SIST ISO 45001:2018
Occupational health and safety management systems - Requirements with guidance for use
Occupational health and safety management systems - Requirements with guidance for use
This document specifies requirements for an occupational health and safety (OH&S) management
system, and gives guidance for its use, to enable organizations to provide safe and healthy workplaces
by preventing work-related injury and ill health, as well as by proactively improving its OH&S
This document is applicable to any organization that wishes to establish, implement and maintain an
OH&S management system to improve occupational health and safety, eliminate hazards and minimize
OH&S risks (including system deficiencies), take advantage of OH&S opportunities, and address OH&S
management system nonconformities associated with its activities.
This document helps an organization to achieve the intended outcomes of its OH&S management system.
Consistent with the organization’s OH&S policy, the intended outcomes of an OH&S management system
a) continual improvement of OH&S performance;
b) fulfilment of legal requirements and other requirements;
c) achievement of OH&S objectives.
This document is applicable to any organization regardless of its size, type and activities. It is applicable
to the OH&S risks under the organization’s control, taking into account factors such as the context in
which the organization operates and the needs and expectations of its workers and other interested
This document does not state specific criteria for OH&S performance, nor is it prescriptive about the
design of an OH&S management system.
This document enables an organization, through its OH&S management system, to integrate other
aspects of health and safety, such as worker wellness/wellbeing.
This document does not address issues such as product safety, property damage or environmental
impacts, beyond the risks to workers and other relevant interested parties.
This document can be used in whole or in part to systematically improve occupational health and
safety management. However, claims of conformity to this document are not acceptable unless all its
requirements are incorporated into an organization’s OH&S management system and fulfilled without
Systèmes de management de la santé et de la sécurité au travail - Exigences et lignes directrices pour son utilisation
L'ISO 45001:2018 sp�cifie les exigences pour un syst�me de management de la sant� et de la s�curit� au travail (S&ST), et fournit des lignes directrices pour son utilisation, afin de permettre aux organismes de procurer des lieux de travail s�rs et sains, par la pr�vention des traumatismes et pathologies li�s au travail et par l'am�lioration proactive de leur performance en S&ST.
L'ISO 45001:2018 est applicable � tout organisme qui souhaite �tablir, mettre en œuvre et tenir � jour un syst�me de management de la S&ST afin d'am�liorer la sant� et la s�curit� au travail, de supprimer les dangers et de minimaliser les risques pour la S&ST (y compris les d�faillances du syst�me), de tirer profit des opportunit�s pour la S&ST et de rem�dier aux non-conformit�s du syst�me de management de la S&ST li�es � ses activit�s.
L'ISO 45001:2018 vise � aider un organisme � atteindre les r�sultats escompt�s de son syst�me de management de la S&ST. En accord avec la politique de S&ST de l'organisme, les r�sultats escompt�s d'un syst�me de management de la S&ST incluent:
a) l'am�lioration continue de la performance en S&ST;
b) la satisfaction aux exigences l�gales et autres exigences;
c) l'atteinte des objectifs de S&ST.
L'ISO 45001:2018 est applicable � tout organisme, quels que soient sa taille, son statut et ses activit�s. Elle est applicable aux risques pour la S&ST qui sont sous le contr�le de l'organisme, en tenant compte de facteurs tels que le contexte dans lequel l'organisme �volue ainsi que les besoins et attentes de ses travailleurs et autres parties int�ress�es.
L'ISO 45001:2018 ne pr�cise pas de crit�res sp�cifiques de performance en S&ST, ni de sp�cifications sur la mani�re de concevoir un syst�me de management de la S&ST.
L'ISO 45001:2018 permet � un organisme d'int�grer, au travers de son syst�me de management de la S&ST, d'autres aspects de sant� et de s�curit�, tels que le bien-�tre et la qualit� de vie au travail.
L'ISO 45001:2018 ne traite pas de la s�curit� des produits, des dommages mat�riels ou des impacts environnementaux, en dehors des risques pour les travailleurs et pour les autres parties int�ress�es concern�es.
L'ISO 45001:2018 peut �tre utilis�e en totalit� ou en partie pour am�liorer de fa�on syst�matique le management de la sant� et de la s�curit� au travail. Les d�clarations de conformit� au pr�sent document ne sont cependant pas acceptables � moins que toutes les exigences soient int�gr�es dans le syst�me de management de la S&ST d'un organisme et soient satisfaites, sans exclusion.
Sistem vodenja varnosti in zdravja pri delu - Zahteve z napotki za uporabo
Ta dokument določa zahteve za sistem vodenja zdravja in varnosti pri delu (OH&S) ter podaja smernice za njegovo uporabo, tako da organizacijam omogoča zagotavljanje varnega in zdravega delovnega mesta
s preprečevanjem delovnih poškodb in slabega zdravja ter s proaktivnim izboljševanjem njihovega dela na področju zdravja in varnosti na delovnem mestu.
Ta dokument se uporablja za katero koli organizacijo, ki želi vzpostaviti, uvesti in vzdrževati sistem vodenja zdravja in varnosti pri delu za izboljšanje zdravja in varnosti pri delu, preprečevanje nevarnosti in zmanjševanje količine tveganj za zdravje in varnost pri delu (vključno s sistemskimi pomanjkljivostmi), izkoriščanje priložnosti zdravja in varnosti pri delu ter ukvarjanje z neskladnostmi v sistemu vodenja zdravja in varnosti pri delu, povezanimi z njenim delovanjem.
Ta dokument organizaciji pomaga doseči želene rezultate njihovega sistema vodenja zdravja in varnosti pri delu.
Skladno z politiko zdravja in varnosti pri delu organizacije vključujejo predvideni rezultati sistema vodenja zdravja in varnosti pri delu naslednje točke:
a) neprekinjeno izboljšanje učinkovitosti zdravja in varnosti pri delu;
b) izpolnjevanje zakonskih in drugih zahtev;
c) doseganje ciljev zdravja in varnosti pri delu.
Ta dokument se lahko uporablja v vseh organizacijah ne glede na velikost, vrsto in dejavnost. Uporablja se pri tveganjih za zdravje in varnost pri delu, ki so pod nadzorom organizacije, pri čemer se upoštevajo dejavniki, kot so okoliščine, v katerih deluje organizacija, ter potrebe in pričakovanja delavcev organizacije in drugih strank, ki imajo interes.
Ta dokument ne navaja posebnih kriterijev za učinkovitost v zvezi z zdravjem in varnostjo pri delu in ne predpisuje oblike sistema vodenja zdravja in varnosti pri delu.
Ta dokument organizaciji prek njenega sistema vodenja zdravja in varnosti pri delu omogoča integracijo drugih vidikov zdravja in varnosti, kot je dobro počutje delavcev.
Ta dokument ne obravnava težav, kot so varnost izdelkov, škoda na lastnini ali vplivi na okolje, razen v meri, ki predstavlja tveganje za delavce in druge povezane zadevne osebe.
Ta dokument je mogoče v celoti ali delno uporabljati za sistematično izboljšanje vodenja zdravja in varnosti pri delu. Vendar sklici na skladnost s tem dokumentom niso sprejemljivi, razen če so v sistem vodenja zdravja in varnosti pri delu organizacije vključene vse njegove zahteve, ki morajo biti izpolnjene brez izjeme.
General Information
Buy Standard
Standards Content (Sample)
First edition
Occupational health and
safety management systems —
Requirements with guidance for use
Systèmes de management de la santé et de la sécurité au travail —
Exigences et lignes directrices pour leur utilisation
Reference number
ISO 45001:2018(E)
ISO 2018
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ISO 45001:2018(E)
© ISO 2018
All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, or required in the context of its implementation, no part of this publication may
be reproduced or utilized otherwise in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, or posting
on the internet or an intranet, without prior written permission. Permission can be requested from either ISO at the address
below or ISO’s member body in the country of the requester.
ISO copyright office
CP 401 • Ch. de Blandonnet 8
CH-1214 Vernier, Geneva
Phone: +41 22 749 01 11
Fax: +41 22 749 09 47
Published in Switzerland
ii © ISO 2018 – All rights reserved
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ISO 45001:2018(E)
Contents Page
Foreword .v
Introduction .vi
1 Scope . 1
2 Normative references . 1
3 Terms and definitions . 1
4 Context of the organization . 8
4.1 Understanding the organization and its context . 8
4.2 Understanding the needs and expectations of workers and other interested parties. 8
4.3 Determining the scope of the OH&S management system . 8
4.4 OH&S management system . 8
5 Leadership and worker participation . 9
5.1 Leadership and commitment . 9
5.2 OH&S policy . 9
5.3 Organizational roles, responsibilities and authorities.10
5.4 Consultation and participation of workers .10
6 Planning .11
6.1 Actions to address risks and opportunities .11
6.1.1 General.11
6.1.2 Hazard identification and assessment of risks and opportunities .12
6.1.3 Determination of legal requirements and other requirements .13
6.1.4 Planning action .13
6.2 OH&S objectives and planning to achieve them .14
6.2.1 OH&S objectives .14
6.2.2 Planning to achieve OH&S objectives .14
7 Support .15
7.1 Resources .15
7.2 Competence .15
7.3 Awareness .15
7.4 Communication .15
7.4.1 General.15
7.4.2 Internal communication .16
7.4.3 External communication .16
7.5 Documented information .16
7.5.1 General.16
7.5.2 Creating and updating .17
7.5.3 Control of documented information .17
8 Operation .17
8.1 Operational planning and control .17
8.1.1 General.17
8.1.2 Eliminating hazards and reducing OH&S risks .18
8.1.3 Management of change.18
8.1.4 Procurement .18
8.2 Emergency preparedness and response .19
9 Performance evaluation .19
9.1 Monitoring, measurement, analysis and performance evaluation .19
9.1.1 General.19
9.1.2 Evaluation of compliance .20
9.2 Internal audit .20
9.2.1 General.20
9.2.2 Internal audit programme .21
9.3 Management review .21
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ISO 45001:2018(E)
10 Improvement .22
10.1 General .22
10.2 Incident, nonconformity and corrective action .22
10.3 Continual improvement .23
Annex A (informative) Guidance on the use of this document .24
Bibliography .40
iv © ISO 2018 – All rights reserved
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ISO 45001:2018(E)
ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards
bodies (ISO member bodies). The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out
through ISO technical committees. Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical
committee has been established has the right to be represented on that committee. International
organizations, governmental and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work.
ISO collaborates closely with the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all matters of
electrotechnical standardization.
The procedures used to develop this document and those intended for its further maintenance are
described in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 1. In particular the different approval criteria needed for the
different types of ISO documents should be noted. This document was drafted in accordance with the
editorial rules of the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2 (see www .iso .org/ directives).
Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of
patent rights. ISO shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights. Details of
any patent rights identified during the development of the document will be in the Introduction and/or
on the ISO list of patent declarations received (see www .iso .org/ patents).
Any trade name used in this document is information given for the convenience of users and does not
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For an explanation on the voluntary nature of standards, the meaning of ISO specific terms and
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World Trade Organization (WTO) principles in the Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) see the following
URL: www .iso .org/ iso/ foreword .html.
This document was prepared by Project Committee ISO/PC 283, Occupational health and safety
management systems.
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ISO 45001:2018(E)
0.1 Background
An organization is responsible for the occupational health and safety of workers and others who can
be affected by its activities. This responsibility includes promoting and protecting their physical and
mental health.
The adoption of an OH&S management system is intended to enable an organization to provide safe
and healthy workplaces, prevent work-related injury and ill health, and continually improve its OH&S
0.2 Aim of an OH&S management system
The purpose of an OH&S management system is to provide a framework for managing OH&S risks and
opportunities. The aim and intended outcomes of the OH&S management system are to prevent work-
related injury and ill health to workers and to provide safe and healthy workplaces; consequently, it
is critically important for the organization to eliminate hazards and minimize OH&S risks by taking
effective preventive and protective measures.
When these measures are applied by the organization through its OH&S management system, they
improve its OH&S performance. An OH&S management system can be more effective and efficient when
taking early action to address opportunities for improvement of OH&S performance.
Implementing an OH&S management system conforming to this document enables an organization to
manage its OH&S risks and improve its OH&S performance. An OH&S management system can assist an
organization to fulfil its legal requirements and other requirements.
0.3 Success factors
The implementation of an OH&S management system is a strategic and operational decision for an
organization. The success of the OH&S management system depends on leadership, commitment and
participation from all levels and functions of the organization.
The implementation and maintenance of an OH&S management system, its effectiveness and its ability
to achieve its intended outcomes are dependent on a number of key factors, which can include:
a) top management leadership, commitment, responsibilities and accountability;
b) top management developing, leading and promoting a culture in the organization that supports the
intended outcomes of the OH&S management system;
c) communication;
d) consultation and participation of workers, and, where they exist, workers’ representatives;
e) allocation of the necessary resources to maintain it;
f) OH&S policies, which are compatible with the overall strategic objectives and direction of the
g) effective process(es) for identifying hazards, controlling OH&S risks and taking advantage of OH&S
h) continual performance evaluation and monitoring of the OH&S management system to improve
OH&S performance;
i) integration of the OH&S management system into the organization’s business processes;
j) OH&S objectives that align with the OH&S policy and take into account the organization’s hazards,
OH&S risks and OH&S opportunities;
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ISO 45001:2018(E)
k) compliance with its legal requirements and other requirements.
Demonstration of successful implementation of this document can be used by an organization to give
assurance to workers and other interested parties that an effective OH&S management system is in
place. Adoption of this document, however, will not in itself guarantee prevention of work-related injury
and ill health to workers, provision of safe and healthy workplaces and improved OH&S performance.
The level of detail, the complexity, the extent of documented information and the resources needed to
ensure the success of an organization’s OH&S management system will depend on a number of factors,
such as:
— the organization’s context (e.g. number of workers, size, geography, culture, legal requirements and
other requirements);
— the scope of the organization’s OH&S management system;
— the nature of the organization’s activities and the related OH&S risks.
0.4 Plan-Do-Check-Act cycle
The OH&S management system approach applied in this document is founded on the concept of Plan-
Do-Check-Act (PDCA).
The PDCA concept is an iterative process used by organizations to achieve continual improvement. It
can be applied to a management system and to each of its individual elements, as follows:
a) Plan: determine and assess OH&S risks, OH&S opportunities and other risks and other
opportunities, establish OH&S objectives and processes necessary to deliver results in accordance
with the organization’s OH&S policy;
b) Do: implement the processes as planned;
c) Check: monitor and measure activities and processes with regard to the OH&S policy and OH&S
objectives, and report the results;
d) Act: take actions to continually improve the OH&S performance to achieve the intended outcomes.
This document incorporates the PDCA concept into a new framework, as shown in Figure 1.
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ISO 45001:2018(E)
NOTE The numbers given in brackets refer to the clause numbers in this document.
Figure 1 — Relationship between PDCA and the framework in this document
0.5 Contents of this document
This document conforms to ISO’s requirements for management system standards. These requirements
include a high level structure, identical core text and common terms with core definitions, designed to
benefit users implementing multiple ISO management system standards.
This document does not include requirements specific to other subjects, such as those for quality, social
responsibility, environmental, security or financial management, though its elements can be aligned or
integrated with those of other management systems.
This document contains requirements that can be used by an organization to implement an OH&S
management system and to assess conformity. An organization that wishes to demonstrate conformity
to this document can do so by:
— making a self-determination and self-declaration, or
— seeking confirmation of its conformity by parties having an interest in the organization, such as
customers, or
— seeking confirmation of its self-declaration by a party external to the organization, or
— seeking certification/registration of its OH&S management system by an external organization.
Clauses 1 to 3 in this document set out the scope, normative references and terms and definitions which
apply to the use of this document, while Clauses 4 to 10 contain the requirements to be used to assess
conformity to this document. Annex A provides informative explanations to these requirements. The
terms and definitions in Clause 3 are arranged in conceptual order, with an alphabetical index provided
at the end of this document.
viii © ISO 2018 – All rights reserved
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ISO 45001:2018(E)
In this document, the following verbal forms are used:
a) “shall” indicates a requirement;
b) “should” indicates a recommendation;
c) “may” indicates a permission;
d) “can” indicates a possibility or a capability.
Information marked as “NOTE” is for guidance in understanding or clarifying the associated
requirement. “Notes to entry” used in Clause 3 provide additional information that supplements the
terminological data and can contain provisions relating to the use of a term.
© ISO 2018 – All rights reserved ix
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Occupational health and safety management systems —
Requirements with guidance for use
1 Scope
This document specifies requirements for an occupational health and safety (OH&S) management
system, and gives guidance for its use, to enable organizations to provide safe and healthy workplaces
by preventing work-related injury and ill health, as well as by proactively improving its OH&S
This document is applicable to any organization that wishes to establish, implement and maintain an
OH&S management system to improve occupational health and safety, eliminate hazards and minimize
OH&S risks (including system deficiencies), take advantage of OH&S opportunities, and address OH&S
management system nonconformities associated with its activities.
This document helps an organization to achieve the intended outcomes of its OH&S management system.
Consistent with the organization’s OH&S policy, the intended outcomes of an OH&S management system
a) continual improvement of OH&S performance;
b) fulfilment of legal requirements and other requirements;
c) achievement of OH&S objectives.
This document is applicable to any organization regardless of its size, type and activities. It is applicable
to the OH&S risks under the organization’s control, taking into account factors such as the context in
which the organization operates and the needs and expectations of its workers and other interested
This document does not state specific criteria for OH&S performance, nor is it prescriptive about the
design of an OH&S management system.
This document enables an organization, through its OH&S management system, to integrate other
aspects of health and safety, such as worker wellness/wellbeing.
This document does not address issues such as product safety, property damage or environmental
impacts, beyond the risks to workers and other relevant interested parties.
This document can be used in whole or in part to systematically improve occupational health and
safety management. However, claims of conformity to this document are not acceptable unless all its
requirements are incorporated into an organization’s OH&S management system and fulfilled without
2 Normative references
There are no normative references in this document.
3 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply.
ISO and IEC maintain terminological databases for use in standardization at the following addresses:
— ISO Online browsing platform: available at https:// www .iso .org/ obp
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ISO 45001:2018(E)
— IEC Electropedia: available at http:// www .electropedia .org/
person or group of people that has its own functions with responsibilities, authorities and relationships
to achieve its objectives (3.16)
Note 1 to entry: The concept of organization includes, but is not limited to sole-trader, company, corporation, firm,
enterprise, authority, partnership, charity or institution, or part or combination thereof, whether incorporated
or not, public or private.
Note 2 to entry: This constitutes one of the common terms and core definitions for ISO management system
standards given in Annex SL of the Consolidated ISO Supplement to the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 1.
interested party (preferred term)
stakeholder (admitted term)
person or organization (3.1) that can affect, be affected by, or perceive itself to be affected by a decision
or activity
Note 1 to entry: This constitutes one of the common terms and core definitions for ISO management system
standards given in Annex SL of the Consolidated ISO Supplement to the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 1.
person performing work or work-related activities that are under the control of the organization (3.1)
Note 1 to entry: Persons perform work or work-related activities under various arrangements, paid or unpaid,
such as regularly or temporarily, intermittently or seasonally, casually or on a part-time basis.
Note 2 to entry: Workers include top management (3.12), managerial and non-managerial persons.
Note 3 to entry: The work or work-related activities performed under the control of the organization may be
performed by workers employed by the organization, workers of external providers, contractors, individuals,
agency workers, and by other persons to the extent the organization shares control over their work or work-
related activities, according to the context of the organization.
involvement in decision-making
Note 1 to entry: Participation includes engaging health and safety committees and workers’ representatives,
where they exist.
seeking views before making a decision
Note 1 to entry: Consultation includes engaging health and safety committees and workers’ representatives,
where they exist.
place under the control of the organization (3.1) where a person needs to be or to go for work purposes
Note 1 to entry: The organization’s responsibilities under the OH&S management system (3.11) for the workplace
depend on the degree of control over the workplace.
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ISO 45001:2018(E)
external organization (3.1) providing services to the organization in accordance with agreed
specifications, terms and conditions
Note 1 to entry: Services may include construction activities, among others.
need or expectation that is stated, generally implied or obligatory
Note 1 to entry: “Generally implied” means that it is custom or common practice for the organization (3.1) and
interested parties (3.2) that the need or expectation under consideration is implied.
Note 2 to entry: A specified requirement is one that is stated, for example in documented information (3.24).
Note 3 to entry: This constitutes one of the common terms and core definitions for ISO management system
standards given in Annex SL of the Consolidated ISO Supplement to the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 1.
legal requirements and other requirements
legal requirements that an organization (3.1) has to comply with and other requirements (3.8) that an
organization has to or chooses to comply with
Note 1 to entry: For the purposes of this document, legal requirements and other requirements are those relevant
to the OH&S management system (3.11).
Note 2 to entry: “Legal requirements and other requirements” include the provisions in collective agreements.
Note 3 to entry: Legal requirements and other requirements include those that determine the persons who are
workers’ (3.3) representatives in accordance with laws, regulations, collective agreements and practices.
management system
set of interrelated or interacting elements of an organization (3.1) to establish policies (3.14) and
objectives (3.16) and processes (3.25) to achieve those objectives
Note 1 to entry: A management system can address a single discipline or several disciplines.
Note 2 to entry: The system elements include the organization’s structure, roles and responsibilities, planning,
operation, performance evaluation and improvement.
Note 3 to entry: The scope of a management system may include the whole of the organization, specific and
identified functions of the organization, specific and identified sections of the organization, or one or more
functions across a group of organizations.
Note 4 to entry: This constitutes one of the common terms and core definitions for ISO management system
standards given in Annex SL of the Consolidated ISO Supplement to the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 1. Note 2 to entry
has been modified to clarify some of the wider elements of a management system.
occupational health and safety management system
OH&S management system
management system (3.10) or part of a management system used to achieve the OH&S policy (3.15)
Note 1 to entry: The intended outcomes of the OH&S management system are to prevent injury and ill health
(3.18) to workers (3.3) and to provide safe and healthy workplaces (3.6).
Note 2 to entry: The terms “occupational health and safety” (OH&S) and “occupational safety and health” (OSH)
have the same meaning.
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ISO 45001:2018(E)
top management
person or group of people who directs and controls an organization
SIST ISO 45001:2018
Sistem vodenja varnosti in zdravja pri delu - Zahteve z napotki za uporabo
Occupational health and safety management systems - Requirements with guidance for
Systèmes de management de la santé et de la sécurité au travail - Exigences et lignes
directrices pour son utilisation
Ta slovenski standard je istoveten z: ISO 45001:2018
03.100.70 Sistemi vodenja Management systems
13.100 Varnost pri delu. Industrijska Occupational safety.
higiena Industrial hygiene
SIST ISO 45001:2018 en
2003-01.Slovenski inštitut za standardizacijo. Razmnoževanje celote ali delov tega standarda ni dovoljeno.
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SIST ISO 45001:2018
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SIST ISO 45001:2018
First edition
Occupational health and
safety management systems —
Requirements with guidance for use
Systèmes de management de la santé et de la sécurité au travail —
Exigences et lignes directrices pour leur utilisation
Reference number
ISO 45001:2018(E)
ISO 2018
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SIST ISO 45001:2018
ISO 45001:2018(E)
© ISO 2018
All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, or required in the context of its implementation, no part of this publication may
be reproduced or utilized otherwise in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, or posting
on the internet or an intranet, without prior written permission. Permission can be requested from either ISO at the address
below or ISO’s member body in the country of the requester.
ISO copyright office
CP 401 • Ch. de Blandonnet 8
CH-1214 Vernier, Geneva
Phone: +41 22 749 01 11
Fax: +41 22 749 09 47
Published in Switzerland
ii © ISO 2018 – All rights reserved
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SIST ISO 45001:2018
ISO 45001:2018(E)
Contents Page
Foreword .v
Introduction .vi
1 Scope . 1
2 Normative references . 1
3 Terms and definitions . 1
4 Context of the organization . 8
4.1 Understanding the organization and its context . 8
4.2 Understanding the needs and expectations of workers and other interested parties. 8
4.3 Determining the scope of the OH&S management system . 8
4.4 OH&S management system . 8
5 Leadership and worker participation . 9
5.1 Leadership and commitment . 9
5.2 OH&S policy . 9
5.3 Organizational roles, responsibilities and authorities.10
5.4 Consultation and participation of workers .10
6 Planning .11
6.1 Actions to address risks and opportunities .11
6.1.1 General.11
6.1.2 Hazard identification and assessment of risks and opportunities .12
6.1.3 Determination of legal requirements and other requirements .13
6.1.4 Planning action .13
6.2 OH&S objectives and planning to achieve them .14
6.2.1 OH&S objectives .14
6.2.2 Planning to achieve OH&S objectives .14
7 Support .15
7.1 Resources .15
7.2 Competence .15
7.3 Awareness .15
7.4 Communication .15
7.4.1 General.15
7.4.2 Internal communication .16
7.4.3 External communication .16
7.5 Documented information .16
7.5.1 General.16
7.5.2 Creating and updating .17
7.5.3 Control of documented information .17
8 Operation .17
8.1 Operational planning and control .17
8.1.1 General.17
8.1.2 Eliminating hazards and reducing OH&S risks .18
8.1.3 Management of change.18
8.1.4 Procurement .18
8.2 Emergency preparedness and response .19
9 Performance evaluation .19
9.1 Monitoring, measurement, analysis and performance evaluation .19
9.1.1 General.19
9.1.2 Evaluation of compliance .20
9.2 Internal audit .20
9.2.1 General.20
9.2.2 Internal audit programme .21
9.3 Management review .21
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10 Improvement .22
10.1 General .22
10.2 Incident, nonconformity and corrective action .22
10.3 Continual improvement .23
Annex A (informative) Guidance on the use of this document .24
Bibliography .40
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ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards
bodies (ISO member bodies). The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out
through ISO technical committees. Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical
committee has been established has the right to be represented on that committee. International
organizations, governmental and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work.
ISO collaborates closely with the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all matters of
electrotechnical standardization.
The procedures used to develop this document and those intended for its further maintenance are
described in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 1. In particular the different approval criteria needed for the
different types of ISO documents should be noted. This document was drafted in accordance with the
editorial rules of the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2 (see www .iso .org/ directives).
Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of
patent rights. ISO shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights. Details of
any patent rights identified during the development of the document will be in the Introduction and/or
on the ISO list of patent declarations received (see www .iso .org/ patents).
Any trade name used in this document is information given for the convenience of users and does not
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For an explanation on the voluntary nature of standards, the meaning of ISO specific terms and
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World Trade Organization (WTO) principles in the Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) see the following
URL: www .iso .org/ iso/ foreword .html.
This document was prepared by Project Committee ISO/PC 283, Occupational health and safety
management systems.
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0.1 Background
An organization is responsible for the occupational health and safety of workers and others who can
be affected by its activities. This responsibility includes promoting and protecting their physical and
mental health.
The adoption of an OH&S management system is intended to enable an organization to provide safe
and healthy workplaces, prevent work-related injury and ill health, and continually improve its OH&S
0.2 Aim of an OH&S management system
The purpose of an OH&S management system is to provide a framework for managing OH&S risks and
opportunities. The aim and intended outcomes of the OH&S management system are to prevent work-
related injury and ill health to workers and to provide safe and healthy workplaces; consequently, it
is critically important for the organization to eliminate hazards and minimize OH&S risks by taking
effective preventive and protective measures.
When these measures are applied by the organization through its OH&S management system, they
improve its OH&S performance. An OH&S management system can be more effective and efficient when
taking early action to address opportunities for improvement of OH&S performance.
Implementing an OH&S management system conforming to this document enables an organization to
manage its OH&S risks and improve its OH&S performance. An OH&S management system can assist an
organization to fulfil its legal requirements and other requirements.
0.3 Success factors
The implementation of an OH&S management system is a strategic and operational decision for an
organization. The success of the OH&S management system depends on leadership, commitment and
participation from all levels and functions of the organization.
The implementation and maintenance of an OH&S management system, its effectiveness and its ability
to achieve its intended outcomes are dependent on a number of key factors, which can include:
a) top management leadership, commitment, responsibilities and accountability;
b) top management developing, leading and promoting a culture in the organization that supports the
intended outcomes of the OH&S management system;
c) communication;
d) consultation and participation of workers, and, where they exist, workers’ representatives;
e) allocation of the necessary resources to maintain it;
f) OH&S policies, which are compatible with the overall strategic objectives and direction of the
g) effective process(es) for identifying hazards, controlling OH&S risks and taking advantage of OH&S
h) continual performance evaluation and monitoring of the OH&S management system to improve
OH&S performance;
i) integration of the OH&S management system into the organization’s business processes;
j) OH&S objectives that align with the OH&S policy and take into account the organization’s hazards,
OH&S risks and OH&S opportunities;
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k) compliance with its legal requirements and other requirements.
Demonstration of successful implementation of this document can be used by an organization to give
assurance to workers and other interested parties that an effective OH&S management system is in
place. Adoption of this document, however, will not in itself guarantee prevention of work-related injury
and ill health to workers, provision of safe and healthy workplaces and improved OH&S performance.
The level of detail, the complexity, the extent of documented information and the resources needed to
ensure the success of an organization’s OH&S management system will depend on a number of factors,
such as:
— the organization’s context (e.g. number of workers, size, geography, culture, legal requirements and
other requirements);
— the scope of the organization’s OH&S management system;
— the nature of the organization’s activities and the related OH&S risks.
0.4 Plan-Do-Check-Act cycle
The OH&S management system approach applied in this document is founded on the concept of Plan-
Do-Check-Act (PDCA).
The PDCA concept is an iterative process used by organizations to achieve continual improvement. It
can be applied to a management system and to each of its individual elements, as follows:
a) Plan: determine and assess OH&S risks, OH&S opportunities and other risks and other
opportunities, establish OH&S objectives and processes necessary to deliver results in accordance
with the organization’s OH&S policy;
b) Do: implement the processes as planned;
c) Check: monitor and measure activities and processes with regard to the OH&S policy and OH&S
objectives, and report the results;
d) Act: take actions to continually improve the OH&S performance to achieve the intended outcomes.
This document incorporates the PDCA concept into a new framework, as shown in Figure 1.
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NOTE The numbers given in brackets refer to the clause numbers in this document.
Figure 1 — Relationship between PDCA and the framework in this document
0.5 Contents of this document
This document conforms to ISO’s requirements for management system standards. These requirements
include a high level structure, identical core text and common terms with core definitions, designed to
benefit users implementing multiple ISO management system standards.
This document does not include requirements specific to other subjects, such as those for quality, social
responsibility, environmental, security or financial management, though its elements can be aligned or
integrated with those of other management systems.
This document contains requirements that can be used by an organization to implement an OH&S
management system and to assess conformity. An organization that wishes to demonstrate conformity
to this document can do so by:
— making a self-determination and self-declaration, or
— seeking confirmation of its conformity by parties having an interest in the organization, such as
customers, or
— seeking confirmation of its self-declaration by a party external to the organization, or
— seeking certification/registration of its OH&S management system by an external organization.
Clauses 1 to 3 in this document set out the scope, normative references and terms and definitions which
apply to the use of this document, while Clauses 4 to 10 contain the requirements to be used to assess
conformity to this document. Annex A provides informative explanations to these requirements. The
terms and definitions in Clause 3 are arranged in conceptual order, with an alphabetical index provided
at the end of this document.
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In this document, the following verbal forms are used:
a) “shall” indicates a requirement;
b) “should” indicates a recommendation;
c) “may” indicates a permission;
d) “can” indicates a possibility or a capability.
Information marked as “NOTE” is for guidance in understanding or clarifying the associated
requirement. “Notes to entry” used in Clause 3 provide additional information that supplements the
terminological data and can contain provisions relating to the use of a term.
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Occupational health and safety management systems —
Requirements with guidance for use
1 Scope
This document specifies requirements for an occupational health and safety (OH&S) management
system, and gives guidance for its use, to enable organizations to provide safe and healthy workplaces
by preventing work-related injury and ill health, as well as by proactively improving its OH&S
This document is applicable to any organization that wishes to establish, implement and maintain an
OH&S management system to improve occupational health and safety, eliminate hazards and minimize
OH&S risks (including system deficiencies), take advantage of OH&S opportunities, and address OH&S
management system nonconformities associated with its activities.
This document helps an organization to achieve the intended outcomes of its OH&S management system.
Consistent with the organization’s OH&S policy, the intended outcomes of an OH&S management system
a) continual improvement of OH&S performance;
b) fulfilment of legal requirements and other requirements;
c) achievement of OH&S objectives.
This document is applicable to any organization regardless of its size, type and activities. It is applicable
to the OH&S risks under the organization’s control, taking into account factors such as the context in
which the organization operates and the needs and expectations of its workers and other interested
This document does not state specific criteria for OH&S performance, nor is it prescriptive about the
design of an OH&S management system.
This document enables an organization, through its OH&S management system, to integrate other
aspects of health and safety, such as worker wellness/wellbeing.
This document does not address issues such as product safety, property damage or environmental
impacts, beyond the risks to workers and other relevant interested parties.
This document can be used in whole or in part to systematically improve occupational health and
safety management. However, claims of conformity to this document are not acceptable unless all its
requirements are incorporated into an organization’s OH&S management system and fulfilled without
2 Normative references
There are no normative references in this document.
3 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply.
ISO and IEC maintain terminological databases for use in standardization at the following addresses:
— ISO Online browsing platform: available at https:// www .iso .org/ obp
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— IEC Electropedia: available at http:// www .electropedia .org/
person or group of people that has its own functions with responsibilities, authorities and relationships
to achieve its objectives (3.16)
Note 1 to entry: The concept of organization includes, but is not limited to sole-trader, company, corporation, firm,
enterprise, authority, partnership, charity or institution, or part or combination thereof, whether incorporated
or not, public or private.
Note 2 to entry: This constitutes one of the common terms and core definitions for ISO management system
standards given in Annex SL of the Consolidated ISO Supplement to the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 1.
interested party (preferred term)
stakeholder (admitted term)
person or organization (3.1) that can affect, be affected by, or perceive itself to be affected by a decision
or activity
Note 1 to entry: This constitutes one of the common terms and core definitions for ISO management system
standards given in Annex SL of the Consolidated ISO Supplement to the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 1.
person performing work or work-related activities that are under the control of the organization (3.1)
Note 1 to entry: Persons perform work or work-related activities under various arrangements, paid or unpaid,
such as regularly or temporarily, intermittently or seasonally, casually or on a part-time basis.
Note 2 to entry: Workers include top management (3.12), managerial and non-managerial persons.
Note 3 to entry: The work or work-related activities performed under the control of the organization may be
performed by workers employed by the organization, workers of external providers, contractors, individuals,
agency workers, and by other persons to the extent the organization shares control over their work or work-
related activities, according to the context of the organization.
involvement in decision-making
Note 1 to entry: Participation includes engaging health and safety committees and workers’ representatives,
where they exist.
seeking views before making a decision
Note 1 to entry: Consultation includes engaging health and safety committees and workers’ representatives,
where they exist.
place under the control of the organization (3.1) where a person needs to be or to go for work purposes
Note 1 to entry: The organization’s responsibilities under the OH&S management system (3.11) for the workplace
depend on the degree of control over the workplace.
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external organization (3.1) providing services to the organization in accordance with agreed
specifications, terms and conditions
Note 1 to entry: Services may include construction activities, among others.
need or expectation that is stated, generally implied or obligatory
Note 1 to entry: “Generally implied” means that it is custom or common practice for the organization (3.1) and
interested parties (3.2) that the need or expectation under consideration is implied.
Note 2 to entry: A specified requirement is one that is stated, for example in documented information (3.24).
Note 3 to entry: This constitutes one of the common terms and core definitions for ISO management system
standards given in Annex SL of the Consolidated ISO Supplement to the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 1.
legal requirements and other requirements
legal requirements that an organization (3.1) has to comply with and other requirements (3.8) that an
organization has to or chooses to comply with
Note 1 to entry: For the purposes of this document, legal requirements and other requirements are those relevant
to the OH&S management system (3.11).
Note 2 to entry: “Legal requirements and other requirements” include the provisions in collective agreements.
Note 3 to entry: Legal requirements and other requirements include those that determine the persons who are
workers’ (3.3) representatives in accordance with laws, regulations, collective agreements and practices.
management system
set of interrelated or interacting elements of an organization (3.1) to establish policies (3.14) and
objectives (3.16) and processes (3.25) to achieve those objectives
Note 1 to entry: A management system can address a single discipline or several disciplines.
Note 2 to entry: The system elements include the organization’s structure, roles and responsibilities, planning,
operation, performance evaluation and improvement.
Note 3 to entry: The scope of a management system may include the whole of the organization, specific and
Première édition
Systèmes de management de la
santé et de la sécurité au travail —
Exigences et lignes directrices pour
leur utilisation
Occupational health and safety management systems —
Requirements with guidance for use
Numéro de référence
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ISO 45001:2018(F)
Sommaire Page
Avant-propos .v
Introduction .vi
1 Domaine d’application . 1
2 Références normatives . 1
3 Termes et définitions . 1
4 Contexte de l’organisme . 8
4.1 Compréhension de l’organisme et de son contexte . 8
4.2 Compréhension des besoins et attentes des travailleurs et autres parties intéressées . 8
4.3 Détermination du périmètre d’application du système de management de la S&ST . 9
4.4 Système de management de la S&ST . 9
5 Leadership et participation des travailleurs . 9
5.1 Leadership et engagement. 9
5.2 Politique de S&ST.10
5.3 Rôles, responsabilités et autorités au sein de l’organisme .10
5.4 Consultation et participation des travailleurs .11
6 Planification .12
6.1 Actions à mettre en œuvre face aux risques et opportunités .12
6.1.1 Généralités .12
6.1.2 Identification des dangers et évaluation des risques et opportunités .13
6.1.3 Détermination des exigences légales et autres exigences .14
6.1.4 Planification des actions .14
6.2 Objectifs de S&ST et planification des actions pour les atteindre .15
6.2.1 Objectifs de S&ST .15
6.2.2 Planification pour l’atteinte des objectifs de S&ST .15
7 Support .16
7.1 Ressources .16
7.2 Compétences .16
7.3 Sensibilisation/prise de conscience .16
7.4 Communication .16
7.4.1 Généralités .16
7.4.2 Communication interne .17
7.4.3 Communication externe .17
7.5 Informations documentées .17
7.5.1 Généralités .17
7.5.2 Création et mise à jour des informations documentées .18
7.5.3 Maîtrise des informations documentées .18
8 Réalisation des activités opérationnelles .18
8.1 Planification et maîtrise opérationnelles .18
8.1.1 Généralités .18
8.1.2 Élimination des dangers et réduction des risques pour la S&ST .19
8.1.3 Pilotage du changement .19
8.1.4 Acquisition de biens et services.19
8.2 Préparation et réponse aux situations d’urgence .20
9 Évaluation des performances .21
9.1 Surveillance, mesure, analyse et évaluation de la performance .21
9.1.1 Généralités .21
9.1.2 Évaluation de la conformité .21
9.2 Audit interne .22
9.2.1 Généralités .22
9.2.2 Programme d’audit interne .22
9.3 Revue de direction .22
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10 Amélioration .23
10.1 Généralités .23
10.2 Événement indésirable, non-conformité et actions correctives .23
10.3 Amélioration continue .24
Annexe A (informative) Lignes directrices pour l’utilisation du présent document .26
Bibliographie .44
Index alphabétique des termes .45
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ISO 45001:2018(F)
L'ISO (Organisation internationale de normalisation) est une fédération mondiale d'organismes
nationaux de normalisation (comités membres de l'ISO). L'élaboration des Normes internationales est
en général confiée aux comités techniques de l'ISO. Chaque comité membre intéressé par une étude
a le droit de faire partie du comité technique créé à cet effet. Les organisations internationales,
gouvernementales et non gouvernementales, en liaison avec l'ISO participent également aux travaux.
L'ISO collabore étroitement avec la Commission électrotechnique internationale (IEC) en ce qui
concerne la normalisation électrotechnique.
Les procédures utilisées pour élaborer le présent document et celles destinées à sa mise à jour sont
décrites dans les Directives ISO/IEC, Partie 1. Il convient, en particulier de prendre note des différents
critères d'approbation requis pour les différents types de documents ISO. Le présent document a été
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L'attention est attirée sur le fait que certains des éléments du présent document peuvent faire l'objet de
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Le présent document a été élaboré par le comité de projet ISO/PC 283, Systèmes de management de la
santé et de la sécurité au travail.
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ISO 45001:2018(F)
0.1 Contexte
Tout organisme est responsable de la santé et de la sécurité au travail de ses travailleurs et des autres
personnes qui peuvent être affectées par ses activités. Cette responsabilité inclut de favoriser et de
préserver leur santé physique et mentale.
L’adoption d’un système de management de la S&ST vise à permettre à un organisme de procurer des
lieux de travail sûrs et sains, d’éviter les traumatismes et pathologies liés au travail et d’améliorer en
continu sa performance en S&ST.
0.2 Objectif d’un système de management de la S&ST
La finalité d’un système de management de la S&ST est de fournir un cadre pour le management des
risques et opportunités pour la S&ST. L’objectif et les résultats escomptés du système de management de
la S&ST sont d’empêcher l’apparition de traumatismes et pathologies liés au travail chez les travailleurs
et de mettre à disposition des lieux de travail sûrs et sains. C’est pourquoi il est absolument essentiel
que l’organisme supprime les dangers et minimalise les risques pour la S&ST en prenant des mesures
de prévention et de protection efficaces.
Lorsque ces mesures sont appliquées par l’organisme dans le cadre de son système de management de
la S&ST, elles permettent d’améliorer sa performance en S&ST. Un système de management de la S&ST
peut s’avérer plus efficace et plus efficient lorsque l’on prend les mesures le plus en amont possible afin
de saisir les opportunités d’amélioration de la performance en S&ST.
La mise en œuvre d’un système de management de la S&ST conforme au présent document donne à
un organisme un moyen de gérer ses risques pour la S&ST et d’améliorer sa performance en S&ST. Un
système de management de la S&ST peut aider un organisme à satisfaire à ses exigences légales et
autres exigences.
0.3 Facteurs de réussite
La mise en œuvre d’un système de management de la S&ST relève d’une décision stratégique et
opérationnelle d’un organisme. La réussite du système de management de la S&ST repose sur le
leadership ainsi que sur l’engagement et la participation de tous les niveaux hiérarchiques et de toutes
les fonctions de l’organisme.
La mise en œuvre et la tenue à jour d’un système de management de la S&ST, son effectivité/efficacité et
sa capacité à atteindre les résultats escomptés dépendent d’un certain nombre de facteurs clés pouvant
a) le leadership, l’engagement, la prise de responsabilité et l’obligation de la direction de rendre des
b) le développement, le soutien et la promotion par la direction d’une culture favorable aux résultats
escomptés du système de management de la S&ST au sein de l’organisme;
c) la communication;
d) la consultation et la participation des travailleurs et, quand ils existent, de leurs représentants;
e) l’allocation des ressources nécessaires pour le maintenir;
f) des politiques de S&ST compatibles avec l’orientation et les objectifs stratégiques généraux de
g) un ou des processus efficaces pour identifier les dangers, maîtriser les risques pour la S&ST et tirer
parti des opportunités pour la S&ST;
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h) l’évaluation et le suivi en continu des performances du système de management de la S&ST en vue
d’améliorer la performance en S&ST;
i) l’intégration du système de management de la S&ST dans les processus métiers de l’organisme;
j) des objectifs de S&ST en adéquation avec la politique de S&ST et qui prennent en compte les
dangers, les risques pour la S&ST et les opportunités pour la S&ST de l’organisme;
k) la conformité aux exigences légales et autres exigences.
La démonstration de la mise en œuvre réussie du présent document peut être utilisée par un organisme
pour donner l’assurance aux travailleurs et aux autres parties intéressées qu’un système efficace de
management de la S&ST est en place. Cependant, l’adoption du présent document ne garantira pas, à
elle seule, la prévention des traumatismes et pathologies liés au travail chez les travailleurs, ni la mise à
disposition de lieux de travail sûrs et sains, ni l’amélioration de la performance en S&ST.
Le niveau de détail, la complexité et l’étendue des informations documentées ainsi que les ressources
nécessaires pour assurer la réussite du système de management de la S&ST d’un organisme dépendent
d’un certain nombre de facteurs, comme:
— les caractéristiques de l’organisme (par exemple: effectif, taille, position géographique, culture,
exigences légales et autres exigences);
— le périmètre d’application du système de management de la S&ST de l’organisme;
— la nature des activités de l’organisme et les risques associés pour la S&ST.
0.4 Cycle PDCA
L’approche du système de management de la S&ST utilisée dans le présent document repose sur le
concept PDCA: Planifier, Réaliser, Évaluer, Améliorer.
Le concept PDCA est un processus itératif d’amélioration continue utilisé par les organismes. Il peut
être appliqué à un système de management comme à chacun de ses éléments comme suit:
a) planifier: déterminer et évaluer les risques pour la S&ST, les opportunités pour la S&ST et les autres
risques et opportunités, établir les objectifs de S&ST et les processus nécessaires à l’obtention de
résultats en cohérence avec la politique de S&ST de l’organisme;
b) réaliser: mettre en œuvre les processus tels que planifiés;
c) évaluer: surveiller et mesurer les activités et les processus au regard de la politique de S&ST et des
objectifs de S&ST, et rendre compte des résultats;
d) améliorer: mener des actions d’amélioration continue de la performance en S&ST afin d’obtenir les
résultats escomptés.
Le présent document inscrit le concept PDCA dans un nouveau cadre, comme illustré à la Figure 1.
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NOTE Les numéros entre parenthèses font référence aux articles du présent document.
Figure 1 — Relation entre le concept PDCA et le cadre du présent document
0.5 Contenu du présent document
Le présent document se conforme aux exigences de l’ISO relatives aux normes de systèmes de
management. Ces exigences incluent une structure-cadre, un texte de base identique et des termes et
définitions de base communs, conçus à l’intention des utilisateurs mettant en œuvre plusieurs normes
ISO de systèmes de management.
Le présent document n’inclut pas d’exigences spécifiques à d’autres sujets, telles que celles relatives
au management de la qualité, au management de la responsabilité sociétale, au management
environnemental, au management de la sécurité ou au management financier, bien que ses éléments
puissent être alignés ou intégrés avec ceux d’autres systèmes de management.
Le présent document contient des exigences pouvant être utilisées par un organisme pour mettre en
œuvre un système de management de la S&ST et pour évaluer sa conformité. Un organisme souhaitant
démontrer sa conformité au présent document peut le faire:
— en effectuant une auto-évaluation et une auto-déclaration; ou
— en obtenant la confirmation de sa conformité par des parties ayant un intérêt dans l’organisme,
telles que ses clients; ou
— en obtenant la confirmation de son auto-évaluation par une partie externe à l’organisme; ou
— en obtenant la certification/enregistrement de son système de management de la S&ST par un
organisme externe.
Les Articles 1 à 3 du présent document présentent le domaine d’application, les références normatives et
les termes et définitions qui s’appliquent pour son utilisation, tandis que les Articles 4 à 10 contiennent
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ISO 45001:2018(F)
les exigences à utiliser pour évaluer la conformité au présent document. L’Annexe A fournit des
explications informatives relatives à ces exigences. Les termes et définitions de l’Article 3 sont classés
par ordre conceptuel, un index alphabétique étant fourni à la fin du présent document.
Dans le présent document, les formes verbales suivantes sont utilisées:
a) «doit» indique une exigence;
b) «il convient de» indique une recommandation;
c) «peut» indique parfois («may» en anglais) une autorisation;
d) ou encore («can» en anglais) une possibilité ou une capacité.
Les informations sous forme de «NOTE» sont fournies pour clarifier l’exigence associée ou en
faciliter la compréhension. Les «Notes à l’article» employées à l’Article 3 fournissent des informations
supplémentaires qui viennent compléter les données terminologiques et peuvent contenir des précisions
concernant l’usage d’un terme.
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Systèmes de management de la santé et de la sécurité
au travail — Exigences et lignes directrices pour leur
1 Domaine d’application
Le présent document spécifie les exigences pour un système de management de la santé et de la
sécurité au travail (S&ST), et fournit des lignes directrices pour son utilisation, afin de permettre
aux organismes de procurer des lieux de travail sûrs et sains, par la prévention des traumatismes et
pathologies liés au travail et par l’amélioration proactive de leur performance en S&ST.
Le présent document est applicable à tout organisme qui souhaite établir, mettre en œuvre et tenir à jour
un système de management de la S&ST afin d’améliorer la santé et la sécurité au travail, de supprimer
les dangers et de minimaliser les risques pour la S&ST (y compris les défaillances du système), de tirer
profit des opportunités pour la S&ST et de remédier aux non-conformités du système de management
de la S&ST liées à ses activités.
Le présent document vise à aider un organisme à atteindre les résultats escomptés de son système de
management de la S&ST. En accord avec la politique de S&ST de l’organisme, les résultats escomptés
d’un système de management de la S&ST incluent:
a) l’amélioration continue de la performance en S&ST;
b) la satisfaction aux exigences légales et autres exigences;
c) l’atteinte des objectifs de S&ST.
Le présent document est applicable à tout organisme, quels que soient sa taille, son statut et ses
activités. Il est applicable aux risques pour la S&ST qui sont sous le contrôle de l’organisme, en tenant
compte de facteurs tels que le contexte dans lequel l’organisme évolue ainsi que les besoins et attentes
de ses travailleurs et autres parties intéressées.
Le présent document ne précise pas de critères spécifiques de performance en S&ST, ni de spécifications
sur la manière de concevoir un système de management de la S&ST.
Le présent document permet à un organisme d’intégrer, au travers de son système de management de la
S&ST, d’autres aspects de santé et de sécurité, tels que le bien-être et la qualité de vie au travail.
Le présent document ne traite pas de la sécurité des produits, des dommages matériels ou des impacts
environnementaux, en dehors des risques pour les travailleurs et pour les autres parties intéressées
Le présent document peut être utilisé en totalité ou en partie pour améliorer de façon systématique le
management de la santé et de la sécurité au travail. Les déclarations de conformité au présent document
ne sont cependant pas acceptables à moins que toutes les exigences soient intégrées dans le système de
management de la S&ST d’un organisme et soient satisfaites, sans exclusion.
2 Références normatives
Le présent document ne contient aucune référence normative.
3 Termes et définitions
Pour les besoins du présent document, les termes et définitions suivants s’appliquent.
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ISO 45001:2018(F)
L’ISO et l’IEC tiennent à jour des bases de données terminologiques destinées à être utilisées en
normalisation, consultables aux adresses suivantes:
— ISO Online browsing platform: disponible à l’adresse https:// www .iso .org/ obp
— IEC Electropedia: disponible à l’adresse http:// www .electropedia .org/
personne ou groupe de personnes ayant un rôle avec les responsabilités, l’autorité et les relations lui
permettant d’atteindre ses objectifs (3.16)
Note 1 à l'article: Le concept d’organisme englobe sans s’y limiter, les travailleurs indépendants, les compagnies,
les sociétés, les firmes, les entreprises, les administrations, les partenariats, les organisations caritatives ou les
institutions, ou bien une partie ou une combinaison des entités précédentes, à responsabilité limitée ou ayant un
autre statut, de droit public ou privé.
Note 2 à l'article: Ceci est l’un des termes et définitions de base communs aux normes ISO de systèmes de
management figurant dans l’Annexe SL du Supplément ISO consolidé des Directives ISO/IEC, Partie 1.
partie intéressée (terme privilégié)
partie prenante (terme toléré)
personne ou organisme (3.1) qui peut soit influer sur une décision ou une activité, soit être influencé ou
s’estimer influencé par une décision ou une activité
Note 1 à l'article: Ceci est l’un des termes et définitions de base communs aux normes ISO de systèmes de
management figurant dans l’Annexe SL du Supplément ISO consolidé des Directives ISO/IEC, Partie 1.
personne effectuant un travail ou exerçant des activités en relation avec le travail qui sont sous le
contrôle de l’organisme (3.1)
Note 1 à l'article: Les personnes effectuent un travail ou exercent des activités en relation avec le travail dans
diverses configurations, avec ou sans rémunération, par exemple de façon régulière ou temporaire, intermittente
ou saisonnière, ponctuelle ou à temps partiel.
Note 2 à l'article: Les travailleurs incluent la direction (3.12) et le personnel d’encadrement ou non.
Note 3 à l'article: Le travail ou les activités en relation avec le travail exercés sous le contrôle de l’organisme
peuvent l’être par des travailleurs employés par l’organisme, des travailleurs de prestataires extérieurs, des
intervenants extérieurs, des particuliers, des travailleurs intérimaires, et par d’autres personnes dans la mesure
où l’organisme exerce un contrôle conjoint sur leur travail ou leurs activités en relation avec le travail, et ce, en
fonction du contexte de l’organisme.
implication dans la prise de décision
Note 1 à l'article: La participation inclut l’implication de comités pour la santé et la sécurité et de représentants
des travailleurs, quand ils existent.
recherche d’avis avant une prise de décision
Note 1 à l'article: La consultation inclut l’implication de comités pour la santé et la sécurité et de représentants
des travailleurs, quand ils existent.
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ISO 45001:2018(F)
lieu de travail
lieu sous le contrôle de l’organisme (3.1) où une personne doit se trouver ou se rendre pour son travail
Note 1 à l'article: Les responsabilités de l’organisme dans le cadre du système de management de la S&ST (3.11)
concernant le lieu de travail dépendent de son degré d’autorité sur le lieu de travail.
intervenant extérieur
organisme (3.1) externe fournissant des services à l’organisme conformément à des spécifications,
termes et conditions convenus
Note 1 à l'article: Les services peuvent comprendre, entre autres, des activités de construction.
besoin ou attente formulé, généralement implicite ou obligatoire
Note 1 à l'article: «Généralement implicite» signifie qu’il est habituel ou courant, pour l’organisme (3.1) et les
parties intéressées (3.2), que le besoin ou l’attente en question soit implicite.
Note 2 à l'art
Traducción oficial
Primera edición
Official translation
Traduction officielle
Sistemas de gestión de la seguridad y
salud en el trabajo — Requisitos con
orientación para su uso
Occupational health and safety management systems —
Requirements with guidance for use
Systèmes de management de la santé et de la sécurité au travail —
Exigences et lignes directrices pour son utilisation
Publicado por la Secretaría Central de ISO en Ginebra, Suiza, como
traducción oficial en español avalada por el Translation
Management Group, que ha certificado la conformidad en relación
con las versiones inglesa y francesa.
Número de referencia
ISO 45001:2018
(traducción oficial)
ISO 2018
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ISO 45001:2018 (traducción oficial)
© ISO 2018.
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autorización puede solicitarse a ISO en la siguiente dirección o al organismo miembro de ISO en el país solicitante.
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Publicada en Suiza
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ISO 45001:2018 (traducción oficial)
Índice Página
Prólogo . v
Prólogo de la versión en español . vi
Introducción . vii
1 Objeto y campo de aplicación .1
2 Referencias normativas.2
3 Términos y definiciones .2
4 Contexto de la organización .9
4.1 Comprensión de la organización y de su contexto . 9
4.2 Comprensión de las necesidades y expectativas de los trabajadores y de otras
partes interesadas . 10
4.3 Determinación del alcance del sistema de gestión de la SST . 10
4.4 Sistema de gestión de la SST . 10
5 Liderazgo y participación de los trabajadores . 10
5.1 Liderazgo y compromiso . 10
5.2 Política de la SST . 11
5.3 Roles, responsabilidades y autoridades en la organización . 12
5.4 Consulta y participación de los trabajadores . 12
6 Planificación . 14
6.1 Acciones para abordar riesgos y oportunidades . 14
6.1.1 Generalidades . 14
6.1.2 Identificación de peligros y evaluación de los riesgos y oportunidades . 14
6.1.3 Determinación de los requisitos legales y otros requisitos . 16
6.1.4 Planificación de acciones . 16
6.2 Objetivos de la SST y planificación para lograrlos . 17
6.2.1 Objetivos de la SST . 17
6.2.2 Planificación para lograr los objetivos de la SST . 17
7 Apoyo . 18
7.1 Recursos. 18
7.2 Competencia. 18
7.3 Toma de conciencia . 18
7.4 Comunicación . 19
7.4.1 Generalidades . 19
7.4.2 Comunicación interna. 19
7.4.3 Comunicación externa . 19
7.5 Información documentada . 20
7.5.1 Generalidades . 20
7.5.2 Creación y actualización . 20
7.5.3 Control de la Información documentada . 20
8 Operación . 21
8.1 Planificación y control operacional . 21
8.1.1 Generalidades . 21
8.1.2 Eliminar peligros y reducir riesgos para la SST . 21
8.1.3 Gestión del cambio . 22
8.1.4 Compras . 22
8.2 Preparación y respuesta ante emergencias . 23
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ISO 45001:2018 (traducción oficial)
9 Evaluación del desempeño . 23
9.1 Seguimiento, medición, análisis y evaluación del desempeño . 23
9.1.1 Generalidades . 23
9.1.2 Evaluación del cumplimiento . 24
9.2 Auditoría interna . 24
9.2.1 Generalidades . 24
9.2.2 Programa de auditoría interna . 25
9.3 Revisión por la dirección . 25
10 Mejora . 26
10.1 Generalidades . 26
10.2 Incidentes, no conformidades y acciones correctivas . 27
10.3 Mejora continua . 28
Anexo A (informativo) Orientación para el uso de este documento . 29
Bibliografía . 48
Índice alfabético de términos . 49
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ISO 45001:2018 (traducción oficial)
ISO (Organización Internacional de Normalización) es una federación mundial de organismos
nacionales de normalización (organismos miembros de ISO). El trabajo de preparación de las Normas
Internacionales normalmente se realiza a través de los comités técnicos de ISO. Cada organismo
miembro interesado en una materia para la cual se haya establecido un comité técnico, tiene el derecho
de estar representado en dicho comité. Las organizaciones internacionales, públicas y privadas, en
coordinación con ISO, también participan en el trabajo. ISO colabora estrechamente con la Comisión
Electrotécnica Internacional (IEC) en todas las materias de normalización electrotécnica.
En la Parte 1 de las Directivas ISO/IEC se describen los procedimientos utilizados para desarrollar este
documento y para su mantenimiento posterior. En particular debería tomarse nota de los diferentes
criterios de aprobación necesarios para los distintos tipos de documentos ISO. Este documento se redactó
de acuerdo a las reglas editoriales de la Parte 2 de las Directivas ISO/IEC.
Se llama la atención sobre la posibilidad de que algunos de los elementos de este documento puedan
estar sujetos a derechos de patente. ISO no asume la responsabilidad por la identificación de cualquiera
o todos los derechos de patente. Los detalles sobre cualquier derecho de patente identificado durante el
desarrollo de este documento se indican en la introducción y/o en la lista ISO de declaraciones de
patente recibidas.
Cualquier nombre comercial utilizado en este documento es información que se proporciona para
comodidad del usuario y no constituye una recomendación.
Para obtener una explicación sobre el significado de los términos específicos de ISO y expresiones
relacionadas con la evaluación de la conformidad, así como información de la adhesión de ISO a los
principios de la Organización Mundial del Comercio (OMC) respecto a los Obstáculos Técnicos al
Comercio (OTC), véase la siguiente dirección:
El comité responsable de este documento es el ISO/PC 283, Sistemas de gestión de la seguridad y salud
en el trabajo.
Traducción oficial/Official translation/Traduction officielle
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ISO 45001:2018 (traducción oficial)
Prólogo de la versión en español
Este documento ha sido traducido por el Grupo de Trabajo Spanish Translation Task Force (STTF) del
ISO/PC 283, Sistemas de gestión de la seguridad y salud en el trabajo, en el que participan representantes
de los organismos nacionales de normalización y representantes del sector empresarial de los
siguientes países:
Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Ecuador, El Salvador, España, Guatemala,
Honduras, México, Panamá, Perú, República Dominicana y Uruguay.
Igualmente, en el citado Grupo de Trabajo participan representantes de COPANT (Comisión
Panamericana de Normas Técnicas) e INLAC (Instituto Latinoamericano de la Calidad).
Esta traducción es parte del resultado del trabajo que el ISO/PC 283/STTF, viene desarrollando desde
su creación en el año 2016 para lograr la unificación de la terminología en lengua española en el ámbito
de la gestión de la seguridad y salud en el trabajo.
Traducción oficial/Official translation/Traduction officielle
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ISO 45001:2018 (traducción oficial)
0.1 Antecedentes
Una organización es responsable de la seguridad y salud en el trabajo (SST) de sus trabajadores y de la
de otras personas que puedan verse afectadas por sus actividades. Esta responsabilidad incluye la
promoción y protección de su salud física y mental.
La adopción de un sistema de gestión de la SST tiene como objetivo permitir a una organización
proporcionar lugares de trabajo seguros y saludables, prevenir lesiones y deterioro de la salud,
relacionados con el trabajo y mejorar continuamente su desempeño de la SST.
0.2 Objetivo de un sistema de gestión de la SST
El propósito de un sistema de gestión de la SST es proporcionar un marco de referencia para gestionar
los riesgos y oportunidades para la SST. El objetivo y los resultados previstos del sistema de gestión de
la SST son prevenir lesiones y deterioro de la salud relacionados con el trabajo a los trabajadores y
proporcionar lugares de trabajo seguros y saludables; en consecuencia, es de importancia crítica para la
organización eliminar los peligros y minimizar los riesgos para la SST tomando medidas de prevención
y protección eficaces.
Cuando la organización aplica estas medidas a través de su sistema de gestión de la SST, mejoran su
desempeño de la SST. Un sistema de gestión de la SST puede ser más eficaz y eficiente cuando toma
acciones tempranas para abordar oportunidades de mejora del desempeño de la SST.
Implementar un sistema de gestión de la SST conforme a este documento permite a una organización
gestionar sus riesgos de la SST y mejorar su desempeño de la SST. Un sistema de gestión de la SST
puede ayudar a una organización a cumplir sus requisitos legales y otros requisitos.
0.3 Factores de éxito
La implementación de un sistema de gestión de la SST es una decisión estratégica y operacional para
una organización. El éxito del sistema de gestión de la SST depende del liderazgo, el compromiso y la
participación desde todos los niveles y funciones de la organización.
La implementación y mantenimiento de un sistema de gestión de la SST, su eficacia y su capacidad para
lograr sus resultados previstos dependen de varios factores clave, que pueden incluir:
a) el liderazgo, el compromiso, las responsabilidades y la rendición de cuentas de la alta dirección;
b) que la alta dirección desarrolle, lidere y promueva una cultura en la organización que apoye los
resultados previstos del sistema de gestión de la SST;
c) la comunicación;
d) la consulta y la participación de los trabajadores, y cuando existan, de los representantes de los
e) la asignación de los recursos necesarios para mantenerlo;
f) las políticas de la SST, que sean compatibles con los objetivos y la dirección estratégicos generales
de la organización;
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ISO 45001:2018 (traducción oficial)
g) los procesos eficaces para identificar los peligros, controlar los riesgos para la SST y aprovechar las
oportunidades para la SST;
h) la evaluación continua del desempeño y el seguimiento del sistema de gestión de la SST para
mejorar el desempeño de la SST;
i) la integración del sistema de gestión de la SST en los procesos de negocio de la organización;
j) los objetivos de la SST que se alinean con la política de la SST y que tienen en cuenta los peligros, los
riesgos para la SST y las oportunidades para la SST de la organización;
k) el cumplimiento con sus requisitos legales y otros requisitos.
La demostración de la implementación exitosa de este documento puede utilizarse por una
organización para asegurar a los trabajadores y a otras partes interesadas que se ha puesto en marcha
un sistema de gestión de la SST eficaz. Sin embargo, la adopción de este documento no garantizará por
sí misma la prevención de las lesiones y el deterioro de la salud relacionados con el trabajo a los
trabajadores, la provisión de lugares de trabajo seguros y saludables ni la mejora en el desempeño de la
El nivel de detalle, la complejidad, la extensión de la información documentada y los recursos
necesarios para asegurar el éxito del sistema de gestión de la SST de una organización dependerán de
varios factores, tales como:
— el contexto de la organización (por ejemplo el número de trabajadores, tamaño, geografía, cultura,
requisitos legales y otros requisitos);
— el alcance del sistema de gestión de la SST de la organización;
— la naturaleza de las actividades de la organización y los riesgos para la SST asociados.
0.4 Ciclo Planificar-Hacer-Verificar-Actuar
El enfoque del sistema de gestión de la SST aplicado en este documento se basa en el concepto de
Planificar-Hacer-Verificar-Actuar (PHVA).
El concepto PHVA es un proceso iterativo utilizado por las organizaciones para lograr la mejora
continua. Puede aplicarse a un sistema de gestión y a cada uno de sus elementos individuales, como:
a) Planificar: determinar y evaluar los riesgos para la SST, las oportunidades para la SST y otros
riesgos y otras oportunidades, establecer los objetivos de la SST y los procesos necesarios para
conseguir resultados de acuerdo con la política de la SST de la organización;
b) Hacer: implementar los procesos según lo planificado;
c) Verificar: hacer el seguimiento y la medición de las actividades y los procesos respecto a la política
y los objetivos de la SST, e informar sobre los resultados;
d) Actuar: tomar acciones para mejorar continuamente el desempeño de la SST para alcanzar los
resultados previstos.
Este documento incorpora el concepto PHVA en un nuevo marco de referencia, como se muestra en la
Figura 1.
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ISO 45001:2018 (traducción oficial)
NOTA Los números proporcionados entre paréntesis hacen referencia a los números de los capítulos en este
Figura 1 — Relación entre el PHVA y el marco de referencia de este documento
0.5 Contenido de este documento
Este documento es conforme con los requisitos de ISO para las normas de sistemas de gestión. Estos
requisitos incluyen una estructura de alto nivel, texto esencial idéntico, y términos comunes con
definiciones esenciales, diseñada para beneficiar a los usuarios al implementar múltiples normas ISO de
sistemas de gestión.
Este documento no incluye requisitos específicos para otros temas, tales como los relativos a la gestión
de la calidad, gestión de la responsabilidad social, gestión ambiental, gestión de la seguridad física
(security) o gestión financiera, aunque sus elementos pueden alinearse o integrarse con otros sistemas
de gestión.
Este documento contiene requisitos que pueden utilizarse por una organización para implementar un
sistema de gestión de la SST y para evaluar la conformidad. Una organización que desee demostrar la
conformidad con este documento puede:
— realizar una autodeterminación y una auto declaración, o
— buscar la confirmación de su conformidad por partes que tengan un interés en la organización, tales
como clientes, o
— buscar la confirmación de su auto declaración por una parte externa a la organización, o
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ISO 45001:2018 (traducción oficial)
— buscar la certificación/el registro de su sistema de gestión de la SST por parte de una organización
Los Capítulos 1 a 3 en este documento presentan el objeto y campo de aplicación, las referencias
normativas y los términos y definiciones que se aplican para el uso de este documento, mientras que los
Capítulos 4 a 10 contienen los requisitos a utilizar para evaluar la conformidad con este documento. El
Anexo A proporciona explicaciones informativas relativas a estos requisitos. Los términos y
definiciones del Capítulo 3 están dispuestos en orden conceptual, con un índice alfabético
proporcionado al final de este documento.
En este documento, se utilizan las siguientes formas verbales:
a) “debe” indica un requisito;
b) “debería” indica una recomendación;
c) “puede” indica un permiso; una posibilidad o capacidad.
La información identificada como “NOTA” se presenta a modo de orientación para la comprensión o
clarificación del requisito correspondiente. Las “Notas a la entrada” utilizadas en el Capítulo 3
proporcionan información adicional que complementa los datos terminológicos y pueden contener
disposiciones relativas al uso de un término.
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ISO 45001:2018 (traducción oficial)
Sistemas de gestión de la seguridad y salud en el trabajo —
Requisitos con orientación para su uso
1 Objeto y campo de aplicación
Este documento especifica requisitos para un sistema de gestión de la seguridad y salud en el trabajo
(SST) y proporciona orientación para su uso, para permitir a las organizaciones proporcionar lugares de
trabajo seguros y saludables previniendo las lesiones y el deterioro de la salud relacionados con el
trabajo, así como mejorando de manera proactiva su desempeño de la SST.
Este documento es aplicable a cualquier organización que desee establecer, implementar y mantener un
sistema de gestión de la SST para mejorar la seguridad y salud en el trabajo, eliminar los peligros y
minimizar los riesgos para la SST (incluyendo las deficiencias del sistema), aprovechar las
oportunidades para la SST y abordar las no conformidades del sistema de gestión de la SST asociadas a
sus actividades.
Este documento ayuda a una organización a alcanzar los resultados previstos de su sistema de gestión
de la SST. En coherencia con la política de la SST de la organización, los resultados previstos de un
sistema de gestión de la SST incluyen:
a) la mejora continua del desempeño de la SST;
b) el cumplimiento de los requisitos legales y otros requisitos;
c) el logro de los objetivos de la SST.
Este documento es aplicable a cualquier organización sin importar su tamaño, tipo y actividades. Es
aplicable a los riesgos para la SST bajo el control de la organización, teniendo en cuenta factores tales
como el contexto en el que opera la organización y las necesidades y expectativas de sus trabajadores y
otras partes interesadas.
Este documento no establece criterios específicos para el desempeño de la SST, ni para el diseño de un
sistema de gestión de la SST.
Este documento permite a una organización, mediante su sistema de gestión de la SST, integrar otros
aspectos de la seguridad y salud, tales como el bienestar del trabajador.
Este documento no aborda cuestiones tales como la seguridad del producto, los daños a la propiedad o
los impactos ambientales, más allá de los riesgos para los trabajadores y para otras partes interesadas
Este documento puede ser utilizado total o parcialmente para mejorar de manera sistemática la gestión
de la seguridad y salud en el trabajo. Sin embargo, las declaraciones de conformidad con este
documento no son aceptables a menos que todos sus requisitos estén incorporados en el sistema de
gestión de la SST de una organización y se cumplan sin exclusión.
Traducción oficial/Official translation/Traduction officielle
© ISO 2018 — Todos los derechos reservados 1
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ISO 45001:2018 (traducción oficial)
2 Referencias normativas
El presente documento no contiene referencias normativas.
3 Términos y definiciones
Para los fines de este documento, se aplican los términos y definiciones siguientes.
ISO e IEC mantienen bases de datos terminológicas para su utilización en normalización en las
siguientes direcciones:
— Plataforma de búsqueda en línea de ISO: disponible en
— Electropedia de IEC: disponible en
persona o grupo de personas que tiene sus propias funciones con responsabilidades, autoridades y
relaciones para el logro de sus objetivos (3.16)
Nota 1 a la entrada: El concepto de organización incluye, entre otros, un trabajador independiente, compañía,
corporación, firma, empresa, autoridad, sociedad, organización benéfica o institución, o una parte o combinación
de éstas, ya estén constituidas o no, públicas o privadas.
Nota 2 a la entrada: Este constituye uno de los términos comunes y definiciones esenciales de las normas de
sistemas de gestión de ISO proporcionados en el Anexo SL del suplemento de ISO consolidado de las Directivas
ISO/IEC, Parte 1.
parte interesada
persona u organización (3.1) que puede afectar, verse afectada, o percibirse como afectada por una
decisión o actividad
Nota 1 a la entrada: Este constituye uno de los términos comunes y definiciones esenciales de las normas de
sistemas de gestión de ISO proporcionados en el Anexo SL del suplemento de ISO consolidado de las Directivas
ISO/IEC, Parte 1.
persona que realiza trabajo o actividades relacionadas con el trabajo que están bajo el control de la
organización (3.1)
Nota 1 a la entrada: Personas que realizan trabajo o actividades relacionadas con el trabajo bajo diversos acuerdos,
pagados o no pagados, tales como de manera regular o temporal, intermitente o estacional, esporádica o a tiempo
Nota 2 a la entrada: Los trabajadores incluyen la alta dirección (3.12), personas directivas y no directivas.
Nota 3 a la entrada: El trabajo o las actividades relacionadas con el trabajo realizadas bajo el control de la
organización puede ser realizado por trabajadores empleados por la organización, trabajadores de proveedores
externos, contratistas, independientes, trabajadores proporcionados por otra organización, y por otras personas
en la medida en que la organización comparta el control sobre su trabajo o actividades relacionadas con el trabajo,
de acuerdo con el contexto de la organización.
Traducción oficial/Official translation/Traduction officielle
2 © ISO 2018 — Todos los derechos reservados
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ISO 45001:2018 (traducción oficial)
acción y efecto de involucrar en la toma de decisiones
Nota 1 a la entrada: La participación incluye el comprometer a los comités de seguridad y salud y a los
representantes de los trabajadores, cuando existan.
búsqueda de opiniones antes de tomar una decisión
Nota 1 a la entrada: La consulta incluye el comprometer a los comités de seguridad y salud y a los representantes
de los trabajadores, cuando existan.
lugar de trabajo
lugar bajo el control de la organización (3.1) donde una persona necesita estar o ir por razones de
Nota 1 a la entrada: Las responsabilidades de la organización bajo el sistema de gestión de la SST (3.11) pa
STANDARD april 2018
Sistem vodenja varnosti in zdravja pri delu –
Zahteve z napotki za uporabo
Occupational health and safety management systems –
Requirements with guidance for use
Systèmes de management de la santé et de la sécurité au travail –
Exigences et lignes directrices pour son utilisation
Referenčna oznaka
ICS 03.100.70; 13.100 SIST ISO 45001:2018 (sl, en)
Nadaljevanje na straneh 2 do 74
© 2019-02. Slovenski inštitut za standardizacijo. Razmnoževanje ali kopiranje celote ali delov tega standarda ni dovoljeno.
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SIST ISO 45001 : 2018
Standard SIST ISO 45001 (sl, en), Sistem vodenja varnosti in zdravja pri delu – Zahteve z napotki za
uporabo, 2018, ima status slovenskega standarda in je istoveten mednarodnemu standardu ISO 45001
(en), Occupational health and safety management systems – Requirements with guidance for use, 2018.
Besedilo standarda ISO 45001:2018 je pripravil projektni odbor ISO/PC 283 Sistem vodenja varnosti in
zdravja pri delu. Slovenski standard SIST ISO 45001:2018 je prevod angleškega besedila
mednarodnega standarda ISO 45001:2018. V primeru spora glede besedila slovenskega prevoda v tem
standardu je odločilen izvirni mednarodni standard v angleškem jeziku. Slovensko-angleško izdajo
standarda je pripravil SIST/TC VZK Vodenje in zagotavljanje kakovosti.
Odločitev za privzem tega standarda je dne 16. marca 2018 sprejel tehnični odbor SIST/TC VZK
Vodenje in zagotavljanje kakovosti.
Ta dokument ne vsebuje zvez s standardi.
– privzem standarda ISO 45001:2018.
– Povsod, kjer se v besedilu standarda uporablja izraz “mednarodni standard”, v SIST ISO
45001:2018 to pomeni “slovenski standard”.
– Nacionalni uvod in nacionalni predgovor nista sestavni del standarda.
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SIST ISO 45001 : 2018
Predgovor . 5 Foreword . 5
Uvod . 6 Introduction . 6
1 Področje uporabe . 12 1 Scope . 12
2 Zveze s standardi . 13 2 Normative references . 13
3 Izrazi in definicije . 13 3 Terms and definitions . 13
4 Kontekst organizacije . 23 4 Context of the organization . 23
4.1 Razumevanje organizacije in njenega 4.1 Understanding the organization and its
konteksta . 23 context . 23
4.2 Razumevanje potreb in pričakovanj 4.2 Understanding the needs and
delavcev in drugih zainteresiranih strani . 23 expectations of workers and other
interested parties . 23
4.3 Opredeljevanje področja uporabe sistema 4.3 Determining the scope of the OH&S
vodenja zdravja in varnosti pri delu . 23 management system . 23
4.4 Sistem vodenja zdravja in varnosti pri 4.4 OH&S management system . 23
delu . 23
5 Voditeljstvo in sodelovanje delavcev . 24 5 Leadership and worker participation . 24
5.1 Voditeljstvo in zavezanost . 24 5.1 Leadership and commitment . 24
5.2 Politika zdravja in varnosti pri delu . 25 5.2 OH&S policy . 25
5.3 Vloge, odgovornosti in pooblastila . 25 5.3 Organizational roles, responsibilities
and authorities . 25
5.4 Posvetovanje z delavci in njihovo 5.4 Consultation and participation
sodelovanje . 26 of workers . 26
6 Planiranje . 28 6 Planning . 28
6.1 Ukrepi za obravnavanje tveganj in 6.1 Actions to address risks and
priložnosti . 28 opportunities . 28
6.1.1 Splošno . 28 6.1.1 General . 28
6.1.2 Identificiranje nevarnosti ter 6.1.2 Hazard identification and assessment
ocenjevanje tveganj in priložnosti . 29 of risks and opportunities . 29
6.1.3 Opredelitev zakonskih in drugih 6.1.3 Determination of legal requirements
zahtev . 31 and other requirements . 31
6.1.4 Planiranje ukrepanja . 31 6.1.4 Planning action . 31
6.2 Cilji zdravja in varnosti pri delu ter 6.2 OH&S objectives and planning
planiranje njihovega doseganja . 32 to achieve them . 32
6.2.1 Cilj zdravja in varnosti pri delu . 32 6.2.1 OH&S objectives . 32
6.2.2 Planiranje doseganja ciljev zdravja in 6.2.2 Planning to achieve OH&S objectives . 32
varnosti pri delu . 32
7 Podpora . 33
7 Support . 33
7.1 Viri . 33 7.1 Resources . 33
7.2 Kompetentnost . 33
7.2 Competence . 33
7.3 Ozaveščenost . 33 7.3 Awareness . 33
7.4 Komuniciranje . 34
7.4 Communication . 34
7.4.1 Splošno . 34 7.4.1 General . 34
7.4.2 Notranje komuniciranje . 35
7.4.2 Internal communication . 35
7.4.3 Zunanje komuniciranje . 35 7.4.3 External communication . 35
7.5 Dokumentirane informacije . 35
7.5 Documented information . 35
7.5.1 Splošno . 35 7.5.1 General . 35
7.5.2 Ustvarjanje in posodabljanje . 35
7.5.2 Creating and updating . 35
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SIST ISO 45001 : 2018
7.5.3 Obvladovanje dokumentiranih 7.5.3 Control of documented information . 36
informacij . 36
8 Delovanje . 36 8 Operation . 36
8.1 Planiranje in obvladovanje delovanja . 36
8.1 Operational planning and control . 36
8.1.1 Splošno . 36 8.1.1 General . 36
8.1.2 Odpravljanje nevarnosti in
8.1.2 Eliminating hazards and reducing
zmanjševanje tveganj za zdravje in varnost OH&S risks . 37
pri delu . 37
8.1.3 Obvladovanje sprememb . 37 8.1.3 Management of change . 37
8.1.4 Preskrba . 38
8.1.4 Procurement . 38
8.2 Pripravljenost in ukrepanje v izrednih 8.2 Emergency preparedness and
razmerah . 39
response . 39
9 Vrednotenje izvedbe . 40 9 Performance evaluation . 40
9.1 Nadzorovanje, merjenje, analiziranje in
9.1 Monitoring, measurement, analysis
vrednotenje izvedbe . 40 and performance evaluation . 40
9.1.1 Splošno . 40
9.1.1 General . 40
9.1.2 Vrednotenje skladnosti . 41 9.1.2 Evaluation of compliance . 41
9.2 Notranja presoja . 41
9.2 Internal audit. 41
9.2.1 Splošno . 41 9.2.1 General . 41
9.2.2 Program notranjih presoj . 41
9.2.2 Internal audit programme . 41
9.3 Vodstveni pregled . 42 9.3 Management review . 42
10 Izboljševanje . 43
10 Improvement . 43
10.1 Spošno . 43 10.1 General . 43
10.2 Incident, neskladnost in korektivni
10.2 Incident, nonconformity and
ukrep . 43 corrective action . 43
10.3 Nenehno izboljševanje . 45
10.3 Continual improvement . 45
Dodatek A (informativni): Navodilo za Annex A (informative) Guidance on the use
uporabo tega dokumenta . 46
of this document . 46
Literatura. 71 Bibliography . 71
Abecedni seznam izrazov . 73
Alphabetical index of terms . 73
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SIST ISO 45001 : 2018
Predgovor Foreword
Mednarodna organizacija za standardizacijo ISO (the International Organization for
(ISO) je svetovna zveza nacionalnih organov za Standardization) is a worldwide federation of
standarde (članov ISO). Mednarodne standarde national standards bodies (ISO member bodies).
po navadi pripravljajo tehnični odbori ISO. Vsak The work of preparing International Standards is
član, ki ga zanima področje, za katero je bil normally carried out through ISO technical
ustanovljen tehnični odbor, ima pravico biti committees. Each member body interested in a
zastopan v tem odboru. Pri delu sodelujejo tudi subject for which a technical committee has been
mednarodne vladne in nevladne organizacije, established has the right to be represented on that
povezane z ISO. V vseh zadevah, ki so committee. International organizations,
povezane s standardizacijo na področju governmental and non-governmental, in liaison
elektrotehnike, ISO tesno sodeluje z with ISO, also take part in the work. ISO
Mednarodno elektrotehniško komisijo (IEC). collaborates closely with the International
Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all matters
of electrotechnical standardization.
Postopki, uporabljeni pri razvoju tega The procedures used to develop this document
dokumenta, in postopki, predvideni za njegovo and those intended for its further maintenance are
nadaljnje vzdrževanje, so opisani v Direktivah described in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 1. In
ISO/IEC, 1. del. Posebna pozornost naj se particular the different approval criteria needed for
nameni različnim kriterijem odobritve, potrebnim the different types of ISO documents should be
za različne vrste dokumentov ISO. Ta dokument noted. This document was drafted in accordance
je bil pripravljen v skladu z uredniškimi pravili with the editorial rules of the ISO/IEC Directives,
Direktiv ISO/IEC, 2. del (glej Part 2 (see
Opozoriti je treba na možnost, da je lahko nekaj Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of
elementov tega dokumenta predmet patentnih the elements of this document may be the subject
pravic. ISO ne prevzema odgovornosti za of patent rights. ISO shall not be held responsible
identifikacijo katerihkoli ali vseh takih patentnih for identifying any or all such patent rights. Details
pravic. Podrobnosti o morebitnih patentnih of any patent rights identified during the
pravicah, identificiranih med pripravo tega development of the document will be in the
dokumenta, bodo navedene v uvodu in/ali na Introduction and/or on the ISO list of patent
seznamu patentnih izjav, ki jih je prejela declarations received (see
organizacija ISO (glej patents).
Morebitna trgovska imena, uporabljena v tem Any trade name used in this document is
dokumentu, so informacije za uporabnike in ne information given for the convenience of users
pomenijo podpore blagovni znamki. and does not constitute an endorsement.
Za razlago prostovoljne narave standardov, For an explanation on the voluntary nature of
pomena specifičnih pojmov in izrazov ISO, standards, the meaning of ISO specific terms and
povezanih z ugotavljanjem skladnosti, ter informacij expressions related to conformity assessment, as
o tem, kako ISO spoštuje načela Mednarodne well as information about ISO’s adherence to the
trgovinske organizacije (WTO) v Tehničnih ovirah World Trade Organization (WTO) principles in the
pri trgovanju (TBT), glej naslednji naslov URL: Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) see the following URL:
Ta dokument je pripravil projektni odbor ISO/PC This document was prepared by Project
283 Sistem vodenja zdravja in varnosti pri delu. Committee ISO/PC 283, Occupational health and
safety management systems.
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SIST ISO 45001 : 2018
Uvod Introduction
0.1 Ozadje 0.1 Background
Organizacija je odgovorna za zdravje in varnost An organization is responsible for the
delavcev in drugih oseb pri delu, na katere lahko occupational health and safety of workers and
vplivajo njene aktivnosti. Ta odgovornost others who can be affected by its activities. This
vključuje spodbujanje in varovanje njihovega responsibility includes promoting and protecting
fizičnega in duševnega zdravja. their physical and mental health.
Privzem sistema vodenja zdravja in varnosti pri The adoption of an OH&S management system
delu naj bi organizaciji omogočil, da zagotavlja is intended to enable an organization to provide
varna in zdrava delovna mesta, preprečuje z safe and healthy workplaces, prevent work-
delom povezane poškodbe in okvare zdravja ter related injury and ill health, and continually
nenehno izboljšuje izvajanje zdravja in varnosti improve its OH&S performance.
pri delu.
0.2 Cilj sistema vodenja zdravja in varnosti 0.2 Aim of an OH&S management system
pri delu
Namen sistema vodenja zdravja in varnosti pri The purpose of an OH&S management system
delu je zagotoviti okvir za obvladovanje tveganj is to provide a framework for managing OH&S
in priložnosti za zdravje in varnost pri delu. Cilj in risks and opportunities. The aim and intended
predvideni izidi sistema vodenja zdravja in outcomes of the OH&S management system are
varnosti pri delu so preprečevati z delom to prevent workrelated injury and ill health to
povezane poškodbe in okvare zdravja delavcev workers and to provide safe and healthy
ter zagotavljati varna in zdrava delovna mesta; workplaces; consequently, it is critically
zato je ključnega pomena za organizacijo, da z important for the organization to eliminate
izvajanjem uspešnih preventivnih in varnostnih hazards and minimize OH&S risks by taking
ukrepov odpravlja nevarnosti ter v največji meri effective preventive and protective measures.
zmanjšuje tveganja za zdravje in varnost pri
Kadar organizacija izvaja te ukrepe v okviru When these measures are applied by the
svojega sistema vodenja zdravja in varnosti pri organization through its OH&S management
delu, izboljšuje svoje izvajanje zdravja in varnosti system, they improve its OH&S performance. An
pri delu. Sistem vodenja zdravja in varnosti pri OH&S management system can be more
delu je lahko uspešnejši in učinkovitejši, kadar so effective and efficient when taking early action to
pri obravnavanju priložnosti za izboljševanje address opportunities for improvement of OH&S
izvajanja zdravja in varnosti pri delu ukrepi performance.
sprejeti zgodaj.
Izvajanje sistema vodenja zdravja in varnosti pri Implementing an OH&S management system
delu, skladnega s tem dokumentom, omogoča conforming to this document enables an
organizaciji obvladovati tveganja za zdravje in organization to manage its OH&S risks and
varnost pri delu ter izboljševati njeno izvajanje na improve its OH&S performance. An OH&S
tem področju. Sistem vodenja zdravja in varnosti management system can assist an organization
pri delu lahko organizaciji pomaga pri to fulfil its legal requirements and other
izpolnjevanju zakonskih in drugih zahtev. requirements.
0.3 Dejavniki uspeha 0.3 Success factors
Izvajanje sistema vodenja zdravja in varnosti pri The implementation of an OH&S management
delu je za organizacijo strateška in operativna system is a strategic and operational decision for
odločitev. Uspeh sistema vodenja zdravja in an organization. The success of the OH&S
varnosti pri delu je odvisen od voditeljstva, management system depends on leadership,
zavezanosti ter sodelovanja na vseh ravneh in commitment and participation from all levels and
funkcijah organizacije. functions of the organization.
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SIST ISO 45001 : 2018
Izvajanje in vzdrževanje sistema vodenja The implementation and maintenance of an
zdravja in varnosti pri delu, njegova uspešnost in OH&S management system, its effectiveness
njegova zmožnost dosegati predvidene izide so and its ability to achieve its intended outcomes
odvisni od več ključnih dejavnikov, ki lahko are dependent on a number of key factors, which
vključujejo: can include:
a) kako najvišje vodstvo izkazuje voditeljstvo, a) top management leadership, commitment,
zavezanost in odgovornosti ter prevzema responsibilities and accountability;
b) kako najvišje vodstvo razvija, vodi in b) top management developing, leading and
spodbuja kulturo v organizaciji, ki podpira promoting a culture in the organization that
predvidene izide sistema vodenja zdravja in supports the intended outcomes of the
varnosti pri delu; OH&S management system;
c) komunikacijo; c) communication;
d) posvetovanje z delavci ter sodelovanje d) consultation and participation of workers,
delavcev in predstavnikov delavcev, če and, where they exist, workers’
obstajajo; representatives;
e) dodeljevanje potrebnih virov za vzdrževanje e) allocation of the necessary resources to
sistema; maintain it;
f) politike zdravja in varnosti pri delu, ki so f) OH&S policies, which are compatible with
združljive s splošnimi strateškimi cilji in the overall strategic objectives and direction
usmeritvijo organizacije; of the organization;
g) uspešen(-ne) proces(-e) za identificiranje g) effective process(es) for identifying
nevarnosti, obvladovanje tveganj in hazards, controlling OH&S risks and taking
izkoriščanje prednosti priložnosti za zdravje advantage of OH&S opportunities;
in varnost pri delu;
h) nenehno vrednotenje izvedbe ter
h) continual performance evaluation and
nadziranje sistema vodenja zdravja in monitoring of the OH&S management
varnosti pri delu za izboljševanje izvajanja system to improve OH&S performance;
zdravja in varnosti pri delu;
i) vključitev sistema vodenja zdravja in i) integration of the OH&S management
system into the organization’s business
varnosti pri delu v poslovne procese
organizacije; processes;
j) OH&S objectives that align with the OH&S
j) cilje zdravja in varnosti pri delu, ki so
usklajeni s politiko zdravja in varnosti pri policy and take into account the
organization’s hazards, OH&S risks and
delu, ter upoštevanje nevarnosti
organizacije in njenih tveganj in priložnosti OH&S opportunities;
za zdravje in varnost pri delu;
k) skladnost z zakonskimi in drugimi k) compliance with its legal requirements and
other requirements;
Prikaz uspešne uvedbe tega dokumenta lahko Demonstration of successful implementation of
organizacija uporabi, da poda zagotovilo this document can be used by an organization to
delavcem in drugim zainteresiranim stranem, da give assurance to workers and other interested
ima uspešen sistem vodenja zdravja in varnosti parties that an effective OH&S management
pri delu. Vendar pa privzem tega dokumenta system is in place. Adoption of this document,
sam po sebi ne zagotavlja preprečevanja z however, will not in itself guarantee prevention of
delom povezanih poškodb in okvar zdravja work-related injury and ill health to workers,
delavcev, varnih in zdravih delovnih mest ter provision of safe and healthy workplaces and
izboljšanega izvajanja zdravja in varnosti pri improved OH&S performance.
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SIST ISO 45001 : 2018
Stopnja podrobnosti, kompleksnost, obseg The level of detail, the complexity, the extent of
dokumentiranih informacij in viri, potrebni za documented information and the resources
zagotavljanje uspeha sistema vodenja zdravja in needed to ensure the success of an
varnosti pri delu organizacije, bodo odvisni od organization’s OH&S management system will
več dejavnikov, kot so: depend on a number of factors, such as:
– kontekst organizacije (npr. število delavcev, – the organization’s context (e.g. number of
velikost, geografska lokacija, kultura, workers, size, geography, culture, legal
zakonske in druge zahteve), requirements and other requirements);
– področje uporabe sistema vodenja zdravja – the scope of the organization’s OH&S
in varnosti pri delu organizacije, management system;
– narava aktivnosti organizacije in povezana – the nature of the organization’s activities
tveganja za zdravje in varnost pri delu. and the related OH&S risks.
0.4 Cikel planiraj-izvedi-preveri-ukrepaj 0.4 Plan-Do-Check-Act cycle
Pristop k sistemu vodenja zdravja in varnosti pri The OH&S management system approach
delu, uporabljen v tem dokumentu, temelji na applied in this document is founded on the
konceptu "planiraj-izvedi-preveri-ukrepaj" (PDCA). concept of Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA).
Koncept PDCA je iterativni proces, ki ga The PDCA concept is an iterative process used
organizacije uporabijo za doseganje nenehnega by organizations to achieve continual
izboljševanja. Uporablja se lahko za sistem improvement. It can be applied to a management
vodenja in za vsak njegov posamezni element, system and to each of its individual elements, as
kot sledi: follows:
a) Planiraj: določi in oceni tveganja za zdravje a) Plan: determine and assess OH&S risks,
in varnost pri delu, priložnosti za zdravje in OH&S opportunities and other risks and
varstvo pri delu ter druga tveganja in other opportunities, establish OH&S
priložnosti, vzpostavi cilje in procese za objectives and processes necessary to
zdravje in varnost pri delu, potrebne za deliver results in accordance with the
doseganje rezultatov, v skladu s politiko organization’s OH&S policy;
organizacije za zdravje in varnost pri delu.
b) Izvedi: izvedi procese, kot je planirano.
b) Do: implement the processes as planned;
c) Preveri: nadzoruj in meri aktivnosti in c) Check: monitor and measure activities and
procese glede na politiko in cilje za zdravje
processes with regard to the OH&S policy
in varnost pri delu ter poročaj o rezultatih. and OH&S objectives, and report the
d) Ukrepaj: ukrepaj tako, da se bo izvajanje d) Act: take actions to continually improve the
zdravja in varnosti pri delu nenehno OH&S performance to achieve the intended
izboljševalo, da se dosežejo predvideni outcomes.
Ta dokument vključuje koncept PDCA v nov This document incorporates the PDCA concept
okvir, kot je prikazano na sliki 1. into a new framework, as shown in Figure 1.
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OPOMBA: Številke v oklepajih se nanašajo na točke tega dokumenta.
Slika 1: Razmerje med PDCA in okvirom tega dokumenta
NOTE The numbers given in brackets refer to the clause numbers in this document.
Figure B.1 – Relationship between PDCA and the framework in this document
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0.5 Vsebina tega dokumenta 0.5 Contents of this document
Ta dokument je skladen z zahtevami ISO za This document conforms to ISO’s requirements
standarde sistemov vodenja. Te zahteve for management system standards. These
vključujejo strukturo visoke ravni, enako requirements include a high level structure,
osnovno besedilo in skupne izraze z osnovnimi identical core text and common terms with core
definicijami, zasnovane tako, da koristijo definitions, designed to benefit users
uporabnikom, ki izvajajo več standardov ISO o implementing multiple ISO management system
sistemih vodenja. standards.
Ta dokument ne vključuje zahtev, specifičnih za This document does not include requirements
druga področja, kot so na primer tiste za specific to other subjects, such as those for
kakovost, družbeno odgovornost, ravnanje z quality, social responsibility, environmental,
okoljem, varnost ali finančno gospodarjenje, security or financial management, though its
čeprav so lahko njegovi elementi usklajeni ali elements can be aligned or integrated with those
povezani z elementi teh drugih sistemov of other management systems.
Ta dokument vsebuje zahteve, ki jih organizacija This document contains requirements that can
lahko uporabi za izvajanje sistema vodenja be used by an organization to implement an
zdravja in varnosti pri delu ter za ugotavljanje OH&S management system and to assess
skladnosti. Organizacija, ki želi dokazati conformity. An organization that wishes to
skladnost s tem dokumentov, lahko to stori tako, demonstrate conformity to this document can do
da: so by:
– sama sprejme opredelitev in lastno izjavo – making a self-determination and self-
ali declaration, or
– pridobi potrditev svoje skladnosti pri – seeking confirmation of its conformity by
straneh, ki imajo interes v organizaciji, na parties having an interest in the
primer pri odjemalcih, ali organization, such as customers, or
– pridobi potrditev lastne izjave pri strani – seeking confirmation of its self-declaration
zunaj organizacije ali by a party external to the organization, or
– opravi certifikacijo/registracijo svojega – seeking certification/registration of its
sistema vodenja zdravja in varnosti pri delu OH&S management system by an external
pri zunanji organizaciji. organization.
Točke od 1 do 3 tega dokumenta določajo Clauses 1 to 3 in this document set out the
področje uporabe, zveze s standardi ter izraze in scope, normative references and terms and
definicije, ki so uporabljeni v tem dokumentu, definitions which apply to the use of this
medtem ko točke od 4 do 10 vsebujejo zahteve, document, while Clauses 4 to 10 contain the
ki se uporabljajo za ugotavljanje skladnosti s tem requirements to be used to assess conformity to
dokumentom. Dodatek A podaja informativne this document. Annex A provides informative
razlage teh zahtev. Izrazi in definicije v točki 3 so explanations to these requirements. The terms
urejeni v konceptualnem vrstnem redu z and definitions in Clause 3 are arranged in
abecednim seznamom na koncu tega conceptual order, with an alphabetical index
dokumenta. provided at the end of this document.
V tem dokumentu so uporabljene naslednje In this document, the following verbal forms are
glagolske oblike: used:
a) "treba je" ali "mora" označuje zahtevo; a) "shall" indicates a requirement;
b) "naj" označuje priporočilo; b) "should" indicates a recommendation;
c) "sme" označuje dovoljenje; c) "may" indicates a permission;
d) "lahko" označuje možnost ali sposobnost. d) "can" indicates a possibility or a capability.
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Informacije, označene kot "OPOMBA", so Information marked as "NOTE" is for guidance in
namenjene usmerjanju pri razumevanju ali understanding or clarifying the associated
pojasnjevanju pripadajoče zahteve. "Opombe" v requirement. "Notes to entry" used in Clause 3
točki 3 podajajo dodatne informacije, ki provide additional information that supplements
dopolnjujejo terminološke podatke in lahko the terminological data and can contain
vsebujejo določila v zvezi z uporabo izraza. provisions relating to the use of a term.
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Sistem vodenja varnosti in zdravja Oc
oSIST ISO/DIS 45001:2016
Sistem vodenja varnosti in zdravja pri delu - Zahteve
Occupational health and safety management systems - Requirements
Systèmes de management de la santé et de la sécurité au travail -- Exigences
Ta slovenski standard je istoveten z: ISO/DIS 45001
13.100 Varnost pri delu. Industrijska Occupational safety.
higiena Industrial hygiene
oSIST ISO/DIS 45001:2016 en,fr,de
2003-01.Slovenski inštitut za standardizacijo. Razmnoževanje celote ali delov tega standarda ni dovoljeno.
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oSIST ISO/DIS 45001:2016
ISO/DIS 45001
ISO/PC 283 Secretariat: BSI
Voting begins on: Voting terminates on:
2016-02-12 2016-05-12
Occupational health and safety management systems —
Requirements with guidance for use
Systèmes de management de la santé et de la sécurité au travail — Exigences avec directives d’utilisation
ICS: 13.100
Reference number
ISO/DIS 45001:2016(E)
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ISO/DIS 45001:2016(E)
© ISO 2016, Published in Switzerland
All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, no part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized otherwise in any form
or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, or posting on the internet or an intranet, without prior
written permission. Permission can be requested from either ISO at the address below or ISO’s member body in the country of
the requester.
ISO copyright office
Ch. de Blandonnet 8 • CP 401
CH-1214 Vernier, Geneva, Switzerland
Tel. +41 22 749 01 11
Fax +41 22 749 09 47
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ISO/DIS 45001
27 Contents Page
28 Foreword .v
29 Introduction .vi
30 1 Scope .1
31 2 Normative references .2
32 3 Terms and definitions .2
33 4 Context of the organization .7
34 4.1 Understanding the organization and its context.7
35 4.2 Understanding the needs and expectations of workers and other interested parties.7
36 4.3 Determining the scope of the OH&S management system.8
37 4.4 OH&S management system.8
38 5 Leadership and worker participation .8
39 5.1 Leadership and commitment .8
40 5.2 OH&S policy .9
41 5.3 Organizational roles, responsibilities, accountabilities and authorities .9
42 5.4 Participation and consultation . 10
43 6 Planning . 11
44 6.1 Actions to address risks and opportunities . 11
45 6.1.1 General . 11
46 6.1.2 Hazard identification and assessment of OH&S risks . 12
47 6.1.3 Determination of applicable legal requirements and other requirements. 13
48 6.1.4 Planning to take action . 13
49 6.2 OH&S objectives and planning to achieve them. 14
50 6.2.1 OH&S objectives. 14
51 6.2.2 Planning to achieve OH&S objectives . 14
52 7 Support. 15
53 7.1 Resources . 15
54 7.2 Competence . 15
55 7.3 Awareness . 15
56 7.4 Information and communication . 16
57 7.5 Documented information . 16
58 7.5.1 General . 16
59 7.5.2 Creating and updating . 17
60 7.5.3 Control of documented Information . 17
61 8 Operation. 17
62 8.1 Operational planning and control . 17
63 8.1.1 General . 17
64 8.1.2 Hierarchy of controls. 18
65 8.2 Management of change . 18
66 8.3 Outsourcing . 18
67 8.4 Procurement . 19
68 8.5 Contractors . 19
69 8.6 Emergency preparedness and response. 19
70 9 Performance evaluation . 20
71 9.1 Monitoring, measurement, analysis and evaluation . 20
72 9.1.1 General . 20
73 9.1.2 Evaluation of compliance with legal requirements and other requirements. 20
74 9.2 Internal audit . 21
75 9.2.1 Internal audit objectives . 21
76 9.2.2 Internal audit process . 21
77 9.3 Management review . 22
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78 10 Improvement . 23
79 10.1 Incident, nonconformity and corrective action . 23
80 10.2 Continual improvement . 24
81 10.2.1 Continual improvement objectives. 24
82 10.2.2 Continual improvement process . 24
83 Annex A (informative) Guidance on the use of this International Standard . 25
84 A.1 General . 25
85 A.2 Normative references . 25
86 A.3 Terms and definitions . 25
87 A.4 Context of the organization . 26
88 A.4.1 Understanding the context of the organization . 26
89 A.4.2 Understanding the needs and expectations of workers and other interested parties. 27
90 A.4.3 Scope of the OH&S management system. 28
91 A.4.4 OH&S management system. 28
92 A.5 Leadership and worker participation . 29
93 A.5.1 Leadership and commitment . 29
94 A.5.2 Policy . 30
95 A.5.3 Organizational roles, responsibilities, accountabilities and authorities . 30
96 A.5.4 Participation and consultation . 31
97 A.6 Planning . 32
98 A.6.1 Actions to address risks and opportunities . 32
99 A.6.2 OH&S objectives and planning to achieve them. 38
100 A.7 Support. 38
101 A.7.1 Resources . 38
102 A.7.2 Competence . 39
103 A.7.3 Awareness . 40
104 A.7.4 Information and communication . 40
105 A.7.5 Documented information . 40
106 A.8 Operation. 41
107 A.8.1 Operational planning and controls. 41
108 A.8.2 Management of change . 42
109 A.8.3 Outsourcing . 42
110 A.8.4 Procurement . 43
111 A.8.5 Contractors . 43
112 A.8.6 Emergency preparedness and response. 44
113 A.9 Performance evaluation . 44
114 A.9.1 Monitoring, measurement, analysis and evaluation . 44
115 A.9.2 Internal audit . 46
116 A.9.3 Management review . 47
117 A.10 Improvement . 47
118 A.10.1 Incident, nonconformity and corrective action . 47
119 A.10.2 Continual improvement . 48
120 Alphabetical index of terms . 51
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123 Foreword
124 ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards
125 bodies (ISO member bodies). The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out
126 through ISO technical committees. Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical
127 committee has been established has the right to be represented on that committee. Interna tional
128 organizations, governmental and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work. ISO
129 collaborates closely with the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all matters of
130 electrotechnical standardization.
131 The procedures used to develop this document and those intended for its further maintenance are
132 described in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 1. In particular the different approval criteria needed for the
133 different types of ISO documents should be noted. This document was drafted in accordance with the
134 editorial rules of the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2 (see
135 Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of
136 patent rights. ISO shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights. Details of any
137 patent rights identified during the development of the document will be in the Introduction and/or on
138 the ISO list of patent declarations received (see
139 Any trade name used in this document is information given for the convenience of users and does not
140 constitute an endorsement.
141 For an explanation on the meaning of ISO specific terms and expressions related to conformity
142 assessment, as well as information about ISO's adherence to the World Trade Organization (WTO)
143 principles in the Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) see the following URL:
145 The committee responsible for this document is Project Committee ISO/PC 283, Occupational health and
146 safety management systems.
148 NOTE TO THIS DRAFT (which will not be included in the published International Standard):
150 This text has been prepared using the “high-level structure” (i.e. clause sequence, common text and
151 terminology) provided in Annex SL, Appendix 2 of the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 1, Con solidated ISO
152 Supplement, 2014. This is intended to enhance alignment among ISO’s management system standards,
153 and to facilitate their implementation for organizations that need to meet the requirements of two or
154 more such standards simultaneously.
156 The text of Annex SL is highlighted in the main body of the text (clauses 1 to 10) by the use of blue font.
157 This is only to facilitate analysis and will not be incorporated in the final version of ISO 45001.
159 This new harmonized approach allows for the addition of discipline-specific (in this case OH&S specific)
160 text which has been applied by including the following:
162 a) specific OH&S management system requirements considered essential to meet the scope of the
163 ISO 45001 standard;
164 b) requirements and notes to clarify and ensure consistent interpretation and implementation of
165 the common text in the context of an OH&S management system.
167 Where text from Annex SL has not been applied, this is indicated in blue font with strikeout.
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ISO/DIS 45001
168 Introduction
169 0.1 Background
170 At the time of developing this International Standard, the International Labour Organization (ILO)
171 estimates that 2.3 million people die every year from work-related accidents and diseases. An
172 organization is responsible for the health and safety of its workers and that of other persons under its
173 control who are performing work on its behalf, including promoting and protecting their physical and
174 mental health. The adoption of an occupational health and safety (OH&S) management system is intended
175 to enable an organization to improve its OH&S performance in the enhancement of health and safety at
176 work and to manage its OH&S risks.
177 NOTE 1 The term "occupational safety and health" ("OSH") has the same meaning as "occupational health and
178 safety" ("OH&S").
179 NOTE 2 The term "worker" (see 3.3) is defined to include top management (see 3.12), managerial and non-
180 managerial persons.
181 0.2 Aim of an OH&S management system
182 The purpose of an OH&S management system is to provide a framework for managing the prevention of
183 death, work-related injury and ill health. The intended outcome is to prevent death, work-related injury
184 and ill health to workers, to improve and provide a safe and healthy workplace for its workers and other
185 persons under its control. An organization’s activities can pose a risk of death, work-related injury and ill
186 health, consequently it is critically important for the organization to eliminate or minimize OH&S risks
187 by taking effective preventive measures. When these measures are applied by the organization through
188 its OH&S management system (supported by the use of appropriate controls, methods and tools, at all
189 levels in the organization) they improve its OH&S performance. It can be more effective and efficient to
190 take early action to address potential opportunities for improvement of OH&S performance.
191 An OH&S management system can enable an organization to improve its OH&S performance by:
192 a) developing and implementing an OH&S policy and OH&S objectives;
193 b) ensuring top management demonstrate leadership and commitment with respect to the OH&S
194 management system;
195 c) establishing systematic processes which consider its context (see A.4.1) and which take into account
196 its risks and its opportunities;
197 d) determining the hazards and OH&S risks associated with its activities; seeking to eliminate them, or
198 putting in controls to minimize their potential effects;
199 e) establishing operational controls to eliminate or minimize its OH&S risks;
200 f) increasing awareness of its OH&S hazards and risks, and associated operational controls, through
201 information, communication and training;
202 g) evaluating its OH&S performance and seeking to improve it;
203 h) establishing and developing the necessary competencies;
204 i) developing and supporting an occupational health and safety culture in the organization;
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205 j) ensuring that workers, and where they exist, workers’ representatives, are informed, consulted and
206 participate.
207 An OH&S management system can assist an organization to fulfil its applicable legal requirements.
208 0.3 Success factors
209 The implementation of an OH&S management system is a strategic and operational decision for an
210 organization. The success of the OH&S management system depends on leadership, commitment and
211 participation from all levels and functions of the organization. The implementation and sustainability of
212 an OH&S management system, its effectiveness and its ability to achieve its objectives are dependent on
213 a number of key factors which can include:
214 a) top management leadership and commitment;
215 b) top management developing, leading and promoting a culture in the organization that supports the
216 OH&S management system;
217 c) participation of workers, and where they exist, workers’ representatives;
218 d) processes for communication and consultation;
219 e) allocation of the necessary resources for its sustainability;
220 f) clear OH&S policies, which are compatible with the overall strategic objectives and direction of the
221 organization;
222 g) the integration of the OH&S management system into the organization's business processes;
223 h) the continual evaluation and monitoring of the OH&S management system to improve OH&S
224 performance;
225 i) OH&S objectives that align with the OH&S policies and reflect the organization's OH&S hazards and
226 risks;
227 j) awareness of its applicable legal requirements and other requirements;
228 k) effective processes for identification of OH&S hazards, control of the OH&S risks and taking
229 advantage of OH&S opportunities.
230 This International Standard, like other International Standards, is not intended to increase or change an
231 organization’s legal requirements.
233 Demonstration of successful implementation of this International Standard can be used by an
234 organization to give assurance to workers and other interested parties that an effective OH&S
235 management system is in place. Adoption of this International Standard, however, will not in itself
236 guarantee optimal outcomes.
237 The level of detail, the complexity, the extent of documented information, and the resources needed to
238 ensure the success of an organization's OH&S management system will depend on a number of factors,
239 such as:
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240 ― the organization’s context (e.g. number of workers, size, geography, culture, soci al conditions,
241 applicable legal requirements and other requirements);
242 ― the scope of the organization’s OH&S management system;
243 ― the nature of the organization’s activities and the related OH&S risks.
244 0.4 Plan-Do-Check-Act cycle
245 The basis of the OH&S management system approach applied in this International Standard is founded
246 on the concept of Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA), which requires leadership, commitment and participation
247 of workers, and where they exist, workers’ representatives, from all levels and functions of the
248 organization.
249 The PDCA model is an iterative process used by organizations to achieve continual improvement. It can
250 be applied to a management system and to each of its individual elements, as follows:
251 Plan: establish objectives, programmes and processes necessary to deliver results in accordance with
252 the organization’s OH&S policy.
253 Do: implement the processes as planned.
254 Check: monitor and measure activities and processes with regard to the OH&S policy and objectives,
255 and report the results.
256 Act: take actions to continually improve the OH&S performance to achieve the intended outcomes.
257 This International Standard incorporates the PDCA concept into a new framework, as shown in Figure 1.
259 NOTE The numbers given in brackets refer to the clause numbers in this International Standard
260 Figure 1 — OH&S management system model for this International Standard
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261 0.5 Contents of this International Standard
262 This International Standard has adopted the “high-level structure” (i.e. clause sequence, common text and
263 common terminology) developed by ISO to improve alignment among its International Standards for
264 management systems.
265 This International Standard does not include requirements specific to other management systems, such
266 as those for quality, environmental, security, or financial management, though its elements can be aligned
267 or integrated with those of other management systems.
268 Clauses 4 to 10 contain requirements that can be used to assess conformity. Annex A provides
269 informative explanations to assist in the interpretation of those requirements.
270 In this International Standard, the following verbal forms are used:
271 “shall” indicates a requirement;
272 “should” indicates a recommendation;
273 “may” indicates a permission;
274 “can” indicates a possibility or a capability.
275 Information marked as "NOTE" is for guidance in understanding or clarifying the associated requirement.
276 “Notes to entry” used in Clause 3 provide additional information that supplements the terminological
277 data and can contain provisions relating to the use of a term.
278 The terms and definitions in Clause 3 are arranged in conceptual order, with an alphabetical index
279 provided at the end of the document.
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280 Occupational health and safety management systems —
281 Requirements with guidance for use
282 1 Scope
283 This International Standard specifies requirements for an occupational health and safety (OH&S)
284 management system, with guidance for its use, to enable an organization to provide safe and healthy
285 working conditions for the prevention of work-related injury and ill health and to proactively improve
286 its OH&S performance. This includes the development and implementation of an OH& S policy and
287 objectives which take into account applicable legal requirements and other requirements to which the
288 organization subscribes.
289 This International Standard is applicable to any organization that wishes to:
290 a) establish, implement and maintain an OH&S management system to improve occupational health and
291 safety, eliminate or minimize OH&S risks (including system deficiencies), take advantage of OH&S
292 opportunities, and address OH&S management system nonconformities associated with its activities;
293 b) continually improve its OH&S performance and the achievement of its OH&S objectives;
294 c) assure itself of conformity with its OH&S policy;
295 d) demonstrate conformity with the requirements of this International Standard.
296 This International Standard is intended to be applicable to any organization regardless of its size, type
297 and activities and applies to the OH&S risks under the organization’s control, taking into account factors
298 such as the context in which the organization operates and the needs and expectations of i ts workers and
299 other interested parties.
300 This International Standard does not state specific criteria for OH&S performance, nor is it prescriptive
301 about the design of an OH&S management system.
302 This International Standard enables an organization, through its OH&S management system, to integrate
303 other aspects of health and safety, such as worker wellness/ wellbeing.
304 This International Standard does not address issues such as product safety, property damage or
305 environmental impacts, beyond the risks they provide to workers and other relevant interested parties
306 This International Standard can be used in whole or in part to systematically improve OH&S management.
307 However, cla
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