Method of Test for Tetraethyl-Lead In Gasoline (Withdrawn 1975)

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ASTM D526-70 - Method of Test for Tetraethyl-Lead In Gasoline (Withdrawn 1975)
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Ame11c1n Na1oon11 S1•nd11d Z I 1 48
~m~ oosiu•••ion: o s2& - 10
Amttteln N111on1I Standards ln11itu1e
Mithod 5501-Fed•••I Tut
Method S11n<1ard No 791 b
Deu11ehe N°'m Din 5 I 769 111111 I Und 81111 ;:\
lri111h Standard 21711
\::!:!) ·091lgnatlon: 98/67
·standard Method of Test for
Thia S111nd11rd i1 l1111cd under the liud dcsi1nDlion 0 526: the numhcr immcdiu1ely followin111hc dc~i(!nu1ion indi1:utc5 the
vcar uf orit1in11I adoptiun' or, in the Cll5C of revision. lhc ~car uf hul tcvi•ion . I\ number in parcnlhC5C~ indii:ulcs the year of
i:ni n:upprovul. Thi1 is 111110 11 ~t;indard of the ln5lilulc uf Petroleum i5~uo:d under the filled dc~i11na1iun IP'. 9fl . The ·final
riumbcr indicu1c11 lhc ·ycur or hill revi1iun .
Thi5 mclhud wu ;iduptcd Ha joint ASTM·IP 5lundurd in 19M.
for increasing convection in the liquid .
1. Scopt
3.1.5 Htating Coil, 250-W. consisting of 9
I . I This method covers the· gravimetric
f\ (2.4 m) of No. 30 8 & S gage (0.25 mm) or
determination of the total lead content of
equivalent Nichrome wire.
gasoline and other volatile distillates blended
3.1.6 Rhtostat, 25-fl resistance. i-A min­
with lea imum capacity. for regulating the heater.
lead, dimcthyldiethyllead. methyltriethyllcad.
3.2 Filtt,ing Cn1cib/t, of approximately
or mixu.ires thereof) within the concentration
25·ml capacity No. 4 porosity sintered glass.
range of·0.2 lo 5.0 g of lcad/U.S. gal, 0.24 to
or 25·ml porcelain crucibles. having porous
6.0:: lead/U .K. gal, or 0.05 to l.3 a lead/liter.
bottom5 equivalent to Selas No. 3001. or 25-
I' ·~TE i'-ASTM Method D 2547, Test for Lead
ml Gooch crucibles. capable of retaining a
in Lasoline. Volumetric Chromate Mc~hod. ir. 1lso
line precipitate.
1v11lable for this tesl.
Non 2-Thc method· has not been (.oopcra·
4. Reascnu and Macerials
tivcly tested below 0.2 1/ U.S . gal:
4.1 Purity of RtagL"nts-Reagcrtt grade
2. Summary of Method
chemicals shall be u5CQ in all. tests. U nlcss
2.1 The lead alkyl is converted lo lead otherwise indicated. it is intended that all re·
chloride and extracted from the gasoline by agents shall conform to the s~cifications of
rcnuxing with concentrated hydrochloric acid.
the Committee on Analytical Reagents of the
The acid extract is evaporated to dryness. any American Chemical Society. where such
organic materia~ present is removed by oxida·
specifications arc available.> Other grudes IY\UY
tion with nitric acid. and the lead is deter­
be used. provided it is first ascertained that th.c
mined gravimetrically as lead chromate. rcaacnt is of sufficiently high purity to permit
its use without lessening the accuracy of the
3. Apparatus .
4.2 Purity of Waur-Unless <;>thcrwise in-
3.l E~tractlon Apparatus, fabricated from.
borosilicate glass. conforming to the dimcn·
'Thia method i~ undc:r the juriMtic1tun ur ASTM (.'"m·
sions given in Fig. 1. and consisting or the fol·
mi11cc D·:? on Pctrulcum Pruducl• ;ind Lut;rinnh.
Current cdi1iun cffci:llvc Sept. It. 11170 OriJ1n;ill~ ,,.
lowing component parts:
•1.1ed 19)9. Rcph1a:• 0 S?6 Mi.
3.1.1 Bollln1 Flad, 500-ml capacity.
In the IP. thi• mc1hud IS under lhc 1un!idictlon ur lhc
S111ndrudi~111iun Cum mitt«.
3.1.2 Hoplclns R1flwc Cond1ns,,, having u
In t970 the ~pc or lhc mcthud llloU• utcndal du•n tu
vapor outlet connected by a rubber tube to an
0.2,. or kad per u .s. ••II.on.
191' A111t11al aot>A; of ASTM Su11ulanls. Part 24.
out~ de vent or to a suction hood.
• "RnJcnl Chemicals. American Chemical Socict)
3. 1.3 Tldstlt Tub1, approximately
Spcci(IClllOM.': Am . . Cb&mial Soc . Wuhin11on. D.C.
for 1ugcsti0ftl on the testin1 of rugcnl• ftOl li.icd by the
capacity, with a line to indicate approximately
American Chemical Socic1y. ICC -Rn1cal Cllcmicab and
the 50-ml level.
Standard&." b1 Joseph ROiin, D. Van No1uand Co .• Inc .•
New Yori!, N.Y . and lhc "Uni1cd Stain Plaarmaco,ciit."
3.1 .4 H101in1 Tubt, containin1 a chimney

---------------------- Page: 1 ----------------------
~m~ D 628 -@9&
dicaled, references lo waler shall be under·
riod, turn off the heat, allow the sample to
stood to mean lead-free distilled water or
cool a few minutes. and drain the acid layer
water or equal purity.
into a 400-mt beaker. Then add 50 ml of
4.3 AC'tlic AC"id (1+1)-Mix I volume of
water and rcnux the waler and gasoline for S
1lacial acetic acid with I volume or water. min, using the full heat of the: heater. Drain
4.4 Ammonium H.vdroxidt (I+ /)-Mix I the: water into the 400-ml beaker, and repeat
volume or co~centralc:d ammonium hydroxide: the waler extraction.
(NH 0H,spgr0.9) w:·h l volume of water.
Non 4-For gasolines; having u Reid vapor
4.5 Asbts10.f-Mt:dium ribc:r, acid·
pressure above 7.0 lb, the scaled sample container
shall be: cooled to upprollimatc:ly 60 F f IS C) before
washed. und ignited fo

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