Specification for Perforated Homogeneous Bituminized Fiber Pipe for Airport and Highway Drainage (Withdrawn 1990)

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ASTM D2818-79(1983) - Specification for Perforated Homogeneous Bituminized Fiber Pipe for Airport and Highway Drainage (Withdrawn 1990)
English language
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I ASTM DE'BLB 77 W 0759530 flfl?347A A = -- -
Designation: D 2818 - 79 (Res
Standard Specification for
This standard is issued under the fixed designafionIl 281s; the number immediately following fhe designationindicates the
year of original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last rev¡sion.-Anumber in parentheses indicates the year of last
reapproval. A superscript epsilon (e) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.
4. Chemical and Physical Requirements
1. scope
4.1 Chemical Resistance-The specimen
1.1 This specification covers homogeneous
shall show no evidence of chemical reaction or
perforated bituminized fiber pipe, couplings,
deterioration of impregnant.
joints, and fittings used in subsurface airport,
4.2 Water Absorption-The maximum water
highway, and similar drainage.
absorption shall be 2 % of the original weight,
1.2 The values stated in SI units are to be
regarded as the standard. calculated to the nearest 0.1 %.
4.3 Kerosine Resistance-Specimens shaU
2. Applicable Document
meet the dry crushing strength requirements
specified in Table 1.
2. í ASTMStandard
4.4 Heat Resistance-The heat shall not
D 23 14 Methods of Testing Homogeneous Bi-
cause a weight loss over 1 % in the specimen
tuminized Fiber Pipe'
due to exudation of the impregnant.
3. Materials and, Manufacture
4.5 Resistance to Flartening-The decrease
in diameter shall be not more than 3 %.
3.1 Pipe shall be composed of a reinforcing
4.6 Crushing Strengths-The requirements
interwoven fibrous structure thoroughly im-
for dry and wet crushing strengths are given in
pregnated with a durable bituminous com-
Table 1.
pound. The wall of the pipe shall be without
seams or laminations and the bore shall have
5. Dimensions
a smooth surface free from obstructions and
5.1 Dimensions of pipes, couplings, and
rough, flaky areas. Couplings and fittings shall
joints of the specified nominal sizes are shown
be of the same material as the pipe or of a
in Tables 3 and 4 and in Figs. 1 and 2. For a
material having equal or better physical and
given pipe size, the inside diameter and wall-
chemical characteristics.
thickness dimensions of Types TJ and BJ are
3.2 Joint Systems-The pipe is furnished in
the same.
two joint systems as follows:
5.2 Bore-The bore of a pipe shall be
3.2.1 Type TJ has tapered male ends on the
straight and circular in cross section, as deter-
pipe and tapered female couplings to match.
mined by the unobstructed passage of a 1-m
The tapers shall be accurately machined or
(40-in.) long mandrel 6.4 mm (Y4 in.) smaller
molded. A coupling shall be provided for each
length of pipe and for each fitting. The slope of
'This specification is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Com-
ail tapers shall be 2 deg (4 deg included angle)
mittee D8 on Roofing, Waterproofing, and Bituminous Mate
(see Fig. 1).
rials and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee W8.16 on
3.2.2 Type BJ has squarely cut ends on both Bituminized Fiber Pipe.
Current edition approved Dec. 28,1979. Published February
pipe and fittings. An intemal-insertion cou-
pling shall be provided for each length of pipe
D 2818 - 74.
Anniral Book of ASTM Sfandards, Vol 04.04.
and for each fitting (see Fig. 2).

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.O7575110 0027377 T
D 2818
than nominal diameter of the pipe. 8. Inspection
5.3 Length-Overall lengfh of the pipe shall
8.1 Inspection of the material shaU be agreed
be 1.5, 2.4, or 3.0 m (5, 8, or 10 ft), depending
upon between the purchaser and the supplier
on manufacturer's standard practice. A toler-
as part of the purchase contract.
ance of f25 mm (I 1 in.) shall be permitted.
Up to 20 % shorter lengths than the manufac- 9. Rejection and Rehearing
turer's standard may be suppled, but no length
9.1 Material that fails to conform to the
shorter than 1.2 m (4 ft) shall be furnished.
requirements of this specification may be re-
5.4 Pegoraïians-The perforations shall be
jected, Rejection should be reported to the
circular in shape and arranged in parallel rows
producer or supplier promptly and in writing.
along the axis of the pipe. They shall be 7.9 I:
In case of dissatisfaction with the results of the
1.6 mm (%6 f %is in.) in diameter and spaced
test, the producer or supplier may make claim
approximately 76 mm (3 in.) center to center
for a rehearing.
along the rows. The rows of perforations shall
9.2 If 20 % or less of the test spechens fail
be arranged in two equal groups placed sym-
to meet any of the test rquirements, then the
metrically on each side of a lower segment
supplier will be allowed to retest on two addi-
corresponding to the flow be of the pipe. Pipe
tional specimens for each specimen that fail

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