Domestic cooking appliances burning gas - Part 1-1: Safety - General

This document specifies the requirements and methods of test for the safety and marking of freestanding and built-in domestic cooking appliances burning combustible gases given in EN 437:2021, referred to in the text as “appliances”.
The appliances covered by this document are intended to be used in a domestic dwelling.
This document covers the following types of domestic cooking appliances:
-   independent freestanding hobs;
-   independent built-in hobs;
-   hobs and grills;
-   table cookers;
-   freestanding ovens;
-   built-in ovens;
-   freestanding or built-in grills;
-   griddles;
-   freestanding cookers;
-   built-in cookers.
This document also applies to gas cooking appliances incorporating electrical heating elements (e.g. gas-electric cooking appliances).
For appliances intended to be used in caravans, or motorhomes/mobile homes or on board of ships or aircraft, additional requirements may be necessary.
This document does not apply to:
a)   outdoor appliances;
b)   appliances connected to a combustion products evacuation duct;
c)   appliances having a pyrolytic gas oven;
d)   appliances incorporating flame supervision devices and having an automatic ignition device for which the duration of the ignition attempt is limited by design;
e)   appliances equipped with a burner that is periodically ignited and extinguished under the control of an automatic on/off device;
f)   appliances equipped with an oven and/or with a grill having a fan:
1)   either for the supply of combustion air or for the evacuation of the products of combustion;
2)   or for the circulation of the products of combustion within the compartments;
g)   appliances incorporating one or more hob or grill burners that enable the user to program the delayed start of the cooking cycle;
h)   appliances of categories I2N, I2R, I3R, I2E(S), I2E(R), I2Esi, I2Er, I2R and the equivalent double and triple categories which include these indices;
i)   appliances of category II2E+3B.
This document does not cover the requirements relating to third family gas cylinders, their pressure regulators and their connection.

Haushalt-Kochgeräte für gasförmige Brennstoffe - Teil 1-1: Sicherheit - Allgemeines

Appareils de cuisson domestiques utilisant les combustibles gazeux - Partie 1-1 : Sécurité - Généralités

Plinski gospodinjski aparati za kuhanje - 1-1. del: Varnost - Splošno - Dopolnilo A2

Ta dokument določa zahteve in preskusne metode za varnost in označevanje prosto stoječih in vgradnih gospodinjskih aparatov za kuhanje, ki uporabljajo gorljive pline, navedene v standardu EN 437:2021 (v nadaljevanju: »aparati«).
Aparati, zajeti v tem dokumentu, so namenjeni uporabi v stanovanjskih prostorih.
Ta dokument zajema naslednje vrste gospodinjskih aparatov za kuhanje:
– samostojne prosto stoječe kuhalne plošče;
– samostojne vgradne kuhalne plošče;
– kuhalne plošče in žari;
– namizni kuhalniki;
– prosto stoječe pečice;
– vgradne pečice;
– prosto stoječi ali vgradni žari;
– žar plošče;
– prosto stoječi kuhalniki;
– vgradni kuhalniki.
Ta dokument se uporablja tudi za plinske aparate za kuhanje z električnimi grelnimi elementi (npr. plinsko-električni aparati za kuhanje).
Za aparate, ki so namenjeni za uporabo v bivalnih prikolicah, avtodomih/mobilnih hišicah, na krovu ladij ali v
letalih, so morda potrebne dodatne zahteve.
Ta dokument se ne uporablja za:
a) aparate za uporabo na prostem;
b) aparate, priključene na kanal za odvod produktov zgorevanja;
c) aparate s pirolizno plinsko pečico;
d) aparate z vgrajenimi napravami za nadzor plamena in napravo za samodejni vžig,
pri kateri je trajanje poskusa vžiga konstrukcijsko omejeno;
e) aparate, opremljene z gorilnikom, ki se periodično vžiga in ugaša pod nadzorom
naprave za samodejni vklop/izklop;
f) aparate, opremljene s pečico in/ali žarom, ki ima ventilator:
1) za dovajanje zgorevalnega zraka ali odvajanje produktov zgorevanja; ali
2) za kroženje produktov zgorevanja v predelkih;
g) aparate, ki so opremljeni z enim ali več gorilniki kuhalnih plošč ali žarov in uporabniku omogočajo programiranje
cikla kuhanja z odloženim začetkom;
h) aparate kategorij I2N, I2R, I3R, I2E(S), I2E(R), I2Esi, I2Er, I2R ter enakovrednih dvojnih in
trojnih kategorij, ki vključujejo te indekse;
i) aparate kategorije II2E+3B.
Ta dokument ne zajema zahtev v zvezi z jeklenkami za pline tretje družine, njihovimi regulatorji
in priključki.

General Information

Not Published
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4010 - Start of draft translation - Enquiry
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EN 30-1-1:2022+A1:2024/oprA2:2024 - BARVE
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Standards Content (Sample)

Plinski gospodinjski aparati za kuhanje - 1-1. del: Varnost - Splošno - Dopolnilo A2
Domestic cooking appliances burning gas - Part 1-1: Safety - General
Haushalt-Kochgeräte für gasförmige Brennstoffe - Teil 1-1: Sicherheit - Allgemeines
Appareils de cuisson domestiques utilisant les combustibles gazeux - Partie 1-1 :
Sécurité - Généralités
Ta slovenski standard je istoveten z: EN 30-1-1:2021+A1:2023/prA2
97.040.20 Štedilniki, delovni pulti, Cooking ranges, working
pečice in podobni aparati tables, ovens and similar
SIST EN 30-1- en,fr,de
2003-01.Slovenski inštitut za standardizacijo. Razmnoževanje celote ali delov tega standarda ni dovoljeno.

EN 30-1-
November 2024
English Version
Domestic cooking appliances burning gas - Part 1-1: Safety
- General
Appareils de cuisson domestiques utilisant les Haushalt-Kochgeräte für gasförmige Brennstoffe - Teil
combustibles gazeux - Partie 1-1 : Sécurité - 1-1: Sicherheit - Allgemeines
This draft amendment is submitted to CEN members for enquiry. It has been drawn up by the Technical Committee CEN/TC 49.

This draft amendment A2, if approved, will modify the European Standard EN 30-1-1:2021+A1:2023. If this draft becomes an
amendment, CEN members are bound to comply with the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations which stipulate the conditions for
inclusion of this amendment into the relevant national standard without any alteration.

This draft amendment was established by CEN in three official versions (English, French, German). A version in any other
language made by translation under the responsibility of a CEN member into its own language and notified to the CEN-CENELEC
Management Centre has the same status as the official versions.

CEN members are the national standards bodies of Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia,
Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway,
Poland, Portugal, Republic of North Macedonia, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Türkiye and
United Kingdom.
Recipients of this draft are invited to submit, with their comments, notification of any relevant patent rights of which they are
aware and to provide supporting documentation.

Warning : This document is not a European Standard. It is distributed for review and comments. It is subject to change without
notice and shall not be referred to as a European Standard.



CEN-CENELEC Management Centre: Rue de la Science 23, B-1040 Brussels
© 2024 CEN All rights of exploitation in any form and by any means reserved Ref. No. EN 30-1-1:2021+A1:2023/prA2:2024 E
worldwide for CEN national Members.

Contents Page
European foreword . 3
1 Modification to European foreword . 4
2 Modification to Clause 1, Scope . 4
3 Modification to Clause 3, Terms and definitions . 4
4 Modification to, General requirements . 4
5 Modification to, Multi-ring hob burners . 4
6 Modification to 6.2.2, Combustion . 5
7 Addition of a new 7.2.4, Appliances with a glass lid without a device for shutting off
the gas to the hob burners . 5
8 Modification to, General. 6
9 Modification to, Test conditions . 6
10 Modification to, Sampling the products of combustion . 8
11 Modification to, Analysis of the products of combustion . 9
12 Modification to, Sooting test . 10
13 Addition of a new, Resistance to food spillage . 11
14 Modification to 7.4, Accuracy of measuring instruments . 11
15 Modification to 8.4, Instructions for use and maintenance . 11
16 Modification to Figure 12 . 12
17 Addition of a new Figure 16 . 12
18 Addition of a new Annex H . 13
19 Modification to Annex ZA . 14

European foreword
This document (EN 30-1-1:2021+A1:2023/prA2:2024) has been prepared by Technical Committee
CEN/TC 49 “Gas cooking appliances”, the secretariat of which is held by UNI.
This document is currently submitted to the CEN Enquiry.
1 Modification to European foreword
Delete the ninth paragraph after the dash item:
— EN 30-2-2, Domestic cooking appliances burning gas — Part 2-2: Rational use of energy — Appliances
having forced-convection ovens and/or grills.
2 Modification to Clause 1, Scope
In the sixth paragraph add the following dash point j) after the point i):
j) appliances designed and constructed to burn gases containing carbon monoxide or other toxic
3 Modification to Clause 3, Terms and definitions
Add the following term and definition:
cross-lighting means
portion of a multi ring burner dedicated to facilitating cross lighting between different sections of the
burner assembly
Note 1 to entry: Cross lighting can be achieved with slots, channels and/or holes.
4 Modification to, General requirements
Add the following at the end of clause
If the appliance is not provided with a gas shut-off device which interrupts the gas supplied to the hob
burners when the lid is closed, at the end, or during the test in 7.2.4, it shall be verified that:
1. the glass lid does not break, or
2. if it breaks, projection distance of the scattered pieces, in any direction from the appliance shall be
lower than 50 mm out of the vertical projection of the entire appliance (Figure 16).
In addition, the glass shut-down lid shall have the following warning notice, in which the letters shall have
a height of at least 4 mm when measured on the capital letter: “CAUTION: glass lids may shatter when
heated. Turn off all the burners before shutting the lid” or the symbol as represented in Annex H.
This warning notice or symbol shall be incorporated (e.g. screen printed) in the glass and shall be
positioned so that it is legible when the lid is on open position. The warning notice or the meaning of the
symbol shall also be stated in the instructions for use and maintenance (see 8.4).
No projection outside the vertical projection of the entire appliance shall be generated by glass lid
opening hinges.
5 Modification to, Multi-ring hob burners
Add the following at the end of clause
With all hob components (burner heads, pan supports, etc) in place according to the instructions for use
and maintenance, uncovered multi-ring hob burners, equipped with a single flame supervision device of
types I, II or V, shall have cross-lighting means between a supervised and an unsupervised ring protected
against spillage of food or other substances from the cooking process, or the burners shall be tested as
described in
6 Modification to 6.2.2, Combustion
Replace the clause with the following
Under the conditions in, the following requirements are applicable for each of the tests described
in Table 6:
— In test no.1 the volume content of NO2 in the air- and water-free products of combustion shall not
exceed 35 ppm.
— In the other tests the volume content of the CO in the air- and water-free products of combustion
shall not exceed:
— 0,10 % for test no. 2;
— 0,15 % for tests no. 3, 4 and if applicable test no. 7;
— 0,20 % for test no. 5 and if applicable test no. 6.
In addition, when the appliance has a mains electrical supply, and fluctuation of the supply affects the
operation, ignition and/or the combustion, it shall be verified under the conditions described in,
test no. 6 that each hob burner ignites and continues to function during the test.
Moreover, under the test conditions described in, where the hob burners are supplied
individually with the sooting limit gas, there shall not be any soot deposit on the test pan, 10 min after a
clean pan has been placed over the burner. Yellow tipping is permitted.
7 Addition of a new 7.2.4, Appliances with a glass lid without a device for
shutting off the gas to the hob burners
The appliance is installed in accordance with the requirements in and supplied with one of the
reference gas of the category, in accordance with 7.1.1. under the normal test pressure.
NOTE 1 If different heat inputs are declared for the same category, test is performed only with the reference gas
having the highest heat input.
It is adjusted in accordance with If necessary, it is supplied with electricity at the rated voltage.
The burner positioned on the back of the appliance and with the highest nominal heat input is covered
with a pan filled with water in accordance with, is ignited and then operated for 20 min.
At the end of that period, the pan is removed, and the burner tap is turned to the reduced rate position.
The lid is closed, and the appliance is operated under this condition for 1 h.
The appliance is then switched-off and the test is continued up to when the appliance returns to ambient
NOTE 2 It is appropriate to use safety measures (e.g. shields) to protect the operator from risks originated by
the eventual potential glass breakage.
8 Modification to, General
Modify the formula as follow:
The saturation vapour pressure at t shall be taken as equal to:
p exp 21,094−
9 Modification to, Test conditions
Modify Table 5 as follow:
Table 5 —Combustion tests
Test Burners in Gas used Position of burner control Test pressure
no. operation
1 Each burner Each reference gas Full on Pn
2 Each burner Each reference gas Full on Pmax
3 Each burner Each reference gas Position corresponding to 1/2 Pn
individually nominal heat input
4 Each burner Limit gas for Full on Pmax
individually incomplete
5 All hob burners and Each reference gas Full on Pn
(if possible) oven
and/or grill
6 Each burner One of the Full on Pn
individually reference gases
7 Each multi-ring Each reference gas Position corresponding to the Pn
burner with maximum rate obtainable when
sectional control the smallest number of burner
individually by sections are in use
means of a single gas
tap or control
Tests 1 to 6 also apply to all types of multi-ring hob burners, having all possible rings of the burner ports in
operation together. Those multi-ring burners where the rings cannot work together (like type III according to
Annex G) are tested with each ring operated as a single burner.
For the operation of the oven and grill, see test no. 5.
The reference gas giving the highest CO concentration in test no. 2.
Modify the paragraphs as follow:
Tests no. 2, 3, 4, 5 and 7 are carried out with and without the special removable supports for small pans
on the burners for which the instructions for use and maintenance specify their use.
Test no. 6 is only carried out when the appliance has a mains electricity supply. Any special support for
small pans and any special support for convex based vessels are not used.
A test pan in accordance with is placed on the burner to be tested individually. However, no pan
shall be placed on covered burners if the plate would not be entirely covered by the pan.
Modify the tests from a) to g) as follow:
a) For test no. 1:
The test shall be carried out at the normal test pressure of the reference gas used.
The burner is operated full-on for 15 min before starting the sampling of the products of combustion
according to
b) For test no.2:
This test is carried out immediately after test no. 1 without cooling down the appliance.
The test pressure is the maximum pressure of the reference gas used. However, for appliances with
pressure regulators, the test is carried out with the test pressure adjusted to achieve a heat input of
the burner 1,075 times higher than the nominal heat input.
c) For test no. 3:
This test is carried out immediately after test no. 2 without cooling down the appliance, at normal
test pressure of the reference gas use

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