This European Standard specifies the equipment and procedure for determining the resistance to impact of design ETICS kits with renders.

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This document specifies the test apparatus, materials and procedures for determining the tensile bond strength of an adhesive, a reinforced base coat or a rendering system to a thermal insulation product for use as components in External Thermal Insulation Composite Systems.
The test method described in this document is not applicable to PU foam adhesives. For testing such products see EN 17101.

  • Standard
    11 pages
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This document specifies equipment and procedures for determining the load-bearing capability ("pull-off") of kits out of external thermal insulation composite systems (ETICS) to tension and/or shear forces.

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This document specifies methods of identification and test methods for the performance evaluation of one-component PU foams used as adhesive foam.
Other foams are not covered by this document.

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    24 pages
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This European Standard specifies the equipment and procedures for determining the hygrothermal behaviour of external thermal insulation composite systems with renders (ETICS) delivered as a kit and used as thermal insulation for buildings.

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    14 pages
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This European Standard specifies equipment and procedures for determining the pull-through resistance of plate anchors through thermal insulation products.

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This European Standard specifies instructions for mounting and fixing for reaction to fire testing for External Thermal Insulation Composite Systems (ETICS) and gives rules for the field of application of test results.

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    16 pages
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This European Standard specifies equipment and procedures for determining the tensile strength and elongation of glass fibre meshes which are used for the reinforcement of the base coat in External Thermal Insulation Composite Systems (ETICS).

  • Standard
    9 pages
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This European Standard specifies the requirements for factory made products for external thermal insulation composite systems (ETICS) based on expanded polystyrene, delivered as a kit, and used as thermal insulation for buildings.
The standard describes product characteristics and includes procedures for testing, marking and labelling.
ETICS are applied to external surfaces of new or existing walls and/or soffits to improve the thermal insulation. ETICS include special fittings (base profiles, corner profiles, etc.) to connect them to adjacent building structures (apertures, corners, parapets, etc.). ETICS give protection against weathering and improve the appearance of the buildings. They do not contribute the stability of the wall and/or soffits on which they are installed.
The standard covers systems where the thermal insulation material is required for the load transfer to the substrate.
This standard covers systems with a declared thermal resistance equal to or greater than 1 m²×K/W.
The requirements from national regulations concerning the mechanical resistance and stability of ETICS should be taken into account.
This standard does not cover the strength between the ETICS and the building surface to which it shall be fixed, i. e. the substrate.

  • Standard
    18 pages
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This European Standard specifies the requirements for factory made products for external thermal insulation composite systems (ETICS) based on mineral wool, delivered as a kit, and used as thermal insulation for buildings.
The standard describes product characteristics and includes procedures for testing, marking and labelling.
ETICS are applied to external surfaces of new or existing walls and/or soffits to improve the thermal insulation. ETICS include special fittings (base profiles, corner profiles, etc.) to connect them to adjacent building structures (apertures, corners, parapets, etc.). ETICS give protection against weathering and improve the appearance of the buildings. They do not contribute the stability of the wall and/or soffits on which they are installed.
The standard covers systems where the thermal insulation material is required for the load transfer to the substrate.
This standard covers systems with a declared thermal resistance equal to or greater than 1 m²×K/W.
The requirements from national regulations concerning the mechanical resistance and stability of ETICS should be taken into account.
This standard does not cover the strength between the ETICS and the building surface to which it shall be fixed, i. e. the substrate.

  • Standard
    18 pages
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This European Standard specifies equipment and a procedure for determining the resistance to penetration of external thermal insulation composite systems. It is applicable to external thermal insulation composite systems (ETICS).

  • Standard
    7 pages
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This document specifies equipment and procedures for determining the pull-through resistance of plate and spiral anchors through thermal insulation products.

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    15 pages
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This document specifies the equipment and procedures for determining the water tightness of external thermal insulation composite kits with a rendering system (ETICS kits).

  • Draft
    14 pages
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This document specifies equipment and procedures for determining the tensile strength and elongation of rectangular and triaxial glass fibre meshes which are used for the reinforcement of the base coat in external thermal insulation composite kits with renders (ETIC kits).

  • Draft
    10 pages
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This European Standard specifies the equipment and procedure for determining the resistance to impact of design ETICS kits with renders.

  • Amendment
    4 pages
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This document specifies the characteristics and performance for design External Thermal Insulation Composite Systems (design ETICS) with rendering systems on thermal insulation products, delivered as a kit by a system holder, and used as thermal insulation for buildings.
This document covers design ETICS kits on walls which are made of masonry (bricks, blocks, stones, etc.) or concrete (cast on site or as prefabricated panels) with or without rendering systems. This document covers ETICS with thermal insulation products made of cellular glass, expanded polystyrene, expanded cork, mineral wool, phenolic foam, rigid polyurethane foam, extruded polystyrene foam or wood fibre as far as they comply with Annex B.
A design ETICS kit comprises a prefabricated insulation product bonded onto the wall, or mechanically fixed using anchors, profiles, etc., or a combination of adhesive and mechanical fixings. The insulation product is faced with a rendering system consisting of one or more layers (site applied), one of which contains reinforcement. The rendering system is applied directly to the insulating panels, without an air gap or disconnecting layer.
This document is not applicable for:
a)   Mechanically fixed kits with supplementary adhesive with the mass per unit area of the rendering system of > 40 kg/m2 in end use conditions intended by the system holder and/or mechanical fixed kits with the mass per unit area of the rendering system plus thermal insulation product of > 65 kg/m2 intended by the system holder.
b)   Mechanically fixed kits without supplementary adhesive with the mass per unit area of the rendering system of > 30 kg/m2 in end use conditions intended by the system holder and/or mechanical fixed kits with the mass per unit area of the rendering system plus thermal insulation product of > 60 kg/m2 intended by the system holder and/or with a thickness of the thermal insulation product intended by the system holder of > 200 mm. For thermal insulations products with thicknesses ≤ 200 mm fixed with anchors without supplementary adhesive, the bending deformation of the mechanically fixing devices is assumed as negligible.
c)   Purely bonded kits with or without supplementary mechanically fixing devices with bonded area (coverage) less than 40 %, intended by the system holder.
d)   Mechanically fixed kits with supplementary adhesive with bonded area (coverage) less than 40 %, intended by the system holder.
e)   Kits incorporating a thermal insulation product providing a declared thermal resistance of less than 1 m2K/W.
External insulation and finishing systems (EIFS) according to ISO 17738 are not covered by this standard.

  • Draft
    169 pages
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This document specifies equipment and procedures for determining the pull-trough resistance of anchors through thermal insulation products.

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    16 pages
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This European Standard specifies the equipment and procedures for determining the hygrothermal behaviour of external thermal insulation composite systems with renders on thermal insulation boards (ETICS) delivered as a kit and used as thermal insulation for buildings.

  • Draft
    14 pages
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This document specifies the characteristics and performance for design External Thermal Insulation Composite Systems (design ETICS) with rendering systems on thermal insulation products, delivered as a kit by a system holder, and used as thermal insulation for buildings.
This document covers design ETICS kits on walls which are made of masonry (bricks, blocks, stones, etc.) or concrete (cast on site or as prefabricated panels) with or without rendering systems. This document covers ETICS with thermal insulation products made of cellular glass, expanded polystyrene, expanded cork, mineral wool, phenolic foam, rigid polyurethane foam, extruded polystyrene foam or wood fibre as far as they comply with Annex B.
A design ETICS kit comprises a prefabricated insulation product bonded onto the wall, or mechanically fixed using anchors, profiles, etc., or a combination of adhesive and mechanical fixings. The insulation product is faced with a rendering system consisting of one or more layers (site applied), one of which contains reinforcement. The rendering system is applied directly to the insulating panels, without an air gap or disconnecting layer.
This document is not applicable for:
a)   Mechanically fixed kits with supplementary adhesive with the mass per unit area of the rendering system of > 40 kg/m2 in end use conditions intended by the system holder and/or mechanical fixed kits with the mass per unit area of the rendering system plus thermal insulation product of > 65 kg/m2 intended by the system holder.
b)   Mechanically fixed kits without supplementary adhesive with the mass per unit area of the rendering system of > 30 kg/m2 in end use conditions intended by the system holder and/or mechanical fixed kits with the mass per unit area of the rendering system plus thermal insulation product of > 60 kg/m2 intended by the system holder and/or with a thickness of the thermal insulation product intended by the system holder of > 200 mm. For thermal insulations products with thicknesses ≤ 200 mm fixed with anchors without supplementary adhesive, the bending deformation of the mechanically fixing devices is assumed as negligible.
c)   Purely bonded kits with or without supplementary mechanically fixing devices with bonded area (coverage) less than 40 %, intended by the system holder.
d)   Mechanically fixed kits with supplementary adhesive with bonded area (coverage) less than 40 %, intended by the system holder.
e)   Kits incorporating a thermal insulation product providing a declared thermal resistance of less than 1 m2K/W.
External insulation and finishing systems (EIFS) according to ISO 17738 are not covered by this standard.

  • Draft
    102 pages
    English language
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This European Standard specifies the equipment and procedure for determining the resistance to impact of design ETICS kits with renders.

  • Standard
    11 pages
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This European Standard specifies equipment and a procedure for determining of the pull-off resistance of external thermal insulation composite systems (ETICS). The method described ist known as "foam block test". NOTE: This test is not intended to measure the pull-off resistance of the ETICS to the substrate.

  • Standard
    9 pages
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This European Standard specifies equipment and procedures for determining the tensile bond strength of the adhesive and of the base coat to the thermal insulation material. It is applicable to External Thermal Insulation Composite Systems (ETICS).

  • Standard
    9 pages
    English language
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    1 day

This European Standard specifies equipment and a procedure for determining the resistance to impact of external thermal insulation composite systems. It is applicable to external thermal insulation composite systems (ETICS).

  • Standard
    9 pages
    English language
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This European Standard specifies equipment and procedures for determining the tensile strength and elongation of glass fibre meshes which are used for the reinforcement of the base coat in External Thermal Insulation Composite Systems (ETICS).

  • Standard
    8 pages
    English language
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    1 day