Stationary source emissions - Data acquisition and handling systems - Part 1: Specification of requirements for the handling and reporting of data

This European Standard specifies the conversion of raw data from an automated measuring system (AMS) to reported data by a data acquisition and handling system (DAHS). This specification includes:
- requirements for the handling of data,
- requirements for the reporting of data,
- calculation procedures required.
The main items covered by this European Standard are given by, but not limited to raw data acquisition, raw data validation, data correction and data averaging.
This European Standard supports the requirements of EN 14181 and legislation such as the IED and E-PRTR. It does not preclude the use of additional features and functions provided the minimum requirements of this European Standard are met and that these features do not adversely affect data quality, clarity or access.

Emissionen aus stationären Quellen - Datenerfassungs- und Auswerteeinrichtungen - Teil 1: Festlegung von Anforderungen an die Handhabung und den Bericht von Daten

Dieses Dokument legt die Umwandlung von Rohdaten von einer automatischen Messeinrichtung (AMS) in Berichtsdaten mithilfe einer Datenerfassungs- und Auswerteeinrichtung (DAHS) fest. Diese Festlegung umfasst:
—   Anforderung an die Handhabung von Daten;
—   Anforderung an den Bericht von Daten;
—   erforderliche Berechnungsverfahren.
Die Hauptpunkte, die unter anderem von diesem Dokument abgedeckt werden, sind die Erfassung von Rohdaten, die Validierung von Rohdaten, die Datenkorrektur und die Datenmittelung.
Dieses Dokument unterstützt die Anforderungen von EN 14181 sowie Rechtsvorschriften wie IED und E PRTR. Sie schließt die Verwendung zusätzlicher Möglichkeiten und Funktionen unter der Voraussetzung nicht aus, dass die Mindestanforderungen dieses Dokuments erfüllt werden und diese Möglichkeiten die Qualität und Verständlichkeit der Daten sowie den Datenzugriff nicht negativ beeinträchtigen.

Émissions de sources fixes - Systèmes d'acquisition et de traitement de données - Partie 1 : Spécification des exigences relatives au traitement et à la déclaration de données

Le présent document spécifie la conversion, par un système d'acquisition et de traitement de données (DAHS), des données brutes fournies par un système de mesurage automatisé (AMS) en données déclarées. Cette spécification comprend :
—   des exigences relatives au traitement de données ;
—   des exigences relatives à la déclaration de données ;
—   les modes opératoires de calcul requis.
Les principaux points traités par le présent document sont, sans y être limités, l'acquisition de données brutes, la validation de données brutes, la correction de données et le calcul de moyennes de données.
Le présent document vient à l'appui des exigences de l'EN 14181 et de législations telles que la Directive IED et le règlement relatif au PRTR européen. Il n'interdit pas l'utilisation de caractéristiques et de fonctions supplémentaires, à condition que les exigences minimales du présent document soient remplies et que ces caractéristiques n'aient pas d'influence négative sur la qualité et la clarté des données ou sur l'accès à ces dernières.

Emisije nepremičnih virov - Sistemi za zajem in vrednotenje podatkov (DAHS) - 1. del: Specifikacija zahtev za vrednotenje podatkov in poročanje

Ta evropski standard določa pretvorbo neobdelanih podatkov iz avtomatskega merilnega sistema (AMS) v poročane podatke prek sistema za zajemanje in vrednotenje podatkov (DAHS). Ta specifikacija zajema:
– zahteve za vrednotenje podatkov,
– zahteve za poročanje podatkov,
– potrebne računske postopke.
Glavni elementi, ki jih zajema ta evropski standard, so med drugim podani za zajemanje neobdelanih podatkov, validacijo neobdelanih podatkov, popravek podatkov in določanje povprečja podatkov.
Ta evropski standard podpira zahteve standarda EN 14181 in zakonodaje, kot sta Direktiva o industrijskih izpustih (IED) ter uredba E-RIPO. Ne izključuje uporabe dodatnih značilnosti in funkcij, če so izpolnjene minimalne zahteve tega evropskega standarda in če te značilnosti ne vplivajo negativno na kakovost, jasnost ter dostop do podatkov.

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EN 17255-1:2019
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Standards Content (Sample)

Emisije nepremičnih virov - Sistemi za zajem in vrednotenje podatkov (DAHS) - 1.
del: Specifikacija zahtev za vrednotenje podatkov in poročanje
Stationary source emissions - Data acquisition and handling systems - Part 1:
Specification of requirements for the handling and reporting of data
Emissionen aus stationären Quellen - Auswerteeinrichtungen - Teil 1: Festlegung von
Anforderungen an die Handhabung und den Bericht von Daten
Émissions de sources fixes - Systèmes d'acquisition et de traitement de données - Partie
1 : Spécification des exigences relatives au traitement et à la déclaration de données
Ta slovenski standard je istoveten z: EN 17255-1:2019
13.040.40 Emisije nepremičnih virov Stationary source emissions
2003-01.Slovenski inštitut za standardizacijo. Razmnoževanje celote ali delov tega standarda ni dovoljeno.

EN 17255-1
July 2019
ICS 13.040.40
English Version
Stationary source emissions - Data acquisition and
handling systems - Part 1: Specification of requirements
for the handling and reporting of data
Émissions de sources fixes - Systèmes d'acquisition et Emissionen aus stationären Quellen - Datenerfassungs-
de traitement de données - Partie 1 : Spécification des und Auswerteeinrichtungen - Teil 1: Festlegung von
exigences relatives au traitement et à la déclaration de Anforderungen an die Handhabung und den Bericht
données von Daten
This European Standard was approved by CEN on 26 May 2019.

CEN members are bound to comply with the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations which stipulate the conditions for giving this
European Standard the status of a national standard without any alteration. Up-to-date lists and bibliographical references
concerning such national standards may be obtained on application to the CEN-CENELEC Management Centre or to any CEN
This European Standard exists in three official versions (English, French, German). A version in any other language made by
translation under the responsibility of a CEN member into its own language and notified to the CEN-CENELEC Management
Centre has the same status as the official versions.

CEN members are the national standards bodies of Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia,
Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway,
Poland, Portugal, Republic of North Macedonia, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey and
United Kingdom.


CEN-CENELEC Management Centre: Rue de la Science 23, B-1040 Brussels
© 2019 CEN All rights of exploitation in any form and by any means reserved Ref. No. EN 17255-1:2019 E
worldwide for CEN national Members.

Contents Page
European foreword . 4
Introduction . 5
1 Scope . 6
2 Normative references . 6
3 Terms and definitions . 6
4 Symbols and abbreviations . 12
4.1 Symbols . 12
4.2 Abbreviations . 13
5 Principles . 14
5.1 General . 14
5.2 Outline of approach . 15
6 Input data . 16
6.1 Emission data. 16
6.2 Peripheral data . 16
6.3 Flow data . 16
6.4 Plant process data . 16
6.5 Manually entered data . 16
7 First level data . 16
7.1 General . 16
7.2 FLD values . 17
7.3 Data outside the measurement range . 17
7.4 Status information associated with FLD . 17
7.4.1 AMS status . 17
7.4.2 Status of peripheral data . 18
7.4.3 Plant information . 18
7.5 Calculation of standardized first level data . 18
7.6 QAL3 . 19
7.7 Flow data . 19
8 Calculation of reported data . 20
8.1 General . 20
8.2 Averages . 20
8.2.1 General . 20
8.2.2 Block Averages . 20
8.2.3 Rolling Averages . 21
8.3 Calculation of short-term averages . 21
8.4 Status information associated with STA . 21
8.4.1 Status of the data . 21
8.4.2 Plant operation mode . 22
8.5 Validity of the STA . 22
8.6 STA of peripheral data. 23
8.6.1 Peripheral data from AMS . 23
8.6.2 Missing peripheral values . 24
8.7 Calculation of standardized short-term averages . 24
8.8 Calculation of SSTA for a common stack . 24
8.9 Calculation of mass emission for each STA period . 25
8.10 Calibration range check . 26
8.11 Validated short-term averages . 26
8.12 Long-term averages . 26
8.13 Percentage of values complying with ELV . 26
8.14 Mass emissions . 27
8.15 Invalidated days . 27
9 Reporting and summary statistics. 27
9.1 DAHS operational requirements . 27
9.2 Reports . 27
Annex A (informative) Data flow charts . 29
A.1 General . 29
A.2 Formation of first level data . 29
A.3 Determination of short-term averages . 30
A.4 Determination of standardized short-term averages . 31
A.5 Determination of validated short-term averages . 32
A.6 Determination of short-term averages of mass emissions . 32
A.7 Determination of long-term averages . 33
Annex B (normative) Conversion procedures . 34
B.1 General . 34
B.2 Conversion of volume fraction to mass concentration . 34
B.3 Conversion of volume to standard conditions . 34
B.4 Conversion of mass concentration with peripheral parameters . 35
B.5 Conversion of waste gas volume to standard conditions . 36
B.6 Calculation of volumetric gas flow . 36
B.7 Calculation of mass flow . 37
B.8 Calculation of NO as NO equivalent . 37
x 2
Annex C (informative) Determining capping levels . 38
C.1 Capping values . 38
C.2 Setting the level for capping .

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