ASTM E375-75 (1986)
(Terminology)Definitions of Terms Relating to Resinography (Withdrawn 1992)
Definitions of Terms Relating to Resinography (Withdrawn 1992)
General Information
Standards Content (Sample)
ASTM E375 75 ~ W 0759530 0044852 7 W
~ ~~~ ___~
Designation: E 375 - 75 (Reapproved 1986)
i316 Race Si. Philadelphia. Pa. 19103
Reprinfed from lhe Annual Book of ASTM Standards. Copyrighl ASTM
If not listed in lhe current combined index. will appear in the nexl edition.
Standard Definitions of Terms Relating to
This standard is issued under the fixed designation E 375: the number immediately following the designaiion indicates the
year of original adoption or, in the case of revision. ihe year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last
reapproval. A superscript epsilon (e) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.
aberration-any error that results in image glare from reflecting surfaces is removed by
degradation. Such errors may be chromatic, covering the lens with a polarizing film and
or astigmatic, and can result from turning it to the optimum position. See
design or execution, or both. glare.
aberration, chromatic-a defect in a lens or artifact-a spurious image that does not cor-
respond to the true niicrostructure of the
lens system resulting in different focal
lengths for radiation of different wave- original spccinicn.
lengths. The dispersive power of il single artificial-produced or cffcctcd by man to ini-
positive lens focuses light from the blue end itatc nature; man-niadc.
of the spectrum at a shorter distance than asbestos-o group of fibrous niiiicrals which
light from the red end. An image produced
occur ils vciiis in the massive body of natii-
by such a lens will show color fringes ral hydrous silicates of serpentine or miphi-
bole and have specific heat. fire. and sol-
around the bordcr of the iniagc.
aberration, spherical - the zonal aberration of vent-resistant properties according to spc-
;I Icns referred to an axial point. cics and variety.
adduct - it chcmical addition product. atactic- having an unordered succession of
alloy-a metallic mixture of two or more elc- nionomcr units of the two steric coiifigiira-
nicnts to produce (I) a single phase (solid a polymer is not crystallizable.
tions. Such
solution), (2) two or niore sdid solutions attitude - an ncquirccl predisposition IO re-
(phases) of varied composition aiid distri- spond in a consistent way toward a given
bution, or (3) eutectic or eutectoid niixturc class of objects; il persistent statc of rcadi-
(constant composition of two phases, uni- ness to rcact to 11 certain object or class of
formly distributed). ïhc term alloy is also
ohjccts, not as they are. but as thcy arc
applied to resins, polymers, and plastics. conceived to bc.
adsorption-a physical process in which niole- attribute-any quality or characteristic dc-
cules of gas. of dissolved substances or of scriptivc of a stiiiiulus.
liquids, adhere in an extremely thin layer to behavior-cliaiigcs in properties of ;I sub-
surfaces of solid bodies with which they itre stance with tinic. tcnipcraturc. irradiation
in contact. or iiiiiiiiiiiatioii. humidity. or other cnviroii-
- noncrystalline. devoid of rcgu-
amorphous mental factors.
lar, cohcsivc structure. hrrrriri tirim' - sec trademark.
anisotropic, optically- having visible propcr- centrifugation, equilibrium -il method for dc-
tics which vary with changing dircction teriiiiniiig the distribution of niolccular
through the specimen.
- . - - . __-
antiglare device- an acccssory or method for
I Thew definitions are under thejurisdiction ol'ASThl Com-
reducing the iiitcnsity of rcflccticiii or the
nilitce D-Io on Plasíics and is ihc direci rrsponsihiliiy ol'
amount of nonimage-forming light. Noiiini-
Subconimiitees D20.71 on Rcsinography and D2O.E on Defi-
age-forming light may be reduced by
Curreni edition approved k. 26. 1975. Puhlished March
coating air surfaces of lenses with a low-
1976. Originally published as E 375 - 68. Last previous cdiiion
E 37s - 74.
refractive film. In pliotography especially,
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E 375
than composition at times, especially in the
weights by spinning a solution of the speci-
men at a speed such that the molecules of case of high polymers.
the specimen are not removed from the configuration- the structural makeup of a
solvent but are held at a point where the chemical compound, especially with refer-
(centrifugal) force tending to remove them
ence to the spatial relationship of the con-
is balanced by the dispersive forces caused stituent atoms.
by thermal agitation.
conformation - the morphological disposition
ceramography - the correlation of composi- of a molecule in its environment, for exam-
tion and treatment with properties and be- ple, the coiling of a macromolecular chain
havior, structure, and morphology of ce- in a poor solvent and the uncoiling in a good
ramics of all kinds. solvent.
contrast perception - the ability
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