Oil spill identification - Waterborne petroleum and petroleum products - Part 2: Analytical methodology and interpretation of results based on GC-FID and GC-MS low resolution analyses

This Technical Report (TR) describes a methodology to firstly identify the specific nature of oils spilled in marine, estuarine and aquatic environments and secondly compare the chemical composition of spilled oil or oily samples with that of suspected sources. Specifically, the TR describes the detailed analytical methods and data processing specifications for identifying the specific nature of waterborne oil spills and establishing their correlation to suspected sources. Even when samples or data from suspected sources are not available for comparison, establishing the specific nature (e.g., refined petroleum, crude oil, waste oil, etc.) of the spilled oil may still help constrain the possible source(s) of the spilled oil.
This methodology is restricted to petroleum and petroleum products containing a significant proportion of hydrocarbon-components with a boiling point above 200°C. Examples are: crude oils, higher boiling condensates, diesel oils, residual bunker or heavy fuel oils, lubricants, and mixtures of bilge and sludge samples. While the specific analytical methods may not be appropriate for lower boiling oils (e.g. kerosenes, jet fuels, or gasoline), the general concepts described in this methodology, i.e., statistical comparison of weathering-resistant diagnostic ratios, may have applicability in spills involving lower boiling oils.
This method is not directly intended for oil spills impacting groundwater, vegetation, wildlife/tissues, soils, or sediments, and although its application in these matrices is not precluded, it requires caution. The reason for caution is that the extractable compounds in these matrices may alter and/or contribute additional compounds compared to the source sample, which if left unrecognised, can lead to "false non-matches". Including these "non-oil" matrices in this oil spill identification method may require additional sample preparation (e.g. clean-up) in the laboratory prior to analysis and consideration of the extent to which the matrix may affect the correlation achieved. Evaluating the possible effects in these matrices is beyond the scope of this guideline. Whether the method can be used for this kind of "non-oil" matrices may depend on the oil concentration compared to the "matrix concentration" of the samples. In "non-oil" matrices containing a relative high concentration of oil, a positive match can still be concluded. In "non-oil" matrices containing a relative low concentration of spilled oil, a non-match or an inconclusive match could be achieved due to matrix effects.

Identifizierung von Ölverschmutzungen - Rohöl und Mineralölerzeugnisse aus dem Wasser - Teil 2: Analytische Methodik und Interpretation der Ergebnisse, basierend auf GC-FID- und GC-MS-Analysen bei niedriger Auflösung

Prepoznavanje razlitij olj - Nafta in naftni proizvodi v vodi - 2. del: Analizne metode in podajanje rezultatov, izhajajočih iz GC-FID in GC-MS nizke ločljivosti

To tehnično poročilo (TR) opisuje metodologijo za prepoznavanje specifične narave olj, razlitih v morskih okoljih, okoljih rečnih ustij in vodnih okoljih, ter za primerjavo kemične sestave razlitih olj ali oljnih vzorcev s sumljivimi viri. Tehnično poročilo opisuje podrobne analizne metode in specifikacije obdelovanja podatkov za prepoznavanje specifične narave razlitij olj v vodi ter vzpostavljanje korelacije s sumljivimi viri. Tudi če vzorci ali podatki iz sumljivih virov niso na voljo za primerjavo, lahko opredelitev specifične narave (npr. rafinirana nafta, surova nafta, odpadno olje itd.) razlitih olj pomaga pri omejevanju možnih virov razlitih olj. Ta metodologija je omejena na nafto in naftne proizvode z znatnim deležem ogljikovodikovih sestavnih delov z vreliščem nad 200 °C. Primeri vključujejo: surove nafte, kondenzate z višjim vreliščem, dizelska goriva, ostanke goriv iz ladijskih rezervoarjev ali težkih kurilnih olj, maziva ter mešanice vzorcev kaluže in blata. Specifične analizne metode morda niso primerne za olja z nizkim vreliščem (npr. kerozine, goriva za reaktivne letalske motorje ali bencin), vendar se splošni pojmi, opisani v tej metodologiji, npr. statistična primerjava diagnostičnih razmerij odpornosti na pospešeno staranje, lahko uporabijo pri razlitjih olj z nizkim vreliščem. Ta metoda ni neposredno namenjena za uporabo pri razlitjih olj, ki vplivajo na podtalnico, vegetacijo, prostoživeče živali in rastline/tkiva, tla ali sedimente, pri čemer je kljub temu, da njena uporaba v navedenih matricah ni izključena, potrebna previdnost. Razlog za previdnost je dejstvo, da lahko sestavni deli v navedenih matricah, ki jih je mogoče ekstrahirati, spremenijo in/ali prispevajo dodatne sestavne dele v primerjavi z izvirnim vzorcem, kar lahko, če pojav ostane neodkrit, povzroči »lažna neujemanja«. Tudi navedene »neoljne« matrice lahko pri metodi prepoznavanja razlitij olj zahtevajo dodatno pripravo vzorca (npr. čiščenje) v laboratoriju, pred analizo in upoštevanjem obsega vpliva matrice na doseženo korelacijo. Vrednotenje možnih vplivov v navedenih matricah ne spada na področje uporabe teh smernic. Možnost uporabe metode za to vrsto »neoljnih« matric je lahko odvisna od koncentracije olja v primerjavi s »koncentracijo matrice« v vzorcih. Pri »neoljnih« matricah z relativno visoko koncentracijo olja se lahko še vedno ugotovi pozitivno ujemanje. Pri »neoljnih« matricah z relativno nizko koncentracijo razlitih olj se lahko zaradi učinkov matrice doseže neujemanje ali nedoločno ujemanje.

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Technical report
TP CEN/TR 15522-2:2013
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Standards Content (Sample)

SIST-TP CEN/TR 15522-2:2008
Oil spill identification - Waterborne petroleum and petroleum products - Part 2: Analytical
methodology and interpretation of results based on GC-FID and GC-MS low resolution
Identifizierung von Ölverschmutzungen - Rohöl und Mineralölerzeugnisse aus dem
Wasser - Teil 2: Analytische Methodik und Interpretation der Ergebnisse, basierend auf
GC-FID- und GC-MS-Analysen bei niedriger Auflösung
Ta slovenski standard je istoveten z: CEN/TR 15522-2:2012
13.020.40 Onesnaževanje, nadzor nad Pollution, pollution control
onesnaževanjem in and conservation
13.060.99 Drugi standardi v zvezi s Other standards related to
kakovostjo vode water quality
2003-01.Slovenski inštitut za standardizacijo. Razmnoževanje celote ali delov tega standarda ni dovoljeno.

CEN/TR 15522-2
October 2012
ICS 75.080 Supersedes CEN/TR 15522-2:2006
English Version
Oil spill identification - Waterborne petroleum and petroleum
products - Part 2: Analytical methodology and interpretation of
results based on GC-FID and GC-MS low resolution analyses

This Technical Report was approved by CEN on 13 August 2012.

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Management Centre: Avenue Marnix 17, B-1000 Brussels
© 2012 CEN All rights of exploitation in any form and by any means reserved Ref. No. CEN/TR 15522-2:2012: E
worldwide for CEN national Members.

Contents Page
Foreword .6
Introduction .7
1 Scope .9
2 Normative references .9
3 Terms, definitions and abbreviated terms .9
3.1 General .9
3.2 Sample comparison . 10
3.3 Conclusions . 11
3.4 Abbreviated terms . 11
4 Strategy for the identification of oil spills sources . 12
4.1 Introduction . 12
4.2 Basis for reliable conclusions – Numerical comparisons . 12
4.3 Overview of the procedure . 13
4.3.1 Sampling and sample preparation . 13
4.3.2 GC-FID and GC-MS analysis . 14
4.3.3 Conclusions and reporting . 14
5 Sample preparation . 16
5.1 General . 16
5.2 Visual examination and description of samples . 16
5.3 Preparation . 16
5.3.1 General . 16
5.3.2 Water samples . 16
5.3.3 Oil samples from an Ethylene tetrafluoroethylene (ETFE) net . 17
5.3.4 Thick oil and emulsified oil samples . 17
5.3.5 Tar balls and emulsified lumps . 17
5.3.6 Samples from oiled birds, fish and other animals and vegetation . 17
5.4 Sample clean-up . 18
5.4.1 General . 18
5.4.2 Biogenic materials . 18
5.4.3 Black oil/HFO (removing of asphaltenes and/or soot particles) . 18
5.5 Recommended injection concentration . 18
6 Characterisation and evaluation of analytical data . 19
6.1 General . 19
6.2 Characterisation by GC-FID – Level 1 . 20
6.2.1 General . 20
6.2.2 Evaluation of the influence of weathering on sample comparison . 21
6.2.3 Acyclic isoprenoids ratios . 22
6.2.4 Level 1 Conclusions . 22
6.3 Characterisation by GC-MS – Level 2 . 22
6.3.1 General . 22
6.3.2 Visual inspection and overall characterisation - Level 2.1 . 23
6.3.3 Treatment of the GC-MS results – Level 2.2 . 23
6.4 Treatment of the results using the MS-PW-plot– Level 2.2 . 23
6.4.1 General . 23
6.4.2 PW-plot calculations . 24
6.4.3 Evaluation of the variability of the analysis and peak integration . 24
6.4.4 Evaluation of weathering . 26
6.4.5 Evaluation of mixing . 29
6.5 Treatment of the results using ratios – Level 2.2 . 31
6.5.1 General . 31
6.5.2 Diagnostic ratios calculation . 32
6.5.3 Normative diagnostic ratios . 32
6.5.4 Analytical error . 35
6.5.5 Match-criterion for ratios . 35
6.5.6 Criteria for selecting, elimination and evaluating diagnostic ratios . 36
6.5.7 Optional: Evaluation of diagnostic ratios using conventional or multivariate statistics . 39
6.6 Conclusions . 40
Annex A (normative) GC-FID analysis . 43
A.1 General . 43
A.2 Analytical standards for GC-FID analyses . 43
A.2.1 N-alkanes . 43
A.2.2 Injection concentration of the standard GC-FID . 43
A.2.3 Storage of standard solutions. 44
A.3 Suggested instrumental conditions . 44
A.4 Measures to improve and verify the accuracy of the method – GC-FID . 44
A.4.1 Mass discrimination . 44
A.4.2 Column resolution . 45
A.4.3 Calibration range . 46
A.4.4 Mid-level concentration . 46
A.4.5 Variance . 47
A.5 Sample analysis with GC-FID . 47
Annex B (normative) GC-MS analysis . 48
B.1 General . 48
B.2 Analytical standards for GC-MS analyses . 48
B.2.1 General . 48
B.2.2 SINTEF oil mixture . 49
B.2.3 Analytical standards for PAH homologues . 49
B.2.4 Storage of standard solutions. 49
B.3 Suggested instrumental conditions . 49
B.3.1 GC conditions for the exchange of analytical results. . 49
B.3.2 MS conditions for full-scan analysis . 52
B.3.3 MS preparation for selected ion monitoring (SIM) analysis . 52
B.4 Measures to improve and verify the accuracy of the GC-MS method . 53
B.4.1 Relative retention time . 53

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