ASTM B145-70
(Specification)Standard Specification for Leaded Red Brass and Leaded Semi-Red Brass Sand Castings (Withdrawn 1972)
Standard Specification for Leaded Red Brass and Leaded Semi-Red Brass Sand Castings (Withdrawn 1972)
General Information
Standards Content (Sample)
Endorsed by
4~f~ Designation: B 145 - 70
American Foundrymen's Society
Manufacturers Standardization Society
of the Valve and Fittings Industry
Standard Specification for
This Standard is issued under the fixed designation B 145; the number immediately following the designation indicates
the year of original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the
year of last reapproval.
1. Scope
4. Chemical Requirements
1.1 This specification covers castings of four 4.1 The castings shall conform to the re
alloys having the ASTM classifications/ alloy
quirements as to chemical composition pre
numbers" and commerical designations and
scribed in Table 2.
nominal compositions shown in Table I.
5. Chemical Analysis
Non I-This specification covers the technical
requirements for copper-base alloy castings and is
5.1 An analysis of each melt may be re
not intended for use for the corresponding alloys
quired at the option of the purchaser. If the
in ingot form which are specified in ASTM Specifi
castings are made from ingot metal in ac
cation B 30, for Copper-Base Alloys in Ingot Form
for Sand Castings.'
cordance with Specification B 30 or returns
Non 2-For castings for valves and fittings, ref
(backstock) of known composition, and if the
erence should be made to ASTM Specification B
foundry practice of the manufacturer is satis
62, f?r Composition Bronze or Ounce Metal Cast
factory to the inspector, and if melting and
Non 3-The values stated in U.S. customary
casting are witnessed by the inspector, he
units are to be regarded as the standard. The metric
may waive further chemical analysis.
equivalents of U.S. customary units may be approxi
5.2 The sample for chemical analysis shall
be taken by drilling or cutting the test cou
2. Ordering Information
pon or sprue in such a manner as to be repre
2.1 Orders for material under this specifica sentative of the entire cross section.
tion shall include the following information:
6. Methods of Chemical Analysis
2.1.1 Alloy number (Section I),
2.1.2 Tests or certification required (Sec
6.1 Analyses, when made, shall be per
tions 5, 8, 10, 16), and formed in accordance with ASTM Methods
2.1.3 Marking, if required (Section 14).
E 54, Chemical Analysis of Special Brasses
and Bronzes.
3. Manufacture
3.1 The alloy may be made by any ap
7. Tensile Properties
proved method. If alloys in ingot form are
7 .1 The material shall conform to the re
used, the alloy ingot selected shall have the
quirements as to tensile properties prescribed
same ASTM classification and alloy number
in Table 3.
as prescribed in this specification and shall
conform to the requirements for that alloy as
' This specification is under the jurisdiction of ASTM
prescribed in Specification B 30. Committee B-5 on Copper and Copper Alloys. A list of
members may be found in the ASTM Yearbook.
3.2 The castings shall be made in accord
Current edition effective Feb. 27, 1970. Originally is
ance with such practice as to obtain the sued 1941. Replaces B 145 - 63.
'Cla~sification B 119, Cast Copper-Base Alloys, which
physical properties prescribed in this specifi
appears tn the Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Part 5.
cation. ·' The alloy numbers are arbitrarily chosen and have no
other significance.
3.3 The castings shall be of uniform qual
'Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Part 5.
ity. 'Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Part 32.
---------------------- Page: 1 ----------------------
B 145
8. Pressure and Fracture Tests
table, an observed value or a calculated
value, shall be rounded off as indicated in ac
8.1 The castings shall conform to such re
cordance with the rounding-off method of
quirements as to pressure and fracture tests
ASTM Recommended Practice E 29 for In
as may be agreed upon by the manufacturer
dicating Which Places of Figures Are to Be
and the purchaser and as specified in the
Considered Significant in Specified Limiting
9. Test Specimens
Rounded-Off Unit for
Observed or
9.1 It is recommended that the test cou
Property Calculated Value
pons and specimens for tension tests be pre
Chemical composition nearest unit in the last
right-hand place of
pared in accordance with ASTM Recom
mended Practice B 208, for Tension Test
Tensile strength nearest IOOO psi (nearest
Yield strength 0.1 kgf/mm')
Specimens for Copper-Base Alloys for Sand
Elongation: S percent and nearest l percent
Castings, except that Fig. I of Recom
mended Practice B 208 is not applicable to
13. Workmanship, Finish, and Appearance
these alloys.
13.1 The castings shall be free from blow
10. Number of Tests
holes, porosity, hard spots, shrinkage defects
I 0.1 Three test coupons shall be poured
or cracks, or other injurious defects and shall
from each melt of metal,
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