ASTM C1426-99(2004)
(Practice)Standard Practices for Verification and Calibration of Polarimeters
Standard Practices for Verification and Calibration of Polarimeters
This practice covers the standards for the verification and calibration of polarimeters required to maintain these instruments and ensure that the optical setup is within specification for satisfactory measurements. Verification and calibration procedures are performed using two types of procedures: Procedure A (verification) and Procedure B (calibration). Procedure A is done by measuring individual components and their orientation to ensure that they comply accordingly. Procedure B is done by determining the accuracy of the polarimeter using a calibrated gage or retarder.
1.1 Polarimeters of polariscopes used for measuring stress in glass are described in Test Methods F218, C148, and C978. These instruments include a light source and several optical elements (polarizers, optical retarders, filters, and so forth) that require occasional cleaning, realigning, and calibration. The objective of these practices is to describe the calibration and verification procedures required to maintain these instruments in calibration and ensure that the optical setup is within specification for satisfactory measurements.
1.2 It is mandatory throughout these practices that both verification and calibration are carried out by qualified personnel who fully understand the concepts used in measurements of stress retardation and are experienced in the practices of measuring procedures described in Test Methods F218, C148, and C978.
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Designation: C1426 – 99 (Reapproved 2004)
Standard Practices for
Verification and Calibration of Polarimeters
This standard is issued under the fixed designation C1426; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A
superscript epsilon (´) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.
1. Scope 4. Principles of Verification and Calibration Procedures
1.1 Polarimeters and polariscopes used for measuring stress 4.1 Verification and calibration of polarimeters are accom-
in glass are described in Test Methods F218, C148, and C978. plished using the following procedures:
These instruments include a light source and several optical 4.1.1 Procedure A: (Verification)—Measure individual
elements (polarizers, optical retarders, filters, and so forth) that components and their orientation to ensure that the require-
require occasional cleaning, realigning, and calibration. The ments of Test Methods F218, C148, and C978 are satisfied.
objective of these practices is to describe the calibration and 4.1.2 Procedure B: (Calibration)—Determine the accuracy
verification procedures required to maintain these instruments of the polarimeter using a calibrated gage or retarder.
in calibration and ensure that the optical setup is within
5. Auxiliary Component Requirements
specification for satisfactory measurements.
5.1 The following are required to verify and calibrate a
1.2 It is mandatory throughout these practices that both
verification and calibration are carried out by qualified person- polarimeter:
5.1.1 Verification of Components (Procedure A):
nel who fully understand the concepts used in measurements of
stress retardation and are experienced in the practices of Verification of Polarization Effıciency, a light-
intensity meter, linear over the range of measured values.
measuring procedures described in Test Methods F218, C148,
and C978. Verification of Quarter-Wave Plate, a Babinet com-
pensator equipped polarimeter, with a monochromatic light
2. Referenced Documents
source of traceable wavelength.
2.1 ASTM Standards: Reference Polarizer with Known Axis.
C148 Test Methods for Polariscopic Examination of Glass 5.1.2 Calibration of Polarimeter (Procedure B):
Containers Procedure B requires a gage with a calibrated,
C162 Terminology of Glass and Glass Products known retardation. The calibrated gage must have sufficient
C770 Test Method for Measurement of Glass Stress— retardation to calibrate the instrument within its intended use
Optical Coefficient range. For example, a polariscope/polarimeter used in Test
C978 Test Method for Photoelastic Determination of Re- Methods C148 should be calibrated using a gage exhibiting a
sidual Stress in a Transparent Glass Matrix Using a retardation range of from 0 to 227 nm (0 to 10 temper grade).
Polarizing Microscope and Optical Retardation Compen- Alternately, a rectangular cross-section specimen
sation Procedures prepared from an SRM glass having a known stress-optical
F218 Test Method for Measuring Optical Retardation and constant, subjected to uniaxial compression in a calibrated
Analyzing Stress in Glass testing machine, may be used instead of a calibrated gage with
known retardation.
3. Terminology
6. Verification and Calibration Procedures
3.1 For definitions of terms used in these practices, see
Terminology C162. 6.1 Procedure A—Verification and Aligning of Components:
6.1.1 Verification of Polarization Effıciency—Using a light-
intensity meter, measure the light intensity, with polarizers
These practices are under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee C14 on Glass
crossed (dark field) and then with polarizers parallel, I .
and Glass Products and are the direct responsibility of Subcommittee C14.04 on
Calculate the polarization efficiency, E, as follows:
Physical and Mechanical Properties.
Current edition approved Oct. 1, 2004. Published November 2004.
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Originally approved in 1999. Last previous addition approved in 1999 as
E 5 (1)
C1426–99. DOI: 10.1520/C1426-99R04.
For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website,, or
The efficiency must satisfy the requirements of the test
contact ASTM Customer Service at service@astm.
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