CEN/TC 278/WG 4 - Traffic and traveller information (TTI)
Traffic and traveler information
Traffic and traveller information (TTI)
Traffic and traveler information
General Information
This document specifies a graphic data dictionary (GDD), a system of standardized codes for existing road traffic signs and pictograms used to deliver traffic and traveller information (TTI). The coding system can be used in the formation of messages within intelligent transport systems (ITS).
- Standard81 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
The ALERT-C protocol is designed to provide mostly event-oriented road end-user information messages.
This document specifies the messages which are presented to the user in accordance with a set of general requirements. It defines the message structure and content and its presentation to the end-user.
The message management component of this document describes the message management functions of RDS-TMC. The ALERT-C protocol distinguishes between user messages and system messages. User messages are those potentially made known to the end-user, as defined in Clause 5. System messages are of use only to the RDS-TMC terminal, for message management purposes.
RDS-TMC information comprises both ?system information' and ?user messages'. System information relates to the TMC service and details the parameters that the terminal needs to be able to find, identify and decode the TMC information. System information is transmitted in type 3A groups and in type 8A groups.
User messages contain the details of the traffic events; these may use one or more type 8A groups. Most messages may be transmitted using a single type 8A group, however messages with more detail (e.g. diversion advice) may use up to a total of five, type 8A groups.
The transmission component of this document conveys the messages over-air. The ALERT-C protocol, used by RDS-TMC, has the fundamental approach of aiming to code most messages entirely within a single RDS group.
The ALERT-C Event List, which contains all event descriptions, is described in ISO 14819‑2.
- Standard66 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
ISO 14819-1 describes the ALERT-C protocol concept and message structure used to achieve densely coded messages to be carried in the RDS-TMC feature. This document specifies the `Events List' to be used in coding those messages.
- Standard127 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
This document specifies location referencing rules to address the specific requirements of Traffic Message Channel (TMC) systems, which use abbreviated coding formats to provide traffic and travel information (TTI) messages over mobile bearers (e.g. GMS, DAB) or via exchange protocols like DATEX
II. In particular, the rules address the Radio Data System-Traffic Message Channel (RDS-TMC), a means
of providing digitally-coded TTI to travellers using a silent data channel on FM radio stations, based on the ALERT-C protocol.
- Standard77 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
ISO/TS 18234-7:2013 specifies the TPEG Parking Information Application (PKI) which is designed to deliver parking information to a variety of receivers using a number of different channels, foremost digital broadcasting and internet technologies. Parking information may be presented to the user in many different ways including textually, voiced and graphically using standard formats.
- Technical specification104 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
ISO/TS 18234-2:2013 establishes the method of referencing used within a TPEG data-stream to allow a service provider to signal availability of the same service on another bearer channel or similar service data from another service.
- Technical specification45 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
ISO 18234-10:2013 contains the definition of the TPEG Conditional Access Information (CAI) application. It enables dedicated conditional access data, such as management messages (e.g. Control Words and Entitlement Control Messages) to be delivered to recipient client devices. This TPEG application is designed for a service provider to: establish setup, prolongation or revocation of services to a specific client device, using a limited capacity unidirectional broadcast channel and without recourse to service-client handshaking.
This TPEG application defines:
the logical channel, for the transmission of the additional CA information (CAI);
how the CAI is linked and synchronized to the scrambled content.
- Technical specification57 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
ISO/TS 18234-9:2013 defines the TPEG application Traffic Event Compact (TEC). It has been specifically designed to support information about traffic events, e.g. road works, traffic jams. A specific form of traffic event are local hazard warnings, which as safety-related messages, are sent with high priority to assist a driver in encountering dangerous situations (e.g. black-ice, accident behind curves, obstacles on road) unexpectedly.
- Technical specification106 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
ISO/TS 18234-1:2013 provides an introduction and index to the complete set of TPEG Generation 1 toolkit components and applications. It allows the indexing of new applications as they are added to the TPEG applications family, by defining their Application Identification (AID).
- Technical specification16 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
ISO/TS 18234-3:2013 establishes the method of delivering service and network information within a TPEG service. The TPEG-SNI application is designed to allow the efficient and language independent delivery of information about the availability of the same service on another bearer channel or similar service data from another service provider, directly from service provider to end-users.
- Technical specification44 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
ISO/TS 18234-11:2013 establishes the method of signalling the specific location referencing used by all TPEG1 applications that require detailed location information to be delivered to client devices such as TPEG1-RTM, TPEG1-PTI, TPEG1-TEC or TPEG1-PKI. The TPEG1-Location Referencing Container (TPEG1-LRC) is described as well as how it is used to signal which specific location referencing method is in use for a particular TPEG Message. It is able to handle Location Referencing methods that are external to the present ISO series and the internal location referencing method (TPEG1-LOC) defined in Part 6 of this series.
- Technical specification59 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
ISO TS 18234-5:2006 describes the Public Transport Information (PTI) application, which is intended to cover all modes of public (i.e. collective) transport as well as inter-urban and intra-urban travel. The application is designed to allow the efficient and language independent delivery of public transport information directly from service provider to end-users.
- Technical specification66 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
ISO TS 18234-6:2006 establishes the method of location referencing used by TPEG applications such as TPEG-RTM or TPEG-PTI.
TPEG applications are specified to contain all the information required by a client TPEG-decoder (i.e. both location referencing and event information), to present all the information intended for the end-user when it was originated by the service provider.
- Technical specification84 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
ISO TS 18234-4:2006 establishes the method of delivering Road Traffic Messages within a TPEG service. The TPEG-RTM application is designed to allow the efficient and language independent delivery of road information directly from service provider to end-users. The information provided relates to event and some status information on the road network and on associated infrastructure affecting a road journey. For example, limited information about abnormal operation of links in the network may be included, such as ferries, lifting-bridges, etc.
- Technical specification106 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
ISO/TS 24530-2:2006 establishes the XML encoding of the method of Location Referencing used by TPEG applications.
TPEG applications contain the information required by a client TPEG decoder (i.e. both Location Referencing and event information), to present all the information intended for the end-user when it was originated by the service provider.
Location Referencing requires a service provider to give an impression or image, to the human end-user, of where an event has taken place. This cannot be done easily because the human end-user may or may not be familiar with the location. tpeg-loc has the added challenge of attempting to be as language independent as possible. This is achieved by the use of tpeg-loc tables (essentially word-oriented data object dictionaries).
- Technical specification47 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
ISO/TS 24530-1:2006 establishes the top-level "containers" for TPEG messages in XML and the common data types that are used by tpegML applications (e.g. tpeg-ptiML). Inherently, tpegML is designed to "map" the TPEG binary (ISO/TS 18234 series), however, additional tags are provided to create a message and message set structure to facilitate internet file delivery.
- Technical specification19 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
ISO/TS 24530-4:2006 establishes the XML encoding of the method of the Public Transport Information application.
The Public Transport Information application is intended to cover all modes of public (i.e. collective) transport as well as inter-urban and intra-urban travel. The application itself is designed to allow the efficient and language-independent transmission of public transport information either directly to an end-user, be it the public or another service provider, such as broadcasters, service operators or other information disseminating points, or to centres for onward transmission.
- Technical specification38 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
ISO/TS 24530-3:2006 establishes the XML encoding of the method of the Road Traffic Message application.
- Technical specification59 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
ISO14823:2017 specifies a graphic data dictionary, a system of standardized codes for existing road traffic signs and pictograms used to deliver Traffic and Traveller Information (TTI). The coding system can be used in the formation of messages within intelligent transport systems.
- Standard49 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
ISO 14819-6:2006 establishes a method of encrypting certain elements of the ALERT-C coded data carried in the RDS-TMC type 8A data group, such that without application by a terminal or receiver of an appropriate keys, the information conveyed is virtually worthless.
Before a terminal is able to decrypt the data, the terminal requires two "keys". The first is given in confidence by the service provider to terminal manufacturers with whom they have a commercial relationship; the second is broadcast in the "Encryption Administration Group," which is also a type 8A group. This specification explains the purpose of the two keys and how often and when the transmitted key may be changed.
Before an individual terminal may present decrypted messages to the end-user, it must have been activated to do so. Activation requires that a PIN code be entered. The PIN code controls access rights to each service and subscription period, allowing both lifetime and term business models to co-exist.
The specification also describes the considerations for service providers wishing to introduce an encrypted RDS-TMC service, migrating from either a "free-to-air" service based on public "Location Tables" or a commercial service based on a proprietary Location Table.
Finally, "hooks" have been left in the bit allocation of the type 8A group to allow extension of encryption to other RDS-TMC services.
- Standard26 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
ISO 14819-1:2013 describes the ALERT-C protocol concept and message structure used to achieve densely coded messages to be carried in the RDS-TMC feature.
- Standard54 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
ISO 14819-1:2013 describes the ALERT-C protocol concept and message structure used to achieve densely coded messages to be carried in the RDS-TMC feature. ISO 14819-2:2013 defines the Events List to be used in coding those messages.
- Standard150 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
ISO 14819-3:2013 sets out ways of specifying places and positions in traffic and travel information messages, including RDS-TMC messages (the Radio Data System - Traffic Message Channel). It primarily addresses the needs of RDS-TMC ALERT-C messages which are already being implemented. However, the modular approach used is intended to facilitate future extension of the location referencing rules to other traffic and travel messaging systems.
- Standard77 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
1.1 Amplification: The ALERT Plus function is an extension of the ALERT C function. While ALERT C covers event-orientated information to be conveyed by the RDS medium, ALERT Plus deals with status-orientated information to be conveyed by the same medium. The ALERT Plus function informs motorists about the changes affecting the status of traffic at pre-defined locations.
- Standardization document40 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
ISO/TS 14823:2008 presents a system of standardized codes for existing signs and pictograms used to deliver traffic and traveller information (TTI). The coding system can be used to form messages to be handled by respective media systems, graphic messages on on-board units, and media system information on TTI dissemination systems [variable message signs (VMS), personal computers (PC), public access terminals (PAT), etc.] (including graphic data).
- Technical specification181 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
This Technical Specification defines the specific interfaces and functionality of traffic telematics (TT) services based on the use of cellular networks. Device manufacturers are enabled to develop terminal equipment compatible to services based on this standard. This will allow for interoperability of different terminal equipment and service providers which allows competition between service providers and terminal manufacturers. Furthermore it sets the scene for international availability of these services.
This Technical Specification specifies
- TT-specific interfaces between terminal and service centre. This especially incorporates the message sets of the application data protocols and the service-independent communication handling (including conditional access and transport protocols).
- Functionality, procedures and requirements of basic terminal components as well as their interaction with the service centre. This especially comprises conditional access and security mechanisms.
- Service Specifications, which are essential to ensure consistent behaviour of terminal and service centre.
The services incorporated within this issue comprise:
- breakdown and emergency services
- interactive traffic information services
- broadcast traffic information services
- navigation services (route assistance, route advice, homing)
- operator services
- general information services
- floating car data collection
It is envisaged that future research and development will lead to improvements on the services listed above as well as to the creation of new services. Nevertheless this Technical Specification provides the framework for seamless integration of new features and services into the existing architecture.
- Technical specification41 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
This CEN/TS defines the specific interfaces and functionality of traffic telematics (TT) services based on the use of cellular networks. Device manufacturers are enabled to develop terminal equipment compatible to services based on this technical specification. This will allow for interoperability of different terminal equipment and service providers which allows competition between service providers and terminal manufacturers. Furthermore it sets the scene for international availability of these services.
This technical specification specifies
- TT-specific interfaces between terminal and service centre. This especially incorporates the message sets of the application data protocols and the service-independent communication handling (including conditional access and transport protocols).
- Functionality, procedures and requirements of basic terminal components as well as their interaction with the service centre. This especially comprises conditional access and security mechanisms.
- Service Specifications, which are essential to ensure consistent behaviour of terminal and service centre.
The services incorporated within this issue comprise:
- breakdown and emergency services
- interactive traffic information services
- broadcast traffic information services
- navigation services (route assistance, route advice, homing)
- operator services
- general information services
- floating car data collection
It is envisaged that future research and development will lead to improvements on the services listed above as well as to the creation of new services. Nevertheless this technical specification provides the framework for seamless integration of new features and services into the existing architecture.
- Technical specification104 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
This Technical Specification defines the specific interfaces and functionality of traffic telematics (TT) services based on the use of cellular networks. Device manufacturers are enabled to develop terminal equipment compatible to services based on this Technical Specification. This will allow for interoperability of different terminal equipment and service providers which allows competition between service providers and terminal manufacturers. Furthermore it sets the scene for international availability of these services.
This Technical Specification specifies
- TT-specific interfaces between terminal and service centre. This especially incorporates the message sets of the application data protocols and the service-independent communication handling (including conditional access and transport protocols).
- Functionality, procedures and requirements of basic terminal components as well as their interaction with the service centre. This especially comprises conditional access and security mechanisms.
- Service Specifications, which are essential to ensure consistent behaviour of terminal and service centre.
The services incorporated within this issue comprise:
- breakdown and emergency services
- interactive traffic information services
- broadcast traffic information services
- navigation services (route assistance, route advice, homing)
- operator services
- general information services
- floating car data collection
It is envisaged that future research and development will lead to improvements on the services listed above as well as to the creation of new services. Nevertheless this Technical Specification provides the framework for seamless integration of new features and services into the existing architecture.
- Technical specification22 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
This CEN/TS defines the specific interfaces and functionality of traffic telematics (TT) services based on the use of cellular networks. Device manufacturers are enabled to develop terminal equipment compatible to services based on this CEN/TS. This will allow for interoperability of different terminal equipment and service providers which allows competition between service providers and terminal manufacturers. Furthermore it sets the scene for international availability of these services.
This CEN/TS specifies
- TT-specific interfaces between terminal and service centre. This especially incorporates the message sets of the application data protocols and the service-independent communication handling (including conditional access and transport protocols).
- Functionality, procedures and requirements of basic terminal components as well as their interaction with the service centre. This especially comprises conditional access and security mechanisms.
- Service Specifications, which are essential to ensure consistent behaviour of terminal and service centre.
The services incorporated within this issue comprise:
- breakdown and emergency services
- interactive traffic information services
- broadcast traffic information services
- navigation services (route assistance, route advice, homing)
- operator services
- general information services
- floating car data collection
It is envisaged that future research and development will lead to improvements on the services listed above as well as to the creation of new services. Nevertheless this CEN/TS provides the framework for seamless integration of new features and services into the existing architecture.
- Technical specification14 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
This CEN/TS defines the specific interfaces and functionality of traffic telematics (TT) services based on the use of cellular networks. Device manufacturers are enabled to develop terminal equipment compatible to services based on this CEN/TS. This will allow for interoperability of different terminal equipment and service providers which allows competition between service providers and terminal manufacturers. Furthermore it sets the scene for international availability of these services.
This CEN/TS specifies
• TT-specific interfaces between terminal and service centre. This especially incorporates the message sets of the application data protocols and the service-independent communication handling (including conditional access and transport protocols).
• Functionality, procedures and requirements of basic terminal components as well as their interaction with the service centre. This especially comprises conditional access and security mechanisms.
• Service Specifications, which are essential to ensure consistent behaviour of terminal and service centre.
The services incorporated within this issue comprise:
• breakdown and emergency services
• interactive traffic information services
• broadcast traffic information services
• navigation services (route assistance, route advice, homing)
• operator services
• general information services
• floating car data collection
It is envisaged that future research and development will lead to improvements on the services listed above as well as to the creation of new services. Nevertheless this CEN/TS provides the framework for seamless integration of new features and services into the existing architecture.
- Technical specification32 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
This CEN/TS defines the specific interfaces and functionality of traffic telematics (TT) services based on the use of cellular networks. Device manufacturers are enabled to develop terminal equipment compatible to services based on this CEN/TS. This will allow for interoperability of different terminal equipment and service providers which allows competition between service providers and terminal manufacturers. Furthermore it sets the scene for international availability of these services.
This CEN/TS specifies
- TT-specific interfaces between terminal and service centre. This especially incorporates the message sets of the application data protocols and the service-independent communication handling (including conditional access and transport protocols).
- Functionality, procedures and requirements of basic terminal components as well as their interaction with the service centre. This especially comprises conditional access and security mechanisms.
- Service Specifications, which are essential to ensure consistent behaviour of terminal and service centre.
The services incorporated within this issue comprise:
- breakdown and emergency services
- interactive traffic information services
- broadcast traffic information services
- navigation services (route assistance, route advice, homing)
- operator services
- general information services
- floating car data collection
It is envisaged that future research and development will lead to improvements on the services listed above as well as to the creation of new services. Nevertheless this CEN/TS provides the framework for seamless integration of new features and services into the existing architecture.
- Technical specification325 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
This technical specification defines the specific interfaces and functionality of traffic telematics (TT) services based on the use of cellular networks. Device manufacturers are enabled to develop terminal equipment compatible to services based on this standard. This will allow for interoperability of different terminal equipment and service providers which allows competition between service providers and terminal manufacturers. Furthermore it sets the scene for international availability of these services.
This technical specification specifies
- TT-specific interfaces between terminal and service centre. This especially incorporates the message sets of the application data protocols and the service-independent communication handling (including conditional access and transport protocols).
- Functionality, procedures and requirements of basic terminal components as well as their interaction with the service centre. This especially comprises conditional access and security mechanisms.
- Service Specifications, which are essential to ensure consistent behaviour of terminal and service centre.
The services incorporated within this issue comprise:
- breakdown and emergency services
- interactive traffic information services
- broadcast traffic information services
- navigation services (route assistance, route advice, homing)
- operator services
- general information services
- floating car data collection
It is envisaged that future research and development will lead to improvements on the services listed above as well as to the creation of new services. Nevertheless this technical specification provides the framework for seamless integration of new features and services into the existing architecture.
- Technical specification42 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
This Technical Specification defines the specific interfaces and functionality of traffic telematics (TT) services based on the use of cellular networks. Device manufacturers are enabled to develop terminal equipment compatible to services based on this Technical Specification. This will allow for interoperability of different terminal equipment and service providers which allows competition between service providers and terminal manufacturers. Furthermore it sets the scene for international availability of these services.
This Technical Specification specifies
- TT-specific interfaces between terminal and service centre. This especially incorporates the message sets of the application data protocols and the service-independent communication handling (including conditional access and transport protocols).
- Functionality, procedures and requirements of basic terminal components as well as their interaction with the service centre. This especially comprises conditional access and security mechanisms.
- Service Specifications, which are essential to ensure consistent behaviour of terminal and service centre.
The services incorporated within this issue comprise:
- breakdown and emergency services
- interactive traffic information services
- broadcast traffic information services
- navigation services (route assistance, route advice, homing)
- operator services
- general information services
- floating car data collection
It is envisaged that future research and development will lead to improvements on the services listed above as well as to the creation of new services. Nevertheless this Technical Specification provides the framework for seamless integration of new features and services into the existing architecture.
- Technical specification91 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
This pre-Standard provides a common message structure for Traffic and Traveller Information messages which are disseminated via dedicated beacon infrastructure (for short-range communications, only).
- Standardization document133 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
A Centrally Determined Route Guidance (CDRG) system using Dedicated Short Range Communication (DSRC) is based on infrastructure and equipped vehicles. The Route Guidance Information (RGI) is generated by a Central Office (CO) and distributed via DSRC to the equipped vehicles. To enable dynamic RGI the Central Office needs real time traffic flow data. This data is provided through the system itself using vehicles as probes.
- Standardization document53 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
TC - Modifications in 7.5
- Corrigendum3 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
ISO 14819-3:2004 primarily addresses the needs of RDS-TMC ALERT-C messages, which are already being implemented. However, the modular approach used here is intended to facilitate future extension of the location referencing rules to other traffic and travel messaging systems.
The location referencing rules defined in ISO 14819-3:2004 address the specific requirements of Traffic Message Channel (TMC) systems, which use abbreviated coding formats to provide TTI messages over mobile bearers (e.g. GSM, DAB) or via exchange protocols like DATEX. In particular, the rules address the Radio Data System-Traffic Message Channel (RDS-TMC), a means of providing digitally-coded traffic and travel information to travellers using a silent data channel (RDS) on FM radio stations, based on the ALERT-C protocol.
- Standard38 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
ISO 14819-2:2003 describes the ALERT-C protocol concept and message structure used to achieve densely coded messages to be carried in the RDS-TMC feature. This part (2) of the ENV 12313/EN ISO 14819 series of standards defines the "Events List" to be used in coding those messages.
- Standard142 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
ISO 14819-1:2003 specifies the coding protocol for Radio Data System - Traffic Message Channel (RDS-TMC) - RDS-TMC using the ALERT-C protocol that is designed to provide mostly event-orientated road driver information messages.
Many "hooks" have been left for future development and indeed a few status-orientated road driver information messages were included. This protocol is designed to be closely linked to the ALERT-Plus protocol, which is specifically designed for status-orientated road driver information; both protocols may be available in the same RDS transmission.
The ALERT-Plus protocol is specified in ENV 12313-4.
- Standard41 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
ISO TS 18234-1:2006 provides an introduction and index to the initial set of TPEG applications and specifications. It allows the indexing of new applications as they are added to the TPEG applications family, by defining their Application Identification (AID).
As such developments occur, ISO TS 18234-1:2006 will be updated to indicate the latest status and the interworking of the various TPEG specifications. It will be issued as a new editorial version every time a new issue of any other specification is issued.
- Technical specification13 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
ISO TS 18234-2:2006 establishes the method of referencing used within a TPEG data stream to allow a service provider to signal availability of the same service on another bearer channel or similar service data from another service.
TPEG is a byte-oriented stream format, which may be carried on almost any digital bearer with an appropriate adaptation layer. TPEG messages are delivered from service providers to end-users, and are used to transfer application data from the database of a service provider to a user's equipment.
The protocol is structured in a layered manner and employs a general purpose framing system which is adaptable and extensible, and which carries frames of variable length. This has been designed with the capability of explicit frame length identification at nearly all levels, giving greater flexibility and integrity, and permitting the modification of the protocol and the addition of new features without disturbing the operation of earlier client decoder models.
- Technical specification40 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
ISO TS 18234-3:2006 establishes the method of delivering Service and Network Information (SNI) within a TPEG service. The TPEG-SNI Application is designed to allow the efficient and language independent delivery of information about the availability of the same service on another bearer channel or similar service data from another service provider, directly from service provider to end-users.
- Technical specification37 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
ISO 14822-1:2005 addresses the passive DSRC issues associated with Medium Range Pre-Information (MRPI) as applied to Traffic and Travel Information (TTI) issued from an information service provider to a suitably equipped moving vehicle.
The AID (Application Identification) number for all MRPI Application entities is defined as No. 8 in accordance with ISO 15628.
- Technical specification59 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
This standard primarily addresses the needs of RDS-TMC ALERT-C messages, which are ready for near-term implementation. However, the modular approach used here is intended to facilitate future extension of the location referencing rules to other traffic and traveller messaging systems. The location referencing rules defined in this standard address the specific requirements of Traffic Message Channel (TMC) systems, which use abbreviated coding formats to provide TTI messages over mobile bearers (e.g. GSM, DAB) or via exchange protocols like DATEX.
- Standardization document37 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day