Petroleum products - Determination of the oxidation stability of middle-distillate fuels (ISO 12205:1995)

Describes a procedure for the measurement of inherent stability under accelerated oxidizing conditions. The method provides a basis for the estimation of the storage stability, under the conditions of this test, of middle-distillate fuels with an initial boiling point above approximately 175 °C and a 90% (V/V) recovery point below 370 °C. Is not applicable to fuels containing residual components, or any significant component from a non-petroleum source.

Mineralölerzeugnisse - Bestimmung der Oxidationsbeständigkeit von Mitteldestillaten (ISO 12205:1995)

Diese Internationale Norm beschreibt ein Verfahren zur Messung der Eigenstabilität von Mineralöler-Mittel destillaten unter beschleunigten oxidierenden Bedingungen. Sie ist nicht anwendbar auf Kraft- und Brennstoffe mit Rückstandsbestandteilen oder mit einem signifikanten Anteil an Bestandteilen, die nicht aus Mineralöl stammen.

Produits pétroliers - Détermination de la stabilité à l'oxydation des ditillats moyens de pétrole (ISO 12205:1995)

La présente Norme internationale décrit une méthode pour mesurer la stabilité inhérente des distillats moyens du pétrole dans des conditions d'oxydation sévérisées. Les carburants et combustibles qui contiennent des résidus ou des composants en quantité significative d'origine non pétrolière ne sont pas analysables par cette méthode. La méthode fournit une base pour l'estimation de la stabilité au stockage dans les conditions de cet essai et s'applique aux distillats moyens du pétrole dont le point initial d'ébullition est supérieur à 175 °C environ et dont le point de récupération à 90% (V/V) est inférieur à 370 °C. La méthode ne permet pas de prédire la quantité d'insolubles qui se formeront au cours d'un stockage réel pendant un temps donné. La quantité de ces insolubles dépend de conditions spécifiques qui varient trop pour permettre une prévision fiable.  
NOTE 1 L'oxydation est un processus chimique qui provoque la formation d'insolubles adhérents et filtrables. Toute substance comme le cuivre ou le chrome qui catalyse les réactions d'oxydation provoquera une augmentation des quantités d'insolubles.

Naftni proizvodi - Določanje oksidacijske stabilnosti srednjih destilatnih goriv (ISO 12205:1995)

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2003-01.Slovenski inštitut za standardizacijo. Razmnoževanje celote ali delov tega standarda ni dovoljeno.Mineralölerzeugnisse - Bestimmung der Oxidationsbeständigkeit von Mitteldestillaten (ISO 12205:1995)Produits pétroliers - Détermination de la stabilité a l'oxydation des ditillats moyens de pétrole (ISO 12205:1995)Petroleum products - Determination of the oxidation stability of middle-distillate fuels (ISO 12205:1995)75.160.01Goriva na splošnoFuels in generalICS:Ta slovenski standard je istoveten z:EN ISO 12205:1996SIST EN ISO 12205:1998en01-maj-1998SIST EN ISO 12205:1998SLOVENSKI
INTERNATIONAL STANDARD ISO 12205 First edition 1995-02-01 Petroleum products - Determination of the Oxidation stability of middle-distillate fuels Produits pktroliers - Dktermina tion de Ia stabilite a I’oxyda tion des dis tilla ts moyens de p6 trole Reference number ISO 12205:1995(E) SIST EN ISO 12205:1998

ISO 12205:1995(E) Foreword ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national Standards bodies (ISO member bodies). The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out through ISO technical committees. Esch member body interested in a subject for which a technical committee has been established has the right to be represented on that committee. International organizations, governmental and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work. ISO collaborates closely with the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all matters of electrotechnical standardization. Draft International Standards adopted by the technical committees are circulated to the member bodies for voting. Publication as an International Standard requires approval by at least 75 % of the member bodies casting a vote. International Standard ISO 12205 was prepared by Technical Committee lSO/TC 28, Petroleum products and lubricants. Annex A of this International Standard is for information only. 0 ISO 1995 All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, no part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronie or mechan microfilm, witho ut Permission in writing from the Pu blisher. Internationa I Organization for Standardization Case Pastal e 56 l CH-121 1 Geneve 20 l Switz erland ical, including photocopying and Printed in Switzerland ii SIST EN ISO 12205:1998

INTERNATIONAL STANDARD 0 ISO ISO 12205:1995(E) Petroleum products - Determination of the Oxidation stability of middle-distillate fuels WARNING - The use of this International Standard may involve hazardous materials, operations and equipment. This Standard does not purport to address all of the safety Problems associated with its use. lt is the responsibility of the User of this Standard to establish appropriate safety and health practices and determine the applicability of regulatory limitations Prior to use. 1 Scope This International Standard describes a procedure for the measurement of inherent stability of middle- distillate Petroleum fuels under accelerated oxidizing conditions. lt is not applicable to fuels containing re- sidual components, or any significant component from a non-Petroleum Source. The method provides a basis for the estimation of the storage stability, under the conditions of this test, of middle-distillate fuels with an initial boiling Point above approximately 175 “C and a 90% (WV) recovery Point below 370 “C. The method may not provide a prediction of the quantity of insolubles that will form in field storage over any given period of time. The amount of such insolubles is subject to the specific conditions, which are too variable for this test method to predict accu- rately. NOTE 1 Oxidation is a Chemical process causing adher- ent and filterable insolubles to form. Any substance such as topper or chromium that catalyses Oxidation reactions will Cause greater quantities of insolubles to form. 2 Normative references The following Standards contain provisions which, through reference in this text, constitute provisions of this International Standard. At the time sf publi- cation, the editions indicated were valid. All Standards are subject to revision, and Parties to agreements based on this International Standard are encouraged to investigate the possibility of applying the most re- cent editions of the Standards indicated below. Members of IEC and ISO maintain registers of cur- rently valid International Standards. ISO 3170:1988, Petroleum liquids - Manual sampling. ISO 3171 :1988, Petroleum liquids - Automatic pipe- line sampling. ISO 3696: 1987, Wa ter for analytical laboratory use - Specification and test methods. ISO 6246: -‘1, Petroleum products - Gum content of light and middle distillate fuels - Jet evaporation me thod. ISO 6353-2:1983 and Addendum 2:1986, Reagents for Chemical analysis - Part 2: Specifica tions - First series. 3 Definitions For the purposes of this International Standard, the following definitions apply. 3.1 adherent insolubles: Material, produced in the course of stressing middle-distillate fuel under the conditions of this test, that adheres to the glassware after the fuel has been flushed from the System. 1) To be published. (Revision of ISO 6246:1981) SIST EN ISO 12205:1998

ISO 12205:1995(E) 0 ISO 3.2 filterable insolubles: Material, produced in the course of stressing middle-distillate fuel under the conditions of this test, that is capable of being re- moved from the fuel by filtration. This includes both material suspended in the fuel and material removed easily from the Oxidation cell and Oxygen delivery tube with hydrocarbon solvent. 3.3 inherent stability: Resistance to Change when exposed to air, but in the absence of other environ- mental factors such as water, or reactive metallic surfaces or dir-t. 3.4 total insolubles: Sum of adherent and filterable insolubles. 3.5 zero time: Time at which the first Oxidation cell is placed in the heating bath. 4 Principle A test Portion of filtered middle-distillate fuel is aged at 95 “C for 16 h while bubbling Oxygen through the Sample. After ageing, the Sample is cooled to ap- proximately room temperature before filtering to ob- tain the quantity of filterable insolubles. Adherent insolubles are then removed from the Oxidation cell and associated glassware with trisolvent. The trisolvent is evaporated to obtain the quantity of ad- herent insolubles. The sum of the filterable and ad- herent insolubles is reported as total insolubles. 5 Reagents and materials Reagent grade solvents, conforming to the require- ments of ISO 6353 or better, shall be used for the preparation of the trisolvent (TAM). Water shall con- form to grade 3 of ISO 3696. NOTE 2 It has been found that commercial grades of solvents, if used for the procedures of this International Standard, tan have levels of impurities that will affect the result. 5.1 Acetone, CHsCOCH,. 5.2 Toluene, C,H,CH,. 5.3 Methanol, CH,OH. 5.4 Trisolvent (TAM), comprising a Solution of equal volumes of acetone (5.1), toluene (5.2) and methanol (5.3). 5.5 2,2,4=trimethylpentane (iso-octane), CH,C(CH,),CH,CH(CH,)CH,, of minimum purity 99,5 %. 5.6 Oxygen, minimum purity 99,5 %. When Oxygen is delivered through a plant System of piping, a filter shall be provided adjacent to the heat- ing bath (6.2). Control the Oxygen supply by an ap- propriate regulation System. 6 Apparatus All measuring apparatus shall be calibrated, verified and periodically monitored for Performance, as appro- priate and according to manufacturer’s instructions, to assure consistency of results. 6.1 Oxidation cell, of borosilicate glass as shown in figure 1, consisting of a test tube, condenser and Oxygen delivery tube. Since the apparatus used in this test tan also be used in ISO 4263 (see annex A), where coils of topper and steel are used, ensure that any residue that could contain these metals is eliminated from the apparatus by thorough cleaning Prior to use. To preclude the presence of chromium ions, as well as to protect laboratory personnel from potential harm, chromosulfuric acid shall not be used for cleaning glassware in the practice of this method. 6.2 Heating bath, containing a liquid medium whose temperature is thermostatically controlled to maintain the fuel in the Oxidation cells at a temper- ature of 95,0 “C + 0,2 “C (see note 4). - lt shall be fitted with a suitable stirring device to pro- vide a uniform temperature throughout the bath, and large enough to hold the desired number of Oxidation cells immersed to a depth of approximately 350 mm. Further, the bath construction shall shield the fuel samples from light while they are undergoing Oxidation. A minimum liquid capacity of 6 I per Oxidation cell shall be provided. NOTES 3 lt has been found that a bath temperature in the range of 95,5 “C to 95,8 “C is necessary to maintain the fuel temperature in the specified range. 4 A metal block bath, conforming to control requirements, i s also suitable. the same capacity and SIST EN ISO 12205:1998

ISO 12205:1995(E) Dimensions in millimetres /- Glass condenser Oxygen delivery tube 43 7 mm borosilicate glass tubing @ 6 mm bo CJl ass rod rosilicate k (Bext.45 = / rrgure 1 - Oxidation cell 6.3 Flowmeters, capable of measuring 3,0 I/h + 0,3 I/h of Oxygen flow. One flowmeter shall be irovided for each Oxidation cell. 6.4 Filter drying oven, capable of safely evaporat- ing the solvent at 80 “C $I 2 “C for the dtying of filter materials. 6.5 Glassware drying oven, capable of drying glassware at 105 “C * 5 “C. - 6.6 Filter assembly, capable of holding the filter media (6.7), as illustrated in figure 2. r 6.7 Filter media, 47 mm diameter, of nylon mem- brane with a nominal pore diameter of 0,8 Pm. Use Single filters for prefiltration, and matched pairs for the determination of filterable insolubles. NOTE 5 Whilst the use of nylon membrane filters is pre- ferred, as they have advantages with regard to handling, cellulose ester membrane filters may also be used. 6.8 Evaporating vessels, comprising tall form beakers of borosilicate glass, of capacity either 200 ml or 100 ml depending on the technique, for determining adherent insolubles (10.5). SIST EN ISO 12205:1998

ISO 12205:1995(E) 0 ISO 7.3 Preparation of evaporating beakers rv Filter funnel Membra ,ne filter support Figure 2 - Filter assembly Dry the cleaned evaporating vessels (6.8) for 60 min in the oven (6.5). Place the beakers in the desiccator (6.9), and allow to cool for 60 min. Weigh the beakers to the nearest 0,l mg. 8 Sampling 8.1 Samples shall be taken by the procedure de- scribed in ISO 3170, ISO 3171 or an equivalent na- tional Standard. 8.2 Test pot-tions from the samples shall be drawn after thorough mixing and subdivision away from di- rect sunlight, and in an area that would be compatible with other laboratory operations. Storage before stres

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