ASTM D2315-80(1984)
(Test Method)Methods of Testing Laminated-Wall Bituminized Fiber Pipe (Withdrawn 1990)
Methods of Testing Laminated-Wall Bituminized Fiber Pipe (Withdrawn 1990)
General Information
Standards Content (Sample)
ASTN D2315 80 0759530 0025092 2 \+-s[--\\
(ilp Designation: D 2315 - 80 (Reapproved 1984)
Standard Methods of Testing
This standard is issued under the fixed designation D 2315; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last xvision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval.
A superscript epsiioa (e) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.
1.1 These methods cover the physical testing
4. Significance
of laminated-wall, bituminized fiber pipe.
4.1 This test measures the quality of the fiber
1.2 The test methods appear in the following
5. Test Specimens
Resistance to Flattening 4tn 8
5.1 Accurately and cleanly saw from the pipe
Dry Crushing Strength 9 io 14
Wet Crushing Strength 15 to 20
two test specimens 76 mm (3 in.) in length and
Axial Compression Crushing Stre :ngth 21 to25
measure the inside diameter. Mark the points at
Crushing Strength of Couplings . 26 to 29
which measurements are taken for identification.
Beam Strength 30 to 35
Joint Tightness 36 to 38
Longitudinal Permeability 39 to 42 6. Procedure
Water Absorption 43 to 48
5. i Piace the specimens in an oven on a com-
Boiling Water Resistance 49 to 53
Heat Resistance 54 to 51 mon flat base with their axes parellel, and with
Chemical Resistance 58 to 60
the measured diameter in a vertical direction (see
Kerosine Resistance 61 to64
Fig. i). Bridge the specimens symmetrically with
1.3 This standard may involve hazardolis ma-
a flat plate, and symmetrically load the plate with
terials. operations, and equipment. This standard
f 1°C
the required load. Maintain the oven at 66
does not ptírport to address all of the sajèty prob-
(150 & 2°F) for 48 h. At the end of 48 h, unload
lems associated with its use. II is the responsibil-
the two pieces, remove from the oven, and allow
ity of whoever uses this standard to consult and
to cool for at least 1 h at 21 to 24°C (70 to 75°F)
establish appropriate safety and health practices
in air, after which measure the inside diameters
and determine the applicability of regulatory limi-
again between the original marks.
tations prior to use.
7. Report
2. Purity of Water
7.1 Report the change in diameter as a per-
2.1 Use distilled, demineralized, or rain water,
centage of the original diameter.
except in cases where tap water may be used if it
8. Precision
is known that such will not affect the results.
8.1 Acceptability of results (95 % probability)
3. Conditioning
I These methods are under the jurisdiction of ASTM Com-
3.1 Condition specimens for crushing strength
mittee D8 on Roofing, Waterproofing, and Bituminous Mate-
(dry and of couplings), beam strength, axial com-
rials and are the direct responsibility of Subcommittee W8.16
pression strength, and longitudinal permeability, on Bituminized Fiber Pipe.
Current edition approved Oct. 31,1980. Published December
immediately before testing, for not less than 24
1980. Originally published as D 23 15 - 64 T. Last previous edi-
h at a temperature of 21 to 24°C (70 to 75°F).
tion D 2315 - 76.
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ASTM D23L5 80 0757530 0025093 4
D 2315
12. Procedure
is judged by the following criteria:
8.1.1 Repeatability-Duplicate results by the
12.1 Lay the specimens horkontally between
same operator should not be considered suspect
the bearings in the testing machine and apply the
unless they differ by more than 0.290 % change
load with a head speed 12.7 mm (0.5 in.)/min.
in diameter.
13. Report
Reprodilcibility-Duplicate results by
different laboratories should not be considered
13.1 Report the load at break in newtons per
suspect unless they differ by more than 0.576 %
metre (or pounds-force per linear foot).
change in diameter.
14. Precision
DRY CRUSHING STRENGTH 14.1 Acceptability of results (95 % probabil-
ity) is judged by the following criteria:
14. I. 1 Repeatabilify-Duplicate results by
9. Significance
the same operator should not be considered sus-
9.1 This test is a measure of the rigidity and
pect unless they differ by more than 22 % of the
strength of the pipe in its circumferential dimen-
mean test value.
sion and is indicative of the thoroughness of the
14.1.2 Reproducibility-Duplicate results by
impregnation and quality of the fiber preform.
different laboratories should not be considered
suspect unless they differ by more than 24 % of
10. Apparatus
the mean test value.
10.1 Loading Device-Any test machine that
will apply the load at a uniform head speed of
12.7 mm (0.5 in.)/min may be used in making
15. Significance
the test. The testing machine shall be substantial
15.1 This test is a measure of the thoroughness
and rigid throughout, so
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