Key properties on solid recovered fuels to be used for establishing a classification system

This Technical Report gives background information on key properties to be used for establishing a classification system for solid recovered fuels (SRFs), and a proposal for the classification system and classes for SRF.

Haupteigenschaften von festen Sekundärbrennstoffen als Grundlage zur Erstellung eines Klassifizierungssystems

Propriétés clés des combustibles solides de récupération à utiliser pour établir un système de classification

Le présent Rapport technique fournit des informations de base sur les propriétés clés à utiliser pour établir un
système de classification des combustibles solides de récupération et proposer un système de classification
et des classes de CSR.

Glavne lastnosti trdnih alternativnih goriv za vzpostavitev sistema klasifikacije

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TP CEN/TR 15508:2007
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Glavne lastnosti trdnih alternativnih goriv za vzpostavitev sistema klasifikacije
Key properties on solid recovered fuels to be used for establishing a classification
Haupteigenschaften von festen Sekundärbrennstoffen als Grundlage zur Erstellung
eines Klassifizierungssystems
Propriétés clés des combustibles solides de récupération a utiliser pour établir un
systeme de classification
Ta slovenski standard je istoveten z: CEN/TR 15508:2006
75.160.10 Trda goriva Solid fuels
2003-01.Slovenski inštitut za standardizacijo. Razmnoževanje celote ali delov tega standarda ni dovoljeno.

CEN/TR 15508
October 2006
ICS 75.160.10
English Version
Key properties on solid recovered fuels to be used for
establishing a classification system
Propriétés clés des combustibles solides de récupération à Haupteigenschaften von festen Sekundärbrennstoffen als
utiliser pour établir un système de classification Grundlage zur Erstellung eines Klassifizierungssystems
This Technical Report was approved by CEN on 7 August 2006. It has been drawn up by the Technical Committee CEN/TC 343.
CEN members are the national standards bodies of Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France,
Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania,
Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and United Kingdom.
Management Centre: rue de Stassart, 36  B-1050 Brussels
© 2006 CEN All rights of exploitation in any form and by any means reserved Ref. No. CEN/TR 15508:2006: E
worldwide for CEN national Members.

Contents Page
Introduction .6
1 Scope .8
2 Overview of practical data .8
2.1 Specification of users .8
2.2 Orientation values of mercury and cadmium .10
3 Overview of secondary fuel and SRF qualities.10
4 Summary of existing quality systems for SRF (for the chosen properties only).12
5 Classes .13
5.1 Resolutions of CEN/TC 343/WG 2 Specifications and classes .13
5.2 Discussion.14
5.3 Environmental parameter .21
5.4 Classification methods .22
5.5 Recommendations.22
Annex A (informative) Main technologies and distribution of heavy metals .23
Annex B (informative) Transfer factors.28
B.1 Use of transfer factors .28
B.2 Use of material flow analysis (example North Rhine Westphalia).28
B.3 Possibilities and borderlines of such tools .29
Annex C (informative) Units chosen.30
C.1 NCV .30
C.2 Cl.30
C.3 Hg and Cd .30
C.4 SRF as fuel: mg/MJ.30
C.5 SRF partly as raw material: mg/MJ and mg/kg.31
Annex D (informative) Maximum possible concentrations of heavy metals in SRF .33
D.1 Introduction.33
D.2 Cement industry.33
D.3 Coal fired power plants .34
D.4 FBC.34
Annex E (informative) Analysis and evaluation of data of Hg and Cd in solid recovered fuels.36
E.1 General analysis and evaluation of measured values of Hg and Cd in solid recovered
E.2 Specific analysis and evaluation of delivered data of solid recovered fuels .41
Annex F (informative) Overview of secondary fuel and SRF qualities .56
F.1 Sources of SRF .56
F.2 Overview of SRF qualities.56
Annex G (informative) Heavy metals in SRF.60
G.1 Introduction.60
G.2 Overview of heavy metals concentration.60
G.3 Hg content of SRF.62
G.4 Effects on heavy metal emission .63
G.5 Accumulation of heavy metals in products .64
G.6 Limit values for Hg and Cd .65
Annex H (informative) Boundaries of classes .67
H.1 Basic assumptions .67
H.2 Boundaries decided by WG 2 (February 2004) .68
H.3 Discussion.68
Annex I (informative) Thallium in SRFs .72

This document (CEN/TR 15508:2006) has been prepared by Technical Committee CEN/TC 343 “Solid
recovered fuels”, the secretariat of which is held by SFS.
This document has been drafted on request of CEN/TC 343 Working Group 2 “Fuel Specifications and
Classes”. The WG wanted to establish a classification system using practical data on Solid Recovered Fuel
(SRF) composition and use. Therefore some delegates involved in the production and use of SRF offered to
draft this document.
The WG decided on a classification system based on a limited number of properties. Originally the WG asked
for a document covering 7 key properties of SRF: NCV, moisture, ash, Cl, Hg, Cd + Tl and sum of heavy
metals. The first draft of the document was discussed at the WG meeting in Lyon on 15 and 16 September
2003. The properties of SRF and the experience with the different technologies were accounted for in the
proposed classification system. The emission limit values of the Waste Incineration Directive played a decisive
role in establishing the maximum possible content of heavy metals in SRF used as substitute fuel in different
The WG decided at the meeting in Lyon to reduce the number of key properties from 7 to 3: NCV, Cl and Hg
Topics were added covering the questions that had been raised at the Lyon meeting:
 justification of units chosen (Annex C);
 justification of the use of 50th/80th percentile values (Annex E);
 evaluation of data and influence on boundaries of classes (Annex E);
 justification of the boundaries of classes (Annex H).
The main adjustments were made in Clause 5. Annex E and Tables 18 and 20 of Clause 5 have been written
with support of Ms Sabine Flamme of INFA.
Concerning the questions raised at the Brussels meeting on 9 and 10 February 2004 and the meeting in
Obourg on 24 September 2004, the following modifications have been made:
 the classification of Cd and Tl has been evaluated using practical data. A classification system for Cd has
been added if it comes to a need for that;
 additional evaluation of proposed classes of Cl and NCV with practical data has been included.
In making acknowledgements, we would like to express appreciation to the members of CEN/TC 343/WG 2,
the members of ERFO and particularly to those companies for making available data and information from
their experience with the production and use of Solid Recovered Fuel.
Joop van Tubergen, Essent Milieu,
Dr Thomas Glorius, Remondis (RWE Umwelt),
Eric Waeyenbergh, Scoribel
February 2005
Whilst every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of information contained in this Technical Report,
neither the authors nor ERFO nor any of its members makes any warranty, expressed or implied, or assumes
any liability or responsibility for the accuracy, completeness or usefulness of any information, apparatus,
product or process disclosed, or represents that its use would not infringe privately-owned rights.
Energy intensive industries are looking for alternative fuels in order to save primary fuels, and by doing so,
enforce the development of sustainable development.
The waste management sector industry has developed, for many years, ways to produce secondary fuels e.g.
SRFs with reliable qualities, which are used successfully regarding economic and environmental aspects.
However, this way of recovery is not optimized because of some practical uncertainties like:
 obtaining permits to use SRF as an energy source;
 transborder shipment regulation and problems in creating a European market for SRF;
 unclear classification of the SRF in the EC waste list;
 doubt about reliable qualities of some SRF;
 doubt about effect on the processes and installations.
Therefore CEN has received the mandate to establish a set of standards for solid recovered fuel (SRF)
prepared from non hazardous waste. CEN/TC 343 has decided to separate the task in five different working
groups (WG 1 to 5).
WG 2 has received the task to prepare a proposition of classification system, classes and specifications.
The following Technical Report gives a technical approach based on the processes of final users that have
been identified as being (potentially) interested and qualified for the use of SRF on the one hand, and the
practical and actual experience of SRF produced in Europe on the other hand.
SRF may only be used by installations complying with the emission limit values set by the Waste Incineration
Directive (WID). This Technical Report is based on the characteristics that the SRF should present, in order to
fulfil the criteria of the WID and the technical request of the installations. That does not alter the fact that other
properties are also of interest considering the specific requirements for different users.
The classification system, the classes and the specifications that are proposed in this Technical Report should
help the authorities in writing the permits, be a help for the final user to understand easily what has to be taken
into account when dealing with SRF and should increase the positive perception of the public on the use of
SRF by saving of natural resources. For example about 50 % of the primary fuel consumption of cement kilns
and a substantial share of hard coal and lignite for power production could be substituted by waste. The

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