ASTM E417-75
(Test Method)Method for Colorimetric Determination of Technetium in Aqueous Solutions (Withdrawn 1977)
Method for Colorimetric Determination of Technetium in Aqueous Solutions (Withdrawn 1977)
General Information
Standards Content (Sample)
4~ D•lgnMlon: E 417 - 75
8t11ndard Method for
nil Slalldard le !Ma'!CI undm; tbe med ~on B417; tho 1111111ber lmmedlatlly follawlJll tile dlliaati09 iadic:atel t1ie
Y8I!' of oftalml lldoptioa or, lD the CllC or nmaon, tho JCl1 of 1ul rm.Ion. A •mber ID puentbam lmllcatel tho ,ei.r of
1ul reapproval.
1AU PIMtliod, wAltll liu ~~by E J11, fl Hf"6 ball0tnlpwt1Wrawol by IM~t:a"'rrrtltee.
This method• wu developed for the determination of technetium in 1olution1 of nu
dcar fuel tl!at contain radioactive nuclidcl. The ncod for thil method aroae in laborato
ries of the nuclear m,ergy industry where a 'wide variety of nuclear-fuel 1olution1 con
taining technetium are encountered . The tctrapropylimmoniu!D4thioc:yanate method ia
described for the determination of technetium in aqueous aolutions.
1. Scape thiocyanate complex in chloroform. AD the
technetium in tho mea1ured volume of 1am~
1.1 Thi1 method coven quantitative deter
ia flnt oidcli7.ed to tccbnctiuin (VII) by ba:lic
mination of technetium in known volumes of
hydrQg~n peroxide. Tho alkilinity of the eolu
aquooUI •olu~on1 of nuclear fuel that contain
tion must be between 2.6 and 3.S M for quan
radioactive nuclidca. T- aolution1 are from
titative extraction of the tecl\netium-tetra
the proccaafng of irradiated nuclear fuel and
propyl ammonium ion-a11ociation complex
from the laboratory 1tudie1 on irradiated nu
into the chloroform solvent. To usure com
clear fuel.
pkte extraction and recovery of the techne
l.2 The method 11 described. ia applicable
tium, two extraction• are nece11ary with
to 1olutioo1 that contain a minimum of S 1'11
careful waahin11 of the aqueous phase with
of technetium per 1amplo, but it will detect a1
chlorofo~. Color development ii niade in tho
little u 0.4 µg. At concentrations above 200
chlo~form. pbue with the addition of 1trong
µg/ml, dilutions mu1t be made. The absorb
~nc acid, tetrapropylammoniwn hyd.rox-
ance ia li~r from 1 to 20 1'11 of technetium in
1de, and potl!.l~um thiocyanate. The colored
the final aolu~ion. The method as delcritied is
chlo~form pba1e ii tranaferrcd to a voiu
limited to sample volumea of 2 ml or lea, but
~ctric fluk. After diluting to volume, a por
reagent volumes can be scaled to accommo
tion of the solution i1 placed in a clean .1-cm
date lar11er aample aliquot•.
absorption cell and it1 ab1orbanc:o measured
1.3. Pbotometcn 11.nd photometric practice
agalnat a ~gent blank. The colored complex
prescribed in this method shall conform to
absorbl at ·s13 nm, baa a molar extinction
ASTM Recommended Practice .B 60, for Pho
coefficient of 46,000, and i1 stable fdr aevcral
tometric Methods for ChemiCat Analy1i1 of
houn. The concentration of technetium in the
NOT! I-The valvea 1tatcd in U.S. cvatomary
'Tbla .Uod i9 1111cler the juriidictioa of ASTM
unit••~ to be "'1ardcd a1 the standard. The metric
Committee B-10 OD AppllcatioD1 lllcl Meuurtmmt
!'Quivalent1 of U.S. cultoma,Y uniti may be approx-
of Radi1tloa Bfl'lc:U.
imate. .
C.mat edltloe •JllllO"li ·Ju. 24. 1975. Publilllied
March 1!175 . Orisinll!y plabHllbad u B417 - 70 T Lan
2. Sammuy of Metllod
previou1editionB417 -'10 T. ·
t POiter, Jl. 'E. ~acx:t. W. J., ad Rela, J, B., AIMlyt.
2.1 Thia method ii bued upon the meuurc
inl CTl•lfllalry, A.NCHA, VoU!I, 1!167; v. 3!1.
•A,._, aoot q/ AnJI .,.,., Pait 12.
mcnt of the absorbance of the technetium~
---------------------- Page: 1 ----------------------
4.S Tubl Fumoe1, 1-in. (2S-mm) diameter
sample i1 determined from two comparison
1tandard1 bracketing the unknown and proc capa~ of reaching a temperature of 1112 F
(600 C). The furnace should be fitted with a
euod coQcurrcntly, or from a 1tandard curve.
quartz tube which extends 3 in. (7S mm) be
3. JJarren11ee1
yond both end1 of the fumace.
4.6 Quartz Botit.r, 2 in. (SO mm) long by IA
3.1 Thi1 method ia highly 1pecific for tech
in. (13 mm) wide.
netium. No metal ion interference has been
4.7 Erl111m111r Flmk, l2S ml, fitted with a
found from aluminum, vanadium, cfiromium
(lll), mii.nsane• (11), iron (111), cobalt, nickel, '%. atandard-taper joint.
copper, strontiom, zin:onium, niobium (allo
4.8 R•fla Co"'1.,,8tr, 1traight-tube, frtted
known a1 colwnbium), molybdenum, ruthe with a '% standard taper joint-.
·nium, rhodium, palladium, lilver, cadmium,
s. a . •• Materlall.
tin, antimony, larithanum, tantalum, tung1ton,
S.1 Purity of R10pnt.r-Reap:nt grade
rhenium, platinum, gold, mercury, bi1muth,
chemical• lltall be UICd in all teats. Unleu
thorium, and uranium. Technetium can ~
otherwise indicated, it i1 intended that all ~
succeu(ully determined in solution• of alumi
m.~m-clad uranium fuel, aluminum-uranium al agents .shall conform to the 1pecification1 of
loy fuel, Zircaloy-clad uranium fuel, 1tainle11
the Committee on Analytical Reagents
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