IEC 61966-12-2:2024 specifies the colour gamut metadata format for video systems intended for use in CE (consumer electronics) devices. The metadata specified in this part of IEC 61966-12 is limited to the gamut description for display types comprising the three primary additive colours, whose white and black points have the same chromaticity. It is fundamentally based on the conventional VESA-EDID format.
When associated with content, the simple metadata format defines the gamut for which the content was created. It can be used by the display for controlled colour reproduction even if the display’s colour gamut is different from that of the content. When associated with a display, the simple metadata format defines the display colour gamut. It can be used during content creation to enable improved colour reproduction.
This document provides the simplest, but unambiguous solution for typical CE devices that are based on colour gamut information communication.
IEC 61966-12-2:2024 cancels and replaces the first edition published in 2014. This edition constitutes a technical revision.
This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition:
a) the number of bits of metadata format has been extended in Clause 4;
b) Annex C has been added for handling HDR content.

  • Standard
    20 pages
    English language
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IEC TS 61966-13:2023 defines an objective colour difference metric and a measurement method for observer metamerism caused by displays with different spectral power distributions. This document also specifies the measuring equipment, conditions and methods that are necessary to obtain the metric. This document applies to light-emitting or backlit transmitting colour displays measured under dark-room conditions.

  • Technical specification
    49 pages
    English language
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IEC 63207:2022 specifies measurement methods for optical performance (luminance) and blue light characteristics (BLCs) of visual display terminals (VDTs), excluding displays for outdoor use only.

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    28 pages
    English and French language
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IEC 61966-12-1:2020 defines the colour gamut metadata scheme for video systems and similar applications. The metadata can be associated with wide-gamut video colour content or to a piece of equipment to display the content. When associated with content, the colour gamut metadata defines the gamut for which the content was created. It can be used by the display for controlled colour reproduction even if the display’s colour gamut is different from that of the content. When associated with a display, the colour gamut metadata defines the display colour gamut. It can be used during content creation to enable improved colour reproduction. The colour gamut metadata can cover associated colour encoding information, which includes all information required for a controlled colour reproduction, when such information is not provided by the colour encoding specification. The colour gamut metadata scheme provides scalable solutions. For example, more flexible solutions will be used for the professional use, while much simpler solutions will be used for consumer use with easier product implementation. This part of IEC 61966 only defines the colour gamut metadata scheme. Vendor-specific solutions for creation and end-use of this metadata are allowed. IEC 61966-12-1:2020 cancels and replaces the first edition published in 2011. This edition constitutes a technical revision. This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition:
a) ITU-R BT.2020 colour spaces added in Clause 6;
b) ITU-R BT.2100 colour spaces added in Clause 6.

  • Standard
    122 pages
    English language
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  • Standard
    81 pages
    English and French language
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