ASTM D526-70
(Test Method)Method of Test for Tetraethyl-Lead In Gasoline (Withdrawn 1975)
Method of Test for Tetraethyl-Lead In Gasoline (Withdrawn 1975)
General Information
Standards Content (Sample)
Ame11c1n Na1oon11 S1•nd11d Z I 1 48
~m~ oosiu•••ion: o s2& - 10
Amttteln N111on1I Standards ln11itu1e
Mithod 5501-Fed•••I Tut
Method S11n<1ard No 791 b
Deu11ehe N°'m Din 5 I 769 111111 I Und 81111 ;:\
lri111h Standard 21711
\::!:!) ·091lgnatlon: 98/67
·standard Method of Test for
Thia S111nd11rd i1 l1111cd under the liud dcsi1nDlion 0 526: the numhcr immcdiu1ely followin111hc dc~i(!nu1ion indi1:utc5 the
vcar uf orit1in11I adoptiun' or, in the Cll5C of revision. lhc ~car uf hul tcvi•ion . I\ number in parcnlhC5C~ indii:ulcs the year of
i:ni n:upprovul. Thi1 is 111110 11 ~t;indard of the ln5lilulc uf Petroleum i5~uo:d under the filled dc~i11na1iun IP'. 9fl . The ·final
riumbcr indicu1c11 lhc ·ycur or hill revi1iun .
Thi5 mclhud wu ;iduptcd Ha joint ASTM·IP 5lundurd in 19M.
for increasing convection in the liquid .
1. Scopt
3.1.5 Htating Coil, 250-W. consisting of 9
I . I This method covers the· gravimetric
f\ (2.4 m) of No. 30 8 & S gage (0.25 mm) or
determination of the total lead content of
equivalent Nichrome wire.
gasoline and other volatile distillates blended
3.1.6 Rhtostat, 25-fl resistance. i-A min
with lea
imum capacity. for regulating the heater.
lead, dimcthyldiethyllead. methyltriethyllcad.
3.2 Filtt,ing Cn1cib/t, of approximately
or mixu.ires thereof) within the concentration
25·ml capacity No. 4 porosity sintered glass.
range of·0.2 lo 5.0 g of lcad/U.S. gal, 0.24 to
or 25·ml porcelain crucibles. having porous
6.0:: lead/U .K. gal, or 0.05 to l.3 a lead/liter.
bottom5 equivalent to Selas No. 3001. or 25-
I' ·~TE i'-ASTM Method D 2547, Test for Lead
ml Gooch crucibles. capable of retaining a
in Lasoline. Volumetric Chromate Mc~hod. ir. 1lso
line precipitate.
1v11lable for this tesl.
Non 2-Thc method· has not been (.oopcra·
4. Reascnu and Macerials
tivcly tested below 0.2 1/ U.S . gal:
4.1 Purity of RtagL"nts-Reagcrtt grade
2. Summary of Method
chemicals shall be u5CQ in all. tests. U nlcss
2.1 The lead alkyl is converted lo lead otherwise indicated. it is intended that all re·
chloride and extracted from the gasoline by agents shall conform to the s~cifications of
rcnuxing with concentrated hydrochloric acid.
the Committee on Analytical Reagents of the
The acid extract is evaporated to dryness. any American Chemical Society. where such
organic materia~ present is removed by oxida·
specifications arc available.> Other grudes IY\UY
tion with nitric acid. and the lead is deter
be used. provided it is first ascertained that th.c
mined gravimetrically as lead chromate. rcaacnt is of sufficiently high purity to permit
its use without lessening the accuracy of the
3. Apparatus .
4.2 Purity of Waur-Unless <;>thcrwise in-
3.l E~tractlon Apparatus, fabricated from.
borosilicate glass. conforming to the dimcn·
'Thia method i~ undc:r the juriMtic1tun ur ASTM (.'"m·
sions given in Fig. 1. and consisting or the fol·
mi11cc D·:? on Pctrulcum Pruducl• ;ind Lut;rinnh.
Current cdi1iun cffci:llvc Sept. It. 11170 OriJ1n;ill~ ,,.
lowing component parts:
•1.1ed 19)9. Rcph1a:• 0 S?6 Mi.
3.1.1 Bollln1 Flad, 500-ml capacity.
In the IP. thi• mc1hud IS under lhc 1un!idictlon ur lhc
S111ndrudi~111iun Cum mitt«.
3.1.2 Hoplclns R1flwc Cond1ns,,, having u
In t970 the ~pc or lhc mcthud llloU• utcndal du•n tu
vapor outlet connected by a rubber tube to an
0.2,. or kad per u .s. ••II.on.
191' A111t11al aot>A; of ASTM Su11ulanls. Part 24.
out~ de vent or to a suction hood.
• "RnJcnl Chemicals. American Chemical Socict)
3. 1.3 Tldstlt Tub1, approximately
Spcci(IClllOM.': Am . . Cb&mial Soc . Wuhin11on. D.C.
for 1ugcsti0ftl on the testin1 of rugcnl• ftOl li.icd by the
capacity, with a line to indicate approximately
American Chemical Socic1y. ICC -Rn1cal Cllcmicab and
the 50-ml level.
Standard&." b1 Joseph ROiin, D. Van No1uand Co .• Inc .•
New Yori!, N.Y . and lhc "Uni1cd Stain Plaarmaco,ciit."
3.1 .4 H101in1 Tubt, containin1 a chimney
---------------------- Page: 1 ----------------------
~m~ D 628 -@9&
dicaled, references lo waler shall be under·
riod, turn off the heat, allow the sample to
stood to mean lead-free distilled water or
cool a few minutes. and drain the acid layer
water or equal purity.
into a 400-mt beaker. Then add 50 ml of
4.3 AC'tlic AC"id (1+1)-Mix I volume of
water and rcnux the waler and gasoline for S
1lacial acetic acid with I volume or water. min, using the full heat of the: heater. Drain
4.4 Ammonium H.vdroxidt (I+ /)-Mix I the: water into the 400-ml beaker, and repeat
volume or co~centralc:d ammonium hydroxide: the waler extraction.
(NH 0H,spgr0.9) w:·h l volume of water.
Non 4-For gasolines; having u Reid vapor
4.5 Asbts10.f-Mt:dium ribc:r, acid·
pressure above 7.0 lb, the scaled sample container
shall be: cooled to upprollimatc:ly 60 F f IS C) before
washed. und ignited fo
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