oSIST prEN 12272-3:2021
(Main)Surface dressing - Test methods - Part 3: Determination of binder aggregate adhesivity by the Vialit plate shock test method
Surface dressing - Test methods - Part 3: Determination of binder aggregate adhesivity by the Vialit plate shock test method
This European Standard applies to the measurement of the binder-aggregate systems for surface dressing. This European Standard specifies methods of measurement of: the mechanical adhesion of the binder to the surface of the aggregate, - the active adhesivity of the binder the the chippings, - the improvement of the mechanical adhesion and active adhesivity by adding an adhesion agent either into the mass of the binder or by spraying the interface between binder and chippings, - the wetting temperature fo the binder to the aggregate, - the variation of adhesivity below the fragility temperature.
Oberflächenbehandlung - Prüfverfahren - Teil 3: Bestimmung des Adhäsionsvermögens von Bindemitteln und Gesteinskörnung mit dem Schlagprüfverfahren
Dieses Dokument legt Prüfverfahren für wasserfreies bitumenhaltiges Bindemittel (gefluxtes Bitumen oder Verschnittbindemittel) zur Bestimmung des Adhäsionsvermögens von Bindemittel und Gesteinskörnung sowie zur Ermittlung des Einflusses von Haftmitteln oder grenzflächenaktiven Zusätzen auf die Adhäsionseigenschaften fest, die als Hilfsmittel zur Entwicklung von Bindemittel-Gesteinskörnungs-Systemen für Oberflächenbehandlungen herangezogen werden können.
Dieses Dokument legt Verfahren fest zur Bestimmung
- der mechanischen Adhäsion des Bindemittels an der Oberfläche von Gesteinskörnungen;
- des aktiven Adhäsionsvermögens des Bindemittels an der Gesteinskörnung;
- der Verbesserung der mechanischen Adhäsion und des aktiven Adhäsionsvermögens durch Zugabe von Haftmittel entweder durch Zugabe in das Bindemittel oder durch Spritzen in die Grenzfläche zwischen Bindemittel und Gesteinskörnung;
- der Temperatur, bei der das Bindemittel die Gesteinskörnung benetzt;
- der Änderung des Adhäsionsvermögens unterhalb der Bruchtemperatur.
Die Adhäsionseigenschaften werden durch das Benetzungsvermögen des Bindemittels beeinflusst. In Gegenwart von Wasser ist das Benetzungsvermögen von Bitumenemulsion von Natur aus hoch. Obwohl Prüfverfahren für die Bestimmung der mechanischen Adhäsion und des aktiven Adhäsionsvermögens hauptsächlich auf wasserfreie bitumenhaltige Bindemittel (gefluxtes Bitumen oder Verschnittbindemittel) ausgerichtet sind, können sie bei einer an die Zusammensetzung des Bindemittel-Gesteinskörnungs-Systems angepassten Interpretation der Ergebnisse auch für Bitumenemulsion angewendet werden. Das herkömmliche Haftverhalten von Bitumenemulsion wird hauptsächlich in Wasser eingetaucht geprüft (EN 13614).
Dieses Prüfverfahren ist geeignet für:
- bitumenhaltige Bindemittel, die für Oberflächenbehandlungen verwendet werden (z. B. herkömmliche oder polymermodifizierte Bindemittel, im Wesentlichen wasserfreie bitumenhaltige Bindemittel, Flux- oder Verschnittbindemittel, Bitumenemulsionen);
- alle folgenden Gesteinskörnungsgrößen, die für Oberflächenbehandlungen verwendet werden können:
- Satz 1: 2/5 mm, 5/8 mm, 8/11 mm und 11/16 mm; und
- Satz 2: 2/4 mm, 2/6 mm, 4/6 mm, 4/8 mm, 6/10 mm, 6/12 mm und 10/14 mm.
Diese Verfahren sind nicht für die Anwendung bei der Qualitätskontrolle auf der Baustelle vorgesehen.
ANMERKUNG Weitere Angaben zu den Zwecken, für die diese Prüfung herangezogen werden kann, können Anhang D entnommen werden.
Enduits superficiels- Méthode d'essai - Partie 3: Détermination de l'adhésivité liants-granulats par mesure de la cohésion Vialit
Ce document spécifie pour les liants bitumineux anhydres (bitumes fluxes ou cut-back) la mesure de l’adhésivité bitume/granulat ainsi que l’influence de dopes d’adhésivité ou de dopes d’interface sur cette adhésivité. La mesure de ces propriétés d’adhésivité est une aide dans le choix du couple liant/granulat dans la formulation de tout système d’enduit superficiel.
La présente Norme européenne définit les méthodes pour déterminer :
- l'adhésivité globale du liant à la surface du granulat ;
- l'adhésivité active du liant sur les gravillons ;-— l'amélioration de l'adhésivité globale et de l'adhésivité active par l'ajout d'un dope d'adhésivité soit intégré dans la masse du liant soit à l'interface liant-gravillons ;
- la température de mouillabilité du granulat par le liant ;
- la variation d'adhésivité en dessous de la température limite de fragilité.
Cette méthode d'essai convient pour :
- tous les liants hydrocarbonés utilisés pour les enduits superficiels (ex: les bitumes fluxés ou fluidifiés, à base de bitumes purs ou modifiés aux polymères, ou les émulsions de bitumes purs ou modifiés aux polymères) ;
- tous les types de granulats utilisés pour les enduits superficiels ;
- les granulométries suivantes :
- série 1 : 2/5mm, 5/8mm, 8/11mm et 11/16mm
- série 2 : 2/6mm, 4/6mm, 6/10mm et 10/14mm.
Cette méthode n’est pas destinée à effectuer des contrôles sur site.
NOTE Davantage d'informations relatives à l'objectif de l'essai figurent en Annexe D.
Površinske prevleke - Preskusne metode - 3. del: Ugotavljanje adhezivnosti veznega agregata s preskusno metodo udarjanja (preskusna metoda z Vialitovo ploščo)
General Information
Standards Content (Sample)
Površinske prevleke - Preskusne metode - 3. del: Ugotavljanje adhezivnosti
veznega agregata s preskusno metodo udarjanja (preskusna metoda z Vialitovo
Surface dressing - Test methods - Part 3: Determination of binder aggregate adhesivity
by the Vialit plate shock test method
Oberflächenbehandlung - Prüfverfahren - Teil 3: Bestimmung des Adhäsionsvermögens
von Bindemitteln und Gesteinskörnung mit dem Schlagprüfverfahren
Enduits superficiels- Méthode d'essai - Partie 3: Détermination de l'adhésivité liants-
granulats par mesure de la cohésion Vialit
Ta slovenski standard je istoveten z: prEN 12272-3
93.080.20 Materiali za gradnjo cest Road construction materials
2003-01.Slovenski inštitut za standardizacijo. Razmnoževanje celote ali delov tega standarda ni dovoljeno.
July 2021
ICS 93.080.20 Will supersede EN 12272-3:2003
English Version
Surface dressing - Test methods - Part 3: Determination of
binder aggregate adhesivity by the Vialit plate shock test
Enduits superficiels- Méthode d'essai - Partie 3: Oberflächenbehandlung - Prüfverfahren - Teil 3:
Détermination de l'adhésivité liants-granulats par Bestimmung des Adhäsionsvermögens von
mesure de la cohésion Vialit Bindemitteln und Gesteinskörnung mit dem
This draft European Standard is submitted to CEN members for enquiry. It has been drawn up by the Technical Committee
CEN/TC 227.
If this draft becomes a European Standard, CEN members are bound to comply with the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations
which stipulate the conditions for giving this European Standard the status of a national standard without any alteration.
This draft European Standard was established by CEN in three official versions (English, French, German). A version in any other
language made by translation under the responsibility of a CEN member into its own language and notified to the CEN-CENELEC
Management Centre has the same status as the official versions.
CEN members are the national standards bodies of Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia,
Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway,
Poland, Portugal, Republic of North Macedonia, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey and
United Kingdom.
Recipients of this draft are invited to submit, with their comments, notification of any relevant patent rights of which they are
aware and to provide supporting documentation.
Warning : This document is not a European Standard. It is distributed for review and comments. It is subject to change without
notice and shall not be referred to as a European Standard.
CEN-CENELEC Management Centre: Rue de la Science 23, B-1040 Brussels
© 2021 CEN All rights of exploitation in any form and by any means reserved Ref. No. prEN 12272-3:2021 E
worldwide for CEN national Members.
Contents Page
European foreword . 3
Introduction . 4
1 Scope . 5
2 Normative references . 5
3 Terms and definitions . 5
4 Active adhesivity, mechanical adhesion and Vialit emulsion adhesivity . 6
5 Wetting temperature (only for anhydrous binders). 13
6 Fragility temperature (only for anhydrous binders). 14
7 Test report . 16
Annex A (informative) Summary of the preparation of the plates before testing . 17
Annex B (informative) Tables of results . 20
B.1 Overall adhesivity example of test report . 20
B.2 Fragility temperature example of test report . 21
Annex C (informative) Measures of the fragility temperature . 22
Annex D (informative) Purpose of the Vialit plate shock test . 23
European foreword
This document (prEN 12272-3:2021) has been prepared by Technical Committee CEN/TC 227 "Road
materials", the secretariat of which is held by BSI.
This document is currently submitted to the CEN Enquiry.
This document will supersede EN 12272-3:2003.
This document is one of a series of standards as listed below:
— EN 12272-1, Surface dressing — Test methods — Part 1: Rate of spread and accuracy of spread of
binder and chippings
— EN 12272-2, Surface dressing — Test methods — Part 2: Visual assessment of defects
— EN 12272-3, Surface dressing — Test methods — Part 3: Determination of binder aggregate adhesivity
by the Vialit plate shock test method
Annexes A, B, C and D are informative.
The adhesion between binder and chippings is the basis of successful surface dressing. It is important
that this bond can be obtained, initially, at the moment of construction and be ensured in cool conditions
when the adhesivity problems become dominant binder with damp or dry and dusty chippings. A
knowledge of adhesivity enables the choice of a binder and aggregate type for minimum risk, especially
for early and late season work.
1 Scope
This document specifies, for anhydrous bituminous binder (fluxed bitumen or cut-back binders), the
measurement of the binder aggregate adhesivity and the influence of adhesion agents or interfacial dopes
and adhesion characteristics as an aid to design binder aggregate systems for surface dressing.
This document specifies methods of measurement of:
— the mechanical adhesion of the binder to the surface of the aggregate;
— the active adhesivity of the binder to the chippings;
— the improvement of the mechanical adhesion and active adhesivity by adding an adhesion agent
either into the mass of the binder or by spraying the interface between binder and chippings;
— the wetting temperature of the binder to the aggregate;
— the variation of adhesivity below the fragility temperature.
The wetting capacity of the binder affects the adhesivity properties. With the presence of water, the
wetting capacity of bitumen emulsion is naturally high. Even if mechanical adhesion and active adhesivity
test methods are mainly dedicated to anhydrous bituminous binders (fluxed or cut-back binders), these
measurements can also be practiced with bitumen emulsion with a personalized interpretation of the
results that depends on the designer of the binder aggregate system. For bitumen emulsion, the
conventional adhesivity is measured mainly through the water immersion test (EN 13614).
This test method is suitable for:
— bituminous binders used for surface dressings (e.g. conventional or polymer modified binders,
mainly anhydrous bituminous binders, fluxed or cut-back binders, bitumen emulsions);
— all the following aggregates sizes that can be used for surface dressings:
— set 1: 2/5 mm, 5/8 mm, 8/11 mm and 11/16 mm; and
— set 2: 2/4 mm, 2/6 mm, 4/6 mm, 4/8 mm, 6/10 mm, 6/12 mm and 10/14 mm.
It is not intended that this method be used on site for quality control.
NOTE Further information concerning the purpose of the test can be found in Annex D.
2 Normative references
The following documents are referred to in the text in such a way that some or all of their content
constitutes requirements of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For
undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
ISO 48-2, Rubber, vulcanized or thermoplastic — Determination of hardness — Part 2: Hardness between
10 IRHD and 100 IRHD
3 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply.
ISO and IEC maintain terminological databases for use in standardization at the following addresses:
— IEC Electropedia: available at https://www.electropedia.org/
— ISO Online browsing platform: available at https://www.iso.org/obp
active adhesivity
necessary to bond damp chippings in their natural state
mechanical adhesion
necessary to bond the dry chippings with their natural dust or fines making an inhibiting screen
wetting temperature
lowest temperature of the binder on the plate, just prior to applying the chippings, at which the number
of all the stained chippings either bonded to the plate or fallen, after the shock test, is at least 90 % of the
fragility temperature
lowest test temperature at which 90 % aggregates remain bonded to the plate
test temperature
temperature at which the plates with the binder and the chippings are conditioned before the shock test
Vialit emulsion adhesivity
necessary to bond chippings with bitumen emulsion
Note 1 to entry: The results can be expressed with different treatments of chippings (washed or in their natural
4 Active adhesivity, mechanical adhesion and Vialit emulsion adhesivity
4.1 Description
The required quantity of binder is heated to spraying temperature and spread evenly on a steel plate. The
test is performed at (5 ± 1) °C for anhydrous binders and at room temperature for emulsions.
Graded chippings are laid down on the binder and rolled only if anhydrous bituminous binder is used.
The prepared plate is turned over and put on 3-pointed supports.
A steel ball is made to fall 500 mm three times onto the plate within a 10 s period.
The adhesivity value is determined as the sum of the number of chippings remaining bonded to the plate
and the number of fallen chippings which are stained by the binder.
If the chippings are treated chemically or washed on site, or an interfacial adhesion agent (dope) is used
in construction, then this should be simulated in the test method. If polymer-modified binders are used
which need special site conditions, e.g. road temperatures > 10 °C or heated chippings, the test should
reflect these constraints and the report modified accordingly, e.g. increase temperature of chippings to
10 °C.
4.2 Apparatus
4.2.1 Flat steel plates (see Figure 1)
Flat steel plates with a rim of 2 mm to 3 mm height and with following dimensions:
— side (200 ± 1) mm × (200 ± 1) mm;
— thickness (2,0 ± 0,2) mm.
The plates should be flat manufactured with a tolerance of 0,2 mm across the total length in any direction.
The maximum tolerance after usage shall be 0,5 mm.
Dimensions in millimetres
Figure 1 — Flat steel plate
4.2.2 3-pointed supports
A device composed of a rigid base with 3-pointed supports, a vertical support ending in a lightly angled
slide (3,0 ± 0,5)° to launch the ball, see Figure 2.
Dimensions in millimetres
1 level
2 ball
NOTE Tolerances ± 1 mm, except for:
— the supports: ± 0,2 mm;
— the ball: ± 0,5 mm.
Figure 2 — 3-pointed supports
4.2.3 Steel ball
Mass (510 ± 10) g, diameter (50,0 ± 0,5) mm.
4.2.4 Rubber wheel roller (see Figure 3)
— Thickness of the hard rubber: (15 ± 2) mm;
— mass: (25 ± 1) kg;
— useful width: (260 ± 10) mm (see Figure 3);
— hardness of the rubber shall be Shore 40/150 in accordance with ISO 48-2.
Dimensions in millimetres
1 rubber thickness (15 ± 2) mm
2 roller mass (25 ± 1) kg
Figure 3 — Rubber wheel roller
4.2.5 Sprayer
For applying adhesion agent (dope) as an interfacial layer between binder and chippings, if required.
4.2.6 Hygrometer
Accurate to 5 % at 90 % humidity.
4.2.7 Balance
Accurate to 0,1 g, range at least 1 000 g.
4.2.8 Climatic chambers
Capable of maintaining temperatures of the samples to cover the range (30 ± 1) °C to (-25 ± 1) °C and a
humidity greater than 90 %.
4.2.9 Oven
Capable of heating chippings or binder, e.g. (50 ± 5) °C to (170 ± 5) °C.
4.2.10 Auxiliary items
— Spatula;
— metallic box which can be hermatically sealed;
— basket made of a metallic gauze;
— timing device of accuracy to ± 1 s.
4.3 Procedure
4.3.1 Preparation of the binder Quantity
The binder rate of spread used for fluxed bitumen or residual binder of bitumen emulsion (after breaking
and total evaporation of water) shall be:
— 0,5 kg/m when the chipping size is 2/6 mm;
— 0,7 kg/m when the chipping size is 4/6 mm, 4/8 mm or 5/8 mm;
— 1,0 kg/m when the chipping sizes are 6/10 mm, 6/12 mm or 8/11 mm;
— 1,3 kg/m when the chipping sizes are 10/14 mm or 11/16 mm. Temperature
At least 0,5 kg of binder shall be warmed up to
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