ASTM F1794-97
(Specification)Standard Specification for Hand-Operated, Globe-Style Valves for Gas (Except Oxygen Gas), and Hydraulic Systems
Standard Specification for Hand-Operated, Globe-Style Valves for Gas (Except Oxygen Gas), and Hydraulic Systems
1.1 This specification covers the design, construction, testing, and operating requirements for hand operated, quick-change cartridge trim, in-line body and angle-body, globe style valves for use in gas (except oxygen gas), and hydraulic systems. These valves may be used for on-off, and/or throttling applications.
1.2 The values stated in this specification in inch-pounds units are to be regarded as the standard. The SI equivalent shown in parenthesis are provided for information only.
General Information
Standards Content (Sample)
NOTICE: This standard has either been superseded and replaced by a new version or withdrawn.
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An American National Standard
Designation: F 1794 – 97
Standard Specification for
Hand-Operated, Globe-Style Valves for Gas (Except Oxygen
Gas), and Hydraulic Systems
This standard is issued under the fixed designation F 1794; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A
superscript epsilon (e) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.
1. Scope Naval Sea Systems Command (NAVSEA):
NAVSEA 803-1385884 Unions, Fittings and Adapters Butt
1.1 This specification covers the design, construction, test-
and Socket Welding 6000 PSI, WOG, NPS
ing, and operating requirements for hand operated, quick-
NAVSEA 803-1385943 Unions, Silver Brazing 3000 PSI,
change cartridge trim, in-line body and angle-body, globe style
WOG, NPS, for UT Inspection
valves for use in gas (except oxygen gas), and hydraulic
NAVSEA 803-1385946 Unions, Bronze Silver Brazing,
systems. These valves may be used for on-off, and/or throttling
WOG for UT Inspection
1.2 The values stated in this specification in inch-pounds
3. Terminology
units are to be regarded as the standard. The SI equivalent
3.1 Definitions:
shown in parenthesis are provided for information only.
3.1.1 bubble-tight—no visible leakage over a 3-min period
2. Referenced Documents using either water submersion or the application of bubble fluid
for detection.
2.1 ASTM Standards:
3.1.2 external leakage—leakage from the valve which es-
F 992 Specification for Valve Label Plates
capes to atmosphere.
2.2 American National Standards Institute (ANSI):
3.1.3 flow capacity—the ability of a valve to pass flow
B1.1 Unified Screw Threads (UN and UNR Thread Form)
under any given set of pressure conditions. The flow capacity
B1.20.1 Pipe Threads, General Purpose (Inch)
of a valve is directly related to its Flow Coefficient (C ). The
B16.11 Forged Steel Fittings, Socket-Welding and
Flow coefficient is the quantity of water passing through a
valve, expressed in gallons/minute (litres/minute), when 1 psi
B16.25 Buttwelding Ends
(6.895 kPa) pressure drop at 60°F (16°C) is applied across the
B16.34 Valves—Flanged, Threaded, and Welded End
2.3 Military Standards and Specifications:
3.1.4 globe-style valves—a basic control valve type which
MIL-STD-167-1 Mechanical Vibrations of Shipboard
gets its name from the globular shape of its body with an
Equipment (Type I—Environmental and Type II—
internal bridgewall construction. It normally uses a basic rising
Internally Excited)
stem/plug for the closure member.
MIL-STD-740-1 Airborne Noise Measurements and Accep-
3.1.5 hydrostatic shell test pressures—The hydrostatic test
tance Criteria of Shipboard Equipment
pressures that the valve is required to withstand without
MIL-S-901 Shock Tests, H.I. (High-Impact); Shipboard
damage. Valve operation is not required during application of
Machinery, Equipment and Systems, Requirements for
shell test pressure, but the valve must meet all performance
MIL-F-1183 Fittings, Pipe, Cast Bronze, Silver-Brazing,
requirements after the shell test pressure has been removed.
General Specification for
3.1.6 internal leakage—leakage from higher pressure to
2.4 Government Drawings:
lower pressure portions of the valve.
3.1.7 operating pressures—the pressures within the valve
This specification is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee F25 on Ships
during service.
and Marine Technology and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee F25.11 on
3.1.8 pressure ratings—the pressure ratings of the valve
Machinery and Piping Systems.
shall be as defined in the documents listed in Table 1. The
Current edition approved April 10, 1997. Published August 1997.
pressure ratings (also called pressure-temperature ratings)
Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 01.07.
Available from American National Standards Institute, 25 W. 43rd St., 4th
establish the maximum allowable working (service) pressures
Floor, New York, NY 10036.
of a component (valve, end connections, and so forth) at
Available from Standardization Documents Oder Desk, Bldg. 4 Section D, 700
various temperatures.
Robbins Ave., Philadelphia, PA 19111-5094, Attn: NPODS.
Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.
TABLE 1 End Connections and Pressure Ratings for Valves
5.1.6 Valve end connections (see 4.1.5),
Applicable Documents for 5.1.7 Line medium.
Type of End
Pressure Rating Dimensional Details of End
5.1.8 Temperature of line medium.
5.1.9 Supplementary requirements, if any (see S1 through
Butt-welded ANSI B16.34 Class 150, ANSI B16.25
300, 400, 600, 900, 1500,
5.1.10 Maximum vibration frequency and displacement am-
2500, or 4500
Socket-welded ANSI B16.34 Class 150, ANSI B16.11
plitude, if other than specified (see S1.4).
300, 400, 600, 900, 1500,
5.1.11 Maximum permissible noise level, if other than
2500, or 4500
specified (see S1.5).
Threaded ANSI B16.34 Class 150, ANSI B1.20.1 and ANSI
(tTapered pipe 300, 400, 600, 900, 1500, B16.11
thread) or 2500 6. Valve Construction
Union-end, MIL-F-1183 (O-ring type) MIL-F-1183 (O-ring type)
2 2
6.1 Valves shall incorporate the design features specified in
Silver-brazed 400 lb/in. (2.758 MPa) 400 lb/in. (2.758 MPa)
A 2 2
Union-end, 803-1385946 1500 lb/in. 803-1385946 1500 lb/in.
6.1 through 6.17.
Silver-brazed (10.342 MPa) (10.342 MPa)
6.1.1 General Requirements:
A 2 2
Union-end, 803-1385943 3000 lb/in. 803-1385943 3000 lb/in. Valves furnished under this specification shall be
Silver-brazed (20.684 MPa) (20.684 MPa)
A 2 2
Union-end, 803-1385884 6000 lb/in. 803-1385884 6000 lb/in.
soft-seated, globe style valves using a cartridge in which all
Butt/socket weld (41.369 MPa) (41.369 MPa)
working parts including the seat are removable as an assembly.
Other, as specified As specified As specified
6.1.2 Materials of Construction—Material requirements for
For union inlet and outlet end connections, only the pertinent dimensions listed
these valves shall be as follows: The pressure containing
in the applicable documents (Military Specification or NAVSEA Requirements)
shall apply. The valve shall be supplied with the thread-pieces only, without the
envelope shall be 300 series corrosion-resistant steel, Nickel-
tail-pieces and union-nuts.
Copper (70-30), Nickel-Aluminum-Bronze, or Bronze. Internal
parts in contact with the line media shall be 300 series
3.1.9 quick-change cartridge trim—a construction which corrosion-resistant steel, Nickel-Copper (70-30), Copper-
facilitates rapid and reliable seat-ring/seat removal and replace-
Nickel (70-30), Bronze, Nickel-Aluminum-Bronze, or Naval
ment by retaining the seat-ring/seat in the valve cartridge, as Brass. Other materials not listed above may be selected to
opposed to a seat-ring which is threaded, welded, brazed, or
assure compatibility with the line medium, weldability, and to
made integral with the valve body. provide corrosion resistance without requiring painting, coat-
3.1.10 seat tightness—the ability of a valve to prevent ing, or plating. Materials for contacting parts shall be selected
internal leakage from the valve-inlet to the valve-outlet. to minimize electrolytic corrosion and galling.
6.1.3 Soft-seating Insert—A soft-seating (non-metallic) in-
4. Classification
sert, if applicable, shall be field replaceable and incorporated in
4.1 Valves shall be of the following types, styles, sizes, the valve plug. Soft-seating inserts shall be protected from
pressure ratings, and end connections, as specified in Section 5. direct flow impingement, excessive loading and extrusion, or
4.1.1 Types—Valves shall have either Type I (angle body any other effect jeopardizing their useful life. Soft-seating
construction), or Type II (inline body construction). inserts shall be of the simplest practical configuration to
4.1.2 Styles—Valves shall be either Style I (shut-off valves), facilitate emergency replacement manufacture where neces-
or Style 2 (throttling valves). sary.
1 1
4.1.3 Sizes—Valve sizes shall be ⁄8 NPS (10.2 mm), ⁄4 NPS 6.1.4 Pressure Envelope—The valve shall be designed to
3 1 3
(13.5 mm), ⁄8 NPS (17.2 mm), ⁄2 NPS (21.3 mm), ⁄4 NPS pass a hydrostatic shell test at a pressure of at least 1.5 times
1 1
(26.9 mm), 1 NPS (33.7 mm), 1 ⁄4 NPS (42.4 mm), 1 ⁄2 NPS the 100°F (38°C) pressure rating of the valve without any
(48.3 mm), and 2 NPS (60.3 mm). damage.
4.1.4 Pressure Ratings—Valves shall have a pressure rating 6.1.5 Threads—Threads shall be as specified in ANSI B1.1.
selected from those listed in Table 1 and specified in Section 5. Where necessary, provisions shall be incorporated to prevent
The inlet and outlet pressure ratings of the valve shall be the accidental loosening of threaded parts. The design shall be
identical for any given valve.
such that standard wrenches can be used on all external bolting.
4.1.5 End Connections—Valves shall have end connections Lock-wire shall not be used. Any exposed threads shall be
selected from those listed in Table 1 and specified in Section 5. protected by plastic caps for shipping.
The inlet and outlet end connections of the valve shall be 6.1.6 Accessability—All internal parts of the valve shall be
identical for any given valve. accessible for adjustment or service, without removing the
valve body from the line.
5. Ordering Information
6.1.7 Interchangeability—The valve, including all associ-
5.1 Ordering documentation for valves under this specifica- ated piece parts, shall have part number identity, and shall be
tion shall include the following information, as required to replaceable from stock or the manufacturer on a nonselective
describe the equipment adequately. and random basis. Parts having the same manufacturer’s part
5.1.1 ASTM designation and year of issue, number shall be directly interchangeable with each other with
5.1.2 Valve type (see 4.1.1), respect to installation (physical) and performance (function).
5.1.3 Valve style (see 4.1.2), Physically interchangeable assemblies, components and parts
5.1.4 Valve size (see 4.1.3), are those which are capable of being readily installed, removed
5.1.5 Valve pressure rating (see 4.1.4), or replaced without alteration, misalignment or damage to parts
being installed or to adjoining parts. Fabrication operations
such as cutting, filing, drilling, reaming, hammering, bending,
prying or forcing shall not be required.
6.1.8 Nonmetallic Element Interchangeability—
Nonmetallic elements, including but not limited to, seat rings,
soft-seating inserts, cushions, and O-rings shall be treated as
separately identified and readily replaceable parts.
6.1.9 Maintainability—Valve maintenance shall require
standard tools to the maximum extent possible. Any special
tools required for maintenance shall be identified, and shall be
supplied with the valve.
6.1.10 Reversibility—Seat inserts shall not be physically
reversible unless they are also functionally reversible to
preclude incorrect assembly.
6.1.11 Adjustments—There shall be no adjustments required
in the valve during or after assembly.
6.1.12 Bidirectional Operation and Bubbletight Shut-
off—The valve shall be capable of operation and bubbletight
shut-off with a differential pressure equal to the rated pressure
applied across the valve in either direction of flow.
6.1.13 Guiding—The valve poppet shall be guided to pre-
FIG. 1 Angle Body
vent binding or seizing, and to ensure proper seating, under all
operating conditions. Proper alignment of all internal operating
parts shall be maintained with interchangeable parts and under
all tolerance stack-up conditions.
6.1.14 Valve Operating Force—The maximum permissible
total tangential force required on the handwheel/handle for
operating, or seating/unseating the valve shall not exceed 50 lb
(222 N), when the valve is subjected to a differential pressure
equal to the rated pressure applied across the valve in either
direction of flow.
6.1.15 Pressurization Rate—To prevent the possibility of
auto-ignition, the valve shall be capable of being operated to
limit the rate of downstream pressure buildup in a depressur-
ized volume (with the rated pressure upstream) to 200 psi
(1380 kPa) per second. Downstream volumes for this pressur-
ization rate shall be taken as 10 pipe diameters.
6.1.16 Operation—The valve shall close by a clockwise
rotation of handwheel/handle when viewed from directly over
the handwheel/handle.
6.1.17 Envelope Dimensions—For union-end valves only,
the overall envelope dimensions shall be as shown in Fig. 1
(angle body construction) or Fig. 2 (iInline body construction),
as applicable; and Table 2.
FIG. 2 Inline Body
7. Performance
8. Tests Required
7.1 Valves shall meet the performance requirements of
8.1 Each valve shall pass the tests outlined in 8.1.1-8.1.4.
7.1.1 Flow Capacity—The flow capacity of the valve,
8.1.1 Visual Examination—The valve shall be examined
expressed in terms of (C ) shall be equal or greater than the
visually to determine conformance with the ordering data, and
values shown in Table 3.
workmanship without disassembly.
7.1.2 Seat Tightness—Valve shall be bubbletight at its 1.1 8.1.2 Hydrostatic Shell Test—The valve shall be hydrostati-
times the 100°F (38°C) pressure rating in both directions when
cally tested with water by applying test pressures equal to 1.5
closed with a handwheel/handle force not exceeding that times the 100°F (38°C) pressure rating to the inlet and outlet
specified in 6.1.14 (or the manufacturer’s published recom-
ports (with the valve in the open position) to check the
mendations, when less). structural integrity of the valve. Pressure shall be applied for
7.1.3 External Leakage—Valve external leakage shall be three minutes. Air or nitrogen may be used in lieu of water,
bubbletight at its 100°F (38°C) pressure rating. providing appropriate safety precautions are taken to minimize
TABLE 2 Envelope Dimensions (for Union-End Valves Only)
8.1.4 External Leakage Test—With the valve in the partially
Envelope Dimensions,6 0.015 in. (60.38 mm) open position, air or nitrogen shall be applied at a test pressure
Valve Size, NPS
equal to the 100°F (38°C) pressure rating of the valve to the
Dim. A Dim. B Dim. C
inlet port, and the outlet port blanked off. External leakage
1 1 3
⁄8 (10.2 mm) 2.750 (69.85) 1 ⁄8 (28.59) 1 ⁄8 (34.92)
1 1 11
⁄4 (13.5 mm) 3.375 (85.73) 1 ⁄2 (38.10) 1 ⁄16 (42.86) shall be checked using bubble fluid, or by submerging the
3 5
⁄8 (17.2 mm) 4.000 (101.6
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