Small craft - Remote mechanical steering systems (ISO/FDIS 8848:2021)

This document specifies design, construction, installation and test requirements for remote mechanical cable steering systems and the output ram interface point to rudders, jet drives, outboard and sterndrive engines for small craft.
It is applicable to three distinct classes of steering systems for use on various types of craft:
—    standard duty steering systems, for small craft with single and twin installations of outboard engines with a total over 15 kW power, and with rudders, sterndrives and water-jet drives;
—    light duty steering systems, for small craft with a single outboard engine of 15 kW to 40 kW power;
—    mini-jet steering systems, excluding personal watercraft.
NOTE      Standard and light duty steering systems are mechanically interchangeable. A standard duty steering system can be used on a craft designed for a light duty system. However, a light duty steering system cannot be used on a craft that requires a standard duty steering system. Mini-jet steering systems are mechanically differentiated from the previously mentioned systems and can only be used on mini-jet craft as defined in this document.
This document does not address emergency means for steering the craft.

Kleine Wasserfahrzeuge - Steueranlagen (ISO/FDIS 8848:2021)

Dieses Dokument legt Anforderungen an Entwurf, Konstruktion, Montage und Prüfung von mechanischen Kabelsteueranlagen sowie die Kupplungsstelle des Endbeschlages des Steuerkabels zu Rudern, Strahlantrieben, Außenbordmotoren und Z Antriebsmotoren für kleine Wasserfahrzeuge fest.
Es ist anwendbar für drei unterschiedliche Klassen von Steueranlagen für den Einsatz auf diversen Wasserfahrzeugtypen:
- Steueranlagen in Standardausführung für kleine Wasserfahrzeuge mit Einzel- und Doppel-Außenbord¬motoren mit einer Gesamtleistung von mehr als 15 kW sowie mit Rudern, Z Antrieben und Wasserstrahlantrieben;
- Steueranlagen in leichter Ausführung für kleine Wasserfahrzeuge mit einem Außenbordmotor mit einer Leistung von 15 kW bis 40 kW;
- Mini-Jet-Steueranlagen mit Ausnahme von Wasserskootern.
ANMERKUNG   Steueranlagen in Standard- und leichter Ausführung sind mechanisch austauschbar. Eine Steueranlage in Standardausführung kann auch in einem Wasserfahrzeug verwendet werden, das für eine Steueranlage in leichter Ausführung entworfen wurde. Eine Steueranlage in leichter Ausführung kann jedoch nicht in einem Wasserfahrzeug verwendet werden, das eine Steueranlage in Standardausführung erfordert. Mini-Jet-Steueranlagen unterscheiden sich mechanisch von den zuvor genannten Anlagen und können nur in Mini-Jet-Wasserfahrzeugen nach diesem Dokument verwendet werden.
Dieses Dokument befasst sich nicht mit Vorrichtungen zum Steuern des Wasserfahrzeugs im Notfall.

Petits navires - Appareils à gouverner commandés à distance (ISO/FDIS 8848:2021)

Le présent document spécifie les exigences relatives à la conception, la construction, l'installation et les essais des systèmes de direction mécaniques commandés à distance par câbles, et aux points d'interface entre le vérin de commande et les gouvernails, hydrojets, moteurs hors-bord et moteur à embase de propulsion arrière pour les petits navires.
Il s'applique à trois classes distinctes de systèmes de direction pour une utilisation sur différents types de bateaux:
— les systèmes de direction à utilisation standard, pour les petits navires avec installations monomoteur et bimoteurs hors-bord d'une puissance totale supérieure à 15 kW, et avec des gouvernails, embases arrière de propulsion et propulsion par hydrojet;
— les systèmes de direction à utilisation légère, pour petits navires à un seul moteur hors-bord d'une puissance de 15 kW à 40 kW;
— les systèmes de direction à mini-tuyères, à l'exclusion des véhicules nautiques à moteur (motos aquatiques).
NOTE Les systèmes de direction à utilisation standard et légère sont interchangeables mécaniquement. Un système de direction à utilisation standard peut être utilisé sur un bateau conçu pour un système à utilisation légère. Cependant, un système de direction à utilisation légère ne peut pas être utilisé sur un bateau qui nécessite un système de direction à utilisation standard. Les systèmes de direction pour mini-tuyères sont mécaniquement différenciés des systèmes mentionnés ci-dessus et ne peuvent être utilisés que sur des mini-tuyères tels que définis dans ce document.
Ce document ne traite pas systèmes des dispositifs de barre/direction de secours du bateau.

Mala plovila - Daljinski mehanski sistemi krmiljenja (ISO/FDIS 8848:2021)

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oSIST prEN ISO 8848:2022
Mala plovila - Daljinski mehanski sistemi krmiljenja (ISO/FDIS 8848:2021)
Small craft - Remote mechanical steering systems (ISO/FDIS 8848:2021)
Kleine Wasserfahrzeuge - Steueranlagen (ISO/FDIS 8848:2021)
Petits navires - Appareils à gouverner commandés à distance (ISO/FDIS 8848:2021)
Ta slovenski standard je istoveten z: prEN ISO 8848
47.020.70 Navigacijska in krmilna Navigation and control
oprema equipment
47.080 Čolni Small craft
oSIST prEN ISO 8848:2022 en,fr,de

2003-01.Slovenski inštitut za standardizacijo. Razmnoževanje celote ali delov tega standarda ni dovoljeno.

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oSIST prEN ISO 8848:2022
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oSIST prEN ISO 8848:2022
ISO/TC 188
Small craft — Remote mechanical
Secretariat: SIS
steering systems
Voting begins on:
Petits navires — Appareils à gouverner commandés à distance
Voting terminates on:
Reference number
ISO/FDIS 8848:2022(E)
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oSIST prEN ISO 8848:2022
ISO/FDIS 8848:2022(E)
© ISO 2022

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oSIST prEN ISO 8848:2022
ISO/FDIS 8848:2022(E)
Contents Page

Foreword ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................iv

1 Scope ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 1

2 Normative references ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 1

3 Terms and definitions .................................................................................................................................................................................... 1

4 Constructional requirements ................................................................................................................................................................3

5 Outboard engine and inboard-sterndrive design requirements .....................................................................6

6 Steering system requirements ............................................................................................................................................................. 8

6.1 Craft-mounted steering systems ............................................................................................................................................ 8

6.2 Steering systems ................................................................................................................................................................................... 8

6.3 Steering cables ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 8

6.4 Steering mechanisms ........................................................................................................................................................................ 9

7 Installation ..............................................................................................................................................................................................................11

8 Test requirements ...........................................................................................................................................................................................14

8.1 General ........................................................................................................................................................................................................ 14

8.2 As-installed tests ............................................................................................................................................................................... 14

8.3 Components test.................................................................................................................................................................................15

8.3.1 Steering cable and output assembly tests ................................................................................................. 15

8.3.2 Steering mechanism assembly tests .............................................................................................................. 16

9 Markings, owner’s manual and installation manual..................................................................................................19

9.1 Markings ................................................................................................................................................................................................... 19

9.2 Owner’s manual .................................................................................................................................................................................. 19

9.3 Installation manual ......................................................................................................................................................................... 19

Annex ZA (informative) Relationship between this European Standard and the essential

requirements of Directive 2013/53/EU aimed to be covered...........................................................................20

Bibliography .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................21

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oSIST prEN ISO 8848:2022
ISO/FDIS 8848:2022(E)

ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards

bodies (ISO member bodies). The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out

through ISO technical committees. Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical

committee has been established has the right to be represented on that committee. International

organizations, governmental and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work.

ISO collaborates closely with the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all matters of

electrotechnical standardization.

The procedures used to develop this document and those intended for its further maintenance are

described in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 1. In particular, the different approval criteria needed for the

different types of ISO documents should be noted. This document was drafted in accordance with the

editorial rules of the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2 (see

Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of

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Any trade name used in this document is information given for the convenience of users and does not

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For an explanation of the voluntary nature of standards, the meaning of ISO specific terms and

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the World Trade Organization (WTO) principles in the Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT), see

This document was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 188, Small craft, in collaboration with

the European Committee for Standardization (CEN) Technical Committee CEN/TC 464, Small craft, in

accordance with the Agreement on technical cooperation between ISO and CEN (Vienna Agreement).

This third edition of ISO 8848 cancels and replaces the second edition (ISO 8848:2020), of which it

constitutes a minor revision. Changes have been made to align the document with other ISO/TC 188

standards and to avoid circularity of normative references.

Any feedback or questions on this document should be directed to the user’s national standards body. A

complete listing of these bodies can be found at
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oSIST prEN ISO 8848:2022
Small craft — Remote mechanical steering systems
1 Scope

This document specifies design, construction, installation and test requirements for remote mechanical

cable steering systems and the output ram interface point to rudders, jet drives, outboard and

sterndrive engines for small craft.

It is applicable to three distinct classes of steering systems for use on various types of craft:

— standard duty steering systems, for small craft with single and twin installations of outboard

engines with a total over 15 kW power, and with rudders, sterndrives and water-jet drives;

— light duty steering systems, for small craft with a single outboard engine of 15 kW to 40 kW power;

— mini-jet steering systems, excluding personal watercraft.

NOTE Standard and light duty steering systems are mechanically interchangeable. A standard duty steering

system can be used on a craft designed for a light duty system. However, a light duty steering system cannot

be used on a craft that requires a standard duty steering system. Mini-jet steering systems are mechanically

differentiated from the previously mentioned systems and can only be used on mini-jet craft as defined in this

This document does not address emergency means for steering the craft.
2 Normative references

The following documents are referred to in the text in such a way that some or all of their content

constitutes requirements of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For

undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.

ISO 12217-1:2015, Small craft — Stability and buoyancy assessment and categorization — Part 1: Non-

sailing boats of hull length greater than or equal to 6 m

ISO 12217-2:2015, Small craft — Stability and buoyancy assessment and categorization — Part 2: Sailing

boats of hull length greater than or equal to 6 m

ISO 12217-3:2015, Small craft — Stability and buoyancy assessment and categorization — Part 3: Boats of

hull length less than 6 m
3 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply.

ISO and IEC maintain terminology databases for use in standardization at the following addresses:

— ISO Online browsing platform: available at https:// www .iso .org/ obp
— IEC Electropedia: available at https:// www .electropedia .org/
craft-mounted steering system

assembly including all components necessary to transmit remote manual effort to the end of the output

ram (3.20) and a means to secure an output ram guide tube to the craft (3.16)
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ISO/FDIS 8848:2022(E)
interface point

point of mechanical interface in the steering system (3.11) where a connection is made between the

output ram (3.20) and the craft components that are not supplied as part of the same assembly

control element

device connected to the steering mechanism (3.6) that allows the operator to apply manual steering

effort to the steering system (3.11)
EXAMPLE Steering wheel (3.13), handlebar (3.5), joystick (3.7).
drag link

device in an engine-mounted steering system (3.10) by which the linear force of the output ram (3.20) is

transmitted to the engine steering arm

mechanical means for applying a manual steering effort to the steering mechanism (3.6) in a horizontal

configuration, with hand grips at each end and the helm connected at the middle
steering mechanism

device, to which a control element (3.3) is attached for manual application of a controlling force, and by

which the controlling force is fed into a steering system (3.11)

operator input device for the simultaneous control of thrust, steering and propulsion

mini-jet craft

craft (3.16) weighing less than 1 000 kg, with an inboard engine powering a water-jet pump as its

primary method of propulsion, designed to be operated with one or more persons within the confines

of a hull
minimum retained system performance

system performance after test(s), such that at least 90 % of the steering arc normally available each

side of the mid-position can be obtained by exertion of no more than 27 N∙m of torque at the steering

mechanism (3.6), through the control element (3.3)

Note 1 to entry: This criterion does not define the steering system (3.11) performance while a craft (3.16) is

underway, but is rather intended to provide quantitative limits for design and test purposes.

engine-mounted steering system

assembly including all components necessary to transmit a remote manual effort to the end of the

output ram (3.20) which is affixed to an engine mounted steering tube and a drag link (3.4) supplied by

the engine manufacturer
steering system

assembly including all components necessary to transmit a remote manual effort to the rudder,

outboard engine, sterndrive or water-jet drive
two-cable steering system

two independent cables attached at the interface point(s) (3.2) of the output ram(s) (3.20) and at the helm

and driven by a common steering shaft, generally used to minimize steering backlash or lost motion

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oSIST prEN ISO 8848:2022
ISO/FDIS 8848:2022(E)
steering wheel

mechanical means for applying a manual steering effort to the helm, normally a circular configuration

with a continuous loop at the distal end of support spokes with the helm connected at the rotational

steering wheel diameter
actual diameter

diameter of the circle formed by the outermost sections of the steering wheel (3.13)

Note 1 to entry: See Figure 6.
steering wheel dish

distance between the two parallel planes formed by the aft rim surface and the forward hub surface of

a steering wheel (3.13)
Note 1 to entry: See Figure 6.
small craft

recreational boat, and other watercraft using similar equipment, of up to 24 m length of hull (L )

Note 1 to entry: The measurement methodology for the length of hull is defined in ISO 8666.

[SOURCE: ISO 8666:2020, 3.15, modified — Note 1 to entry has been added.]
standard duty steering system

remote mechanical steering system (3.11) designed to the requirements of this document for use on

craft (3.16) with outboard engines (single and dual) with a total of 15 kW and greater power, inboard

engines, sterndrives and water-jet drives
light duty steering system

remote mechanical steering system (3.11) designed to the requirements of this document for use on

craft (3.16) with single outboard engines between 15 kW and 40 kW power that is permanently marked

with a maximum power rating of 40 kW
mini-jet steering system

remote mechanical steering system (3.11) designed to the requirements of this document for use on

mini-jet craft (3.8)
output ram

portion of the remote mechanical steering cable that interfaces with the outboard engine steering tube

and drag link (3.4), steering actuator or craft mounted steering tube/rudder
4 Constructional requirements

4.1 When steering systems are factory installed in the craft, the complete system shall be supplied.

In outboard engine craft, the system shall be supplied complete to the interface point at the output ram

end as shown in Figure 1.
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ISO/FDIS 8848:2022(E)
Dimensions in millimetres
1 coupler nut Mid-travel position.
2 output ram tube Flat.
3 interface point
4 end fitting
NOTE Minimum travel: 100 mm each side of mid-travel position.
Maximum travel: 115 mm each side of mid-travel position.
Coupler nut 7/8-14 UNF-2B thread (optional for boat mounted systems).
Figure 1 — Output ram

4.2 Installation of the steering system shall be in accordance with the instructions provided by the

steering system manufacturer.

4.3 Craft suitable for twin outboard engines shall be so designated. It shall also be specified whether

the craft is suitable for engine-mounted steering systems, craft-mounted steering systems or both. If

the craft is suitable for craft-mounted steering systems, it shall also be specified whether engine well

mounting, transom mounting or both (see Figure 2) may be used.
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ISO/FDIS 8848:2022(E)
Dimensions in millimetres
a) Engine well mounting b) Transom mounting
1 380 mid-travel position 7 centreline of swivel to be 0 +12 above transom
2 engine mounting face of clamp bracket 8 face of clamp bracket
3 engine centreline 9 engine centreline
4 articulation 15° min. 10 articulation 15° min.
5 7/8-14 NF.2B thread – 16 min. length on tube 11 mid-travel position
6 swivel axis 102 0 −13 square off face of transom 12 interface point
NOTE Minimum travel: 100 mm each side of mid-travel position.
Maximum travel: 115 mm each side of mid-travel position.
Figure 2 — Craft-mounted steering system

4.4 Components of the steering system shall be resistant to corrosion, either by virtue of material or

coating thereof, and shall be galvanically compatible with adjoining components.

4.5 All threaded fasteners whose integrity affects safe operation of the system, such that separation

or loss of the fastener would cause sudden loss of steering without warning, shall be provided with a

locking means.

4.6 Threaded fasteners whose integrity affects operation of the system, such that separation or loss

of the fastener would cause sudden loss of steering without warning, and that can be expected to be

disturbed by installation or adjustment procedures, shall be referenced by instructions for correct

assembly and shall either:

— be locked by a device whose presence is determinable by visual inspection, or by feel, following

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ISO/FDIS 8848:2022(E)

— incorporate integral locking means, provided the fastener cannot be omitted or substituted without

making the system inoperable.

NOTE Self-locking nuts with plastic inserts that create mechanical plastic interference meet the

requirements of this clause.

4.7 Loose lock-washers, distorted thread nuts or separately applied adhesives are prohibited.

4.8 Plain, threaded jam nuts are prohibited except that they may be used to permit adjustment and

shall then be designed so that total separation of parts or other complete loss of steering will not occur,

should they loosen.

NOTE These assemblies are not intended to be disassembled for installation; the choice of locking means is

within the discretion of the system manufacturer.

4.9 A locking device shall be so designed that its presence can be determined by visual inspection

or feel after installation.

4.10 Connection fittings, including quick-disconnect fittings relying only upon a spring or springs to

maintain the connection, shall not be used.
5 Outboard engine and inboard-sterndrive design requirements

5.1 The steering stops on the outboard engine shall permit at least 30° of angular movement to either

side of the centreline.

5.2 The outboard engine steering system shall meet the applicable dimensional requirements

indicated in Figures 1, 3, and 4.
Dimensions in millimetres
1 7/8-14 UNF-2A thread both ends
2 engine axis
+02, 5
tube ø int. 16

NOTE 1 The tube can be threaded equal length on both ends or reversible for port steering installations.

NOTE 2 The above inner tube dimensions are for the as installed tube.
Figure 3 — Engine-mounted steering tube
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ISO/FDIS 8848:2022(E)
Dimensions in millimetres
1 steering arm 3 tilt axis
2 steering axis 4 transom mating surface
Figure 4 — Engine-mounted steering tilt axis

5.3 The drag link and the necessary fittings to attach an outboard engine to the steering output ram

shown in Figure 1 shall be supplied with the outboard engine.

5.4 The outboard engine shall be designed so that, with any combination of engine turn and tilt, there

shall be no damaging interference between the engine, its accessories, and both the craft-mounted

steering system installed as shown in Figure 2 and the engine-mounted steering system, provided the

engine is designed for both systems. Appropriate written information and installation instructions

shall be provided, clearly indicating the type of steering system(s) that should be used.

5.5 All mechanical parts of a steering system transmitting steering forces shall meet the applicable

steering system component requirements given in 8.2.
NOTE 1 Electrical parts of a steering system are addressed in ISO 25197.
NOTE 2 Hydraulic parts of a steering system are addressed in ISO 10592.

5.6 Outboard engines shall be designed so that the geometry ensures that the static loads defined

below, when applied at the steering-arm connection point normal to the steering arm in its plane of

operation, throughout the maximum steering arc, do not result in steering output ram loadings greater

than those specified in 8.3.1.
— 3 300 N for standard duty steering system;
— 2 200 N for light duty steering system.

5.7 The steering arm of the outboard engine shall be provided with a 3/8-24 UNF thread, or a plain

hole of 9,65 mm to 9,9 mm diameter at the connection point.

5.8 Sterndrives designed for remote mechanical steering systems shall be designed with proper

geometry to ensure that a torque of 680 Nm applied about the sterndrive steering axis does not result

in a steering component loading greater than that specified in 8.3.1.
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ISO/FDIS 8848:2022(E)
6 Steering system requirements
6.1 Craft-mounted steering systems

6.1.1 Craft-mounted steering systems for outboard engine installations shall meet the dimensional

requirements indicated in Figures 1 and 2. When a joint as shown in Figure 2 is replaced by a universal

joint with two movement axes, the axis perpendicular to the transom face shall be located 0 mm to

13 mm above the engine clamp bracket horizontal mounting face. The second axis shall be 100 mm to

115 mm from the inner surface of the transom and shall be not more than 28,5 mm from the first axis

toward the engine. If the swivel is mounted in the engine well side fitting, the engine well shall provide

for 380 mm mid-travel position from the swivel axis to the engine axis.
6.2 Steering systems

6.2.1 Steering systems shall be capable of operating throughout a temperature range of −20 °C to

+80 °C.

6.2.2 Storage temperature range: All materials used in the construction of the system and its

accessories shall be capable of withstanding an ambient temperature of −40 °C to +85 °C for at least one


NOTE This requirement is not intended to require operation at these temperatures, but is included to

determine that the system withstands the storage temperatures of this document.

6.2.3 Steering systems and components shall meet the applicable test requirements specified in

Clause 8.

6.2.4 The steering system shall be capable of unobstructed movement throughout its full range of

intended cable travel without interference.

6.2.5 Ball joints used to connect the steering system to the rudder, sterndrive, outboard and water jet

drives shall be installed so that total loss of steering does not occur if the ball separates axially from its

NOTE A flat washer larger than the socket bore meets this requirement.

For mini-jet craft installations, ball joints used to connect the steering system to the jet drive shall

have redundancy such that axial failure of the ball-to-socket connection does not result in total loss of


6.2.6 Steering systems and components shall meet the applicable test requirements specified in

Clause 8.

6.2.7 Plastics and elastomers which can be exposed to sunlight shall be chosen to resist degradation

by ultraviolet radiation.

6.2.8 Plastics and elastomers which can be installed in engine compartments shall be chosen to resist

degradation by saline atmospheres, fuel, oil, ozone and heat.
6.3 Steering cables

6.3.1 Steering cables shall be permanently marked with a dimension at the output end with a steering

system length, which shall be the length from the steering wheel shaft centre to the hole centre in the

steering output ram at the mid-travel position.
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ISO/FDIS 8848:2022(E)

6.3.2 The cable or steering-system output device shall provide the following amounts of travel:

— 100 mm to 115 mm on each side of mid-travel for standard duty and light duty steering systems;

— 89 mm to 95,4 mm on each side of mid-travel for mini-jet steering systems.

6.3.3 For light duty steering systems, the steering cable shall be permanently marked by the

manufacturer that the maximum power permissible is 40 kW.

6.3.4 Mini-jet craft steering system output device shall follow the mounting requirements specified

in Figure 5.
Dimensions in millimetres
1 mid-travel
Figure 5 — Output mounting configuration

6.3.5 Light duty and standard duty steering cables shall not be interchangeable with steering cables

for mini-jet craft steering systems.

6.3.6 Ferrous metals used for the core of a steering cable, installed below the maximum load

waterline, shall be corrosion-resistant and equivalent to 300 series stainless steel.

6.3.7 The minimum bend radius of the cable shall be specified by the cable manufacturer.

6.3.8 Each cable in a two-cable steering system shall individually meet the requirements of this

6.4 Steering mechanisms

6.4.1 Installation instructions for steering mechanisms shall include recommendations for the

largest diameter D and deepest steering wheel dish (see Figure 6) that may be used with the helm.

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ISO/FDIS 8848:2022(E)
Dimensions in millimetres
1 steering wheel dish
2 forward hub surface
D steering wheel diameter
D standard diameter for the application of loads
For steering wheels without handgrips, D = D .
s a
For external spoke steering wheels, D = D – 50 mm.
s a

NOTE For non-circular steering wheels, D is the largest diameter that can be inscribed in the steering wheel

Figure 6 — Steering wheel terms

6.4.2 Steering mechanisms that use a steering wheel shall be permanently marked on the helm

assembly, such that the marking is visible when the steering wheel is removed, with the manufacturer’s

recommendation of the largest steering wheel diameter and the deepest steering wheel dish that may

be used.

6.4.3 Steering mechanisms that are intended for a handlebar shall be permanently marked with the

manufacturer’s recommendation of the largest handlebar width and greatest effective offset that may

be used.

6.4.4 Steering mechanisms that are intended for a joystick shall be permanently marked with the

manufacturer's recommendation of the largest stick allowed.
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ISO/FDIS 8848:2022(E)
Dimensions in millimetres
1 offset L actual length of joystick

W actual width of handlebar L standard length of joystick = actual length – 50 mm

a s
W standard width = actual width – 50 mm
Figure 7 —

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