TC - Engllish version only; editorial corrections in, C.4.5 and E.2.

  • Corrigendum
    1 page
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This European Standard applies to the on board and on board to ground communication services, i.e. it covers the data communication using digital interfaces: a) between functions implemented within the EMS; b) between EMS function and other on board subsystems; c) between EMS and ground communication services. The on board data communication services of the EMS cover the data exchange between functions of the EMS and the data exchange between EMS and other on board units, where data are exchanged using a communications protocol stack over a dedicated physical interface or a shared communication network. The on board to ground communication services cover the wireless data communication between the DHS and the on ground server. Furthermore, this document includes conformity assessment requirements.

  • Standard
    165 pages
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This European Standard specifies the conformity assessment arrangements for newly manufactured EMS installed on a traction unit. This includes the integration conformity assessment and installation conformity assessment. In addition, this document also specifies the conformity assessment procedures for device and ancillary component replacement (e.g. due to damage in service), and periodic check to verify the EMS conformity assessment remains valid. This European Standard does not include elements related to conformity assessment aspects other than design review and testing provisions for the products, processes or services specified. Consequently, this part does not delete, change or interpret the general requirements for conformity assessment procedures and vocabulary detailed in EN/ISO/IEC 17000. This European Standard does not cover the conformity assessment schemes that, according to the CEN-CENELEC Internal Regulations, are the responsibility of ISO policy committee "Committee on conformity assessment" (ISO/CASCO).

  • Standard
    24 pages
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This European Standard covers the requirements applicable to the Energy Measurement Function (EMF) of an Energy Measurement System (EMS) for use on board traction units for measurement of energy supplied directly from/to the Contact Line system. This European Standard also gives requirements for the Current Measurement Function (e.g. current sensor), the Voltage Measurement Function (e.g. voltage sensor) and the Energy Calculation Function (e.g. energy meter). The Conformity Assessment arrangements for the Voltage Measurement Function, Current Measurement Function, the Energy Calculation Function and a complete Energy Measurement Function are also specified in this document. The standard has been developed taking into account that in some applications the EMF can be subjected to legal metrological control. All relevant metrological aspects are covered in this part. Figure 2 shows the flow between the functional blocks of the EMF. Only connections between the functional blocks required by this standard are displayed. (...)

  • Standard
    93 pages
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This European Standard describes the primary purpose of the EMS, which is to meter energy consumption for billing and provide compiled energy billing data (CEBD) to a DCS. The EMS may also be used for other functions such as energy management. In addition, this European Standard also describes the primary purpose of a DCS and its interactions with an EMS and settlement system. This part of EN 50463: - gives requirements for the complete Energy Measurement System and also requirements for all devices implementing one or more functions of the Energy Measurement System; - applies to newly manufactured Energy Measurement Systems for use on board railway traction units, powered by AC. and/or DC. supply voltages as listed in EN 50163; - does not apply to portable Energy Measurement Systems.

  • Standard
    23 pages
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This European Standard covers the requirements applicable to the Data Handling System (DHS) of an Energy Measurement System (EMS). This document also includes the basic requirements for the Data Collecting System (DCS) on-ground, relating to the acquisition and storage and export of Compiled Energy Billing Data (CEBD). The Conformity Assessment arrangements for the DHS and the DCS are specified in this document. The settlement system is outside the scope of this standard, and the specification of the interface between DCS and settlement system is outside the scope of this standard.

  • Standard
    38 pages
    English language
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