CEN Workshop Agreement (CWA) - Electrical interface for domestic cogeneration - Requirements for distribution network connection for micro cogeneration systems for domestic use up to 16 A per phase in low-voltage distribution networks (230/400 V)

Micro-cogeneration is the generation of electricity and the recovery and use of the thermal energy
supplying the needs of domestic premises. This CEN Workshop Agreement covers the electrical
interface between the appliance and the low-voltage electrical network (nominal 230/400 V). Specific
elements like metering are not included. The intention of the CWA is to recommend future good
practice, noting that the CWA, local existing standards and practices may require modification in the
future due to larger market penetration and the associated return of experience.
NOTE The CWA reflects a pan-European view on best practice for the connection of micro-cogeneration; however it may not
be the most appropriate document for use in all countries and under all circumstances.
The following aspects are included in the scope:
· all technologies for micro-cogeneration are applicable;
· all generator types are applicable;
· the size is limited to a maximum of 16A per phase in a single low-voltage
installation (nominal 230/400V)
· both 3-phase and single-phase connections are applicable;
· connection is limited to low voltage networks;
· the electrical interface is the principal focus and this includes the method of
connection, the settings and protection requirements for connection, the operation
of the electrical interface under normal conditions, emergency shutdown,
distribution network-independent operation, start-up and distribution network
· this document relates to the electrical interface only as existing standards and
directives apply to the other parts of the system;
· this document covers technical issues of connection.
NOTE The size is maybe increased up to 20 A (24 A) in accordance to the existing national standards in Germany, Austria,

Dogovor delavnice CEN (CWA) – Električni vmesnik za hišno soproizvodnjo – Zahteve za povezave razdelilnega omrežja za mikro soproizvodne sisteme za domačo uporabo do 16 A na fazo v nizkonapetostnem razdelilnem omrežju (230/400 V)

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CEN Workshop Agreement (CWA) - Electrical interface for domestic cogeneration -
Requirements for distribution network connection for micro cogeneration systems for
domestic use up to 16 A per phase in low-voltage distribution networks (230/400 V)
Ta slovenski standard je istoveten z: CWA 14642:2003
27.010 Prenos energije in toplote na Energy and heat transfer
splošno engineering in general
2003-01.Slovenski inštitut za standardizacijo. Razmnoževanje celote ali delov tega standarda ni dovoljeno.

CWA 14642
January 2003
ICS 27.010
English version
CEN Workshop Agreement (CWA) - Electrical interface for domestic
cogeneration - Requirements for distribution network connection for
micro cogeneration systems for domestic use up to 16 A per phase in
low-voltage distribution networks (230/400 V)
This CEN Workshop Agreement has been drafted and approved by a Workshop of representatives of interested parties, the constitution of
which is indicated in the foreword of this Workshop Agreement.
The formal process followed by the Workshop in the development of this Workshop Agreement has been endorsed by the National
Members of CEN but neither the National Members of CEN nor the CEN Management Centre can be held accountable for the technical
content of this CEN Workshop Agreement or possible conflicts with standards or legislation.
This CEN Workshop Agreement can in no way be held as being an official standard developed by CEN and its Members.
This CEN Workshop Agreement is publicly available as a reference document from the CEN Members National Standard Bodies.
CEN members are the national standards bodies of Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece,
Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Slovakia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and United
Management Centre: rue de Stassart, 36  B-1050 Brussels
© 2003 CEN All rights of exploitation in any form and by any means reserved worldwide for CEN national Members.
Ref. No. CWA 14642:2003  E
1 Scope . 7
2 References. 8
3 Terms and definitions. 9
4 Safety requirements . 13
4.1 General . 13
4.1.1 The electrical installation. 13
4.1.2 Electrical equipment. 14
4.2 Connection of the appliance . 14
4.3 Connection of multiple micro-cogeneration appliances . 14
4.4 Protection functions of the electrical interface . 14
4.4.1 Over-/Under-frequency . 15
4.4.2 Over-/Under-voltage . 15
4.4.3 Over-current protection . 16
4.4.4 Other protection criteria . 16
4.5 Earthing. 17
4.6 Residual current protection. 17
4.7 Re-connection of the appliance . 17
4.8 Synchronisation. 17
5 Power quality. 17
5.1 Electromagnetic emission / immunity. 17
5.2 DC injection. 17
5.3 Power factor. 17
5.4 Voltage changes and flicker. 17
5.5 Voltage distortion . 18
6 Operation and safety of the appliance. 18
6.1 General . 18
6.2 Information plate and labelling. 18
6.3 Maintenance & routine testing . 19
7 Commissioning . 19
7.1 General . 19
7.2 Installation. 19
7.3 Notification procedure. 19
7.4 Decommission arrangements . 20
7.5 Replacement Arrangements . 20
8 Type testing and type certification. 20
8.1 Type testing. 20
8.2 Type certification micro-cogeneration appliance . 20
8.3 Type Certification of the electrical interface. 20
Annex 1: National requirements (2001 – informative) . 21
Austria. 21
Belgium . 21
France. 23
Germany . 24
Italy. 24
The Netherlands . 25
UK . 25
Annex 2: Notification sheets . 26
Annex 3: Abbreviations. 31
Annex 4: Bibliography. 32
Annex 5: CIRED summary of replies to Cen Workshop Agreement (informative) . 33
This CEN Workshop Agreement has been drafted and approved by a Workshop of representatives of
interested parties in September 2002, the constitution of which was supported by CEN following the
public call for participation made in February 2001.
A list of the individuals and organizations which supported the technical consensus represented by the
CEN Workshop Agreement is available from the CEN Management Centre. These organizations were
drawn from the following economic sectors: manufacturers, testing and certification institutes,
distribution network operators (DNO), European Commission.
The formal process followed by the Workshop in the development of the CEN Workshop Agreement
has been endorsed by the National Members of CEN but neither the National Members of CEN nor the
CEN Management Centre can be held accountable for the technical content of the CEN Workshop
Agreement or possible conflict with standards or legislation. This CEN Workshop Agreement is not yet
a standard developed by CEN and its members.
The final review/endorsement round for this CWA was started in August 2002 and was successfully
closed in November 2002.The final text of this CWA was submitted to CEN for publication on 15
November 2002.
This CEN Workshop Agreement is publicly available as a reference document from the National
Comments or suggestions from the users of the CEN Workshop Agreement are welcome and should
be addressed to the CEN Management Centre
CHP, Combined Heat and Power, or cogeneration is the simultaneous production of heat and
electricity. This proven technology produced in the year 2001 around 10% of Europe’s electricity and
heat requirements.
In recent years “micro-cogeneration” systems below 11 kVA have been developed. Within the micro-
cogeneration technology one can differentiate between domestic applications (e.g. for households)
and non-domestic applications (e.g. for hotels or swimming pools). Due to the lower running hours,
saving on domestic cogeneration is quite different from commercial micro-cogeneration. In order to
maximise the environmental benefits of domestic cogeneration these systems should be thermally led.
Micro-cogeneration is still an emerging technology and as such, lacks an appropriate standard for the
electrical interface. Existing standards are applicable to other parts of a micro-cogeneration system.
The technology for micro-cogeneration can be fuel cells, small gas engines, thermo-electric modules
and Stirling engines (possibly in conjunction with heat pumps or solar boilers).
The expected growth of micro-cogeneration will follow the normal market penetration of a new
technology. There is a need to address the initial market uptake for micro-cogeneration and this is the
purpose of this document.
Generally electrical networks have been developed to be operated in a centralised manner, where
large power plants produce electricity that is transported over long distances to provide power to many
customers. In such a system the power flows in only one direction: from the power station through the
network and to the customer.
With cogeneration systems the electricity can flow in two directions (from the cogeneration unit to the
network and from the network to the site where the cogeneration unit is located). This can be a
concern for the distribution utility , since the micro-cogeneration plant could be supplying energy into a
section of the DNOs network either under fault or normal operating conditions, this may create
problems for the safety of persons working on the network and the quality of the voltage supplied by
the network. A need for appropriate co-ordination and technical rules exists. The way this problem has
been dealt with so far varies from country to country. Whilst there are rules for distribution network
interconnection that are appropriate for larger scale cogeneration systems, they were not designed for
micro-cogeneration. In some European countries small-scale cogeneration systems can be connected
to the low voltage network. However, existing rules for small-scale less than 1 MWe maybe make it
onerous for the very small domestic micro-cogeneration systems to be operated.
If micro-cogeneration systems are not simple to connect and safe, they will never penetrate the
domestic market successfully. It is necessary to formulate technical specifications that solve all
technical issues at low costs. The specifications also need to be more straightforward and robust than
for industrial customers, because domestic consumers are not technically skilled and therefore need
more protection.
Widely accepted specifications will help to overcome the technical difficulties to connect micro-
cogeneration systems to electrical networks and to reduce the associated costs. Furthermore, it
should limit the risk of disputes between DNO and other parties (manufacturer, contractor and
customer). The intention of this document is not to change existing local standards or practices
immediately but is a recommendation of future good practice. It is built on growing experience of
micro-cogeneration in Europe

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