ASTM A665-84
(Specification)Specification for Flat-Rolled, Grain-Oriented, Silicon-Iron, Electrical Steel, Fully Processed, Types 23G048, 27G053, 30G058, and 35G066 (Withdrawn 1987)
Specification for Flat-Rolled, Grain-Oriented, Silicon-Iron, Electrical Steel, Fully Processed, Types 23G048, 27G053, 30G058, and 35G066 (Withdrawn 1987)
General Information
Standards Content (Sample)
9009276 000380L T22
Designation: A 665 - 84
1916 Race St. Philacidphia. Pa. 19103
Reprinted from the Annual Book of ASIM Standards, Copyright ASTM
If not listed in the current combinad index, will appear in the next dition.
Standard Specification for
27G053, 306058, AND 356066'
This standard is issued under the hed designation A 665; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revison, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reappmval.
A supemctipt cpdon (e) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.
1. scope
A 7 19 Test Method for Lamination Factor of
Magnetic Materials2
1. i This specification covers detailed require-
A 721 Test Method for Ductility of Oriented
ments to which specified grades of flat-rolled,
Electrical Sheet Steel'
grain-oriented, fully processed electrical steels
shall conform. These steels are used primarily in
3. TermiWlogy
transformer cores operating near 15 kG at com-
3.1 The terns and symbols used in this spec-
mercial power frequencies (50 and 60 %).
ification are defined in Definitions A 340.
1.2 These grain-oriented electrical steels are
low-carbon, silicon-iron alloys with a silicon con-
4. Classification
tent of approximately 3.15 % in which the low
4.1 The ASTM core loss type designations for
core loss and high permeability in the direction
the electrical steels covered by this specification
of rolling have been achieved by appropriate
are listed in Table 1.
metallurgical processing
NOTE 1-A complete metric companion to Specifi- 5. Condition
cation A 665 has been developed-A 665 M; therefore,
5.1 The grain-oriented electrid steels speci-
no metric equivalents are shown in this specification.
fied herein may be purchased in one of the
2. Applicable Documents following conditions (which are combinations of
material form and surface type or treatment) as
2.1 ASTM Standards:
desired for the expected end use:
A34 Practice for Procurement Testing, and
5.1.1 Condition NF-An annealed coil form
Sampling of Magnetic Materials2
having an inorganic surface coating, AIS1 Type
A 340 Definition of Terms, Symbols, and Con-
C-2, developed during the high-temperature coil
version Factors Relating to Magnetic
anneai. This material is not flattened and so
exhibits appreciable coil curvature. The principal
A 343 Test Methods for Aiternating-Current
application is in spirally wound or formed cores
Magnetic Properties of Materiais at Power
where the strip curvature is not detrimental to
Frequencies Using Wattmeter-Ammeter-
fabricating procedures or device performance.
Voltmeter Method and 25-cm Epstein Test
' This specification is under the jurisdiction of Committee
A 700 Practices for Packaging, Marking, and A4 on Magnetic Properties and is the direct responsibility of
Subcommittee AM. I2 on Materiais Specifications.
Loading Methods for Domestic Shipment3
Sept. 28, 1984. Published km-
Current edition approved
A 7 17 Test Method for Surface Insulation Re-
ber 1984. Originally published as A 665 - 72. Last previous
edition A 665 - 75 (1979).
sistivity of Single-Strip Specimens2
'Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 03.04.
A 7 18 Test Method for Surface Insulation of
'Annual Book ofASTMStandards, Voi01.01,01.03,01.04,
and 01.05.
Multi-Strip Specimens2
---------------------- Page: 1 ----------------------
A 665
5.1.2 Condition F2-Thermally flattened elements at a minimum. When requested, the
sheet or coiled strip, otherwise the same as the manufacturer shall provide a statement of chem-
NF condition. The principal application is in flat ical composition typical of the material being
sheared laminations for stacked cores in small supplied.
sizes where the surface insulation resistance of 7.2 These electrical steels may be made by the
the inherent C-2 coating is adequate. open-hearth, basic-oxygen, or electric-hrnace
5.1.3 Condition FS-Thermally flattened process.
7.3 When changes in the manufacture of suc-
sheet or coiled strip, otherwise the same as the
cessive shipments of the material are believed to
F2 condition but with an inorganic coating, AISI
Type C-5, applied over the inherent C-2 coating increase the likelihood of adverse effects upon
to provide extra surface insulation resistance. the magnetic performance or fabrication for the
specified end use, the manufacturer shali notify
The principal application is in flat sheared lami-
the purchaser before shipment is made so that he
nations for cores of power transformers.
5.1.4 Condition PQ-Thermally flattened can be afforded an opportunity to evaluate the
sheet or coiled strip (sometimes called "punching effects.
quality") with the inherent C-2 coating removed
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