Test Method for Embedment Stress Caused by Casting Compounds on Glass-Encased Electronic Components (Withdrawn 1997)

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ASTM F135-76(1991) - Test Method for Embedment Stress Caused by Casting Compounds on Glass-Encased Electronic Components (Withdrawn 1997)
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ASTM F135 76 - 0759510 0532233 159 m
Designation: F 135 - 76 (Reapproved 1991)
Standard Test Method for
Embedment Stress Caused by Casting Compounds on
Glass-Encased Electronic Components’
This standard is issued under the fixed designation F 135; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last rcapproval. A
superscript epsilon (0 indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapprowL
1. Scope this range is available.
3.4 Beakers (3), Griffin, low-form, 1 SO-mL ( 150-cm3).
1.1 This test method covers measurements of stress cre-
3.5 Tape, unimpregnated, glass fiber, pressure-sensitive
ated by the chemical and thermal shrinkage of casting
compounds. The usefulness has been demonstrated at all
3.6 Elevated-Temperature Bath (l), controllable to &5*F
pressures up to 6000 psi (40 MPa) but the maximum limit of
(3’C), 73 to 220°F (23 to 105°C) range, or Oven (l),
usefulness has not been determined. Measurements can be
controllable to &5*F (3*C), 73 to 220°F (23 to 105°C) range,
made from -40’F (-4o’C) to 22o’F (105°C). This test
equipped with window.
simulates the pressure exerted on glass-encased electronic
3.7 Low-Temperature Bath (l), controllable to i5”F
components when embedded in casting compounds. This
(3*C), 40 to 73’F (-40 to 23°C) range, or Cold Box (l),
test method is also usable for determining the effect of a
controllable to &5”F (3*C), -40 to 73°F (-40 to 23°C) range,
flexible conformal coating used to protect parts from the
equipped with window.
shrinkage of casting compounds.
3.8 Vacuum Chamber (l), suitable to maintain pressures
1.2 This standard does not purport to address all of the
of 4 mm Hg (0.5 kPa).
safety problems, if any, associated with its use. It is the
responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro-
4. Material
priate safety and health practices and determine the applica-
4.1 Casting material to be evaluated.
bility of regulatory limitations prior to use.
4.2 Conformal coating material to be evaluated.
1.3 The values stated in inch-pound units are to be
4.3 Suitable glass cleaning solvent such as trichlo-
regarded as the standard. The values given in parentheses are
roethylene or isopropyl alcohol.
for information only.
5. Test Specimens
2. Summary of Test Method
5.1 Prepare three test specimens as follows (Fig. 1):
2.1 A mercury thermometer and thermocouple are both
5.1.1 Hold each thermometer perpendicularly in its
embedded in the specimen of the encapsulating material.
beaker so that the bottom of the bulb is 1 f ‘/I6 in. (25.4 f
When a conformal coating is being tested, the bulb of the
1.6 mm) from the bottom of the beaker. Mark the thermom-
thermometer is coated with the conformal material. The
eter shaft at the level represented by the surface of a liquid
principle of the test is that pressure exerted upon the bulb of
filling the beaker to the point of overflow. Wrap the shaft
the mercury thermometer forces the mercury up the capil-
with reinforcing tape so that the tape covers the shaft for V4
lary, resulting in an apparent temperature increase which is
in. above and below the mark.
proportional to the applied stress. The stress can be calcu-
5.1.2 Conformal Coating Application (optional):
lated from the differences between this apparent temperature Clean dirt and grease from the thermometer bulbs
and the true temperature, which is provided by the thermo-
and glass test slide with a suitable solvent. A recommended
couple measurement. When a conformal coating is being
procedure is to rinse in a bath of clean, fresh solvent, allow to
tested it is necessary to measure stress on coated and
drip dry, rinse in a second bath of clean, fresh solvent, and
uncoated specimens.
air dry taking care not to recontaminate the cleaned surfaces
before application of the conformal coating.
3. Apparatus Coat the bulb of the thermometer with the con-
3.1 Potentiometer (l), calibrated to f 1 “F at 0 and 70°F
formal coating to be evaluated. Exercise care to assure a
(+0.5*C at -18 and 21*C), with thermocouple leads.
coating of uniform thickness on each thermometer and
3.2 Thermocouples (3).
within each test set of thermometers. When dip coating is
3.3 Thermometers (3), mercury, -40 to 220°F (-40 to
used, a recommended method for determining coating
105°C) range.2 No ASTM standard thermometer covering
thickness is as follows: Coat the cleaned thermometer bulbs
by dipping in the coating material using a controlled rate of
immersion and removal. Coat three cleaned glass microscope
1 This test method is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee F-l on
specimen slides by dipping in the coating material using the
Electronics and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee FO1.05 on Molding
Compounds for Semic

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