Safety requirements for cableway installations designed to transport persons - Precommissioning inspection and instructions for maintenance and operational inspection and checks

This document sets the safety requirements that need to be met in relation to pre-commissioning inspections and the instructions for maintenance and operational inspections and checks of cableway installations designed to transport persons. This document is applicable to the various types of cableway installation and takes into account their environment.
It also includes requirements relating to accident prevention and to the protection of workers irrespective of the application of national regulations.
National regulations regarding building laws or regulations or which afford protection to specific groups of people, as well as national regulations regarding testing, acceptance testing prior to starting passenger service, maintenance and operational inspection shall remain unaffected.
It does not apply to cableway installations for the transportation of goods or to lifts.
The provisions of Clause 5 apply to the measures to be taken prior to the commissioning of the installation, and those of Clauses 6 and 7 to the measures to be taken during operation.
This document does not apply to cableway installations designed to transport persons that were manufactured before the publication of this EN standard.

Sicherheitsanforderungen an Seilbahnen für die Personenbeförderung - Erprobung und Anleitungen für die Instandhaltung und die Betriebskontrollen

Dieses Dokument legt die Sicherheitsanforderungen an die Erprobung sowie an die Anleitungen für die Instandhaltung und die Betriebskontrollen von Seilbahnen für die Personenbeförderung fest. Dabei werden die verschiedenen Seilbahnsysteme und deren Umgebung berücksichtigt.
Es enthält Anforderungen über die Unfallverhütung und den Arbeitnehmerschutz unbeschadet der Anwendung nationaler Vorschriften.
Nationale Vorschriften mit bau- oder ordnungsrechtlichem Charakter oder die dem Schutz besonderer Personengruppen dienen sowie nationale Vorschriften für die Erprobung, die Abnahmeprüfung vor Aufnahme des Fahrgastbetriebes, die Instandhaltung und die Betriebskontrollen bleiben unberührt.
Es gilt weder für die Seilbahnen des Güterverkehrs noch für die Aufzüge.
Die Festlegungen des Abschnittes 5 beziehen sich auf Maßnahmen vor der Inbetriebnahme der Anlage, jene der Abschnitte 6 und 7 auf Maßnahmen während des Betriebes.
Dieses Dokument gilt nicht für Seilbahnen für die Personenbeförderung, die vor dem Datum der Veröffentlichung dieser Norm als EN hergestellt wurden.

Prescriptions de sécurité pour les installations à câbles transportant des personnes - Examen probatoire et instructions pour la maintenance et les contrôles en exploitation

Le présent  document établit les prescriptions de sécurité s'appliquant à l'examen probatoire ainsi qu'aux instructions pour la maintenance et les contrôles en exploitation des installations à câbles transportant des personnes. Il s'applique aux différents systèmes et tient compte de leur environnement.
Il contient des exigences relatives à la prévention des accidents et à la protection des travailleurs sans affecter l'application des réglementations nationales.
Les réglementations nationales relatives au droit de la construction et aux conditions réglementaires ou liées à la protection de certains groupes de personnes ainsi que les réglementations nationales relatives à l'examen probatoire, l'essai de réception avant l'ouverture au public, la maintenance et les contrôles en exploitation ne sont pas affectées.
Il ne s'applique ni aux installations de transport à câbles destinées aux marchandises, ni aux ascenseurs.
Les dispositions de l'Article 5 s'appliquent aux mesures à prendre avant la mise en service de l’installation et les Articles 6 et 7 concernent celles à prendre pendant l'exploitation.
Le présent document ne s’applique pas aux installations à câbles transportant des personnes, construites avant sa date de publication par le CEN.

Varnostne zahteve za žičniške naprave za prevoz oseb – Prevzemni pregled, navodila za vzdrževanje, pregledi in kontrole obratovanja

Ta evropski standard določa varnostne zahteve, ki se uporabljajo za prevzemni pregled in navodila za vzdrževanje ter preglede in kontrole obratovanja žičniških naprav za prevoz oseb. Ta dokument se uporablja za različne vrste žičniških naprav, pri čemer se upoštevajo okolja njihove uporabe.
Vključuje tudi zahteve v zvezi s preprečevanjem nesreč in zaščito delavcev, brez poseganja v uporabo nacionalnih predpisov.
Standard ne vpliva na nacionalne predpise, ki se nanašajo na gradbeno zakonodajo ali predpise, ki zagotavljajo varnost določenih skupin ljudi, in na nacionalne predpise glede preizkušanja, prevzemnega preizkušanja pred začetkom potniškega prometa, vzdrževanja in pregledov obratovanja.
Ne uporablja se za žičniške naprave za prevoz blaga ali dvigala.
Določila točke 5 se nanašajo na ukrepe pred prevzemom naprave, določila točk 6 in 7 pa na ukrepe med obratovanjem.

General Information

Publication Date
Withdrawal Date
Current Stage
9060 - Closure of 2 Year Review Enquiry - Review Enquiry
Start Date
Completion Date


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Standards Content (Sample)

SIST EN 1709:2005
Varnostne zahteve za žičniške naprave za prevoz oseb - Prevzemni pregled in
navodila za vzdrževanje in pregled obratovanja
Safety requirements for cableway installations designed to carry persons -
Precommissioning inspection and instructions for maintenance and operational
Sicherheitsanforderungen an Seilbahnen für den Personenverkehr - Erprobung und
Anleitungen für die Instandhaltung und die Betriebskontrollen
Prescriptions de sécurité pour les installations à câbles transportant des personnes -
Examen probatoire et instructions pour la maintenance et les contrôles en exploitation
Ta slovenski standard je istoveten z: EN 1709:2019
45.100 Oprema za žičnice Cableway equipment
2003-01.Slovenski inštitut za standardizacijo. Razmnoževanje celote ali delov tega standarda ni dovoljeno.

EN 1709
May 2019
ICS 45.100 Supersedes EN 1709:2004
English Version
Safety requirements for cableway installations designed to
transport persons - Precommissioning inspection and
instructions for maintenance and operational inspection
and checks
Prescriptions de sécurité pour les installations à câbles Sicherheitsanforderungen an Seilbahnen für die
transportant des personnes - Examen probatoire et Personenbeförderung - Erprobung und Anleitungen für
instructions pour la maintenance et les contrôles en die Instandhaltung und die Betriebskontrollen
This European Standard was approved by CEN on 15 January 2019.

CEN members are bound to comply with the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations which stipulate the conditions for giving this
European Standard the status of a national standard without any alteration. Up-to-date lists and bibliographical references
concerning such national standards may be obtained on application to the CEN-CENELEC Management Centre or to any CEN
This European Standard exists in three official versions (English, French, German). A version in any other language made by
translation under the responsibility of a CEN member into its own language and notified to the CEN-CENELEC Management
Centre has the same status as the official versions.

CEN members are the national standards bodies of Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia,
Finland, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania,
Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland,
Turkey and United Kingdom.


CEN-CENELEC Management Centre: Rue de la Science 23, B-1040 Brussels
© 2019 CEN All rights of exploitation in any form and by any means reserved Ref. No. EN 1709:2019 E
worldwide for CEN national Members.

Contents Page
European foreword . 4
1 Scope . 7
2 Normative references . 7
3 Terms and definitions . 8
4 General requirements . 8
4.1 Application of this Standard . 8
4.2 Safety principles . 8
4.2.1 General . 8
4.2.2 Hazard scenarios . 9
4.2.3 Safety measures . 9 General . 9 General safety. 9 Safety of workers . 9
5 Precommissioning inspection . 9
5.1 General . 9
5.2 Verifying the conformity of the installation with the technical documentation and
other documents . 10
5.3 Checking the individual components, their interaction with each other and with
their local environment . 10
5.4 Operating test . 11
5.5 Submitting the required documentation to the controller . 11
5.6 Report on the precommissioning inspection . 11
6 Instructions for Maintenance . 12
6.1 General . 12
6.2 Servicing . 13
6.3 Inspection . 13
6.3.1 General . 13
6.3.2 First inspection of the civil engineering works . 13
6.3.3 Monthly inspections . 13
6.3.4 Inspection in the case of intermittent operation . 14
6.3.5 Annual inspections . 14 General . 14 Civil engineering works . 14 Mechanical equipment . 14 Carriers and tow-hangers . 15 Electrical installations . 15 Safety functions and devices as well as signalling devices . 16 Mobile evacuation equipment . 16 Other equipment and components . 16
6.3.6 Multiannual inspections . 16
6.3.7 Special inspections . 17
6.4 Repair . 18
7 Instructions for operational inspection and checks . 18
7.1 General . 18
7.2 Daily operational inspection and checks prior to passenger transportation . 18
7.2.1 Operational inspection and checks while the installation is stationary . 18
7.2.2 Operational inspection and checks during the test run . 19
7.3 Operational inspection and checks during operation . 20
7.4 Operational inspection and checks after exceptional events . 20
Annex ZA (informative) Relationship between this European Standard and the essential
requirements of Regulation (EU) 2016/424 . 21

European foreword
This document (EN 1709:2019) has been prepared by Technical Committee CEN/TC 242 “Safety
requirements for cableway installations designed to carry persons”, the secretariat of which is held by
This European Standard shall be given the status of a national standard, either by publication of an
identical text or by endorsement, at the latest by November 2019, and conflicting national standards shall
be withdrawn at the latest by November 2019.
Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of
patent rights. CEN shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights.
This document supersedes EN 1709:2004.
This document has been prepared under a mandate given to CEN by the European Commission and the
European Free Trade Association, and supports essential requirements of Regulation (EU) 2016/424.
For the relationship with Regulation (EU) 2016/424, see informative Annex ZA, which is an integral part
of this document.
The main changes with respect to the previous edition are listed below:
a) 4.2.2 h) was added due to the unsuitability of one procedure.
b) The classification of Clause 5 has been changed in order to implement the term “precommissioning
inspection” consistently with 3.1.
c) Clause 5 has been changed in order to clarify the differences between the two categories of
documents (documents by which the planned configuration of the installation is established, and
documents which the suppliers have to provide to the controller).
d) 5.2 has been deleted, as it is already included in the modified 5.1.
e) 5.3 g) was inserted.
f) The order of the list in 5.3 was adapted to the Regulation (EU) 2016/424 and to Section 6.
g) In the last paragraph of 5.3, the independent competent person has been deleted, as this is a matter
for the national members.
h) In 5.3 m) the pre-commissioning inspection has been deleted because it conflicts with the title and
the performance of recovery exercises as determined in national regulations and/or in EN 1909.
i) The final paragraph of 5.4 has been deleted as it is already covered in EN 12397.
j) In 6.1, the requirements for documenting maintenance work have been combined and extended in
one place.
k) 6.1.1 (new 6.1.2) has been changed, as, in accordance with 5.5, suppliers are required to provide
instructions for maintenance.
l) 6.1.4 was inserted, so that Annex ZA is still possible.
m) The definition of inspection in 6.3.1 has been supplemented with information concerning the time
requirements. This definition is now not the same as the term “inspection” in EN 1907.
n) The requirements in 6.3.1 for civil engineering works are generally applicable and have been
expanded to include all parts of the installation.
o) In 6.3.2 and 6.3.5, the visual inspection of screws and rivets for tightness has been changed to cover
loose and missing elements, and the visual inspection with regard to deformation has been extended
to include all components.
p) In 6.3.3, a), c), i), k) and parts of m) have been omitted and a stipulation of switching cabinet
cleanliness requirements included. The order of the list was adapted to Regulation (EU) 2016/424.
q) In 6.3.5, the order of the lists has been changed to comply with Regulation (EU) 2016/424 and a
clause concerning mobile evacuation equipment has been included.
r) has been supplemented with detailed requirements for timber structures and for the terrain
in the vicinity of the civil engineering works.
s) Most of the requirements for funicular railways originally included in 6.3.6 are generally applicable
and have been extended to include a

SIST EN 1709:2005
Varnostne zahteve za žičniške naprave za prevoz oseb – Prevzemni pregled,
navodila za vzdrževanje, pregledi in kontrole obratovanja
Safety requirements for cableway installations designed to transport persons -
Precommissioning inspection and instructions for maintenance and operational
and checks
Sicherheitsanforderungen an Seilbahnen für die Personenbeförderung - Erprobung und
Anleitungen für die Instandhaltung und die Betriebskontrollen
Prescriptions de sécurité pour les installations à câbles transportant des personnes -
Examen probatoire et instructions pour la maintenance et les contrôles en exploitation
Ta slovenski standard je istoveten z: EN 1709:2019
45.100 Oprema za žičnice Cableway equipment
2003-01.Slovenski inštitut za standardizacijo. Razmnoževanje celote ali delov tega standarda ni dovoljeno.

EN 1709
May 2019
ICS 45.100 Supersedes EN 1709:2004
English Version
Safety requirements for cableway installations designed to
transport persons - Precommissioning inspection and
instructions for maintenance and operational inspection
and checks
Prescriptions de sécurité pour les installations à câbles Sicherheitsanforderungen an Seilbahnen für die
transportant des personnes - Examen probatoire et Personenbeförderung - Erprobung und Anleitungen für
instructions pour la maintenance et les contrôles en die Instandhaltung und die Betriebskontrollen
This European Standard was approved by CEN on 15 January 2019.

CEN members are bound to comply with the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations which stipulate the conditions for giving this
European Standard the status of a national standard without any alteration. Up-to-date lists and bibliographical references
concerning such national standards may be obtained on application to the CEN-CENELEC Management Centre or to any CEN
This European Standard exists in three official versions (English, French, German). A version in any other language made by
translation under the responsibility of a CEN member into its own language and notified to the CEN-CENELEC Management
Centre has the same status as the official versions.

CEN members are the national standards bodies of Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia,
Finland, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania,
Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland,
Turkey and United Kingdom.


CEN-CENELEC Management Centre: Rue de la Science 23, B-1040 Brussels
© 2019 CEN All rights of exploitation in any form and by any means reserved Ref. No. EN 1709:2019 E
worldwide for CEN national Members.

Contents Page
European foreword . 4
1 Scope . 7
2 Normative references . 7
3 Terms and definitions . 8
4 General requirements . 8
4.1 Application of this Standard . 8
4.2 Safety principles . 8
4.2.1 General . 8
4.2.2 Hazard scenarios . 9
4.2.3 Safety measures . 9 General . 9 General safety. 9 Safety of workers . 9
5 Precommissioning inspection . 9
5.1 General . 9
5.2 Verifying the conformity of the installation with the technical documentation and
other documents . 10
5.3 Checking the individual components, their interaction with each other and with
their local environment . 10
5.4 Operating test . 11
5.5 Submitting the required documentation to the controller . 11
5.6 Report on the precommissioning inspection . 11
6 Instructions for Maintenance . 12
6.1 General . 12
6.2 Servicing . 13
6.3 Inspection . 13
6.3.1 General . 13
6.3.2 First inspection of the civil engineering works . 13
6.3.3 Monthly inspections . 13
6.3.4 Inspection in the case of intermittent operation . 14
6.3.5 Annual inspections . 14 General . 14 Civil engineering works . 14 Mechanical equipment . 14 Carriers and tow-hangers . 15 Electrical installations . 15 Safety functions and devices as well as signalling devices . 16 Mobile evacuation equipment . 16 Other equipment and components . 16
6.3.6 Multiannual inspections . 16
6.3.7 Special inspections . 17
6.4 Repair . 18
7 Instructions for operational inspection and checks . 18
7.1 General . 18
7.2 Daily operational inspection and checks prior to passenger transportation . 18
7.2.1 Operational inspection and checks while the installation is stationary . 18
7.2.2 Operational inspection and checks during the test run . 19
7.3 Operational inspection and checks during operation . 20
7.4 Operational inspection and checks after exceptional events . 20
Annex ZA (informative) Relationship between this European Standard and the essential
requirements of Regulation (EU) 2016/424 . 21

European foreword
This document (EN 1709:2019) has been prepared by Technical Committee CEN/TC 242 “Safety
requirements for cableway installations designed to carry persons”, the secretariat of which is held by
This European Standard shall be given the status of a national standard, either by publication of an
identical text or by endorsement, at the latest by November 2019, and conflicting national standards shall
be withdrawn at the latest by November 2019.
Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of
patent rights. CEN shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights.
This document supersedes EN 1709:2004.
This document has been prepared under a mandate given to CEN by the European Commission and the
European Free Trade Association, and supports essential requirements of Regulation (EU) 2016/424.
For the relationship with Regulation (EU) 2016/424, see informative Annex ZA, which is an integral part
of this document.
The main changes with respect to the previous edition are listed below:
a) 4.2.2 h) was added due to the unsuitability of one procedure.
b) The classification of Clause 5 has been changed in order to implement the term “precommissioning
inspection” consistently with 3.1.
c) Clause 5 has been changed in order to clarify the differences between the two categories of
documents (documents by which the planned configuration of the installation is established, and
documents which the suppliers have to provide to the controller).
d) 5.2 has been deleted, as it is already included in the modified 5.1.
e) 5.3 g) was inserted.
f) The order of the list in 5.3 was adapted to the Regulation (EU) 2016/424 and to Section 6.
g) In the last paragraph of 5.3, the independent competent person has been deleted, as this is a matter
for the national members.
h) In 5.3 m) the pre-commissioning inspection has been deleted because it conflicts with the title and
the performance of recovery exercises as determined in national regulations and/or in EN 1909.
i) The final paragraph of 5.4 has been deleted as it is already covered in EN 12397.
j) In 6.1, the requirements for documenting maintenance work have been combined and extended in
one place.
k) 6.1.1 (new 6.1.2) has been changed, as, in accordance with 5.5, suppliers are required to provide
instructions for maintenance.
l) 6.1.4 was inserted, so that Annex ZA is still possible.
m) The definition of inspection in 6.3.1 has been supplemented with information concerning the time
requirements. This definition is now not the same as the term “inspection” in EN 1907.
n) The requirements in 6.3.1 for civil engineering works are generally applicable and have been
expanded to include all parts of the installation.
o) In 6.3.2 and 6.3.5, the visual inspection of screws and rivets for tightness has been changed to cover
loose and missing elements, and the visual inspection with regard to deformation has been extended
to include all components.
p) In 6.3.3, a), c), i), k) and parts of m) have been omitted and a stipulation of switching cabinet
cleanliness requirements included. The order of the list was adapted to Regulation (EU) 2016/424.
q) In 6.3.5, the order of the lists has been changed to comply with Regulation (EU) 2016/424 and a
clause concerning mobile evacuation equipment has been included.
r) has been supplemented with detailed requirements for timber structures and for the terrain
in the vicinity of the civil engineering works.
s) Most of the requirements for funicular railways originally included in 6.3.6 are generally applicable
and have been

STANDARD julij 2019
Varnostne zahteve za žičniške naprave za prevoz oseb – Prevzemni
pregled, navodila za vzdrževanje, pregledi in kontrole obratovanja

Safety requirements for cableway installations designed to transport persons –
Precommissioning inspection and instructions for maintenance and operational
inspection and checks
Sicherheitsanforderungen an Seilbahnen für die Personenbeförderung –
Erprobung und Anleitungen für die Instandhaltung und die Betriebskontrollen

Prescriptions de sécurité pour les installations à câbles transportant des

personnes – Examen probatoire et instructions pour la maintenance et les
contrôles en exploitation
Referenčna oznaka
ICS 45.100 SIST EN 1709:2019 (sl)

Nadaljevanje na straneh II in III ter od 1 do 18

© 2019-11. Slovenski inštitut za standardizacijo. Razmnoževanje ali kopiranje celote ali delov tega standarda ni dovoljeno.

SIST EN 1709 : 2019
Standard SIST EN 1709 (sl), Varnostne zahteve za žičniške naprave za prevoz oseb – Prevzemni
pregled, navodila za vzdrževanje, pregledi in kontrole obratovanja, 2019, ima status slovenskega
standarda in je istoveten evropskemu standardu EN 1709 (en), Safety requirements for cableway
installations designed to transport persons – Precommissioning inspection and instructions for
maintenance and operational inspection and checks, 2019.

Ta standard nadomešča SIST EN 1709:2005.

Evropski standard EN 1709:2019 je pripravil tehnični odbor Evropskega komiteja za standardizacijo
CEN/TC 242 Varnostne zahteve za prevoz oseb z žičniškimi napravami, katerega tajništvo je v
pristojnosti AFNOR.
Slovenski standard SIST EN 1709:2019 je prevod evropskega standarda EN 1709:2019. V primeru
spora glede besedila slovenskega prevoda v tem standardu je odločilen izvirni evropski standard v
angleškem jeziku. Slovensko izdajo standarda je pripravil tehnični odbor SIST/TC DTN Dvigalne in
transportne naprave.
Odločitev za izdajo tega standarda je dne 4. junija 2019 sprejel tehnični odbor SIST/TC DTN Dvigalne
in transportne naprave.

S privzemom tega evropskega standarda veljajo za omejeni namen referenčnih standardov vsi
standardi, navedeni v izvirniku, razen standardov, ki so že sprejeti v nacionalno standardizacijo:

SIST EN 1907 Varnostne zahteve za žičniške naprave za prevoz oseb – Izrazje
SIST EN 1908 Varnostne zahteve za žičniške naprave za prevoz oseb – Napenjalne
SIST EN 1909 Varnostne zahteve za žičniške naprave za prevoz oseb – Izpraznitev in
SIST EN 12397 Varnostne zahteve za žičniške naprave za prevoz oseb – Obratovanje
SIST EN 12408 Varnostne zahteve za žičniške naprave za prevoz oseb – Zagotavljanje
SIST EN 12927 Varnostne zahteve za žičniške naprave za prevoz oseb – Vrvi
SIST EN 12929 (vsi deli) Varnostne zahteve za žičniške naprave za prevoz oseb – Splošne zahteve
SIST EN 12930 Varnostne zahteve za žičniške naprave za prevoz oseb – Izračuni
SIST EN 13107 Varnostne zahteve za žičniške naprave za prevoz oseb – Gradbena dela
in objekti
SIST EN 13223 Varnostne zahteve za žičniške naprave za prevoz oseb – Pogonski sistemi
in druga mehanska oprema
SIST EN 13243 Varnostne zahteve za žičniške naprave za prevoz oseb – Električna
oprema (razen za pogonske sisteme)
SIST EN 13796 (vsi deli) Varnostne zahteve za žičniške naprave za prevoz oseb – Vozila

– privzem evropskega standarda EN 1709:2019
SIST EN 1709 : 2019
– SIST EN 1709:2005
– Povsod, kjer se v besedilu standarda uporablja izraz “evropski standard”, v SIST EN 1709:2019 to
pomeni “slovenski standard”.
– Nacionalni uvod in nacionalni predgovor nista sestavni del standarda.
– Ta nacionalni dokument je istoveten EN 1709:2019 in je objavljen z dovoljenjem
Upravni center
Rue de la Science 23
B-1040 Bruselj
This national document is identical with EN 1709:2019 and is published with the permission of

Management Centre
Rue de la Science 23
B-1040 Brussels
SIST EN 1709 : 2019
maj 2019
ICS 45.100 Nadomešča EN 1709:2004

Slovenska izdaja
Varnostne zahteve za žičniške naprave za prevoz oseb – Prevzemni
pregled, navodila za vzdrževanje, pregledi in kontrole obratovanja

Safety requirements for Prescriptions de sécurité pour Sicherheitsanforderungen an
cableway installations designed les installations à câbles Seilbahnen für die
to transport persons – transportant des personnes – Personenbeförderung –
Precommissioning inspection Examen probatoire et Erprobung und Anleitungen für
and instructions for instructions pour la maintenance die Instandhaltung und die
maintenance and operational et les contrôles en exploitation Betriebskontrollen
inspection and checks
Ta evropski standard je CEN sprejel 15. januarja 2019.

Člani CEN morajo izpolnjevati notranje predpise CEN/CENELEC, ki določajo pogoje, pod katerimi
dobi ta evropski standard status nacionalnega standarda brez kakršnih koli sprememb. Seznami
najnovejših izdaj teh nacionalnih standardov in njihovi bibliografski podatki so na voljo na zahtevo pri
Upravnem centru CEN-CENELEC ali kateremkoli članu CEN.

Ta evropski standard obstaja v treh uradnih izdajah (angleški, francoski in nemški). Izdaje v drugih
jezikih, ki jih člani CEN na lastno odgovornost prevedejo in izdajo ter prijavijo pri Upravnem centru
CEN-CENELEC, veljajo kot uradne izdaje.

Člani CEN so nacionalni organi za standarde Avstrije, Belgije, Bolgarije, Cipra, Češke republike,
Danske, Estonije, Finske, Francije, Grčije, Hrvaške, Irske, Islandije, Italije, Latvije, Litve,
Luksemburga, Madžarske, Malte, Nekdanje jugoslovanske republike Makedonije, Nemčije,
Nizozemske, Norveške, Poljske, Portugalske, Romunije, Srbije, Slovaške, Slovenije, Španije,
Švedske, Švice, Turčije in Združenega kraljestva.

Evropski komite za standardizacijo
European committee for standardization
Comité européen de normalisation
Europäisches komitee für normung

Upravni center CEN-CENELEC: Rue de la Science 23, B-1040 Brussels

© 2019 CEN  Lastnice avtorskih pravic so vse države članice CEN Ref. oznaka EN 1709:2019 E

SIST EN 1709 : 2019
Predgovor k evropskemu standardu . 4
1 Področje uporabe . 6
2 Zveze s standardi . 6
3 Izrazi in definicije . 6
4 Splošne zahteve . 7
4.1 Uporaba tega standarda . 7
4.2 Varnostna načela . 7
4.2.1 Splošno . 7
4.2.2 Možne nevarnosti . 7
4.2.3 Varnostni ukrepi . 8 Splošno . 8 Splošna varnost . 8 Varnost delavcev . 8
5 Prevzemni pregled . 8
5.1 Splošno . 8
5.2 Ugotavljanje skladnosti naprave s tehnično dokumentacijo in drugimi dokumenti . 8
5.3 Pregled posameznih delov, njihovega medsebojnega delovanja in delovanja v njihovem
lokalnem okolju . 8
5.4 Preskusno obratovanje . 9
5.5 Predložitev zahtevane dokumentacije upravljavcu . 9
5.6 Poročilo o prevzemnem pregledu . 10
6 Navodila za vzdrževanje . 10
6.1 Splošno . 10
6.2 Servisiranje . 11
6.3 Pregled . 11
6.3.1 Splošno . 11
6.3.2 Prvi pregled gradbenih inženirskih objektov . 11
6.3.3 Mesečni pregledi . 11
6.3.4 Pregled v primeru prekinjenega obratovanja . 12
6.3.5 Letni pregledi . 12 Splošno . 12 Gradbeni inženirski objekti . 12 Mehanska oprema . 12 Vozila in vlačila . 13 Električne naprave . 13 Varnostne funkcije in naprave ter naprave za opozarjanje . 13 Premične naprave za reševanje . 13 Ostala oprema in njeni deli . 13
6.3.6 Večletni pregledi . 14
SIST EN 1709 : 2019
6.3.7 Posebni pregledi . 14
6.4 Popravila . 15
7 Navodila za preglede in kontrole obratovanja . 15
7.1 Splošno . 15
7.2 Dnevni pregledi in kontrole obratovanja pred prevozom oseb . 16
7.2.1 Pregledi in kontrole obratovanja, ko je naprava v mirovanju . 16
7.2.2 Pregledi in kontrole obratovanja med preskusno vožnjo . 16
7.3 Pregledi in kontrole obratovanja med obratovanjem . 17
7.4 Pregledi in kontrole obratovanja po izrednih dogodkih . 17
Dodatek ZA (informativni): Povezava med tem evropskim standardom in bistvenimi
zahtevami Uredbe (EU) 2016/424 . 18

SIST EN 1709 : 2019
Predgovor k evropskemu standardu

Ta dokument (EN 1709:2019) je pripravil tehnični odbor CEN/TC 242 Varnostne zahteve za žičniške
naprave za prevoz oseb, katerega sekretariat vodi AFNOR.

Ta evropski standard mora dobiti status nacionalnega standarda bodisi z objavo istovetnega besedila
bodisi z razglasitvijo najpozneje do novembra 2019, nasprotujoče nacionalne standarde pa je treba
razveljaviti najpozneje do novembra 2019.

Opozoriti je treba na možnost, da je lahko nekaj elementov tega dokumenta predmet patentnih pravic.
CEN ne prevzema odgovornosti za identifikacijo nekaterih ali vseh takih patentnih pravic.

Ta dokument nadomešča standard EN 1709:2004.

Ta dokument je bil pripr

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