Methods of Test for Acidity and Alkalinity of Industrial Water (Withdrawn 1967)

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ASTM D1884-67 - Methods of Test for Acidity and Alkalinity of Industrial Water (Withdrawn 1967)
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Standard Methods of Test for
ASTM Designation: D 1884 - 67
This Standard of the American Society for Testing and Materials is issued under
the fixed designation D 1884; the number immediately following the designa­
tion mdicates the year of original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year
of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval.
fines inflection points and indicates
1. Scope
buffering capacity; the acidity or alka­
1.l These methods cover the deter­
linity relative to a particular pH can be
mination of acidity or alkalinity of in­
determined from the curve. The non­
dustrial water. Four methods are given
referee methods are used to determine
as follows:
acidity or alkalinity relative to a pre­
designated end point based on the change
Referee Method (Electrometric
in color of an internal indicator or the
Titration). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 to 13
Non-Referee Method A (Elec- equivalent pH measured electrometri­
trometric or Color-Change
cally. They are suitable for routine con­
Titration). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 to 22
trol purposes.
Non-Referee Method B (Color­
Comparison Titration) . . . . . . . . 23 to 30
i.3 When titrating to selected datum
Non-Referee Method C (Elec-
points, the choice of end points will be
trometric or Color-Change
determined primarily by the applicable
Titration after Boiling). . . . . . 31 to 39
process ~ontrols for the water; the choice
1.2 In all the methods, hydrogen or
must be such, however, that significant
hydroxide ions present in water by virtue
errors in titration due to inflection points
of the dissociation or hydrolysis of its
on a typical titration curve are avoided.
solutes, or both, are neutralized by titra­
In some instances the titration end point
tion with standard alkali (acidity) or
may be at a pH beyond that at which
standard acid (alkalinity). Of the four
the constituents of the water cease to
procedures, the Referee Method is the
react with the acid or alkali. Conversely,
most precise and accurate. With it, la
the desired end point may be such that
titration curve is developed which de-
only a part of the neutralizing capacity
1 is measured.
Under the standardization procedure of the
Society, these methods are under the jurisdiction
2. Definitions
of the ASTM. Committee D-19 on Water. A
list of members may be found m the ASTM
2.1 The terms "acidity" and "alkalin­
Year Book.
ity" in these methods are defined in
Current edition accepted Sept. 8, 1967.
Originally issued 1961. Replaces D 1884- 66 T. accordance with ASTM Definitions

---------------------- Page: 1 ----------------------
D 1129, Terms Relating to Industrial all industrial waters that are free of
Water and Industrial Waste Water, as constituents that interfere with electro­
metric pH measurements. It is used for
2.1.1 Acidity-The quantitative ca­
the development of a titration curve
pacity of aqueous media to' react with that will define inflection points and in­
hydroxyl ions.
dicate buffering capacity, if any. The
2.1.2 Alkalinity-The quantitative ca­
acidity or alkalinity relative to a particu­
pacity of aqueous media to react with lar pH is determined from the curve.
hY,drogen ions.
6. Summary of Method
2.2 For definitions of other terms used
in these methods, refer to Definitions
6.1 To develop a titration curve that
D 1129.
will properly identify the inflection
points, standard acid or alkali is added
3. Purity of Reagents
to the sample in small increments and a
3.1 Reagent grade chemicals, or equiv­
pH reading is taken after each addition.
alent, as defined in ASTM Methods
The cumulative volume of solution
E 200, Preparation, Standardization, and
added is plotted against the observed pH
Storage of Standard Solutions for Chem­
values. All pH measurements are made
ical Analysis shall be used in all tests.
3.2 Unless otherwise indicate'd, refer­
7. Interferences
ences to water shall be understood to
mean i:eagent water conforming to
7.1 Oily matter, soaps, suspynded
ASTM Specifications D 1193, for Re­
solids, and waste materials, sometime;;
agent Water, referee grade. In addition,
found in industrial waters, may interfere
reagent water for this test shall be free
with the pH measurement. Similarly, the
of carbon' dioxide (C02) and shall have
development of a precipitate during
a pH between 6.2 and 7.2 at 25 C (77 F).
titration may make the glass electrode
A procedure for the preparation of carbon
sluggish and cause high results.
dioxide-free water is given in Methods
8. Apparatus
E 200.
8.1 Electrometric pH Measitrement Ap­
4. Sampling
paratus, conforming to the requirements
4.1 Collect the sample in accordance
given in ASTM Method D 1293, Test

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