Standard Specification for Solid Wall High Density Polyethylene (HDPE) Conduit Based on Controlled Outside Diameter (OD)

1.1 This specification covers material, dimensional, workmanship and performance requirements for polyethylene conduit, duct and innerduct manufactured for use in a non- pressure application with communication, CATV, or power wire and cables.
1.2 HDPE conduit meeting the requirements of this standard shall be made as OD controlled solid wall, with or without internal or external ribs. The sizing shall be Iron Pipe Size (IPS) with noted exceptions in tables. The internal or external surface may contain a coextruded layer provided the finished conduit meets the product requirements of this specification.
1.3 The values stated in inch-pound units are to be regarded as the standard. The values given in parentheses are provided for information purposes only.
1.4 The following precautionary caveat pertains only to the test method portion, Section 6, of this specification. This standard does not purport to address all of the safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appropriate safety and health practices and determine the applicability of regulatory requirements prior to use.

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ASTM F2160-01 - Standard Specification for Solid Wall High Density Polyethylene (HDPE) Conduit Based on Controlled Outside Diameter (OD)
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An American National Standard
Designation: F 2160 – 01
Standard Specification for
Solid Wall High Density Polyethylene (HDPE) Conduit Based
on Controlled Outside Diameter (OD)
This standard is issued under the fixed designation F 2160; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A
superscript epsilon (e) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.
1. Scope D 1505 Test Method for Density of Plastics by the Density-
Gradient Technique
1.1 This specification covers material, dimensional, work-
D 1600 Terminology for Abbreviated Terms Relating to
manship and performance requirements for polyethylene con-
duit, duct and innerduct manufactured for use in a non-
D 1693 Test Method for Environmental Stress-Cracking of
pressure application with communication, CATV, or power
Ethylene Plastics
wire and cables.
D 2122 Test Method for Determining Dimensions of Ther-
1.2 HDPEconduitmeetingtherequirementsofthisstandard
moplastic Pipe and Fittings
shall be made as OD controlled solid wall, with or without
D 2444 Test Method for Impact Resistance of Thermoplas-
internal or external ribs. The sizing shall be Iron Pipe Size
tic Pipe and Fittings by Means of a Tup (Falling Weight)
(IPS) with noted exceptions in tables. The internal or external
D 2837 Test Method for Obtaining Hydrostatic Design
surface may contain a coextruded layer provided the finished
Basis for Thermoplastic Pipe Materials
conduit meets the product requirements of this specification.
D 3350 Specification for Polyethylene Plastics Pipe and
1.3 The values stated in inch-pound units are to be regarded
Fittings Materials
as the standard. The values given in parentheses are provided
D 3485 Specification for Smooth-Wall Coilable Polyethyl-
for information purposes only.
ene (PE) Conduit (Duct) for Preassembled Wire and
1.4 The following precautionary caveat pertains only to the
test method portion, Section 6, of this specification. This
D 4883 Test Method for Density of Polyethylene by the
standard does not purport to address all of the safety concerns,
Ultrasound Technique
if any, associated with its use. It is the responsibility of the user
F 412 Terminology Relating to Plastic Piping Systems
of this standard to establish appropriate safety and health
practices and determine the applicability of regulatory require-
3. Terminology
ments prior to use.
3.1 Definitions—General terms used in this Specification
2. Referenced Documents are as defined in Terminology F 412, and abbreviations are in
accordance with Terminology D 1600, unless otherwise speci-
2.1 ASTM Standards:
D 618 Practice for Conditioning Plastics and Electrical
3.2 Definitions of Terms Specific to This Standard:
Insulating Materials for Testing
2 3.2.1 CATV, n—cable television.
D 638 Test Method for Tensile Properties of Plastics
3.2.2 conduit (duct), n—a tubular raceway for carrying
D 790 TestMethodsforFlexuralPropertiesofUnreinforced
power, communications, or other wires and cables
and Reinforced Plastics and Electrical Insulating Materi-
3.2.3 innerduct, n—a conduit installed inside a conduit.
3.2.4 kink, n—a crease across the conduit where it has
D 792 TestMethodsforDensityandSpecificGravity(Rela-
folded from excessive bending.
tive Density) of Plastics by Displacement
3.2.5 ribs, n—a series of ridges along the inside or outside
D 1238 Test Method for Flow Rates of Thermoplastics by
surface of a conduit.
Extrusion Plastometer
3.2.6 true size, n—denotes the use of a sizing system that
requires a nominal inside diameter to be the equal or greater
This specification is under the jurisdiction ofASTM Committee F17 on Plastic
Piping Systems and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee F17.26 on Olefin Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 08.04
Based Pipe. Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 08.02
Current edition approved Dec. 10, 2001. Published February 2002. Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 10.02
2 6
Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 08.01 Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 08.03
Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.
than the stated nominal size of the conduit (that is, a 1 ⁄4 in. 4.4.2 Colored Conduit—PE material for colored conduit in
conduit has a minimum ID of 1.25 in.). non-UV exposed applications shall be suitably protected
against UV degradation so that conduit may be stored outside
4. Materials
and uncovered for a period of not less than one year.
4.1 Polyethylene Plastics—The PE materials used to make
5. Requirements
conduit under this Specification shall meet or exceed the
following requirements: 5.1 Workmanship—Each layer of the conduit shall be ho-
mogeneous throughout and essentially uniform in color, opac-
4.1.1 Compound—PE resin compounds shall be classified
in accordance with Specification D 3350 and Table 1. ity, density and other properties. The inside and outside
surfaces shall be free of visible cracks, holes, blisters, voids,
4.1.2 Rework Material—Clean polyethylene compound
from the manufacturers own production may be re-extruded foreign inclusions, or other deleterious defects.
5.2 Dimensions and Tolerances:
into conduit, either alone or blended with virgin compound.
Conduit containing the rework material shall meet all the 5.2.1 Outside Diameters—The outside diameters and toler-
ances shall be as shown in Table 2 for IPS sizes, Table 3 for
material and product requirements of this specification.
Schedules 40 and 80 and Table 4 for “true” sizing, when
4.1.3 Material Physical Properties: Density—Density values shall be determined by measured in accordance with Test Method D 2122.
5.2.2 Wall Thickness—The wall thicknesses and tolerances
Test Methods D 792, D 1505, or D 4883. Melt Index—A melt index of up to 0.55 grams/10 shall be as shown in Tables 5-7 for IPS sizes, Table 8 for
Schedule 40,Table 9 for Schedule 80, andTables 10 and 11 for
minutes as per Test Method D 1238 Condition 190/2.16 is
allowable provided that all other material requirements speci- “True-sized” PE conduit when measured in accordance with
Test Method D 2122.
fied in Table 1 are met. Slow Crack Growth—An ESCR as per Test Method 5.2.3 Special Sizes—When mutually agreeable between the
manufacturer and the purchaser, other sizes and wall thick-
D 1693, condition B, 10 % Igepal requirement of F10 > 96 h is
allowable provided that all other material requirements in nesses shall be acceptable. The tolerance on outside diameter
shall be 6 0.5 percent of the nominal outside diameter. The
Table 1 are met.
4.2 Coextruded Layer—Any material used as a coextruded lowest permissible wall thickness for any conduit outside
diameter shall be 0.062 in. (1.57 mm). For wall thicknesses not
layer on the inside or outside surface of the PE conduit shall
adhere to the surface of the PE and shall not delaminate in listed, the tolerances shall be the same percentage of the
calculated minimum wall thickness as the closest listed mini-
normal use. It shall not degrade or lower the performance of
the PE conduit. mum wall thickness.
5.2.4 Ribbed Conduit—Conduit shall be permitted to con-
4.3 Aerial Applications—PE material for black conduit in
long-term above ground applications, such as aerial suspen- tain either (a) spiral or oscillating spiral HDPE ribs inside of
the conduit or (b) longitudinal ribs on the inside and/or outside
sion, shall be stabilized with a minimum of 2 % by weight
carbon black having an average particle size less than or equal of the conduit. The inside diameter of the conduit relative to
to 20 nanometers. this specification shall be measured between the ribs. For
internally ribbed conduit, the manufacturer shall provide the
4.4 Outdoor Storage Stability:
4.4.1 Black Conduit—PE material for black conduit in maximum inside diameter and tolerance that can be circum-
scribed within the internal rib projections. For externally
non-UV exposed applications shall be stabilized with a mini-
mum of 2 % by weight carbon black in accordance with ribbed conduit, the manufacturer shall provide the minimum
outside diameter and tolerance that circumscribes the external
Specification D 3350.
rib projections.
NOTE 1—Acceptable cell for Color and UV resistance properties in
5.2.5 Friction Reduction—Internal lubrication or a coex-
Table 1 may be achieved by utilizing a precompounded material or by
truded layer on the inner wall of conduit for reducing frictional
blending a base natural material with a color concentrate.
TABLE 2 Outside Diameter and Tolerance for PE Conduit, IPS
TABLE 1 D 3350 Cell Classification Material Requirement for PE
Outside Diameter Tolerance
Size, in.
in. (mm) in. (mm)
Properties Acceptable Cell
Test Method
⁄2 0.840 (21.34) 6 0.004 (6 0.11)
Density D 1505, D 792, 3 ⁄4 1.050 (26.67) 6 0.005 (6 0.13)
1 1.315 (33.40) 6 0.007 (6 0.17)
or D 4883
Melt index (190/2.16) D 1238 3 or 4 or 2 in accordance 1 ⁄4 1.660 (42.16) 6 0.008 (6 0.21)
1 ⁄2 1.900 (48.26) 6 0.010 (6 0.24)
Flexural modulus D 790 4 or 5 2 2.375 (60.33) 6 0.012 (6 0.30)
2 ⁄2 2.875 (73.03) 6 0.014 (6 0.37)
Tensile strength D 638 4 or 5
Slow crack growth resistance D 1693 3 or 4 or 7 in accordance 3 3.500 (88.90) 6 0.018 (6 0.44)
with 4 4.500 (114.30) 6 0.023 (6 0.57)
Hydrostatic design basis D 2837 0, 1, 2, 3, or 4 5 5.563 (141.30) 6 0.028 (6 0.71)
Color and UV resistance D 3350 C in accordance 6 6.625 (168.28) 6 0.033 (6 0.84)
with 4.3 or 4.4.1, 8 8.625 (219.08) 6 0.043 (6 1.10)
or E in accordance 10 10.750 (273.05) 6 0.054 (6 1.37)
with 4.4.2 12 12.750 (323.85) 6 0.064 (6 1.62)
TABLE 3 Outside Diameter and Tolerance for PE Conduit, TABLE 6 Minimum Wall Thickness and Tolerance for DR 11 PE
Schedule 40 and 80 Conduit, IPS
Outside Diameter Tolerance Minimum Wall
Nominal Dimension
Size, in.
in. (mm) in. (mm)
Size, in. Ratio (DR)
in. (mm) in. (mm)
⁄2 0.840 (21.34) 6 0.004 (6 0.11)
3 1
⁄4 1.050 (26.67) 6 0.005 (6 0.13) ⁄2 11 0.076 (1.93) +0.020 (+0.51)
⁄4 11 0.095 (2.41) +0.020 (+0.51)
1 1.315 (33.40) 6 0.007 (6 0.17)
1 ⁄4 1.660 (42.16) 6 0.008 (6 0.21) 1 11 0.120 (3.05) +0.020 (+0.51)
1 1
1 ⁄2 1.900 (48.26) 6 0.010 (6 0.24) 1 ⁄4 11 0.151 (3.84) +0.020 (+0.51)
2 2.375 (60.33) 6 0.012 (6 0.30) 1 ⁄2 11 0.173 (4.39) +0.021 (+0.53)
2 ⁄2 2.875 (73.03) 6 0.014 (6 0.37) 2 11 0.216 (5.49) +0.026 (+0.66)
3 3.500 (88.90) 6 0.018 (6 0.44) 2 ⁄2 11 0.261 (6.64) +0.031 (+0.80)
4 4.500 (114.30) 6 0.023 (6 0.57) 3 11 0.318 (8.08) +0.038 (+0.97)
5 5.563 (141.30) 6 0.028 (6 0.71) 4 11 0.409 (10.39) +0.049 (+1.24)
6 6.625 (168.28) 6 0.033 (6 0.84) 5 11 0.506 (12.85) +0.061 (+1.54)
6 11 0.602 (15.29) +0.072 (+1.83)
8 8.625 (219.08) 6 0.043 (6 1.10)
10 10.750 (273.05) 6 0.054 (6 1.37) 8 11 0.784 (19.91) +0.094 (+2.39)
12 12.750 (323.85) 6 0.064 (6 1.62) 10 11 0.977 (24.82) +0.117 (+2.98)
12 11 1.159 (29.44) +0.139 (+3.53)
TABLE 4 Outside Diameter and Tolerance for DR 9 and DR11
TABLE 7 Minimum Wall Thickness and Tolerance for DR 9 PE
“True Sized” PE Conduit
Conduit, IPS
Minimum ID Outside Diameter OD Tolerance
Minimum Wall
Size, in.
in. (mm) in. (mm) in. (mm) Tolerance
Nominal Dimension
Size, in. Ratio (DR)
13 mm 0.512 13.00 0.659 16.74 6 0.003 6 0.08
in. (mm) in. (mm)
⁄4 0.750 19.05 0.951 24.16 6 0.005 6 0.13
1 1.000 25.40 1.259 31.98 6 0.006 6 0.15 ⁄2 9 0.093 (2.36) +0.020 (+0.51)
1 3
1 ⁄8 1.125 28.58 1.412 35.86 6 0.007 6 0.18 ⁄4 9 0.117 (2.97) +0.020 (+0.51)
1 ⁄4 1.250 31.75 1.569 39.85 6 0.008 6 0.20 1 9 0.146 (3.71) +0.020 (+0.51)
3 1
1 ⁄8 1.375 34.93 1.726 43.84 6 0.009 6 0.23 1 ⁄4 9 0.184 (4.67) +0.022 (+0.56)
1 1
1 ⁄2 9 0.211 (5.36) +0.025 (+0.64)
1 ⁄2 1.500 38.10 1.883 47.83 6 0.009 6 0.23
2 2.000 50.80 2.510 63.75 6 0.013 6 0.33 2 9 0.264 (6.71) +0.032 (+0.81)
2 ⁄2 9 0.319 (8.11) +0.038 (+0.97)
3 9 0.389 (9.88) +0.047 (+1.19)
4 9 0.500 (12.70) +0.060 (+1.52)
TABLE 5 Minimum Wall Thickness and Tolerance for DR 13.5 PE
5 9 0.618 (15.70) +0.074 (+1.88)
Conduit, IPS
6 9 0.736 (18.69) +0.088 (+2.24)
8 9 0.958 (24.33) +0.115 (+2.92)
Minimum Wall
10 9 1.194 (30.34) +0.143 (+3.64)
Nominal Dimension
12 9 1.417 (35.98) +0.170 (+4.32)
Size, in. Ratio (DR)
in. (mm) in. (mm)
⁄2 13.5 0.062 (1.57) +0.020 (+0.51)
⁄4 13.5 0.078 (1.98) +0.020 (+0.51)
TABLE 8 Minimum Wall Thickness and Tolerance for Schedule
1 13.5 0.097 (2.46) +0.020 (+0.51)
40 PE Conduit, IPS
1 ⁄4 13.5 0.123 (3.12) +0.020 (+0.51)
1 ⁄2 13.5 0.141 (3.58) +0.020 (+0.51) Minimum Wall
Nominal Dimension
2 13.5 0.176 (4.47) +0.021 (+0.53)
Size, in. Ratio (DR)
2 ⁄2 13.5 0.213 (5.41) +0.026 (+0.65)
in. (mm) in. (mm)
3 13.5 0.259 (6.58) +0.031 (+0.79)
⁄2 40 0.109 (2.77) +0.020 (+0.51)
4 13.5 0.333 (8.46) +0.040 (+1.02)
5 13.5 0.412 (10.47) +0.049 (+1.26) ⁄4 40 0.113 (2.87) +0.020 (+0.51)
1 40 0.133 (3.38) +0.020 (+0.51)
6 13.5 0.491 (12.47) +0.059 (+1.50)
8 13.5 0.639 (16.23) +0.077 (+1.96) 1 ⁄4 40 0.140 (3.56) +0.020 (+0.51)
10 13.5 0.796 (20.23) +0.096 (+2.43) 1 ⁄2 40 0.145 (3.68) +0.020 (+0.51)
12 13.5 0.944 (23.99) +0.113 (+2.88) 2 40 0.154 (3.91) +0.020 (+0.51)
2 ⁄2 40 0.203 (5.16) +0.024 (+0.61)
3 40 0.216 (5.49) +0.026 (+0.66)
4 40 0.237 (6.02) +0.028 (+0.71)
5 40 0.258 (6.55) +0.031 (+0.79)
6 40 0.280 (7.11) +0.034 (+0.86)
resistance shall be permitted. Lubrication materials shall be
8 40 0.322 (8.18) +0.039 (+0.99)
compatible with the conduit and any cable jacketing.
10 40 0.365 (9.27) +0.044 (+1.12)
12 40 0.406 (10.31) +0.049 (+1.24)
5.2.6 Toe-In—When measured in accordance with 5.2.1, the
outside diameter at the cut end of the conduit shall not be more
than 1.5 % smaller than the outside diameter per 5.2.1. Outside
diameter measurement shall be made no closer than 1.5 pipe
through 3 in. IPS shall not exceed 10 % when measured in
diameters or 11.8 in. (300 mm), whichever distance is less,
accordance with 6.4. Kinks in a coil shall not be acceptable.
from the cut end of the conduit.
NOTE 2— Deformations due to packaging requirements, when within
5.2.7 Ovality—The ovality (cross section) of 2 in. IPS and
five (5) ft. of the ends of coiled products, should not be considered.
smaller conduit shall not exceed 7 % when measured in
Conduit with deformation as noted above should not be utilized.
accordance with 6.4. Coiled conduit larger than 2 in. IPS NOTE 3—Ovality is a packaging condition that occurs when roundable
TABLE 9 Minimum Wall Thickness and Toleran

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