Recommended Practice for Installing Bituminized Fiber Drain and Sewer Pipe (Withdrawn 1990)

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ASTM D2316-75(1984) - Recommended Practice for Installing Bituminized Fiber Drain and Sewer Pipe (Withdrawn 1990)
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ASTM D233b 75 I 0757530 0025077 5 M
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Designation: D 2316 - 75 (Reapproved 1984)
Standard Recommended Practice for
This standard is issued under the ked designation D 2316; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
originaladoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval.
A superscript epsilon (6) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.
than 150 mm (6 in.) below trench grade, for
1. Scope
example, in crossing oversize excavation for
1.1 This recommended practice describes the
foundations or septic tanks, etc., bring it back to
installation of bituminized fiber drain and sewer
trench grade with weil-compacted layers of select
conforming to the requirements of Specifi-
material. Select (stable) material includes coarse
cation D 1861 or D 1862, in either stable or
angular sand, gravel, pea stone, crushed stone,
unstable soils. The purpose is to secure, fhrough
crushed slag, crushed shell, and crushed coral, or
proper installation, the maximum seMce per-
coarse-grained soils as described in Classification
formance of the pipe. Installation below the nor-
D2487, Fig. 1, Soils Classification Chart. The
mal water table is not recommended.
particles should not exceed approximately 25
1.2 This standard may involve hazardous ma-
mm (I in.) in size. Select material should be free
terials, operations, and equipment. This standard
from frozen earth, large hard clods, large stones,
does not purport to address all of the safety prob-
vegetable matter, or other debris.
lems associated with its use, It is the responsibil-
3.2 On-síte materials should be used for beú-
ity of whoever uses this standard to consult and
ding and encasing only when tests indicate that
establish appropriate safety and health practices
these on-site materials are of comparable stability
and determine the applicability of regulatory lirni-
to those materials listed in 3.1.
tations prior to ilse.
3.3 The width of the trench should be suffi-
cient to afford ample room for laying and jointing
2. Applicable Documents
the pipe. Owing to the simplicity of the jointing
2.1 ASTM Standards:
prq for bituminized fiber pipe, the trench
D 1861 Specification for Homogeneous Bitu-
width at the level of the top of the pipe need not
minized Fiber Drain and Sewer Pipe2
exceed 460 mm (18 in.).
D 1862 Specification for Laminated-Wall Bi-*
tuminized Fiber Drain and Sewer Pipe'
4. Bedding the Pipe (see Fig. I)
D 2487 Classification of Soils for Engineering
4.1 Place select material on the trench bottom,
bringing the level slightly above the finished
D 3356 Specification for Fittings for Bitumin-
grade. Work the bedding sufficiently to eliminate
ized Fiber Drain and Sewer Pipe'
afi voids and compact well to a minimum of 150
mm (6 in.). Compaction by foot-tamping is suf-
3. Preparation of Trench (see Fig. i)
3.1 The object is to provide a trench bottom
of uniform firmness to receive the bedding ma-
'This recommended practice is under the jurisdiction of
ferial. Minimum recommended depth is 760 mm ASTM Committee D8 on Roofing, Waterproofing, and Bitu-
minous Materials and is the direct responsibility of Subcommit-
(30 in.). It is recommended that the excavation
on Bituminized Fiber Pipe.
tee W8.16
be camed to a minimum depth of 150 mm (6
Current edition approved Nov. 28, 1975. Published January
1976. Onginally published as D2316 - 64T. Last previous
in.) below the finished pipe grade. If the excava-
edition D 2316 - 69.
tion reveals large stones above trench grade, re-
Annual Book OfASTMStandards, Vol 04.04.
'Annual Book ofASïMStandards, Vol 04.08.
move the stones. If the trench is excavated more
223 \

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ASTM D232b 75 0757520 0025200 B W
D 2316
5. Laying the Pipe no circumstances should a hatchet or other cut-
ting tool be used to chip or file a taper on the
5.1 Use only undamaged pipe in the installa-
end of the pipe. Fittings should be assembled in
tion. Clean the interior of the pipe of any trash
the same manner as couplings.
or dirt that may be present, and wipe clean ail
machine-tapered joints just before jointing. Do
6. Encasing the Pipe (see Fig. 1)
not use jointing substance or lubricant on the
tapered surfaces of the joint. Do not place the
6.1 Use select material (see 3.1) and backfíí
pipe on blocks, large stones, or other hard objects
in layers up to a level i 50 to 200 mm (6 to 8 in.)
to establish grade. Use only select bedding ma-
above the top of the pipe, paying particular at-
tention to compaction of the sidefill.
5.2 If there is surface water in the trench, start
6.2 Place the first layer of select material to a
laying at the street o

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