Water quality - Biochemical and physiological measurements on fish - Part 2: Determination of ethoxyresorufin-O-deethylase (EROD)

This part of ISO 23893 specifies a method for measuring the ethoxyresorufin-O-deethylase (EROD) enzyme activity on a post-mitochondrial fraction of fish liver homogenate (subcellular fraction in which the EROD activity is located) employing a cell or microplate fluorimetric method. It applies to fish that are sampled in their natural environment (fresh water or salt water) or exposed to substances or effluents in a laboratory. This method is applicable for EROD values greater than or equal to 1 pmol/(min•mg) of proteins. A higher sensitivity may be achieved by using a cell (test tube) procedure.

Qualité de l'eau - Mesurages biochimiques et physiologiques sur poisson - Partie 2: Dosage de l'éthoxyrésorufine-O-dééthylase (EROD)

L'ISO/TS 23893-2:2007 sp�cifie une m�thode pour mesurer l'activit� enzymatique de l'�thoxyr�sorufine-O-d��thylase (EROD) sur une fraction post-mitochondriale du broyat du foie de poisson (fraction subcellulaire dans laquelle l'activit� EROD est localis�e) en employant une m�thode d'analyse fluorim�trique avec une cuve ou des microplaques.
Elle s'applique aux poissons pr�lev�s dans leur environnement naturel (eau douce ou eau sal�e) ou aux poissons expos�s � des substances ou effluents dans un laboratoire.
Cette m�thode est applicable pour les valeurs de l'EROD sup�rieures ou �gales � 1 pmol/min/mg de prot�ines. Une sensibilit� plus �lev�e peut �tre obtenue en utilisant un mode op�ratoire employant une cuve (tube � essai).

Kakovost vode - Biokemijske in fiziološke meritve v ribah - 2. del: Določevanje etoksiresorufin-O-deetilaze (EROD)

This part of ISO 23893 specifies a method for measuring the ethoxyresorufin-O-deethylase (EROD) enzyme activity on a post-mitochondrial Ta del ISO 23893 določa metodo za merjenje aktivnosti encima etoksiresorufin-O-deetilaze (EROD) na postmitohondrijski frakciji homogenata ribjih jeter (subcelična frakcija z aktivnostjo EROD) z uporabo fluorimetrične metode v celici ali na mikrotitrski ploščici. Velja za ribe, vzorčene v njihovem naravnem okolju (sladka ali slana voda) ali izpostavljene snovem ali odplakam v laboratoriju. Ta metoda velja za vrednosti EROD, večje ali enake 1 pmol/(min•mg) beljakovine. Večja občutljivost se lahko doseže z uporabo postopka v celici (epruveti).

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First edition

Water quality — Biochemical and
physiological measurements on fish —
Part 2:
Determination of
ethoxyresorufin-O-deethylase (EROD)
Qualité de l'eau — Mesurages biochimiques et physiologiques sur
poisson —
Partie 2: Dosage de l'éthoxyrésorufine-O-dééthylase (EROD)

Reference number
ISO/TS 23893-2:2007(E)
ISO 2007

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ISO/TS 23893-2:2007(E)
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ISO/TS 23893-2:2007(E)
Contents Page
Foreword. iv
Introduction . v
1 Scope . 1
2 Normative references . 1
3 Principle. 1
4 Test environment. 1
5 Reagents. 2
6 Apparatus . 3
7 Sampling and preparation of samples. 4
7.1 Sampling of fish . 4
7.2 Killing of fish and dissection. 4
7.3 Storage. 4
8 Procedure . 4
8.1 Preparation of the fractions. 4
8.2 Determination of protein . 5
8.3 Determination of the EROD activity. 5
8.4 Checking the sensitivity of the biological reagent and compliance with the operating
method . 6
9 Expression of results . 7
9.1 Calculation of the EROD activity. 7
9.2 Statistical processing of the data . 7
10 Test report . 8
Annex A (informative) Examples of results . 9
Bibliography . 14

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ISO/TS 23893-2:2007(E)
ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards bodies
(ISO member bodies). The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out through ISO
technical committees. Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical committee has been
established has the right to be represented on that committee. International organizations, governmental and
non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work. ISO collaborates closely with the
International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all matters of electrotechnical standardization.
International Standards are drafted in accordance with the rules given in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2.
The main task of technical committees is to prepare International Standards. Draft International Standards
adopted by the technical committees are circulated to the member bodies for voting. Publication as an
International Standard requires approval by at least 75 % of the member bodies casting a vote.
In other circumstances, particularly when there is an urgent market requirement for such documents, a
technical committee may decide to publish other types of normative document:
⎯ an ISO Publicly Available Specification (ISO/PAS) represents an agreement between technical experts in
an ISO working group and is accepted for publication if it is approved by more than 50 % of the members
of the parent committee casting a vote;
⎯ an ISO Technical Specification (ISO/TS) represents an agreement between the members of a technical
committee and is accepted for publication if it is approved by 2/3 of the members of the committee casting
a vote.
An ISO/PAS or ISO/TS is reviewed after three years in order to decide whether it will be confirmed for a
further three years, revised to become an International Standard, or withdrawn. If the ISO/PAS or ISO/TS is
confirmed, it is reviewed again after a further three years, at which time it must either be transformed into an
International Standard or be withdrawn.
Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of patent
rights. ISO shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights.
ISO/TS 23893-2 was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 147, Water quality, Subcommittee SC 5,
Biological methods.
ISO 23893 consists of the following parts, under the general title Water quality — Biochemical and
physiological measurements on fish:
⎯ Part 1: Sampling of fish, handling and preservation of samples
⎯ Part 2: Determination of ethoxyresorufin-O-deethylase (EROD) [Technical Specification]
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ISO/TS 23893-2:2007(E)
The measurement of pollution biomarkers in fish, such as the measurement of biotransformation enzyme
activities, is likely to provide information about exposure levels, bioavailability and the early biological effects
of substances present in aquatic ecosystems. The measurement of the EROD enzyme activity allows the
diagnosis of the exposure of fish to inducers of the P450 1A cytochrome, such as certain polychlorinated
biphenyls (PCBs), polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), and dioxins. A large amount of research work
bears witness to the extent of the studies conducted (see Bibliography).
An induction of EROD activity reflects the presence of inducers such as those mentioned above. On the other
hand, the absence of induction does not necessarily reflect the absence of exposure of the fish to organic
contaminants, account being taken of the inhibition phenomena of the EROD induction of possible
modification of the bioavailability of the inducers or of low exposure concentrations.
The application of a standardised reference method is strongly advised within a monitoring programme. The
intercalibration exercises on the measurement of the EROD enzyme activity undertaken since 1991 have
revealed multiple sources of errors, which are very easy to avoid (dilution of resorufin, determination of
proteins, calculation of the enzyme activity, etc.) once laboratories have become familiar with the analysis of
enzyme activities and the possible error factors.

© ISO 2007 – All rights reserved v

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Water quality — Biochemical and physiological measurements
on fish —
Part 2:
Determination of ethoxyresorufin-O-deethylase (EROD)
1 Scope
This part of ISO 23893 specifies a method for measuring the ethoxyresorufin-O-deethylase (EROD) enzyme
activity on a post-mitochondrial fraction of fish liver homogenate (subcellular fraction in which the EROD
activity is located) employing a cell or microplate fluorimetric method.
It applies to fish that are sampled in their natural environment (fresh water or salt water) or exposed to
substances or effluents in a laboratory.
This method is applicable for EROD values greater than or equal to 1 pmol/(min·mg) of proteins. A higher
sensitivity may be achieved by using a cell (test tube) procedure.
2 Normative references
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated
references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced
document (including any amendments) applies.
ISO 23893-1, Water quality — Biochemical and physiological measurements on fish — Part 1: Sampling of
fish, handling and preservation of samples
3 Principle
Samples of fish are collected and dissected as described in ISO 23893-1 to obtain pieces of liver.
Homogenates of fish liver are prepared by crushing (homogenisation) and the supernatant S9 fraction
recovered by centrifugation. The EROD enzyme activity in the S9 fractions is determined by measurement of
the increase in fluorescence due to the transformation of the 7-ethoxyresorufin into resorufin. The
fluorescence is reported in quantities of resorufin by means of a calibration range (external calibration of
resorufin or of rhodamine B). The EROD activity is related to the quantity of proteins in the S9 fraction.
4 Test environment
All of the tests and handling operations with the S9 fraction shall be carried out at a temperature close to 4 °C
(e.g. handling in crushed ice), except the enzyme reaction which shall be performed at 20 °C ± 2 °C.
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ISO/TS 23893-2:2007(E)
5 Reagents
Unless otherwise specified, use only reagents of recognised analytical grade.
5.1 Ultra pure water, having a conductivity below 1 µS/cm.
5.2 Potassium chloride, 150 mmol/l solution.
Dissolve 11,2 g of KCl (relative molecular mass 74,6) in 1 l of water (5.1). This solution is stable for 6 months
at a temperature of 4 °C ± 3 °C.
5.3 Phosphate buffer, 100 mmol/l; pH 7,8 ± 0,1.
The ionic composition and pH can affect the EROD activity, and optimal conditions may vary between species.
The following buffer is expected to provide measurable and comparable values of EROD activity for most
species of fish.
Prepare the following two solutions, A and B:
⎯ Solution A: dissolve 17,4 g of K HPO (relative molecular mass 174,2 as the anhydrate) in 1 l of water
2 4
⎯ Solution B: dissolve 13,6 g of KH PO (relative molecular mass 136,1 as the anhydrate) in 1 l of water
2 4
Adjust solution A to pH 7,8 ± 0,1 with solution B.
This solution is stable for 6 months at a temperature of 4 °C ± 3 °C.
5.4 Glycerol (20 %) in phosphate buffer solution.
Add a mass fraction of 20 % of glycerol (C H O ; relative molecular mass 92,1) to the phosphate buffer (5.3).
3 8 3
The final concentrations are then 20 % glycerol and 100 mmol/l phosphate.
5.5 Resorufin (108 mg/l) stock solution.
Dissolve in the dark, shaking for 2 h, about 10,8 mg of resorufin (sodium salt C H NNaO ; relative molecular
12 6 3
mass 235,2) in 100 ml of dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO). Read the optical density at 572 nm on the
spectrophotometer. Calculate the exact resorufin concentration, c, in millimoles per litre, using Equation (1):
c= (1)
D is the optical density (corresponding to the absorbance wavenumber in cm );
−1 −1
ε is the molar extinction coefficient {for resorufin, values of ε = 73,2 (mmol/l) cm at 572 nm
−1 −1
(Reference [17]) and 54,0 ± 1,1 (mmol/l) cm (Reference [36]) have been reported};
l is the optical pathlength, in centimetres.
Prepare this solution at the time of determination and store aliquots of this solution frozen at −20 °C and
sheltered from the light. These aliquots can be stored for 6 months.
NOTE Resorufin is very unstable under daylight conditions.
5.6 Resorufin working solution.
Dilute the stock solution (5.5) with DMSO to obtain approximately 10 ml of 11,5 µmol/l working solution.
Prepare this solution at the time of determination.
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ISO/TS 23893-2:2007(E)
5.7 Rhodamine B standard solution.
Dissolve 25 mg of rhodamine B (C H N O ; relative molecular mass 442,55) in 250 ml of ethylene glycol
28 30 2 3
monomethyl ether. Dilute this solution with ethylene glycol monomethyl ether, so as to obtain a standard
0,1 µmol/l solution to be stored in aliquots. This solution remains stable for 6 months in the dark and at a
temperature of 4 °C ± 3 °C.
5.8 Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate (NADPH).
For the microplate method, dissolve 19,2 mg of β-NADPH (C H N Na O P ; relative molecular mass
21 26 7 4 17 3
833,35) in 2 ml of water (5.1) to obtain a concentration of 10 mmol/l.
Prepare this solution at the time of determination and keep it sheltered from light in an ice bath.
NOTE For the cell (test tube) method, 41,7 mg of NADPH are dissolved in 1 ml of water (5.1) to obtain a
concentration of 50 mmol/l.
5.9 7-Ethoxyresorufin stock solution
Prepare a stock solution of concentrated 7-ethoxyresorufin (C H NaO ; relative molecular mass 235,17), e.g.
12 6 3
5 mg/ml, in DMSO. Store this solution in the dark at room temperature for a maximum of 1 year.
5.10 7-Ethoxyresorufin (46 µmol/l) working solution
Measure the exact concentration of the stock solution (5.9) by spectrophotometry at 482 nm using
4 −1 −1
Equation (1). At 482 nm, the molar absorption coefficient is 2,25 × 10 (mol/l) cm .
Dilute the stock solution (5.9) with DMSO in order to obtain a 46 µmol/l working solution for the microplate
method. Prepare this solution at the time of determination.
NOTE A 400 µmol/l working solution is used for the cell (test tube) method.
5.11 β-Naphthoflavone dissolved in peanut oil
For the injection of a dose of β-naphthoflavone (C H O , relative molecular mass 272,3) into the fish at a
19 12 2
mass per body mass fraction of 50 mg/kg (injection of 10 µl of solution into the oil per gram of fish), prepare a
solution of β-naphthoflavone in peanut oil at a concentration of 5 mg/ml. This solution is shaken and brought
up to a temperature of 45 °C ± 5 °C using a water bath in order to improve the homogeneity.
NOTE A dose even 10-fold lower than 50 mg/kg can be sufficient for EROD induction. It is possible, therefore, that
the exact dose to be used is of little importance.
6 Apparatus
Usual laboratory and dissection equipment and in particular the following.
6.1 Cryogenic tubes.
6.2 Liquid nitrogen container or freezer, set at a temperature below –70 °C.
6.3 Cell or microplate spectrofluorimeter, for 96-well microplates.
NOTE The use of white opaque microplates allows a significant reduction of the fluorimetric background noise.
6.4 Centrifuge.
6.5 Homogeniser, of Potter Elvehjem or equivalent type.
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ISO/TS 23893-2:2007(E)
6.6 pH meter.
6.7 Spectrophotometer.
7 Sampling and preparation of samples
7.1 Sampling of fish
Sampling should be carried out in the natural environment by fishing or in a laboratory on fish exposed to
substances or effluents as specified in ISO 23893−1.
Sample at least 10 fish of the same species and sex and of uniform size from each group to be examined for
EROD activity.
Do not take samples during the spawning season because the habitat of the fish and their physiological
activities may be modified by sexual activity.
Taking into account the factors likely to influence EROD activity, the following conditions shall be determined
and recorded in the test report:
a) water temperature;
b) a general description of the health condition of each fish (sex, length, body mass, liver mass, gonad mass,
presence of external and internal injuries) — this is usually reported in connection with sampling as
described in ISO 23893−1.
Depending on the objectives of the study, ensure that the control fish (from the reference location or
laboratory group) are taken from an environment of satisfactory ecological quality. Handle the control fish and
their samples in the same manner as those from the examined or experimentally treated groups, except for
exposure to the substance(s) of concern.
7.2 Killing of fish and dissection
After fishing or on completion of exposure, the fish are killed and the livers dissected one by one on removal
from the water as described in ISO 23893−1. Sample a piece of less than 1 g from the same part of the liver
from each fish as soon as possible after killing it. Be careful not to contaminate the liver with bile during
7.3 Storage
If the determination cannot take place on the day of sampling, the samples of liver shall be frozen immediately
to below −70 °C, for instance by using liquid nitrogen or dry ice. The samples can thereafter be stored for
3 months in liquid nitrogen or at a temperature below −70 °C (6.2).
If measurements of EROD are to be made on the day of sampling, then the preparatory step (8.1) shall be
started within 1 h and the liver samples shall be stored at below 4 °C.
8 Procedure
8.1 Preparation of the fractions
Prior to conducting the determination, wash the liver sample in potassium chloride solution (5.2) and then
homogenise it in 4 ml of phosphate buffer (5.3) by crushing in a homogeniser (6.5). If smaller (or bigger) liver
samples are used, then the volume of the buffer should be reduced (or increased) to keep the 1 g:4 ml
tissue:buffer ratio constant. Perform this operation at a temperature of about 4 °C by maintaining the
4 © ISO 2007 – All rights reserved

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ISO/TS 23893-2:2007(E)
phosphate buffer at that temperature. Crushing shall occur within 0,5 min and 2 min, and the crushing
conditions and time shall be identical for each sample. Adequate crushing results from five to 10 strokes for
most liver samples.
Centrifuge the homogenates at 10 000g (about 90 000 m/s ), at a temperature of 4 °C ± 3 °C for 10 min to
20 min. Recover the supernatant liquid (S9 fraction) and store it at a temperature of 4 °C ± 3 °C. Perform the
enzyme determination within 1 h of supernatant recovery.
NOTE It is possible to freeze the liver homogenates rapidly in cryogenic tubes (6.1) to below −70 °C, using for
example liquid nitrogen, under the conditions given in 7.3 provided that the liver samples (7.3) have not previously been
frozen. In the case of prior freezing, the liver samples shall be homogenised beforehand as indicated above, but using a
glycerol in phosphate buffer (5.4).
8.2 Determination of protein
For each S9 fraction, carry out a protein determination according to Reference [22] or Reference [2], for which
methods commercial test kits are readily available. The concentration of protein standard [bovine serum
albumin (BSA)] shall be checked using a spectrophotometer if in-house standards are used.
8.3 Determination of the EROD activity
8.3.1 Calibration General
Carry out a calibration taking a resorufin working solution (5.6) or rhodamine B standard solution (5.7) as a
basis. The fluorescence of rhodamine B is 1,2 times higher than that of resorufin at equivalent molar
concentrations. Calibration with resorufin
The linearity of the calibration curve shall be determined; samples should be measured in the linear part of the
curve. Highly active samples have to be diluted to achieve this. The linear part of the curve is dependent on
the apparatus used and its settings.
Establish the range by dilution of the resorufin working solution (5.6) with DMSO at the following dilution
factors: 1; 5; 10; 50; 100.
Prepare the reaction mixture according to, replacing 7-ethoxyresorufin by resorufin and the S9 fraction
by a protein solution (BSA or protein extract of the fish species under study). A concentration of protein which
is as similar as practically possible to that of the S9 fractions being analysed should be used.
Measure the fluorescence according to The measured fluorescence is proportional to the resorufin
concentration. Ensure that only the linear part of the standard curve is used for quantification. Calibration with rhodamine B
Introduce the rhodamine B standard solution (5.7) into the cell or into 3 wells of the microplate depending on
the spectrofluorimeter (6.3) being used.
NOTE Taking into account the rhodamine B/resorufin intercalibration (under reaction mixture conditions), the
rhodamine B solution is used as such as a standard. It is not necessary to add any reagent.
Measure the fluorescence according to This fluorescence, divided by 1,2, is equal to the fluorescence
of a resorufin solution having a concentration of 0,1 µmol/l.
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ISO/TS 23893-2:2007(E)
8.3.2 Determination Preparation of the reaction mixture
For each S9 fraction, prepare the reaction mixture by adding the solutions indicated in Table 1, always
terminating with the NADPH solution, to a cell or microplate. Produce triplicates for the microplate method,
and if possible also for the cell method.
Table 1 — Preparation of the reaction mixture
Volume of solution to be Final
Concentration of solution
introduced into the concentration in
the reaction
Cell Microplate Cell Microplate
Phosphate buffer Approximately
1,96 ml 200 µl 100 mmol/l 100 mmol/l
(5.3) 100 mmol/l
10 µl 10 µl 400 µmol/l 46 µmol/l 2 µmol/l
5 mg to 10 mg 1,1 mg to 2,3 mg 50 µg to 100 µg
S9 fraction (8.1) 20 µl 10 µl
of protein per ml of protein per ml of protein per ml
NADPH (5.8) 20 µl 11,5 µl 50 mmol/l 10 mmol/l 0,5 mmol/l

Record the time of addition of NADPH solution (5.8) as the start of the enzyme reaction. The reaction can
either start directly or after 1 min to 2 min depending upon fish species. Finish recording after 2 min of the
reaction period. The rate is determined from the reaction period, excluding the lag phase.
It is possible to mix the required quantity of 7-ethoxyresofurin into the phosphate buffer at the desired final
concentration (2 µmol/l) before addition to the cells or microplate wells. For the calibration with resorufin
(, it is also possible to prepare the required quantity of phosphate buffer already containing the
resorufin solution in the same way. Measurement of the fluorescence
When a monochromatic spectrofluorimeter (6.3) is used, the fluorescence is measured at the maximum of the
resorufin wavelengths, and when a filter spectrofluorimeter (6.3) is used, the fluorescence is measured at
excitation and emission wavelengths from 530 nm to 535 nm and from 580 nm to 590 nm, respectively.
Calculate the slope of the time-dependent fluorescence increase at several measuring points using linear
regression. If the spectrofluorimeter does not have this functionality, then calculate the slope on the basis of
an initial and final point.
8.4 Checking the sensitivity of the biological reagent and compliance with the operating
A check of the sensitivity of the batch of fishes used in the laboratory (positive control) is advised for each test
of a substance or effluent concentration range. The number of fish to be induced with β-naphthoflavone (5.11)
is identical to that used in the other experimental groups (at least 10). The exposure time shall be sufficient to
allow an induction (e.g. 96 h).
Each fish is weighed and receives an intraperitoneal injection of β-naphthoflavone on the basis of its mass
(e.g. 100 µl injected into a fish weighing 10 g).
For small fish, e.g zebrafish, water exposure to inducing agents (β-naphthoflavone dissolved in DMSO and
test substances) can be used. Then 48 h exposure can be sufficient for induction.
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ISO/TS 23893-2:2007(E)
For an injection of 50 mg/kg, a relatively high EROD induction is to be expected for the injected fish (positive
controls) in comparison with the control fish (negative controls) and also compared with the inductions
measured with most test substances and effluents or in most species of fish from the natural environment. For
example, the induction rate (equal to the activity in fish injected with β-naphthoflavone divided by the activity in
control fish) is usually around 10 (and always higher than 3) for cyprinids and in the region of 100 (and always
higher than 30) for salmonids (Reference [11]).
9 Expression of results
9.1 Calculation of the EROD activity
For each S9 fraction, calculate the resorufin equivalent from the fluorescence slope of the sample. This
fluorescence slope, in fluorescence units per minute, is related either to the resorufin range (, by
dividing the slope by the proportionality factor between fluorescence and resorufin, or to the rhodamine B
standard ( For each S9 fraction, calculate the EROD activity, A , in picomoles per minute per
milligram of proteins, according to Equation (2):
A = (2)

R is the resorufin equivalent, in picomoles per microlitre per minute or nanomoles per microlitre per
minute, as appropriate;
V is the total volume, in microlitres, of the reaction mixture;
ρ is the concentration, in milligrams per microlitre, of total proteins present in the S9 fraction;
V is the volume, in microlitres, of S9 fraction present in the reaction mixture.
9.2 Statistical processing of the data
First test the distribution normality of the same batch (same fishing station or same concentration, same sex)
and the homogenity of the variances (e.g. by a Levene test). A variable transformation may be needed to
achieve this (References [1], [12]).
If the original or the transformed data are not normally distributed or do not have homogeneous variances,
then use non-parametric tests (e.g. the Mann and Whitney U-test).
Then test the statistical differences between the EROD means of the different batches (ANOVA, the Student
t-test), and in particular between the exposed batch and the laboratory or natural environment (field) control
Present the results in graphical form and in table(s) (given as arithmetical or geometrical means for the
different groups and with 95 % confidence intervals). Examples of laboratory and natural environment (field)
results are presented in Annex A.
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ISO/TS 23893-2:2007(E)
10 Test report
The test report shall contain at least the following information:
a) reference to this part of ISO 23893;
b) sampling date, water temperature, information about the fishing station (natural environment) or the batch
of fish (laboratory), number of fish sampled (as specified in ISO 23893-1);
c) for each fish: size, mass, sex, gonadosomatic ratio, summary diagnosis of the health condition of the fish
(as speci

SIST-TS ISO/TS 23893-2:2010
Water quality - Biochemical and physiological measurements on fish - Part 2:
Determination of ethoxyresorufin-O-deethylase (EROD)
Qualité de l'eau - Mesurages biochimiques et physiologiques sur poisson - Partie 2:
Dosage de l'éthoxyrésorufine-O-dééthylase (EROD)
Ta slovenski standard je istoveten z: ISO/TS 23893-2:2007
13.060.70 Preiskava bioloških lastnosti Examination of biological
vode properties of water
SIST-TS ISO/TS 23893-2:2010 en,fr
2003-01.Slovenski inštitut za standardizacijo. Razmnoževanje celote ali delov tega standarda ni dovoljeno.

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SIST-TS ISO/TS 23893-2:2010

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SIST-TS ISO/TS 23893-2:2010

First edition

Water quality — Biochemical and
physiological measurements on fish —
Part 2:
Determination of
ethoxyresorufin-O-deethylase (EROD)
Qualité de l'eau — Mesurages biochimiques et physiologiques sur
poisson —
Partie 2: Dosage de l'éthoxyrésorufine-O-dééthylase (EROD)

Reference number
ISO/TS 23893-2:2007(E)
ISO 2007

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SIST-TS ISO/TS 23893-2:2010
ISO/TS 23893-2:2007(E)
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SIST-TS ISO/TS 23893-2:2010
ISO/TS 23893-2:2007(E)
Contents Page
Foreword. iv
Introduction . v
1 Scope . 1
2 Normative references . 1
3 Principle. 1
4 Test environment. 1
5 Reagents. 2
6 Apparatus . 3
7 Sampling and preparation of samples. 4
7.1 Sampling of fish . 4
7.2 Killing of fish and dissection. 4
7.3 Storage. 4
8 Procedure . 4
8.1 Preparation of the fractions. 4
8.2 Determination of protein . 5
8.3 Determination of the EROD activity. 5
8.4 Checking the sensitivity of the biological reagent and compliance with the operating
method . 6
9 Expression of results . 7
9.1 Calculation of the EROD activity. 7
9.2 Statistical processing of the data . 7
10 Test report . 8
Annex A (informative) Examples of results . 9
Bibliography . 14

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SIST-TS ISO/TS 23893-2:2010
ISO/TS 23893-2:2007(E)
ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards bodies
(ISO member bodies). The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out through ISO
technical committees. Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical committee has been
established has the right to be represented on that committee. International organizations, governmental and
non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work. ISO collaborates closely with the
International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all matters of electrotechnical standardization.
International Standards are drafted in accordance with the rules given in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2.
The main task of technical committees is to prepare International Standards. Draft International Standards
adopted by the technical committees are circulated to the member bodies for voting. Publication as an
International Standard requires approval by at least 75 % of the member bodies casting a vote.
In other circumstances, particularly when there is an urgent market requirement for such documents, a
technical committee may decide to publish other types of normative document:
⎯ an ISO Publicly Available Specification (ISO/PAS) represents an agreement between technical experts in
an ISO working group and is accepted for publication if it is approved by more than 50 % of the members
of the parent committee casting a vote;
⎯ an ISO Technical Specification (ISO/TS) represents an agreement between the members of a technical
committee and is accepted for publication if it is approved by 2/3 of the members of the committee casting
a vote.
An ISO/PAS or ISO/TS is reviewed after three years in order to decide whether it will be confirmed for a
further three years, revised to become an International Standard, or withdrawn. If the ISO/PAS or ISO/TS is
confirmed, it is reviewed again after a further three years, at which time it must either be transformed into an
International Standard or be withdrawn.
Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of patent
rights. ISO shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights.
ISO/TS 23893-2 was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 147, Water quality, Subcommittee SC 5,
Biological methods.
ISO 23893 consists of the following parts, under the general title Water quality — Biochemical and
physiological measurements on fish:
⎯ Part 1: Sampling of fish, handling and preservation of samples
⎯ Part 2: Determination of ethoxyresorufin-O-deethylase (EROD) [Technical Specification]
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SIST-TS ISO/TS 23893-2:2010
ISO/TS 23893-2:2007(E)
The measurement of pollution biomarkers in fish, such as the measurement of biotransformation enzyme
activities, is likely to provide information about exposure levels, bioavailability and the early biological effects
of substances present in aquatic ecosystems. The measurement of the EROD enzyme activity allows the
diagnosis of the exposure of fish to inducers of the P450 1A cytochrome, such as certain polychlorinated
biphenyls (PCBs), polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), and dioxins. A large amount of research work
bears witness to the extent of the studies conducted (see Bibliography).
An induction of EROD activity reflects the presence of inducers such as those mentioned above. On the other
hand, the absence of induction does not necessarily reflect the absence of exposure of the fish to organic
contaminants, account being taken of the inhibition phenomena of the EROD induction of possible
modification of the bioavailability of the inducers or of low exposure concentrations.
The application of a standardised reference method is strongly advised within a monitoring programme. The
intercalibration exercises on the measurement of the EROD enzyme activity undertaken since 1991 have
revealed multiple sources of errors, which are very easy to avoid (dilution of resorufin, determination of
proteins, calculation of the enzyme activity, etc.) once laboratories have become familiar with the analysis of
enzyme activities and the possible error factors.

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SIST-TS ISO/TS 23893-2:2010

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SIST-TS ISO/TS 23893-2:2010

Water quality — Biochemical and physiological measurements
on fish —
Part 2:
Determination of ethoxyresorufin-O-deethylase (EROD)
1 Scope
This part of ISO 23893 specifies a method for measuring the ethoxyresorufin-O-deethylase (EROD) enzyme
activity on a post-mitochondrial fraction of fish liver homogenate (subcellular fraction in which the EROD
activity is located) employing a cell or microplate fluorimetric method.
It applies to fish that are sampled in their natural environment (fresh water or salt water) or exposed to
substances or effluents in a laboratory.
This method is applicable for EROD values greater than or equal to 1 pmol/(min·mg) of proteins. A higher
sensitivity may be achieved by using a cell (test tube) procedure.
2 Normative references
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated
references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced
document (including any amendments) applies.
ISO 23893-1, Water quality — Biochemical and physiological measurements on fish — Part 1: Sampling of
fish, handling and preservation of samples
3 Principle
Samples of fish are collected and dissected as described in ISO 23893-1 to obtain pieces of liver.
Homogenates of fish liver are prepared by crushing (homogenisation) and the supernatant S9 fraction
recovered by centrifugation. The EROD enzyme activity in the S9 fractions is determined by measurement of
the increase in fluorescence due to the transformation of the 7-ethoxyresorufin into resorufin. The
fluorescence is reported in quantities of resorufin by means of a calibration range (external calibration of
resorufin or of rhodamine B). The EROD activity is related to the quantity of proteins in the S9 fraction.
4 Test environment
All of the tests and handling operations with the S9 fraction shall be carried out at a temperature close to 4 °C
(e.g. handling in crushed ice), except the enzyme reaction which shall be performed at 20 °C ± 2 °C.
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SIST-TS ISO/TS 23893-2:2010
ISO/TS 23893-2:2007(E)
5 Reagents
Unless otherwise specified, use only reagents of recognised analytical grade.
5.1 Ultra pure water, having a conductivity below 1 µS/cm.
5.2 Potassium chloride, 150 mmol/l solution.
Dissolve 11,2 g of KCl (relative molecular mass 74,6) in 1 l of water (5.1). This solution is stable for 6 months
at a temperature of 4 °C ± 3 °C.
5.3 Phosphate buffer, 100 mmol/l; pH 7,8 ± 0,1.
The ionic composition and pH can affect the EROD activity, and optimal conditions may vary between species.
The following buffer is expected to provide measurable and comparable values of EROD activity for most
species of fish.
Prepare the following two solutions, A and B:
⎯ Solution A: dissolve 17,4 g of K HPO (relative molecular mass 174,2 as the anhydrate) in 1 l of water
2 4
⎯ Solution B: dissolve 13,6 g of KH PO (relative molecular mass 136,1 as the anhydrate) in 1 l of water
2 4
Adjust solution A to pH 7,8 ± 0,1 with solution B.
This solution is stable for 6 months at a temperature of 4 °C ± 3 °C.
5.4 Glycerol (20 %) in phosphate buffer solution.
Add a mass fraction of 20 % of glycerol (C H O ; relative molecular mass 92,1) to the phosphate buffer (5.3).
3 8 3
The final concentrations are then 20 % glycerol and 100 mmol/l phosphate.
5.5 Resorufin (108 mg/l) stock solution.
Dissolve in the dark, shaking for 2 h, about 10,8 mg of resorufin (sodium salt C H NNaO ; relative molecular
12 6 3
mass 235,2) in 100 ml of dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO). Read the optical density at 572 nm on the
spectrophotometer. Calculate the exact resorufin concentration, c, in millimoles per litre, using Equation (1):
c= (1)
D is the optical density (corresponding to the absorbance wavenumber in cm );
−1 −1
ε is the molar extinction coefficient {for resorufin, values of ε = 73,2 (mmol/l) cm at 572 nm
−1 −1
(Reference [17]) and 54,0 ± 1,1 (mmol/l) cm (Reference [36]) have been reported};
l is the optical pathlength, in centimetres.
Prepare this solution at the time of determination and store aliquots of this solution frozen at −20 °C and
sheltered from the light. These aliquots can be stored for 6 months.
NOTE Resorufin is very unstable under daylight conditions.
5.6 Resorufin working solution.
Dilute the stock solution (5.5) with DMSO to obtain approximately 10 ml of 11,5 µmol/l working solution.
Prepare this solution at the time of determination.
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SIST-TS ISO/TS 23893-2:2010
ISO/TS 23893-2:2007(E)
5.7 Rhodamine B standard solution.
Dissolve 25 mg of rhodamine B (C H N O ; relative molecular mass 442,55) in 250 ml of ethylene glycol
28 30 2 3
monomethyl ether. Dilute this solution with ethylene glycol monomethyl ether, so as to obtain a standard
0,1 µmol/l solution to be stored in aliquots. This solution remains stable for 6 months in the dark and at a
temperature of 4 °C ± 3 °C.
5.8 Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate (NADPH).
For the microplate method, dissolve 19,2 mg of β-NADPH (C H N Na O P ; relative molecular mass
21 26 7 4 17 3
833,35) in 2 ml of water (5.1) to obtain a concentration of 10 mmol/l.
Prepare this solution at the time of determination and keep it sheltered from light in an ice bath.
NOTE For the cell (test tube) method, 41,7 mg of NADPH are dissolved in 1 ml of water (5.1) to obtain a
concentration of 50 mmol/l.
5.9 7-Ethoxyresorufin stock solution
Prepare a stock solution of concentrated 7-ethoxyresorufin (C H NaO ; relative molecular mass 235,17), e.g.
12 6 3
5 mg/ml, in DMSO. Store this solution in the dark at room temperature for a maximum of 1 year.
5.10 7-Ethoxyresorufin (46 µmol/l) working solution
Measure the exact concentration of the stock solution (5.9) by spectrophotometry at 482 nm using
4 −1 −1
Equation (1). At 482 nm, the molar absorption coefficient is 2,25 × 10 (mol/l) cm .
Dilute the stock solution (5.9) with DMSO in order to obtain a 46 µmol/l working solution for the microplate
method. Prepare this solution at the time of determination.
NOTE A 400 µmol/l working solution is used for the cell (test tube) method.
5.11 β-Naphthoflavone dissolved in peanut oil
For the injection of a dose of β-naphthoflavone (C H O , relative molecular mass 272,3) into the fish at a
19 12 2
mass per body mass fraction of 50 mg/kg (injection of 10 µl of solution into the oil per gram of fish), prepare a
solution of β-naphthoflavone in peanut oil at a concentration of 5 mg/ml. This solution is shaken and brought
up to a temperature of 45 °C ± 5 °C using a water bath in order to improve the homogeneity.
NOTE A dose even 10-fold lower than 50 mg/kg can be sufficient for EROD induction. It is possible, therefore, that
the exact dose to be used is of little importance.
6 Apparatus
Usual laboratory and dissection equipment and in particular the following.
6.1 Cryogenic tubes.
6.2 Liquid nitrogen container or freezer, set at a temperature below –70 °C.
6.3 Cell or microplate spectrofluorimeter, for 96-well microplates.
NOTE The use of white opaque microplates allows a significant reduction of the fluorimetric background noise.
6.4 Centrifuge.
6.5 Homogeniser, of Potter Elvehjem or equivalent type.
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SIST-TS ISO/TS 23893-2:2010
ISO/TS 23893-2:2007(E)
6.6 pH meter.
6.7 Spectrophotometer.
7 Sampling and preparation of samples
7.1 Sampling of fish
Sampling should be carried out in the natural environment by fishing or in a laboratory on fish exposed to
substances or effluents as specified in ISO 23893−1.
Sample at least 10 fish of the same species and sex and of uniform size from each group to be examined for
EROD activity.
Do not take samples during the spawning season because the habitat of the fish and their physiological
activities may be modified by sexual activity.
Taking into account the factors likely to influence EROD activity, the following conditions shall be determined
and recorded in the test report:
a) water temperature;
b) a general description of the health condition of each fish (sex, length, body mass, liver mass, gonad mass,
presence of external and internal injuries) — this is usually reported in connection with sampling as
described in ISO 23893−1.
Depending on the objectives of the study, ensure that the control fish (from the reference location or
laboratory group) are taken from an environment of satisfactory ecological quality. Handle the control fish and
their samples in the same manner as those from the examined or experimentally treated groups, except for
exposure to the substance(s) of concern.
7.2 Killing of fish and dissection
After fishing or on completion of exposure, the fish are killed and the livers dissected one by one on removal
from the water as described in ISO 23893−1. Sample a piece of less than 1 g from the same part of the liver
from each fish as soon as possible after killing it. Be careful not to contaminate the liver with bile during
7.3 Storage
If the determination cannot take place on the day of sampling, the samples of liver shall be frozen immediately
to below −70 °C, for instance by using liquid nitrogen or dry ice. The samples can thereafter be stored for
3 months in liquid nitrogen or at a temperature below −70 °C (6.2).
If measurements of EROD are to be made on the day of sampling, then the preparatory step (8.1) shall be
started within 1 h and the liver samples shall be stored at below 4 °C.
8 Procedure
8.1 Preparation of the fractions
Prior to conducting the determination, wash the liver sample in potassium chloride solution (5.2) and then
homogenise it in 4 ml of phosphate buffer (5.3) by crushing in a homogeniser (6.5). If smaller (or bigger) liver
samples are used, then the volume of the buffer should be reduced (or increased) to keep the 1 g:4 ml
tissue:buffer ratio constant. Perform this operation at a temperature of about 4 °C by maintaining the
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SIST-TS ISO/TS 23893-2:2010
ISO/TS 23893-2:2007(E)
phosphate buffer at that temperature. Crushing shall occur within 0,5 min and 2 min, and the crushing
conditions and time shall be identical for each sample. Adequate crushing results from five to 10 strokes for
most liver samples.
Centrifuge the homogenates at 10 000g (about 90 000 m/s ), at a temperature of 4 °C ± 3 °C for 10 min to
20 min. Recover the supernatant liquid (S9 fraction) and store it at a temperature of 4 °C ± 3 °C. Perform the
enzyme determination within 1 h of supernatant recovery.
NOTE It is possible to freeze the liver homogenates rapidly in cryogenic tubes (6.1) to below −70 °C, using for
example liquid nitrogen, under the conditions given in 7.3 provided that the liver samples (7.3) have not previously been
frozen. In the case of prior freezing, the liver samples shall be homogenised beforehand as indicated above, but using a
glycerol in phosphate buffer (5.4).
8.2 Determination of protein
For each S9 fraction, carry out a protein determination according to Reference [22] or Reference [2], for which
methods commercial test kits are readily available. The concentration of protein standard [bovine serum
albumin (BSA)] shall be checked using a spectrophotometer if in-house standards are used.
8.3 Determination of the EROD activity
8.3.1 Calibration General
Carry out a calibration taking a resorufin working solution (5.6) or rhodamine B standard solution (5.7) as a
basis. The fluorescence of rhodamine B is 1,2 times higher than that of resorufin at equivalent molar
concentrations. Calibration with resorufin
The linearity of the calibration curve shall be determined; samples should be measured in the linear part of the
curve. Highly active samples have to be diluted to achieve this. The linear part of the curve is dependent on
the apparatus used and its settings.
Establish the range by dilution of the resorufin working solution (5.6) with DMSO at the following dilution
factors: 1; 5; 10; 50; 100.
Prepare the reaction mixture according to, replacing 7-ethoxyresorufin by resorufin and the S9 fraction
by a protein solution (BSA or protein extract of the fish species under study). A concentration of protein which
is as similar as practically possible to that of the S9 fractions being analysed should be used.
Measure the fluorescence according to The measured fluorescence is proportional to the resorufin
concentration. Ensure that only the linear part of the standard curve is used for quantification. Calibration with rhodamine B
Introduce the rhodamine B standard solution (5.7) into the cell or into 3 wells of the microplate depending on
the spectrofluorimeter (6.3) being used.
NOTE Taking into account the rhodamine B/resorufin intercalibration (under reaction mixture conditions), the
rhodamine B solution is used as such as a standard. It is not necessary to add any reagent.
Measure the fluorescence according to This fluorescence, divided by 1,2, is equal to the fluorescence
of a resorufin solution having a concentration of 0,1 µmol/l.
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SIST-TS ISO/TS 23893-2:2010
ISO/TS 23893-2:2007(E)
8.3.2 Determination Preparation of the reaction mixture
For each S9 fraction, prepare the reaction mixture by adding the solutions indicated in Table 1, always
terminating with the NADPH solution, to a cell or microplate. Produce triplicates for the microplate method,
and if possible also for the cell method.
Table 1 — Preparation of the reaction mixture
Volume of solution to be Final
Concentration of solution
introduced into the concentration in
the reaction
Cell Microplate Cell Microplate
Phosphate buffer Approximately
1,96 ml 200 µl 100 mmol/l 100 mmol/l
(5.3) 100 mmol/l
10 µl 10 µl 400 µmol/l 46 µmol/l 2 µmol/l
5 mg to 10 mg 1,1 mg to 2,3 mg 50 µg to 100 µg
S9 fraction (8.1) 20 µl 10 µl
of protein per ml of protein per ml of protein per ml
NADPH (5.8) 20 µl 11,5 µl 50 mmol/l 10 mmol/l 0,5 mmol/l

Record the time of addition of NADPH solution (5.8) as the start of the enzyme reaction. The reaction can
either start directly or after 1 min to 2 min depending upon fish species. Finish recording after 2 min of the
reaction period. The rate is determined from the reaction period, excluding the lag phase.
It is possible to mix the required quantity of 7-ethoxyresofurin into the phosphate buffer at the desired final
concentration (2 µmol/l) before addition to the cells or microplate wells. For the calibration with resorufin
(, it is also possible to prepare the required quantity of phosphate buffer already containing the
resorufin solution in the same way. Measurement of the fluorescence
When a monochromatic spectrofluorimeter (6.3) is used, the fluorescence is measured at the maximum of the
resorufin wavelengths, and when a filter spectrofluorimeter (6.3) is used, the fluorescence is measured at
excitation and emission wavelengths from 530 nm to 535 nm and from 580 nm to 590 nm, respectively.
Calculate the slope of the time-dependent fluorescence increase at several measuring points using linear
regression. If the spectrofluorimeter does not have this functionality, then calculate the slope on the basis of
an initial and final point.
8.4 Checking the sensitivity of the biological reagent and compliance with the operating
A check of the sensitivity of the batch of fishes used in the laboratory (positive control) is advised for each test
of a substance or effluent concentration range. The number of fish to be induced with β-naphthoflavone (5.11)
is identical to that used in the other experimental groups (at least 10). The exposure time shall be sufficient to
allow an induction (e.g. 96 h).
Each fish is weighed and receives an intraperitoneal injection of β-naphthoflavone on the basis of its mass
(e.g. 100 µl injected into a fish weighing 10 g).
For small fish, e.g zebrafish, water exposure to inducing agents (β-naphthoflavone dissolved in DMSO and
test substances) can be used. Then 48 h exposure can be sufficient for induction.
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ISO/TS 23893-2:2007(E)
For an injection of 50 mg/kg, a relatively high EROD induction is to be expected for the injected fish (positive
controls) in comparison with the control fish (negative controls) and also compared with the inductions
measured with most test substances and effluents or in most species of fish from the natural environment. For
example, the induction rate (equal to the activity in fish injected with β-naphthoflavone divided by the activity in
control fish) is usually around 10 (and always higher than 3) for cyprinids and in the region of 100 (and always
higher than 30) for salmonids (Reference [11]).
9 Expression of results
9.1 Calculation of the EROD activity
For each S9 fraction, calculate the resorufin equivalent from the fluorescence slope of the sample. This
fluorescence slope, in fluorescence units per minute, is related either to the resorufin range (, by
dividing the slope by the proportionality factor between fluorescence and resorufin, or to the rhodamine B
standard ( For each S9 fraction, calculate the EROD activity, A , in picomoles per minute per
milligram of proteins, according to Equation (2):
A = (2)

R is the resorufin equivalent, in picomoles per microlitre per minute or nanomoles per microlitre per
minute, as appropriate;
V is the total volume, in microlitres, of the reaction mixture;
ρ is the concentration, in milligrams per microlitre, of total proteins present in the S9 fraction;
V is the volume, in microlitres, of S9 fraction present in the reaction mixture.
9.2 Statistical processing of the data
First test the distribution normality of the same batch (same fishing station or same concentration, same sex)
and the

Première édition

Qualité de l'eau — Mesurages
biochimiques et physiologiques
sur poisson —
Partie 2:
Dosage de
l'éthoxyrésorufine-O-dééthylase (EROD)
Water quality — Biochemical and physiological measurements on
fish —
Part 2: Determination of ethoxyresorufin-O-deethylase (EROD)

Numéro de référence
ISO/TS 23893-2:2007(F)
ISO 2007

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ISO/TS 23893-2:2007(F)
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ISO/TS 23893-2:2007(F)
Sommaire Page
Avant-propos. iv
Introduction . v
1 Domaine d'application. 1
2 Références normatives . 1
3 Principe. 1
4 Environnement d'essai. 1
5 Réactifs . 2
6 Appareillage . 3
7 Échantillonnage et préparation des échantillons. 4
7.1 Échantillonnage des poissons . 4
7.2 Mise à mort des poissons et dissection. 4
7.3 Conservation . 4
8 Mode opératoire . 5
8.1 Préparation des fractions . 5
8.2 Dosage des protéines. 5
8.3 Dosage de l'activité EROD. 5
8.4 Vérification de la sensibilité du réactif biologique et de la conformité du mode opératoire. 7
9 Expression des résultats . 7
9.1 Calcul de l'activité EROD . 7
9.2 Traitement statistique des données . 8
10 Rapport d'essai . 8
Annexe A (informative) Exemples de résultats . 9
Bibliographie . 14

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ISO/TS 23893-2:2007(F)
L'ISO (Organisation internationale de normalisation) est une fédération mondiale d'organismes nationaux de
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Partie 2.
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Une ISO/PAS ou ISO/TS fait l'objet d'un examen après trois ans afin de décider si elle est confirmée pour trois
nouvelles années, révisée pour devenir une Norme internationale, ou annulée. Lorsqu'une ISO/PAS ou
ISO/TS a été confirmée, elle fait l'objet d'un nouvel examen après trois ans qui décidera soit de sa
transformation en Norme internationale soit de son annulation.
L'attention est appelée sur le fait que certains des éléments du présent document peuvent faire l'objet de
droits de propriété intellectuelle ou de droits analogues. L'ISO ne saurait être tenue pour responsable de ne
pas avoir identifié de tels droits de propriété et averti de leur existence.
L'ISO/TS 23893 a été élaborée par le comité technique ISO/TC 147, Qualité de l'eau, sous-comité SC 5,
Méthodes biologiques.
L'ISO 23893 comprend les parties suivantes, présentées sous le titre général Qualité de l'eau — Mesurages
biochimiques et physiologiques sur poisson:
⎯ Partie 1: Échantillonnage des poissons, manipulation et conservation des échantillons
⎯ Partie 2: Dosage de l'éthoxyrésorufine-O-dééthylase (EROD) [Spécification technique]
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ISO/TS 23893-2:2007(F)
Le mesurage des marqueurs biologiques de la pollution dans les poissons, tel que le mesurage des activités
enzymatiques de biotransformation, fournit vraisemblablement des informations sur les niveaux d'exposition,
sur la biodisponibilité et sur les effets biologiques précoces des substances présentes dans les écosystèmes
aquatiques. Le mesurage de l'activité enzymatique de l'EROD permet de réaliser un diagnostic de l'exposition
des poissons aux inducteurs du cytochrome P450 1A, tels que certains biphényles polychlorés (PCB),
hydrocarbures aromatiques polycycliques (HAP), dioxines, etc. Une grande quantité de travaux de recherche
témoigne de l'importance des études menées (voir Bibliographie).
L'induction de l'activité EROD traduit la présence d'inducteurs tels que ceux mentionnés ci-dessus. D'un autre
côté, l'absence d'induction ne démontre pas nécessairement que les poissons n'ont pas été exposés à des
contaminants organiques, en considérant les phénomènes d'inhibition de l'induction de l'EROD d'une
modification possible de la biodisponibilité des inducteurs ou l'exposition à de faibles concentrations.
L'application d'une méthode de référence normalisée est fortement conseillée dans un programme de
surveillance. Les exercices d'interétalonnage sur le mesurage de l'activité enzymatique de l'EROD entrepris
depuis 1991 ont révélé de nombreuses sources d'erreurs très faciles à éviter (dilution de la résorufine, dosage
des protéines, calcul de l'activité enzymatique, etc.) une fois que les laboratoires se sont familiarisés avec
l'analyse des activités enzymatiques et les facteurs d'erreur possibles.

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Qualité de l'eau — Mesurages biochimiques et physiologiques
sur poisson —
Partie 2:
Dosage de l'éthoxyrésorufine-O-dééthylase (EROD)
1 Domaine d'application
La présente partie de l'ISO 23893 spécifie une méthode pour mesurer l'activité enzymatique de
l'éthoxyrésorufine-O-dééthylase (EROD) sur une fraction post-mitochondriale du broyat du foie de poisson
(fraction subcellulaire dans laquelle l'activité EROD est localisée) en employant une méthode d'analyse
fluorimétrique avec une cuve ou des microplaques.
Elle s'applique aux poissons prélevés dans leur environnement naturel (eau douce ou eau salée) ou aux
poissons exposés à des substances ou effluents dans un laboratoire.
Cette méthode est applicable pour les valeurs de l'EROD supérieures ou égales à 1 pmol/(min·mg) de
protéines. Une sensibilité plus élevée peut être obtenue en utilisant un mode opératoire employant une cuve
(tube à essai).
2 Références normatives
Les documents de référence suivants sont indispensables pour l'application du présent document. Pour les
références datées, seule l'édition citée s'applique. Pour les références non datées, la dernière édition du
document de référence s'applique (y compris les éventuels amendements).
ISO 23893-1, Qualité de l'eau — Mesurages biochimiques et physiologiques sur poisson — Partie 1:
Échantillonnage des poissons, manipulation et conservation des échantillons
3 Principe
Les échantillons de poissons sont prélevés et disséqués tel que décrit dans l'ISO 23893-1 pour obtenir des
morceaux de foie. Des broyats de foie de poisson sont préparés (homogénéisation) et le surnageant (fraction
S9) est récupéré par centrifugation. L'activité enzymatique de l'EROD dans les fractions S9 est dosée en
mesurant l'augmentation de la fluorescence due à la transformation de la 7-éthoxyrésorufine en résorufine. La
fluorescence est rapportée en quantités de résorufine à l'aide d'une gamme étalon (étalonnage externe de
résorufine ou de rhodamine B). L'activité EROD est reliée à la quantité de protéines de la fraction S9.
4 Environnement d'essai
Tous les essais et les opérations de manipulation avec la fraction S9 doivent être réalisés à une température
proche de 4 °C (par exemple manipulation dans de la glace pilée), à l'exception de la réaction enzymatique,
qui doit être réalisée à 20 °C ± 2 °C.
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ISO/TS 23893-2:2007(F)
5 Réactifs
Sauf indications contraires, utiliser uniquement des réactifs de qualité analytique reconnue.
5.1 Eau ultra pure, de conductivité inférieure à 1 µS/cm.
5.2 Chlorure de potassium, solution de 150 mmol/l.
Dissoudre 11,2 g de KCl (masse moléculaire relative de 74,6) dans 1 l d'eau (5.1). Cette solution est stable
durant six mois à une température de 4 °C ± 3 °C.
5.3 Tampon phosphate, 100 mmol/l; pH 7,8 ± 0,1.
La composition ionique et le pH peuvent affecter l'activité EROD et les conditions optimales peuvent varier
selon les espèces. Le tampon suivant doit fournir des valeurs mesurables et comparables de l'activité EROD
pour la plupart des espèces de poissons.
Préparer les deux solutions suivantes, A et B:
⎯ Solution A: dissoudre 17,4 g de K HPO (masse moléculaire relative de 174,2) dans 1 l d'eau (5.1);
2 4
⎯ Solution B: dissoudre 13,6 g de KH PO (masse moléculaire relative de 136,1) dans 1 l d'eau (5.1).
2 4
Ajuster le pH de la solution A à 7,8 ± 0,1 avec la solution B.
Cette solution est stable durant six mois à une température de 4 °C ± 3 °C.
5.4 Glycérol (20 %) dans la solution tampon phosphate.
Ajouter une fraction massique de 20 % de glycérol (C H O ; masse moléculaire relative de 92,1) au tampon
3 8 3
phosphate (5.3). Les concentrations finales sont ensuite de 20 % de glycérol et 100 mmol/l de phosphate.
5.5 Solution mère de résorufine (108 mg/l).
Dissoudre 10,8 mg de résorufine (sel de sodium C H NNaO ; masse moléculaire relative de 235,17) dans
12 6 3
100 ml de diméthylsulfoxyde (DMSO) à l'abri de la lumière et en agitant durant 2 h. Lire la densité optique à
572 nm sur le spectrophotomètre. Calculer la concentration exacte de résorufine, c, en millimoles par litre, en
utilisant l'Équation (1):
c = (1)

D est la densité optique (correspondant au nombre d'onde de l'absorbance, en cm );
−1 −1
ε est le coefficient d'extinction molaire {pour la résorufine, des valeurs de ε = 73,2 (mmol/l) ·cm à

572 nm (voir Référence [17] ) et 54,0 ± 1,1 mmol cm (voir Référence [36]) ont été consignées};
l est la longueur du chemin optique, en centimètres.
Préparer cette solution au moment du dosage et conserver des aliquotes de cette solution congelées à
–20 °C à l'abri de la lumière. Ces aliquotes peuvent être conservées durant six mois.
NOTE La résorufine est très instable lorsqu'elle est exposée à la lumière du jour.
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ISO/TS 23893-2:2007(F)
5.6 Solution préparée de résorufine.
Diluer la solution mère (5.5) avec du diméthylsulfoxyde (DMSO) de manière à obtenir environ 10 ml de la
solution préparée 11,5 µmol/l. Préparer cette solution au moment du dosage.
5.7 Solution témoin de rhodamine B.
Dissoudre 25 mg de rhodamine B (C H N O ; masse moléculaire relative de 442,55) dans 250 ml
28 30 2 3
d'éthylène glycol monométhyl éther. Diluer cette solution avec de l'éthylène glycol monométhyl éther de
manière à obtenir une solution étalon de 0,1 µmol/l à conserver sous forme d'aliquotes. Cette solution
demeure stable durant six mois à l'abri de la lumière et à une température de 4 °C ± 3 °C.
5.8 Nicotinamide adénine dinucléotide phosphate (NADPH).
Pour la méthode avec microplaque, dissoudre 19,2 mg de β-NADPH (C H N Na O P ; masse moléculaire
21 26 7 4 17 3
relative de 833,35) dans 2 ml d'eau (5.1) pour obtenir 10 mmol/l.
Préparer cette solution au moment du dosage et la maintenir à l'abri de la lumière dans de la glace.
NOTE Pour la méthode employant une cuve (tube à essai), 41,7 mg de NADPH sont dissous dans 1 ml d'eau (5.1)
pour obtenir 50 mmol/l.
5.9 Solution mère de 7-éthoxyrésorufine.
Préparer une solution mère de 7-éthoxyrésorufine concentrée (C H NaO ; masse moléculaire relative
12 6 3
de 235,17), par exemple 5 mg/ml, dans du diméthylsulfoxyde (DMSO). Conserver cette solution à l'abri de la
lumière à température ambiante durant un an au maximum.
5.10 Solution préparée de 7-éthoxyrésorufine (46 µmol/l).
Mesurer la concentration exacte de la solution mère (5.9) avec un spectrophotomètre à 482 nm en utilisant
4 −1 −1
l'Équation (1). À 482 nm, le coefficient d'extinction molaire est de 2,25 × 10 (mol/l) ·cm .
Diluer la solution mère (5.9) avec du DMSO afin d'obtenir une solution préparée de 46 µmol/l pour la méthode
avec microplaque. Préparer cette solution au moment du dosage.
NOTE Une solution préparée de 400 µmol/l est utilisée pour la méthode employant une cuve (tube à essai).
5.11 β-naphthoflavone dissoute dans l'huile d'arachide.
Pour l'injection d'une dose de 50 mg de β-naphthoflavone (C H O ; masse moléculaire relative de 272,3)
19 12 2
par kilogramme de poisson (injection de 10 µl de solution dans l'huile par gramme de poisson), préparer une
solution de 5 mg de β-naphtoflavone par millilitre d'huile d'arachide. Cette solution est agitée et amenée à une
température de 45 °C ± 5 °C en utilisant un bain d'eau afin d'améliorer l'homogénéité.
NOTE Une dose même 10 fois inférieure à 50 mg/kg de poisson peut s'avérer suffisante pour l'induction de l'EROD.
Par conséquent, il n'est pas très important d'utiliser la dose exacte.
6 Appareillage
L'équipement normal de laboratoire et de dissection et plus particulièrement l'équipement suivant.
6.1 Tubes cryogéniques.
6.2 Bombonne d'azote liquide ou congélateur, réglé à une température inférieure à –70 °C.
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ISO/TS 23893-2:2007(F)
6.3 Spectrofluorimètre à cuve ou microplaque, pour des microplaques à 96 puits.
NOTE L'utilisation de microplaques blanches opaques permet de réduire significativement le bruit de fond
6.4 Centrifugeuse.
6.5 Broyeur, à tissu du type Potter Evehjem ou appareil équivalent.
6.6 pH-mètre.
6.7 Spectrophotomètre.
7 Échantillonnage et préparation des échantillons
7.1 Échantillonnage des poissons
Il convient que l'échantillonnage soit réalisé dans l'environnement naturel par pêche ou en laboratoire sur des
poissons exposés à des substances ou des effluents tels que spécifiés dans l'ISO 23893-1.
Prélever au moins 10 poissons de la même espèce et du même sexe, ayant une taille uniforme, pour chaque
groupe à examiner par rapport à l'activité EROD.
Ne pas prélever d'échantillons durant la saison de frai car l'habitat des poissons et leurs activités
physiologiques peuvent être modifiés par leur activité sexuelle.
En prenant en compte les facteurs susceptibles d'influencer l'activité EROD, les conditions suivantes doivent
être déterminées et indiquées dans le rapport d'essai:
a) la température de l'eau;
b) une description générale de l'état de santé de chaque poisson (sexe, longueur, poids du corps, poids du
foie, poids des gonades, présence de blessures externes et internes). Ceci est généralement indiqué en
rapport avec l'échantillonnage tel que décrit dans l'ISO 23893-1.
Selon les objectifs de l'étude, il est important de s'assurer que les poissons témoins (provenant du site de
référence ou du lot témoin au laboratoire) soient prélevés dans un environnement présentant une qualité
écologique satisfaisante. Manipuler les poissons témoins et leurs échantillons de manière identique à ceux
provenant des groupes examinés ou traités expérimentalement, à l'exception de l'exposition à une/des
substance(s) concernée(s).
7.2 Mise à mort des poissons et dissection
Après la pêche ou suite à l'exposition, les poissons sont tués un à un et leur foie est disséqué au fur et à
mesure que les poissons sont retirés de l'eau, tel que décrit dans l'ISO 23893-1. Prélever un morceau de foie
(inférieur à 1 g), au même endroit du foie sur chaque poisson, aussi rapidement que possible après leur mort.
Veiller à ne pas contaminer le foie avec la bile durant la dissection.
7.3 Conservation
Si le dosage ne peut pas être réalisé le même jour que l'échantillonnage, les échantillons de foie doivent être
congelés immédiatement à une température inférieure à –70 °C, en utilisant, par exemple, de l'azote liquide
ou de la neige carbonique (dioxyde de carbone solide congelé). Les échantillons peuvent être conservés par
la suite durant trois mois dans de l'azote liquide ou à une température inférieure à –70 °C (6.2).
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ISO/TS 23893-2:2007(F)
Si les mesurages de l'EROD sont réalisés le même jour que l'échantillonnage, l'étape préparatoire (8.1) doit
commencer dans l'heure qui suit et les échantillons de foie doivent être maintenus ou conservés à une
température inférieure à 4 °C.
8 Mode opératoire
8.1 Préparation des fractions
Avant de procéder au dosage, laver l'échantillon de foie dans une solution de KCl (5.2) et ensuite
l'homogénéiser dans 4 ml de solution tampon phosphate (5.3) par broyage dans un homogénéisateur (6.5). Si
des échantillons de foie plus petits (ou plus gros) sont utilisés, il convient que le volume soit réduit (ou
augmenté) pour que le rapport tissu-tampon de 1 g/4 ml demeure constant. Réaliser cette opération à une
température d'environ 4 °C en maintenant la solution tampon phosphate à 4 °C. La durée de broyage doit être
comprise entre 0,5 min et 2 min, et les conditions et la durée de broyage doivent être identiques pour chaque
échantillon. Un broyage en 5 à 10 «impulsions» est approprié pour la plupart des échantillons de foie.
Centrifuger les broyats à 10 000g (environ 90 000 m·s ), à une température de 4 °C ± 3 °C durant 10 min à
20 min. Récupérer le surnageant (fraction S9) et le conserver à une température de 4 °C ± 3 °C. Le dosage
de l'enzyme doit être réalisé dans l'heure qui suit.
NOTE Il est possible de congeler les broyats de foie rapidement dans des tubes cryogéniques (6.1) à une
température inférieure à –70 °C en utilisant, par exemple, de l'azote liquide dans les conditions décrites en 7.3 à condition
que les échantillons de foie (7.3) n'aient pas été congelés auparavant. Dans ce cas, les échantillons de foie doivent être
préalablement homogénéisés tel qu'indiqué ci-dessus, mais en utilisant une solution tampon phosphate glycérol (5.4).
8.2 Dosage des protéines
Pour chaque fraction S9, réaliser un dosage de protéines selon la Référence [22] ou selon la Référence [2].
Les kits d'essai commerciaux basés sur le principe de ces deux méthodes sont en vente dans le commerce.
La concentration de l'étalon protéique [sérum d'albumine bovine (BSA)] doit être vérifiée en utilisant un
spectrophotomètre si des étalons internes sont employés.
8.3 Dosage de l'activité EROD
8.3.1 Étalonnage Généralités
Réaliser un étalonnage en utilisant une solution de résorufine (5.6) ou de rhodamine B (5.7) comme base. La
fluorescence de la rhodamine B est 1,2 fois supérieure à celle de la résorufine à des concentrations molaires
équivalentes. Étalonnage avec la résorufine
La linéarité de la courbe d'étalonnage doit être déterminée et il convient de mesurer les échantillons au niveau
de la partie linéaire de la courbe. Les échantillons extrêmement actifs doivent être dilués dans ce but. La
partie linéaire de la courbe dépend de l'appareillage employé et de ses réglages.
Établir la plage de la résorufine en diluant la solution préparée (5.6) dans du diméthylsulfoxyde (DMSO) avec
les facteurs de dilution suivants: 1; 5; 10; 50; 100.
Préparer le mélange réactionnel selon en remplaçant la 7-éthoxyrésorufine par la résorufine et la
fraction S9 par une solution de protéines [sérum d'albumine bovine (BSA) ou extrait de protéines des espèces
de poissons soumis à étude]. Il est recommandé d'utiliser une concentration de protéines aussi similaire que
possible dans la pratique à celle des fractions S9 en cours d'analyse.
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ISO/TS 23893-2:2007(F)
Mesurer la fluorescence selon La fluorescence mesurée est proportionnelle à la concentration de
résorufine. S'assurer que seule la partie linéaire de la courbe étalon est utilisée pour la quantification. Étalonnage avec la rhodamine B
Introduire la solution étalon de rhodamine B (5.7) dans la cuve ou dans trois puits de la microplaque selon la
méthode de dosage spectrofluorimétrique utilisée.
NOTE En tenant compte de l'interétalonnage rhodamine B/résorufine (dans les conditions du mélange réactionnel),
la solution de rhodamine B est utilisée telle quelle comme étalon. Il n'est pas nécessaire d'ajouter un réactif.
Mesurer la fluorescence selon Cette fluorescence, divisée par 1,2, est égale à la fluorescence d'une
solution de résorufine ayant une concentration de 0,1 µmol/l.
8.3.2 Dosage Préparation du mélange réactionnel
Pour chaque fraction S9, préparer le mélange réactionnel en ajoutant les solutions indiquées dans le
Tableau 1, en terminant toujours avec la solution NADPH, dans une cuve ou dans une microplaque. Préparer
la méthode de dosage avec microplaque en trois fois, et si possible, faire de même pour la méthode de
dosage avec cuve.
Tableau 1 — Préparation du mélange réactionnel
Volume de la solution à Concentration de la solution Concentration
introduire dans la finale dans le
cuve microplaque cuve microplaque
Tampon phosphate
1,96 ml 200 µl 100 mmol/l 100 mmol/l Environ 100 mmol/l
10 µl 10 µl 400 µmol/l 46 µmol/l 2 µmol/l
5 mg à 10 mg de 1,1 mg à 2,3 mg de 50 µg à 100 µg de
Fraction S9 (8.1) 20 µl 10 µl
protéines par ml protéines par ml protéines par ml
NADPH (5.8) 20 µl 11,5 µl 50 mmol/l 10 mmol/l 0,5 mmol/l
L'addition de NADPH (5.8) déclenche le démarrage de la réaction enzymatique. Enregistrer le début de la
réaction à partir de l'addition de la solution NADPH. La réaction peut soit débuter directement, soit après
1 min ou 2 min, selon l'espèce de poisson. Terminer l'enregistrement au bout de 2 min de la durée de réaction.
La vitesse est déterminée à partir de la durée de réaction en excluant la période de latence.
Il est possible de mélanger la quantité requise de 7-éthoxyrésofurine dans le tampon phosphate à la
concentration finale souhaitée (2 µmol/l) avant addition dans les cuves ou puits de la microplaque. Pour
l'étalonnage avec la résorufine (, il est également possible de préparer de manière identique la
quantité requise de tampon phosphate contenant déjà la solution de résorufine. Mesurage de la fluorescence
Lorsqu'un spectrofluorimètre monochromatique (6.3) est utilisé, la fluorescence est mesurée aux longueurs
d'ondes maximales de la résorufine, et lorsqu'un spectrofluorimètre à filtre (6.3) est utilisé, la fluorescence est
mesurée aux longueurs d'ondes d'excitation et d'émission comprises entre 530 nm et 535 nm et entre 580 nm
et 590 nm respectivement.
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ISO/TS 23893-2:2007(F)
Calculer l'augmentation de la fluorescence en fonction du temps (pente) en plusieurs points de mesure en
utilisant une régression linéaire. Si cette possibilité n'est pas comprise dans les performances du
spectrofluorimètre, l'augmentation de la fluorescence en fonction du temps (pente) est calculée sur la base
d'un point initial et d'un point final.
8.4 Vérification de la sensibilité du réactif biologique et de la conformité du mode
La vérification de la sensibilité du lot de poissons utilisé au laboratoire (témoin positif) est conseillée pour
chaque essai portant sur une gamme de concentrations de substances ou d'effluents. Le nombre de poissons
devant être induit avec la β-naphthoflavone (5.11) est identique à celui utilisé dans les autres groupes
expérimentaux (au moins 10). La durée d'exposition doit être suffisante pour permettre une induction (par
exemple 96 h).
Chaque poisson est pesé et une injection intrapéritonéale de β-naphthoflavone lui est administrée en fonction
de son poids (par exemple 100 µl injectés à un poisson pesant 10 g).
Pour les petits poissons, par exemple le danio zébré, une exposition aquatique aux agents inducteurs
(β-naphtoflavone dissoute dans du DMSO et substances d'essai) peut être employée. Dans ce cas, une
exposition de 48 h peut être suffisante pour déclencher l'induction.
Pour une injection de 50 mg/kg, une induction relativement importante de l'EROD doit être attendue pour les
poissons injectés (témoins positifs) comparée à celle des poissons témoins (témoins négatifs), et également
comparée aux inductions mesurées avec la plupart des substances et effluents d'essai ou chez la plupart des
espèces de poissons provenant du milieu naturel. Par exemple la vites

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