Specification for Crushed Stone, Crushed Slag, and Gravel for Bituminous Concrete Base and Surface Courses of Pavements (Withdrawn 1942)

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ASTM D309-30 - Specification for Crushed Stone, Crushed Slag, and Gravel for Bituminous Concrete Base and Surface Courses of Pavements (Withdrawn 1942)
English language
2 pages
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Standards Content (Sample)

A .S.T.M. Designation: D 300-30
These specifications are issued under the fixed designation D 309; the fina 1
number indicates the year of original adoption as standard or, in the case nf
revision, the year of last revision.
lssUBD AS TENTATIVE, !929; ADoPTED, 1930,
1. These specifications cover t to H-in. and i to 2}-in. size
graveL, either of which sizes is suitable for use in the construction of
a bituminou·s concrete base prepared by the mixing method and upon
which may be placed any type of surface course.
2. The gravel shall consist of bard, sound,' tough, durable stone
particles, either crushed or uncrushed, and shall be free from injurious
teristics .
amounts of adherent coatings and soft, thin, elongated or laminated
pieces, or other deleterious substances.
3. Gravel shall show a satisfactory resistance to abrasion as
measured by an acceptable abrasion test for gravel.
NOTE.-No test limits for abrasion are specified due to the status of knowledge
concerning ~ltitable specification limits for this test . Many engineers feel that the
q uality of gravel may be indicated by the results of an abrasion test, and accordingly
the Tentat ive Method of Test for Abrasion of Gravel (A.S.T.M. Designation:
D 289 - 28 T) of the American Society for Testing Materials~ is recommended.
4. The amount of deleterious substances shall not exceed the
Subs tances .
following maximum requirements:
Under the standardization pl"':::edure o£ the Society, these specifications are under the jurL~dk~
tion o! the A.S.T.M. Co=itteo D-4 on Road and Paving Materials.
t !'-:o suitable teit for aoundnOiS of gra.vel has been devclopedt althou~b the committee h. CBrryinG
ou t work lookiPg forward t o t he development of such a test. An accelerated test using sodium ""Ua l has been proposed ior use with crushed sione (see PropoSed Method of T c:st lor Soundness of Coarse
A=esatc, Proceedi11gs, Am. Soc. Testing Mats., Vol. 28, Part I, p . 361 (1928)), but without a mod>·
fication in the procedure this test is not considered suitable for a heteroll'!l1eoua mat~rial ouch as grnvel.
JProuedings, Am. Soc, Testin g Mat., Vol. 28, Part I, p. 94

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