Standard Specification for ASTM Thermometers

1.1 This specification covers liquid-in-glass thermometers graduated in Celsius (centigrade) or Fahrenheit degrees which are frequently specified in methods of ASTM. The various thermometers covered are listed in . The designation of an IP number in indicates, where appearing, that the thermometer specification has been jointly agreed upon by the British Institute of Petroleum (IP) and ASTM.
1.2 This specification also covers adjustable-range enclosed-scale thermometers, graduated in Celsius (centigrade) degrees, which are specified in methods of ASTM.
1.3 The enclosed-scale thermometers are commonly called Beckmann thermometers. They are suitable for measuring small temperature differences not exceeding 6° C within a larger range of temperature. The thermometers are unsuitable for measuring Celsius- or kelvin-scale temperatures unless they have been compared with standard instruments immediately before use.
1.4 An alphabetic list of the ASTM Thermometers included in this standard is given in Table 2.
1.5 A list of ASTM Thermometers is given in Table 3 to facilitate selection according to temperature range, immersion, and scale-error requirements.
Note 1—For a listing of thermometers recommended for general laboratory use, the Scientific Apparatus Makers Assn. Specifications for General Purpose Glass Laboratory Thermometers may be consulted.
Note 2—It has been found by experience that these ASTM Thermometers, although developed in general for specific tests, may also be found suitable for other applications, thus precluding the need for new thermometer specifications differing in only minor features.

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ASTM E1-98 - Standard Specification for ASTM Thermometers
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Designation:E1–98 Method 9501—Federal Test
Method Standard No. 791b
Standard Specification for
ASTM Thermometers
This standard is issued under the fixed designation E 1; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of original
adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A superscript
epsilon (e) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.
This standard has been approved for use by agencies of the Department of Defense.
1. Scope 3. Terminology
1.1 This specification covers liquid-in-glass thermometers 3.1 Definitions—The definitions given in Terminology
graduated in Celsius (centigrade) or Fahrenheit degrees which E 344 apply.
are frequently specified in methods of ASTM. The various 3.2 Definitions of Terms Specific to This Standard:
thermometers covered are listed in Table 1. The designation of 3.2.1 adjusting device, n—a section of the instrument used
an IP number in Table 1 indicates, where appearing, that the to adjust the amount of mercury in the bulb and main capillary
thermometer specification has been jointly agreed upon by the to that needed for the intended temperature interval.
British Institute of Petroleum (IP) and ASTM. 3.2.2 bulb length, n—the distance from the bottom of the
1.2 This specification also covers adjustable-range bulb to the junction of the bulb and the stem tubing.
enclosed-scale thermometers, graduated in Celsius (centigrade) 3.2.3 contraction chamber, n—an enlargement of the cap-
degrees, which are specified in methods of ASTM. illary, that will appear below the main scale or between the
1.3 The enclosed-scale thermometers are commonly called main scale and the auxiliary scale, which serves to reduce its
Beckmann thermometers. They are suitable for measuring length or to prevent contraction of the liquid column into the
small temperature differences not exceeding 6 °C within a bulb.
larger range of temperature. The thermometers are unsuitable 3.2.4 diameter, n—the largest outside dimension of the
for measuring Celsius- or kelvin-scale temperatures unless they glass as measured with a ring gage.
have been compared with standard instruments immediately 3.2.5 expansion chamber, n—an enlargement at the top of
before use. the capillary to provide protection against breakage caused by
1.4 An alphabetic list of the ASTM Thermometers included excessive gas pressure.
in this standard is given in Table 2. 3.2.6 interval error, n—the deviation of the nominal value
1.5 A list of ASTM Thermometers is given in Table 3 to of a temperature interval from its true value; either for the total
facilitate selection according to temperature range, immersion, range (total interval) or for a part of the range (partial interval).
and scale-error requirements. 3.2.7 saddle, n—the bottom support of the enclosed scale.
3.2.8 setting temperature, n—the temperature that yields a
NOTE 1—For a listing of thermometers recommended for general
reading of zero on the main scale for a given adjustment of the
laboratory use, the Scientific Apparatus Makers Assn. Specifications for
amount of mercury in the bulb and main capillary.
General Purpose Glass Laboratory Thermometers may be consulted.
3.2.9 top of the thermometer, n—the top of the finished
NOTE 2—It has been found by experience that these ASTM Thermom-
eters, although developed in general for specific tests, may also be found
suitable for other applications, thus precluding the need for new thermom-
3.2.10 total length, n—the distance from the bottom of the
eter specifications differing in only minor features.
bulb to the top of the finished thermometer, including any
special finish at the top.
2. Referenced Documents
3.2.11 Other descriptions of terms shall be in accordance
2.1 ASTM Standards:
with the Terminology section of Test Method E 77.
E 77 Test Method for Inspection and Verification of Ther-
Part A—Solid-Stem Thermometers
E 344 Terminology Relating to Thermometry and Hydrom-
4. Specifications
4.1 The individual thermometers shall conform to the de-
tailed specifications given in Table 1 and to the general
This specification is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee E-20 on
Temperature Measurement and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee E20.05 requirements specified in Sections 5-13.
on Liquid-in-Glass Thermometers and Hydrometers.
NOTE 3—Such thermometers manufactured prior to the adoption of the
Current edition approved Nov. 10, 1998. Published March 1999. Originally
published as E1–39T. Last previous edition E1–95. specifications will retain the same official status as those meeting current
Available from SAMA Group of Assocs., 225 Reinekers, Ste. 625, Alexandria,
VA 23314.
NOTE 4—Encapsulating thermometers will change their performance
Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 14.03.
Copyright © ASTM, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.
and physical characteristics, including, but not limited to, response time,
the distances given in this section are the governing factor.
accuracy, and physical dimensions. Therefore, under no circumstances
Under no circumstances should the scales on thermometers be
should an encapsulated or otherwise modified ASTM thermometer be used
placed closer than these minimum distances:
in performing tests that specify the use of an ASTM thermometer.
8.1.2 A 13-mm length of unchanged capillary between the
bulb and the immersion line or lowest graduation, if the
5. Type
graduation is not above 100 °C (212 °F); a 30-mm length if the
5.1 Each thermometer shall be of the mercury-in-glass type,
graduation is above 100 °C (212 °F).
unless otherwise specified in Table 1. The filling above the
8.1.3 A 5-mm length of unchanged capillary between an
liquid shall be nitrogen or other suitable inert gas.
enlargement and the graduation next below, except at the top of
the thermometer.
6. Stem
8.1.4 A 10-mm length of unchanged capillary between an
6.1 Stem—The stem shall be made of suitable thermometer
enlargement, other than the bulb, and the immersion line or the
tubing and shall have a plain front and enamel back, unless
graduation next above, if the graduation is not above 100 °C
otherwise specified in Table 1.
(212 °F); a 30-mm length if the graduation is above 100 °C
6.2 Top Finish— The top of all thermometers specified in
(212 °F).
Table 1 shall have a plain rounded finish, except the following
8.1.5 A 10-mm length of unchanged capillary above the
which shall have the top finish indicated below (unless
highest graduation, if there is an expansion chamber at the top
indicated as optional):
of the thermometer; a 30-mm length if there is no expansion
6.2.1 Glass Button Finish:
chamber. For the purposes of this requirement, “an expansion
Thermometers 23C, 24C, and 25C
chamber” is interpreted as an enlargement at the top end of the
capillary bore which shall have a capacity equivalent to not less
6.2.2 Special Finish:
than 20 mm of unchanged capillary. Suitable for assembly in a standard 304.8-mm (12-
in.) non-sparking metal armor with open face; in a cup case
9. Graduations and Inscriptions
assembly; or in a flushing case assembly:
9.1 All graduation lines, figures, and letters shall be clearly
Thermometers 58C, 58F, 59C, 59F, 60C, 60F, 97C, 97F, 98C, and
defined, suitably colored, and permanent.
9.1.1 A suitably etched thermometer with the etched lines Suitable for assembly in a 12-in. non-sparking metal
armor with open face:
Thermometer 99F
6.2.3 Ring Top (optional only)—Thermometers 11C and
7. Bulb
7.1 The bulb shall be made of glass having a viscosity of at
14.6 13.4
least 10 poises at 490 °C (914 °F) and at least 10 poises
at 520 °C (968 °F).
NOTE 5—Thermometers made with bulb glasses having properties
close to these minimum requirements should not be subjected to tempera-
tures above 405 °C (760 °F) or be continuously exposed to temperatures
above 370 °C (700 °F).
8. Capillary Clearances
8.1 In order that a thermometer scale be usable over its
entire range, graduation marks must not be placed too close to
any enlargement in the capillary. Insufficient immersion of the
mercury in the main bulb or capillary enlargement, graduation
marks placed over parts of the capillary that have been changed
by manufacturing operations, or graduations so close to the top
of the thermometer that excessive gas pressure results when the
mercury is raised to this level, may lead to appreciable errors.
The following distances between graduations and the bulb and
between graduations and enlargements in the bore are consid-
ered as minimum limits for thermometers acceptable for
8.1.1 Due to a change in the method used for scale place-
ment, it is possible to manufacture thermometers that comply
with the specifications given in Table 1, but do not meet the
FIG. 1 Test Gage for Checking Enlargements on Thermometers
requirements for capillary clearances given below. In any case, 9C, 9F, 10C, 10F, 57C, 57F, 88C, and 88F
9.4.1 Saybolt Viscosity Thermometers:
17C, 17F, 18C, 18F, 19C, 19F, 20C, 20F, 21C, 21F, 22C, 22F,
77F, 78F, 79F, 80F, and 81F
9.4.2 Kinematic Viscosity Thermometers:
28F, 29F, 30F, 44F, 45F, 46F, 47F, 48F, 72F, 73F, 74F, 110F, 118F,
126F, 128F, and 129F
9.4.3 Engler Viscosity Thermometers:
23C, 24C, and 25C
9.4.4 Precision Thermometers:
65F, 66F, 67C, 67F, and 68C
9.4.5 Tank Thermometer:
FIG. 2 Bulb of ASTM Congealing Point Thermometers 54C and
9.4.6 Solidification Point Thermometers:
100C and 101C
and figures filled with a pigment shall be considered perma-
9.4.7 Reid Vapor Pressure:
nently marked provided it passes the test for permanency of
18C and 18F
pigment in Test Method E 77.
9.4.8 Oxidation Stability:
9.2 Graduation Lines—All graduation lines shall be
22C and 22F
straight, of uniform width, and perpendicular to the axis of the
thermometer. The width of the graduation lines shall be as 9.5 Scale Below Zero—When a scale extends both above
and below 0 °C or 0 °F, the two parts of the scale shall be
9.2.1 Group 1— Maximum line width 0.10 mm: differentiated by some means. Examples of suitable means are:
Thermometers 14C, 14F, 26C, 28C, 28F, 29C, 29F, 30F, 33C, 9.5.1 Different colors for the two parts of the scale,
33F, 34C, 34F, 35C, 35F, 44C, 44F, 45C, 45F, 46C, 46F, 47C, 47F,
9.5.2 Different style of numerical characters for the two
48C, 48F, 50F, 51F, 52C, 56C, 56F, 62C, 62F, 63C, 63F, 64C, 64F,
parts of the scale, and
65C, 65F, 66C, 66F, 67C, 67F, 68C, 68F, 69C, 69F, 70C, 70F, 72C,
72F, 73C, 73F, 74C, 74F, 89C, 90C, 91C, 92C, 93C, 94C, 95C, 96C, 9.5.3 Use of minus signs before appropriate numbers below
100C, 101C, 110C, 110F, 111C, 112C, 113C, 113F, 116C, 117C,
118C, 118F, 119C, 119F, 120C, 121C, 126C, 126F, 127C, 128C,
128F, 129C, and 129F.
10. Special Inscription
9.2.2 Group 2— Maximum line width 0.15 mm:
10.1 The special inscription specified in Table 1 shall be
Thermometers 1C, 1F, 2C, 2F, 3C, 3F, 5C, 5F, 6C, 6F, 7C, 7F, 8C,
marked on the thermometer in capital letters and arabic
8F, 9C, 9F, 10C, 10F, 11C, 11F, 12C, 12F, 13C, 15C, 15F, 16C, 16F,
17C, 17F, 18C, 18F, 19C, 19F, 20C, 20F, 21C, 21F, 22C, 22F, 23C, numbers without the use of periods. In addition to the special
24C, 25C, 36C, 37C, 38C, 39C, 40C, 41C, 42C, 43C, 43F, 49C,
inscription prescribed in Table 1, each thermometer shall be
54C, 54F, 61C, 61F, 71C, 71F, 82C, 82F, 83C, 83F, 84C, 84F, 85C,
permanently marked with a unique serial number and the
85F, 86C, 86F, 87C, 87F, 99C, 99F, 102C, 103C, 104C, 105C,
106C, 107C, 108F, 109F, 114C, 122C, 123C, 124C, and 125C.
manufacturer’s tradename or mark.
10.2 Engraving Date on ASTM Thermometers—If a ther-
9.2.3 Group 3— Maximum line width 0.20 mm:
mometer’s specification was changed, the year that it was
Thermometers 27C, 57C, 57F, 58C, 58F, 59C, 59F, 60C, 60F,
changed is engraved on the back of the thermometer after the
75F, 76F, 77F, 78F, 79F, 80F, 81F, 88C, 88F, 97C, 97F, 98C, 98F,
130C, and 130F.
ASTM designation. For example, “12C-98.”
NOTE 6—A maximum line width of 0.10 mm is recommended for
11. Permanency of Pigment
thermometers that may be read to fractions of a division, many times with
magnifying aids; 0.15 mm for thermometers that may be read to the
11.1 The test for permanency of pigment shall be performed
nearest half division or where the congestion of the scale dictates the use
on any convenient portion of the scale section of the thermom-
of a scale of moderate fineness; and finally 0.20 mm maximum for
eter. The pigment shall not chalk, burn out, or loosen as a result
thermometers with more open scales usually read to the nearest division,
of this test.
often times under adverse conditions, where a bold graduation is therefore
12. Bulb Stability
9.3 Immersion Line—On partial immersion thermometers
12.1 The test for bulb stability shall be made for the
an immersion line shall be permanently marked on the front of
following thermometers in the temperature range specified
the thermometer at the distance above the bottom of the bulb as
below for 24 h. The scale error after the test shall be within the
specified in Table 1 within a tolerance of 60.5 mm, except for
scale error specified in Table 1. Reference should be made to
Thermometers 82F to 87F.
Test Method E 77.
9.4 Terminal Numbers—The terminal number shall be in
full when there are one or more numbered graduations between
it and the next full number, for example on Thermometer 12C,
the terminal numbers would be 100, 1, 102 °C. This rule need 4
Observations of a reference point before and after the test give a measure of the
not necessarily be followed for: degree of bulb stability achieved in manufacture.
13.2 Due to the application requirements for range and
ASTM Test Temperature
Thermometer Number Range
construction of the following thermometers, it is not practical
to include reference points such as the ice and steam points.
3C, 8C, 10C, 11C, 70C 360 to 370°C
3F, 8F, 10F, 11F, 70F 680 to 700°F
13C, 14C, 14F, 17C, 17F, 18C, 18F, 19C, 19F, 20C, 20F, 21C, 21F, 23C, 24C,
2C, 7C, 69C, 107C 280 to 290°C
26C, 27C, 38C, 49C, 50F, 51F, 56C, 56F, 76F, 77F, 78F, 79F, 80F, 81F, 83C,
2F, 7F, 69F 540 to 560 °F
83F, 84C, 84F, 87C, 87F, 91C, 92C, 93C, 96C, 98C, 98F, 100C, 101C, 102C,
103C, 104C, 105C, 106C, 107C, 108F, 109F, 111C, 116C, 117C, 122C, 123C,
The change in bulb volume in this test shall not exceed 0.7
and 124C
of the allowable scale error.
14. Case
13. Scale Error
14.1 Each thermometer shall be supplied in a suitable case
13.1 Thermometers shall be verified and

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