This document specifies requirements and methodologies for infrared thermographic services for detection of heat, air and moisture irregularities in buildings that help users to specify and understand
a)       the extent of thermographic services required,
b)       the type and condition of equipment available for use,
c)        the qualifications of equipment operators, image analysts, and report authors and those making recommendations, and
d)       the reporting of results.
It provides guidance to understanding and utilizing the final results stemming from provision of the thermographic services.
This document is applicable to the general procedures for infrared thermographic methods as can be applied to residential, commercial, and institutional and special use buildings.

  • Standard
    49 pages
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This Technical Report supplements technical information on modelling of heat transfer in products of high and medium thermal resistance when the thickness effect may be relevant; by doing this it supplies minimum background information on the interpolating equations to be used in the procedures described in EN 12939 to test thick products of high and medium thermal resistance.
All testing procedures to evaluate the thermal performance of thick specimens require utilities, which are essentially based on interpolating functions containing a number of material parameters and testing conditions. Interpolating functions and material parameters are not the same for all materials.
Essential phenomena and common interpolating functions are presented in Clause 4, which is followed by separate equations for each material family.
This Technical Report also gives diagrams derived from the above interpolating equations to assess the relevance of the thickness effect for some insulating materials.

  • Technical report
    28 pages
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The theoretical background for the effects of moisture on heat transfer, valid for all types of materials but restricted to moisture contents in the hygroscopic range.

  • Technical report
    29 pages
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This standard specifies principles and testing procedures for determining, by means of the guarded hot plate or heat flow meter methods, the thermal resistance of test specimens having a thermal resistance of not less than 0,5 m2 K/W.

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    54 pages
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This standard specifies principles and testing procedures for determining, by means of the guarded hot plate or heat flow meter methods, the thermal resistance of test specimens either in the dry state or conditioned to equilibrium with moist air, having a thermal resistance of not less than 0,1 m2.K/W and a (hygro)thermal transmissivity or thermal conductivity up to 2,0 W/(m.K). (It is expected that the thermal resistance of most masonry specimen will be less than 0,5 m2.K/W).

  • Standard
    68 pages
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This standard gives the procedures to determine the thermal resistance of products the thicknesses of which  exceed the maximum thickness for guarded hot plate or heat flow meter apparatus. In any case most of the procedures described in this standard require apparatus that allows tests on specimens up to 100 mm thick. This standard gives guidelines to assess the relevance of the thickness effect, i.e. to establish whether the thermal resistance of a thick product can or cannot be calculated as the sum of the thermal resistances of slices cut from the product, these guidelines complement the indications given in ISO 8302:1991 on the guarded hot plate apparatus.This standard describes testing conditions which prevent the onset of convection. which could take place in some products under the considered temperature differences and thicknesses.

  • Standard
    32 pages
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This part 5 of this standard provides specific technical criteria for the assessment of laboratories to undertake steady-state heat transfer property measurements on circular pipe insulation according to EN ISO 8497:1994. It complements the common criteria in part 1. Guidance is given on the organization and contents of the equipment manual, the calibration and maintenance files and the measurement procedure document.

  • Standard
    28 pages
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This part 4 of this standard provides specific technical criteria for the assessment of laboratories to undertake steady-state heat transfer property measurements on products and components using calibrated or guarded hot box apparatus in accordance with EN ISO 8990:1996, including its application to doors and windows in accordance with EN ISO 12567, or using a heat flow meter in a hot box apparatus in accordance with EN 1934:1998. It complements the common criteria in Part 1.

  • Standard
    45 pages
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This Standard defines a general laboratory test method for determining the air permeability of building components or building elements, when subjected to positive or negative air pressure differences. It specifies the definitions, the test equipment and procedure, and provides directions for the interpretation of results. Annexes give indications on test conditions and a method for expressing results using a regression technique. This standard is not applicable to whole buildings or on site measurements.

  • Standard
    12 pages
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  • Standard
    12 pages
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This Part 3 of this Standard provides specific technical criteria for the assessment of laboratories to undertake steady-state heat transfer property measurements by the heat flow meter method according to prEN 12667 and prEN 12664. It complements the common criteria in part 1. Guidance is given on the organization and contents of the equipment manual, the calibration and maintenance files and the measurement procedure document.

  • Standard
    26 pages
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This standard gives specific technical criteria to be used within the frame of the general criteria given in EN45001 and EN45002 for the assessment of laboratories performing heat transfer property measurements of building products and components according to standardized test methods. It is relevant both to assessments conducted internally and to those carried out formally by an accreditation body, and is intended to be of assistance to all interested parties.

  • Standard
    9 pages
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This part 2 of this standard provides specific technical criteria for the assessment of laboratories to undertake steady-state heat transfer property measurements by the guarded hot plate method according to prEN12667 and prEN12664.  It complements the common criteria in part 1. Guidance is given on the organization and contents of the equipment manual, the calibration and maintenance files and the measurement procedure document.

  • Standard
    27 pages
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This Standard establishes the principles and criteria to be complied with for the determination of the laboratory steady-state heat transfer properties of masonry walls in a hot box by means of a heat flow meter mounted on one face of the masonry wall to be tested (i.e. the test specimen). It describes the apparatus, measurement technique and necessary data reporting. It does not, however, specify a particular apparatus design since requirements vary particularly in terms of size, and also to a lesser extent in terms of operating conditions.

  • Standard
    28 pages
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Specifies apparatus performance requirements, but does not specify apparatus design. Applies to circular pipes, generally operating at temperatures above ambient. The type of specimen, temperatures and test conditions to which the standard applies are specified in the standard in detail.

  • Standard
    19 pages
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Lays down the principles for the design of the apparatus and minimum requirement that shall be met for determination of the laboratory steady-state thermal transmission properties of building components and similar components for industrial use. Does not specify a particular design. Describes also the apparatus, measurement technique and necessary data reporting. Primarily intended for laboratory measurements of large, inhomogeneous specimens. Does not provide for measurements where there is mass transfer through the specimen during the test.

  • Standard
    22 pages
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This standard specifies a qualitative method, by thermographic examination, for detecting thermal irregularities in building envelopes. The method is used initially to identify wide variations in the thermal properties, including air tightness, of the components constituting the external envelopes of buildings.

  • Standard
    18 pages
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