not recorded by the Pharmacopoeia of the People's
Republic of China, therefore these data will not be counted in the final result.
NOTE 3  Export value of herbal medicine from other countries, if any, will be complemented.
5.2 Single herbal medicines recorded in pharmacopoeias
In total there are 301 kinds of single herbal medicines recorded at least twice among the Pharmacopoeia of
the People’s Republic of China, Hong Kong Chinese Materia Medica Standards, the Japanese Pharmacopoeia,
the Korean Pharmacopoeia, the European Pharmacopoeia, the United States Pharmacopoeia and the Thai
Herbal Pharmacopoeia (see Table 2). There are 253 kinds of single herbal medicines that are recorded
both in the Pharmacopoeia of the People's Republic of China and Hong Kong Chinese Materia Medica
Standards, 92 recorded both in the Pharmacopoeia of the People's Republic of China and the Japanese
Pharmacopoeia, 104 recorded both in the Pharmacopoeia of the People's Republic of China and the
Korean Pharmacopoeia, 64 recorded both in the Pharmacopoeia of the People's Republic of China and the
European Pharmacopoeia, 20 recorded both in the Pharmacopoeia of the People's Republic of China and
the United States Pharmacopoeia and 18 recorded both in the Pharmacopoeia of the People's Republic of
China and the Thai Herbal Pharmacopoeia.
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Table 2 — Single herbal medicines recorded in seven pharmacopoeias or standards
Occur- Herbal name Pharmaceutical name Chinese English name CHP HKS JP KP EUP USP THP Note
rences name
6 Atractylodes chinense atractylodis rhizoma 苍术 atractylodes rhizome x x x x x x
lancea rhizome
6 Curcuma longa rhi- curcumae longae rhi- turmeric x x x x x x Curcuma domestica
zome zoma rhizome
6 Polygonum multi- polygoni multiflori fleeceflower root x x x x x x
florum root tuber radix
6 Salvia miltiorrhiza salviae miltiorrhizae 丹参 danshen root x x x x x x
root and rhizome radix et rhizoma
6 Schisandra chinensis schisandrae chinensis 五味子 Chinese magnoliavine x x x x x x
fruit fructus fruit
6 Zingiber officinale zingiberis rhizoma 干姜 zingiber (dried ginger) x x x x x x
5 Anemarrhena aspho- anemarrhenae rhizoma知母 common anemarrhe- x x x x x
deloides rhizome na rhizome
5 Angelica dahurica angelicae dahuricae dahurian angelica root x x x x x
root/angelica dahu- radix
rica root
5 Areca catechu seed arecae semen 槟榔 areca seed x x x x x
5 Astragalus membran- astragli radix 黄芪 milkvetch root x x x x x
aceus var. mongholi-
cus root/Astragalus
membranaceus root
CHP  Pharmacopoeia of the People's Republic of China
HKS  Hong Kong Chinese Materia Medica Standards
JP  Japanese Pharmacopoeia
KP  Korean Pharmacopoeia
EUP  European Pharmacopoeia
USP  United States Pharmacopoeia
THP  Thai Herbal Pharmacopoeia

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Table 2 (continued)
Occur- Herbal name Pharmaceutical name Chinese English name CHP HKS JP KP EUP USP THP Note
rences name
5 Capsicum annuum capsici fructus 辣椒 hot pepper x x x x x Capsicum annuum
fruit var. minimum fruit/
Capsium frutescens
fruit/Capsicum mini-
mum fruit/Capsicum
fastigiatum fruit
5 Carthamus tinctorius carthami flos 红花 safflower x x x x x
5 Cassia angustifolia sennae folium senna leaf x x x x x Cassia senna dried
leaf/Cassia acutifolia leaflet
5 Cassia obtusifolia cassiae semen 决明子 cassia seed x x x x x
seed/cassia tora seed
5 Cinnamomum cassia cinnamomi cortex 肉桂 cassia bark x x x x x Cinnamomum verum
bark bark
5 Codonopsis pilosula codonopsis radix 党参 tangshen x x x x x
pilosula var. modes-
ta root/Codonopsis
tangshen root
5 Coix lacrymajobi var. coicis semen 薏苡仁 coix seed x x x x x Coix lacrymajobi ssp.
mayuen kernel mayuen kernel
CHP  Pharmacopoeia of the People's Republic of China
HKS  Hong Kong Chinese Materia Medica Standards
JP  Japanese Pharmacopoeia
KP  Korean Pharmacopoeia
EUP  European Pharmacopoeia
USP  United States Pharmacopoeia
THP  Thai Herbal Pharmacopoeia

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Table 2 (continued)
Occur- Herbal name Pharmaceutical name Chinese English name CHP HKS JP KP EUP USP THP Note
rences name
5 Dioscorea opposita dioscoreae rhizoma 山药 common yam rhizome x x x x x Dioscorea japonica
rhizome rhizome/Dioscorea
batatas rhizome/Di-
oscorea polystachya
5 Ephedra sinica stem/ ephedrae herba 麻黄 ephedra x x x x x
Ephedra intermedia
stem/Ephedra equi-
setina stem
5 Eucommia ulmoides eucommiae cortex eucommia bark x x x x x
5 Foeniculum vulgare foeniculi fructus 小茴香 fennel x x x x x Foeniculum vulgare
fruit ssp. vulgare fruit
5 Lycium barbarum fruit lycii fructus 枸杞子 barbary wolfberry x x x x x Lycium chinense fruit
5 Panax ginseng root ginseng radix et rhi- 人参 ginseng x x x x x
5 Prunella vulgaris prunellae spica 夏枯草 common selfheal x x x x x Prunella vulgaris var.
fruit-spike fruit-spike lilacina spike
5 Pueraria lobata root puerariae lobatae radix葛根 kudzuvine root x x x x x
5 Rehmannia glutinosa rehmanniae radix 地黄 rehmannia root x x x x x Rehmannia glutinosa
root var. purpurea root
CHP  Pharmacopoeia of the People's Republic of China
HKS  Hong Kong Chinese Materia Medica Standards
JP  Japanese Pharmacopoeia
KP  Korean Pharmacopoeia
EUP  European Pharmacopoeia
USP  United States Pharmacopoeia
THP  Thai Herbal Pharmacopoeia

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Table 2 (continued)
Occur- Herbal name Pharmaceutical name Chinese English name CHP HKS JP KP EUP USP THP Note
rences name
5 Rheum palmatum rhei radix et rhizoma 大黄 rhurbarb x x x x x Rheum palmatum
root and rhizome/ rhizome/Rheum
Rheum tanguticum tanguticum rhizome/
root and rhizome/ Rheum officinale
Rheum officinale root rhizome/rheum
and rhizome coreanum rhizome
4 Achyranthes bidenta- achyranthis bidenta- 牛膝 twotoothed achyran- x x x x
ta root tae radix thes root
4 Akebia quinata stem/ akebiae caulis akebia stem x x x x
akebia trifoliata stem/
akebia trifoliata var.
australis stem
4 Alisma orientale tuber alismatis rhizoma 泽泻 oriental waterplan- x x x x
tain rhizome
4 Amomum villosum amomi fructus 砂仁 villous amomum fruit x x x x Amomum xanthi-
fruit/Amomum villo- oides seed
sum var. xanthioides
fruit/Amomum long-
gigulare fruit
4 Andrographis panicu- andrographidis herba 穿心莲 common androgra- x x x x
lata herb phis herb
4 Angelica sinensis root angelicae sinensis radix Chinese angelica x x x x Angelica archangeli-
ca root
4 Atractylodes macro- atractylodis macro- largehead atracty- x x x x Atractylodes japoni-
cephala rhizome cephalae rhizoma lodes rhizome ca rhizome
CHP  Pharmacopoeia of the People's Republic of China
HKS  Hong Kong Chinese Materia Medica Standards
JP  Japanese Pharmacopoeia
KP  Korean Pharmacopoeia
EUP  European Pharmacopoeia
USP  United States Pharmacopoeia
THP  Thai Herbal Pharmacopoeia

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Table 2 (continued)
Occur- Herbal name Pharmaceutical name Chinese English name CHP HKS JP KP EUP USP THP Note
rences name
4 Aucklandia lappa root aucklandiae radix 木香 common aucklandia x x x x
4 Bupleurum chinense bupleuri radix 柴胡 Chinese thorowrax x x x x Bulpleurum falcatum
root/Bupleurum scor- root root
zonerifolium root
4 Centella asiatica herb centellae herba asiatic pennywort herb x x x x Centella coriacea
le asiatica herb/
Hydrocotyle lunata
cochinchinensis herb
4 Cimicifuga hera- cimicifugae rhizoma 升麻 largetrifoliolious bug- x x x x Cimicifuga simplex
cleifolia rhizome/ bane rhizome rhizome
Cimicifuga dahurica
foetida rhizome
4 Coptis chinensis coptidis rhizoma 黄连 golden thread x x x x Coptis japonica rhi-
rhizome/Coptis del- zome
toidea rhizome/Cop-
tis teeta rhizome
4 Cornus officinalis corni fructus 山茱萸 asiatic cornelian cher- x x x x
sarcocarp ry fruit
4 Crocus sativus stigma croci stigma 西红花 saffron x x x x
CHP  Pharmacopoeia of the People's Republic of China
HKS  Hong Kong Chinese Materia Medica Standards
JP  Japanese Pharmacopoeia
KP  Korean Pharmacopoeia
EUP  European Pharmacopoeia
USP  United States Pharmacopoeia
THP  Thai Herbal Pharmacopoeia

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Table 2 (continued)
Occur- Herbal name Pharmaceutical name Chinese English name CHP HKS JP KP EUP USP THP Note
rences name
4 Curcuma phaeocaulis curcumae rhizoma 莪术 zedoray rhizome x x x x Curcuma zedoaria
rhizome/Curcu- rhizome
ma kwangsiensis
wenyujin rhizome
4 Cyperus rotundus cyperi rhizoma 香附 nutgrass galingale x x x x
rhizome rhizome
4 Drynaria fortunei drynariae rhizoma fortune's drynaria x x x x
rhizome rhizome
4 Euodia rutaecarpa euodiae fructus 吴茱萸 medicinal euodia fruit x x x x Euodia officinalis
fruit/Euodia rutae- fruit/Euodia bodinie-
carpa var. officinalis ri fruit
fruit/Euodia rutaecar-
pa var. bodinieri fruit
4 Epimedium brevicor- epimedii folium 淫羊藿 epimedium leaf x x x x Epimedium wushan-
num leaf/Epimedium ense leaf/Epimedium
sagittatum leaf/ grandiflorum var.
Epimedium pubes- thunbergianum leaf/
ceens leaf/Epimedium Epimedium semper-
koreanum leaf virens leaf
4 Forsythia suspensa forsythiae fructus 连翘 weeping forsythia x x x x Forsythia virdissima
fruit capsule fruit
4 Gardenia jasminoides gardeniae fructus 栀子 cape jasmine fruit x x x x
4 Ginkgo biloba leaf ginkgo folium ginkgo leaf x x x x
CHP  Pharmacopoeia of the People's Republic of China
HKS  Hong Kong Chinese Materia Medica Standards
JP  Japanese Pharmacopoeia
KP  Korean Pharmacopoeia
EUP  European Pharmacopoeia
USP  United States Pharmacopoeia
THP  Thai Herbal Pharmacopoeia

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Table 2 (continued)
Occur- Herbal name Pharmaceutical name Chinese English name CHP HKS JP KP EUP USP THP Note
rences name
4 Glehnia littoralis root glehniae radix 北沙参 coastal glehnia root x x x x
4 Glycyrrhiza uralensis glycyrrhizae radix et licorice root x x x x
root and rhizome/ rhizoma
Glycyrrhiza inflata
root and rhizome/
Glycyrrhiza glabra
root and rhizome
4 Leonurum japonicus leonuri herba 益母草 motherwort herb x x x x Leonurus sibiricus
herb herb
4 Lindera aggregata linderae radix 乌药 combined spicebush x x x x Lindera strychnifolia
root tuber root root
4 Lonicera japonica lonicerae japonicae flos金银花 Japanese honeysuckle x x x x
flower flower
4 Lycopus lucidus var. lycopi herba 泽兰 hirsute shiny bugle- x x x x Lycopus lucidus herb
hirtus herb weed herb
4 Magnolia officinalis magnoliae officinalis 厚朴 officinal magnolia bark x x x x Magnolia obovata
bark/magnolia offici- cortex bark
nalis var. biloba bark
4 Myristica fragrans myristicae semen nutmeg x x x x
4 processed Aconitum aconiti lateralis radix 附子 prepared common x x x x
carmichaelii daugh- monkshood daughter
ter root root
4 Paeonia suffruticosa moutan cortex 牡丹皮 tree peony bark x x x x
root bark
CHP  Pharmacopoeia of the People's Republic of China
HKS  Hong Kong Chinese Materia Medica Standards
JP  Japanese Pharmacopoeia
KP  Korean Pharmacopoeia
EUP  European Pharmacopoeia
USP  United States Pharmacopoeia
THP  Thai Herbal Pharmacopoeia

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Table 2 (continued)
Occur- Herbal name Pharmaceutical name Chinese English name CHP HKS JP KP EUP USP THP Note
rences name
4 Panax ginseng ginseng radix rubra 红参 red ginseng x x x x
steamed root
4 Panax notoginseng notoginseng radix et 三七 sanchi x x x x Panax pseudoginseng
root and rhizome rhizoma var. notoginseng root
4 Phellodendron phellodendri amuren- amur cork-tree x x x x Phellodendron chin-
amurense bark sis cortex ense bark
4 Picrorhiza scrophu- picrorhizae rhizoma 胡黄连 figwortflower picro- x x x x Picrorhiza kurrooa
lariiflora rhizome hiza rhizome root and rhizome
4 Platycodon grandif- platycodonis radix 桔梗 platycodon root x x x x
lorum root
4 Polygala sibirica root polygalae radix 远志 thinleaf milkwort root x x x x Polygala tenuifolia
4 Poria cocos sclerotium poria 茯苓 Indian bread x x x x
4 Prunus persica seed/ persicae semen 桃仁 peach seed x x x x Prunus persica var.
prunus davidiana seed davidiana seed
4 Saposhnikovia divari- saposhnikoviae radix 防风 divaricate saposhniko- x x x x Saposhnikovia
cata root via root divaricata root and
4 Sesamum tenuifolia schizonepetae spica 荆芥穗 fineleaf schizonepeta x x x x schizonepeta tenuifo-
fruit-spike spike lia spike
4 Scutellaria baicalen- scutellariae radix 黄芩 baical skullcap root x x x x
sis root
CHP  Pharmacopoeia of the People's Republic of China
HKS  Hong Kong Chinese Materia Medica Standards
JP  Japanese Pharmacopoeia
KP  Korean Pharmacopoeia
EUP  European Pharmacopoeia
USP  United States Pharmacopoeia
THP  Thai Herbal Pharmacopoeia

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ISO/TR 23975:2019(E)

12 © ISO 2019 – All rights reserved
Table 2 (continued)
Occur- Herbal name Pharmaceutical name Chinese English name CHP HKS JP KP EUP USP THP Note
rences name
4 Sinomenium acuturn sinomenii caulis 青风藤 orientvine stem x x x x
acutum var. cinereum
4 Sophora flavescens sophorae flavescentis 苦参 lightyellow sophora x x x x
root radix root
4 Strychnos nux-vomica strychni semen nux vomica x x x x
4 Styrax tonkinensis benzoinum 安息香 benzoin x x x x
4 Tribulus terrestris tribuli fructus 蒺藜 puncturevine caltrop x x x x
fruit fruit
4 Ziziphus jujube fruit jujubae fructus 大枣 Chinese date x x x x Ziziphus jujube
var. inermis fruit/
ziziphus jujube var.
hoonensis fruit
3 Acanthopanax gracili- acanthopanacis cortex 五加皮 slenderstyle acantho- x x x
stylus root and bark panax bark
3 Actium lappa fruit arctii fructus 牛蒡子 great burdock achene x x x
3 Aloe barbadensis aloe 芦荟 aloes x x x Aloe jafricana juice/
juice/aloe ferox juice Aloe spicata juice
3 Alpinia katsumadai alpiniae katsumadai 草豆蔻 katsumada galangal x x x
seed semen seed
CHP  Pharmacopoeia of the People's Republic of China
HKS  Hong Kong Chinese Materia Medica Standards
JP  Japa

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