M/495 AMD 1 - Ecodesign Am1
Amendment No.l to M/495 - Technical update (Annex ? of M/495 ) - Details of request to CEN, CENELEC and ETSI for standardisation in the field of professional storage cabinets, blast cabinets, condensing units and process chillers condensing units under Commission Regulation XXX/XXX (ENTR Lot 1)
General Information
- Amendment9 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
- Amendment9 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
This document is applicable to air conditioners, heat pumps and liquid chilling packages, including comfort and process chillers. It applies to factory made units defined in EN 14511-1, except single duct, double duct, control cabinet and close control units. It also covers direct exchange-to-water(brine) heat pumps (DX-to-water(brine)) as defined in EN 15879-1.
This document also applies to hybrid units as defined in this standard.
This document specifies the temperatures, part load conditions and the calculation methods for the determination of seasonal energy efficiency SEER and SEERon, seasonal space cooling energy efficiency ηs,c, seasonal coefficient of performance SCOP, SCOPon and SCOPnet, seasonal space heating energy efficiency ηs,h and seasonal energy performance ratio SEPR.
Such calculation methods can be based on calculated or measured values.
In case of measured values, this document specifies the test methods for determination of capacities, EER and COP values during active mode at part load conditions. It also establishes test methods for power input during thermostat-off mode, standby mode, off mode and crankcase heater mode.
NOTE 1 The word "unit" is used instead of the full terms of the products.
NOTE 2 The word "heating" is used to refer to space heating.
- Standard137 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
This European Standard covers air conditioners, heat pumps and liquid chilling packages, including comfort and process chillers. It applies to factory made units defined in EN 14511-1, except single duct, double duct, control cabinet and close control units. It also covers direct expansion-to-water(brine) heat pumps (DX-to-water) as defined in EN 15879-1.
This European Standard also covers hybrid heat pumps as defined in this standard.
This European Standard gives the temperatures and part load conditions and the calculation methods for the determination of seasonal energy efficiency SEER and SEERon, seasonal space cooling energy efficiency ηs,c seasonal coefficient of performance SCOP, SCOPon and SCOPnet, and seasonal space heating energy efficiency ηs,h and seasonal energy performance ratio SEPR.
Such calculation methods may be based on calculated or measured values.
In case of measured values, this European Standard covers the test methods for determination of capacities, EER and COP values during active mode at part load conditions. It also covers test methods for electric power consumption during thermostat-off mode, standby mode, off-mode and crankcase heater mode.
NOTE 1 The word "unit" is used instead of the full terms of the products.
NOTE 2 The word "cooling" is used to refer to both space cooling and process cooling.
NOTE 3 The word "heating" is used to refer to space heating.
- Standard137 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
This document specifies the requirements for the verification of performance and energy consumption of blast cabinets for professional use in commercial kitchens, hospitals, canteens, institutional catering and similar professional areas.
The appliances covered by this document are intended to rapidly cool down hot foodstuffs up to a load capacity of 300 kg.
This document applies to:
— blast chillers;
— blast freezers;
— multi-use blast chillers/freezers.
The following appliances are not covered:
— roll-in cabinet;
— pass-through cabinet;
— cabinets with remote condensing unit;
— cabinets with water cooled condenser;
— blast chilling and freezing tunnels;
— continuous blast-chilling and blast-freezing equipment;
— bakery combined freezing and storage units.
- Standard18 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
This Standard specifies the requirements for the verification of performance and energy consumption of blast cabinets for professional use in commercial kitchens, hospitals, canteens, institutional catering and similar professional areas.
The appliances covered by this Standard are intended to rapidly cool down hot foodstuffs up to a load capacity of 300 kg.
- Standard18 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
- Amendment5 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
This document specifies requirements for the verification of performance and energy consumption of refrigerated storage cabinets and counters for professional use in commercial kitchens, hospitals, canteens, preparation areas of bars, bakeries, gelateria, institutional catering and similar professional areas.
The products covered in this document are intended to store foodstuffs. It specifies test conditions and methods for checking that the requirements have been satisfied, as well as classification of the cabinets and counters, their marking and the list of their characteristics to be declared by the manufacturer.
It is not applicable to:
— refrigerated cabinets used in the direct sale of foodstuffs;
— cabinets that carry out food processing and not just storage function (e.g. bakery cabinets that chill, heat and humidify);
— cabinets with water cooled condenser;
— appliances with remote condensing unit;
— appliances with open top tables and saladettes for preparation or storage of foodstuffs;
— cabinets specifically intended for storage of specific foodstuffs (i.e. fresh meat, fresh fish, etc.) operating at a temperature different from those specified in Table 1;
— chest freezers;
— appliances intended for short time /intermittent normal operation during the full day;
— built-in cabinets;
— roll-in cabinets;
— pass-through cabinets;
— ice cream freezers.
- Standard40 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
- Amendment5 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
This Standard specifies requirements for the verification of performance including energy consumption of refrigerated storage cabinets and counters for professional use in commercial kitchens, hospitals, canteens, preparation areas of bars, bakeries, gelateria, institutional catering and similar professional areas.
The products covered in this Standard are intended to store foodstuffs. It specifies test conditions and methods for checking that the requirements have been satisfied, as well as classification of the cabinets and counters, their marking and the list of their characteristics to be declared by the manufacturer.
- Standard40 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
- Amendment4 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
This standard specifies the requirements for the construction, characteristics, performance including energy consumption of blast cabinet for professional used in commercial kitchens, hospitals, canteens, institutional catering and similar professional areas.
The appliances covered by this standard are intended to rapidly cool down hot foodstuffs up to a load capacity of 300 kg.
This standard applies to:
- blast chillers;
- blast freezers;
- multi-use blast chillers/freezers.
The following appliances are not covered:
- roll-in cabinet;
- pass-through cabinet;
- cabinets with remote condensing unit;
NOTE Specific requirements for roll-in cabinet, pass-through cabinet and cabinets with remote condensing unit are under discussion.
- cabinets with water cooled condenser;
- blast chilling and freezing tunnels;
- continuous blast-chilling and blast-freezing equipment;
- bakery combined freezing and storage units.
- Standard13 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
- Amendment4 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
This European Standard specifies the requirements for the construction, characteristics, performance including energy consumption of blast cabinet for professional used in commercial kitchens, hospitals, canteens, institutional catering and similar professional areas.
The appliances covered by this European Standard are intended to rapidly cool down hot foodstuffs up to a load capacity of 300 kg.
This European Standard applies to:
- blast chillers;
- blast freezers;
- multi-use blast chillers/freezers.
The following appliances are not covered:
- roll-in cabinet;
- pass-through cabinet;
- cabinets with remote condensing unit;
NOTE Specific requirements for roll-in cabinets, pass-through cabinets and cabinets with remote condensing unit are under discussion.
- cabinets with water cooled condenser;
- blast chilling and freezing tunnels;
- continuous blast-chilling and blast-freezing equipment;
- bakery combined freezing and storage units.
- Standard13 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
- Amendment4 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
This standard is intended to set up requirements and test methods for measuring and recording the energy used by commercial refrigerated cabinets and counters for use in commercial kitchens.
- Standard45 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
- Amendment4 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
This European Standard specifies requirements for the construction, characteristics, performance including energy consumption of refrigerated storage cabinets and counters for professional use in commercial kitchens, hospitals, canteens, preparation areas of bars, bakeries, gelateria, institutional catering and similar professional areas.
The products covered in this European Standard are intended to store foodstuffs. It specifies test conditions and methods for checking that the requirements have been satisfied, as well as classification of the cabinets and counters, their marking and the list of their characteristics to be declared by the manufacturer.
It is not applicable to:
- refrigerated cabinets used in the direct sale of foodstuffs;
- cabinets that carry out food processing and not just storage function (e.g. bakery cabinets that chill, heat and humidity);
- cabinets with water cooled condenser;
- appliances with remote condensing unit;
- appliances with open top tables and saladettes for preparation or storage of foodstuffs;
- cabinet specifically intended for storage of specific foodstuffs (i.e. fresh meat, fresh fish, etc.) operating at a temperature different from those specified in Table 1;
- chest freezers;
- appliances intended for short time /intermittent normal operation during the full day;
- built-in cabinet;
- roll-in cabinet;
- pass-through cabinet.
- Standard45 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day