ASTM E609-02
(Terminology)Standard Terminology Relating to Pesticides
Standard Terminology Relating to Pesticides
General Information
Standards Content (Sample)
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Designation: E 609 – 02
Standard Terminology Relating to
This standard is issued under the fixed designation E 609; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A
superscript epsilon (e) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.
absorption—a process in which one material (the absorbent) diluent—a gas, liquid, or solid used to reduce the concentra-
takes in and retains another (the absorbate). tion of an active ingredient in the formulation or application
acclimation period—the time necessary for an animal to of a pesticide.
adjust to the laboratory and specific test environments. directed application—an application to a restricted area such
amphoteric surfactant—a surface-active agent capable of as a row, bed, or at the base of plants.
forming, in aqueous solution, either surface-active anions or disinfestant—an agent that kills, inactivates, or repels organ-
surface-active cations depending on the pH. isms in or on plants, animals, or inanimate objects.
anionic surfactant—a surface-active agent in which the active dose, dosage—the quantity of substance applied per unit
portion of the molecule containing the lipophilic segment treated or applied to or entering an organism.
forms exclusively a negative ion (anion) when placed in drift—The physical movement of an agrochemical through the
aqueous solution. air at the time of application or soon thereafter to any non or
attractant—an agent that increases the attentive frequency of off target site. Drift shall not include movement to non or
an organism. off-target sites caused by erosion, migration, volatility or
avicide—a chemical used to kill, control, or cause other wind blown soil particles that occur after application unless
adverse effects on birds. specifically advertised on the label.
band application—an application of a pesticide to a continu- emulsifiable concentrate—a single-phase liquid system hav-
ous restricted area such as in or along a crop row rather than ing the property of forming an emulsion when mixed with
over the entire field area. water.
broadcast application—the distribution of a material uni- emulsifier—see emulsifying agent
formly over the entire area to be treated and not just to emulsifying agent—a surfactant that promotes the suspension
portions of the area. of one liquid in another.
carcinogen—an agent producing or inciting cancerous growth. emulsion—a suspension of fine particles or globules of one or
carrier—(1) a gas, liquid, or solid used to propel or transport more liquids in another liquid.
a pesticide;*( 2) an organism that bears an infectious agent, eradication—the complete elimination of a pest from an area.
but that shows no marked symptoms of the disease caused by fumigant—a chemical used in gaseous form to kill or inhibit
that agent. pests.
cidaphobia—sensitivity of target animals that increases their fungistat—an agent that inhibits the germination of fungus
aversion to the high mortality within the population. spores or the development of mycelium.
chemical repellent—any substance whose odor, taste, appear- invert emulsion—a water in oil emulsion also known as
ance, tactile sensation, or combination thereof produces an closed phase emulsion, total emulsion and invert.
aversion response in the target animal. invert emulsion suspension—a water in oil emulsion also
colorant—a material used to alter the color of a formulation.
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