Method of Test for Coefficient of Static Friction of Corrugated and Solid Fiberboard (Horizontal Plane Method) (Withdrawn 1988)

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ASTM D3247-73(1984) - Method of Test for Coefficient of Static Friction of Corrugated and Solid Fiberboard (Horizontal Plane Method) (Withdrawn 1988)
English language
4 pages
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Standards Content (Sample)

~~ Designation: D 3247 - 73 (Reapproved 1984)
Standard Test Method for
T~i~ iuu~ under the filcd.~tion D 3247; the number immediately followinatfle dtsi&Ntion lndia~u:s lhe yar of
on.,n•l adopnon d", •n llle caJC of rEWIIIQn, the yar or lui revision. A numbct in Jl'l~thc:sa indie~tes the yur or IAR rcapproval
1\ 1uprncrlpt epsilon (o) ~nd•n~tes •n cditorill chanac since the last revision or ~PPI'O'I81. ·
t. Scope
2.2 Special Technical PublicaJion:
STP 335 Manual for Conducting an Inter­
I .I This test method covers the detennination
laboratory Study of a Test Method•
of the coefficient of static friction of corrupted
and.solid fiberboard or of the materials used to
3. Slpific:ance aad Use
make such board.
3.1 The coefficient of friction of corrugated
1.2 The horizontal instrument requires some
and solid fiberboard indicates how containers
means of movement of the specimen in relation
made from that board will perfomt in many
to the surface upon which it rests. The coefficient
critical applications. A hip coefficient of friction
of friction is measured directly from the resist­
of one surface of board to itself means that
ance to that force and the applied weight.
containers having that surface will tend to resist
1.3 An inclined plane method is described in
sliding in unit loads. A low coefficient may in­
Test Method D 3248. Either method &ives essen­
dicate potential problems with the containers
tially equivalent results. The choice of approach
slipping from the load.
depends on the equipment available and the
3.2 The coefficient of friction test is empirical.
means of measurement.
It describes the condition of that surface at the
1.4 This standard may involve hazardous ma·
moment of test. This may or may not relate to
terials, operations, and equipment. This standard
the condition of the surface in use. Nevertheless,
does not purport to address all of the safety prob­
the test results are useful in detennining the
lems associaJed with its use. It is the responsibil­
properties of the surface tested. Its condition will
ity of whoever uses this standard to consult and
depend upon the historical treatment of the sur­
establish appropriare safety a'1d health practices
face. Because the previous history is unknown,
a"d determitre the applicability of regulaJory limi­
measurement is not made until the third slide.
tations prior to use.
Experience has shown that variability is greatly
reduced after the second slide:.
2. Applicable Documents
4. Definitions
2.1 ASTM Standards:
4.1 coefficielll of friction-the ratio of the fric­
D 5 85 Method of Sampling and Accepting a
tional force resisting movement of the surface
Single Lot of Paper, Paperboard, Fiber­
2 being tested to the force applied normal to that
board, or Related Product
D 685 Methpd of Conditioning Paper and Pa­
' 1'hn lest mc1hod Is llmkr the jurisdiction or An'M Com­
per Products for Testing mince [).10 on Padq;JII and is the dirm responsibility of
Subcommictee 010.11 on ~and Paperboard ProdiiCU.
D 2534 Test Method for Coefficient of Kinetic
CUm:nt edicioa approved Stpt. 27, l97l. PubliWd Ottobet
Friction for Wax Coalill8S)
l AnniiG! Boolr. of ASI"M Slontlturh. Vol I 5.09.
D 3248 Test Method for Coefficient of Static
J AMNIII Boolr. qf ASTM Suutt/4rdJ, Vol 05.02.
Friction of Corrugated and Solid Fiberboard
' A Yaillble from ASTM Hadqlllltm, 1916 Race St. Phil-
(Inclined Plane Method) lldclphia. PA 19103. '

---------------------- Page: 1 ----------------------
surface (the wc1ght of the material above that since this ts the area that normally comes in
surface). contact with the next container in pallet loads.
4.2 kmetic coefficient-the rutio of the force 6.2.2 Paper is anisotropic and the coefficient
resisting motion of the surface once the motion of friction is particularly so. Care must be taken
IS In prOgKSS.
in making.the test to orient the surfaces to each
other just as they will be oriented in actual use.
Nan! 1-Kinc:tit coc:fficienl i5 not dctc:nnined in
this method (Appcndi~ XI). Therefore, if the layers of containers are to be
alternated in palleaiution, the coefficient should
4.3 static ,·or:ffidelll~the ratio of the force
be measured with one surface MD (machine
resisting initild motion of the surface.
direction) and ahe other CD (cross-machine di­
5. Apparatus (Fig. I)
6.2.3 If it is of interest to know how the con·
S.t /nstrumenl Table-A horizontal plane
tainer will perform on pack&&in& machinery or
surface of a smooth incompressible material
be retained by conveyors, floors, shelves, etc.,
(metal, hard wood, plate xJass, or plastic), havin&
measure the coeffiCient between a sample of the
a width at least I in. (25 mm) wider than the test
paperboard and the material from which the
sled (5.2) with means of leveling

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